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ThEgAmE : 01 - My First Tie-Up Game (f/m)

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 4:34 pm
by Canuck100
ThEgAmE's stories
01 - My First Tie-Up Game
Story index at the bottom

By ThEgAmE

Tuesday May 22nd 2001 07:59:36 PM

My First Tie-Up Game

This is my first post, and judging from the response I get I plan to post more. Please, i want some feedback.

When I was a kid, about 8 or 9 years old, I experienced my first ever tie-up game. I would continue to play them, mostly with my friend who we'll call Jenny and with my older sister, who we'll call Stacy.

It was a warm day in early June, the sun was shining the whole bit. Anyway, Jenny invited me over to her house. I was a young boy, and she was a tomboy of sorts, mainly because she was interested in the same things I was, Batman, Ninja Turtles, and Power Rangers. Naturally we were close friends. She lived just about across the street from me; across and to the left a few houses, so I casually walked over there, not thinking much of anything. I rung the doorbell and her mom answered. She was very attractive (another story for another day), and very nice. She told me that Jenny was down in the basement, so that's where I headed.

I walked down the wooden stairs to Jenny's finished basement; it was well lit and cozy down there. I looked around and saw Jenny emerging from the connecting garage, holding a plastic bag. Jenny was a little taller than I (about 4'9" I suppose), with straight brown hair and a winning smile. She was a little less than a year older than I, but she was a grade older. She was dressed in a white T-shirt and denim cut-offs.

"What's in the bag?" I asked.

"Nothing." Jenny answered.

I don't remember the exact extent of our conversation, but I definitely consisted of me giving ideas of what to do, and her shooting them down. Eventually she came up with an idea of her own.

"Let's play hostage." She said. I was a little uneasy at the idea, especially since I was smart enough to figure out what was in the bag.

"Nah. Where are your action figures?" I inquired.

"Oh c'mon, it will be fun. We can take turns!" she insisted.

"No we won't, you'll leave me as the hostage the whole time!" I retorted. Hey, I knew it was true.

"Yeah, you're probably right!" she murmured as she pounced on me. I'm not going to lie, at the time she was probably a little stronger than I, and she definitely had the surprise attack and the upper hand. We wrestled often; we were notorious amongst out parents for roughhousing. Eventually I ended up pinned on my stomach. I tried to throw her off, but she had both of my arms wrenched behind my back. She held then painfully to the small of my back as she produced a small thin cord from her bag. Obviously she was intending to play hostage all along (just as I had suspected!) She hastily wrapped my wrists with the cord, very tightly I might add. I could hear her work furiously and knew she was tying double knots, maybe triple knots, or even quadruple knots! Soon she was done, and she yanked me up by my shirt, and led me over to a large wooden chair. She lifted my arms over behind the back of the chair, before roughly shoving me back into it.

"Let me go. This sucks." I said with my extensive third grade vocabulary.

"Shut up." Jenny replied, showing hers.

Jenny then took more cord and bound my ankles to either legs of the chair. She wrapped my left ankle to the left leg of the chair, wrapping viciously as I lightly kicked her in the ribs with my right foot.

"Stop you jerk." She screamed and grabbed my right leg, binding that one roughly as well.

"Let me go!" I insisted.

"Put a sock in it!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah right you idiot, like I'm going to!"

"Or I will for you!" and with that she withdrew a large pair of balled up socks and jammed them into my mouth. I wasn't prepared and my gag reflex made me want to puke, but after that settled I was just mad. She had wrapped the thin-cord like rope around my midsection, pinning me tightly to the chair, and was in the process of tying it now. I began to struggle now, I fought against the bonds but they were too strong and too tight (they were already cutting off my circulation). I started fighting them angrily now, but the harder I struggled the more they hurt. The cord was thin and cut into your skin; the knots were small and bead-like. Jenny then produced a large roll of silver duct tape, and casually tore off a strip, which had to be like eight inches long. She then pressed it up against my lips, sealing them shut. She smoothed the tape with her index and forefinger as it molded to my mouth. She then tore of strip after strip after strip, at least six in all, and continued to tape my mouth shut, until my entire lower face was plastered shut.

"Now what are you going to do?" she mocked.

"Mmmmuuggpphh!" I exclaimed, the heavy packing muffling my cries, the tight duct tape keeping my mouth shut.

"Just the way a good little hostage should be: tightly bound and gagged!" Jenny chuckled. Jenny then produced a Polaroid camera, and lifted it quickly, taking one snap-shot.

"I doubt Stacy will pay ten dollars for your safe return, but that's what I'm asking anyway. If she doesn't, don't worry, I've got plans for you." She then slipped the picture into an envelope along with a sloppy looking letter with Jenny's familiar chicken scratch handwriting on it. She then took a strip of duct tape and pressed it firmly across my eyes.

"Not one peep out of you!" she exclaimed as I heard her footsteps vanish and the basement door slam. This was my chance. I fought against the bonds, but all that accomplished was further cutting off of the circulation. I was held steadfast, bound, gagged and blindfolded. I tried to rock back and forth, but all that resulted in was myself crashing down to the floor backwards, landing on my hands. The pain was excruciating.

"Mmmmmppphhh!!!" I squealed, but the gag I screamed into kept me silent. I now had officially now chance of escape. I still tried, causing myself lots of pain. Suddenly I heard the heavy garage door open and slam shut.

"I'm back" Oh! How cute. You tried to escape. That's not going to work. My older brother tied me up like that last weekend, and I couldn't get free for like forever." Jenny’s older brother was like nineteen. I highly doubt that Jenny could tie me up as well as he had apparently tied her, but she was damn good at tying anyway. Jenny then pulled my chair into a sitting position. Jenny walked around the room chatting at me, but I specifically remember not paying attention on purpose, so I don't recall what she said. I was still blindfolded, but I had remembered seeing scissors in the room when I had first arrived, and I was trying to figure out where in the room they were!

The ringing phone broke me out of my trance, and Jenny immediately picked it up.

"Hello? Oh, hi Stacy, so what do you say? Want him back? Yeah he's still trussed up. Want to come over and have some fun with me? Okay, see you later. Bye." The information was not good and I knew it already.

"Well she's laughing at you, and it looks like no one's going to pay your ransom, so you're my captive for the rest of the day." Jenny input cheerily. Within seconds both my shoes had been removed and I knew what was coming now. When I say that I'm ticklish, you don't know the half of it. The second her fingers made contact with my feet I burst into hysterical laughter, and began to thrash against my bonds. The packing and tape downgraded my attempted laughter, I was held firmly as I took the worst tickle-torture I've ever experienced. She was relentless in her efforts, roughly massaging my feet soles, as I struggled, silenced by my gag. This continued as she moved up, tickling my ribs and armpits violently. By the time she was done my blindfold was soaked with tears. She then removed my blindfold.

"Well I had a fun day. How about you?"

"Mmmmurrggphh!" I grunted into my strict gag.

"Glad to hear it!" she exclaimed. She grabbed the scissors from the desk and cut me lose from the chair, and pulled me up. I tried to knock her over.

"Whoa, I was going to let you go easy, but now you've made me mad!" she then dragged me over into the garage, leading me to - No! She opened the lit to a garbage can, and shoved me into the can headfirst. She had to work to stuff me into it, I was struggling and my legs weren't bound. She got the advantage though, and locked me in. I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that the can wasn't filled with any type of garbage, actually it was completely clean, and had no foul scent. I guessed she had cleaned it, or it was new, as I was dragged over to what I assumed was my house. Soon the lid was removed, and I heard Jenny rushing off. I forced the can to fall over and I crawled out of the can on my knees. I walked over to my tree house and rubbed my bonds against the rusty metal clip that holds together the lower wooden climbing planks until they snapped off. I then tore the heavy plastering tape away from my lips, and spat out the socks as I slowly walked toward my patio doors. I was going to get my revenge, first on Stacy, then on Jenny, oh sweet revenge!


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