Nathraq : 18 - Alvin's Revenge (m/fm)

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Nathraq : 18 - Alvin's Revenge (m/fm)

Post by Canuck100 »

Nathraq's stories
18 - Alvin's Revenge
Story index at the bottom

By Nathraq

Sunday April 15th 2001 05:12:19

In my last posting (above) I (at age 15) and a former neighbour girl (Annie, age 12) had tricked my brother Alvin (12) into being tied up in the enclosed area under her side porch. She had a bit of a crush on Alvin, as I had mentioned.

It was about 2 days later that I was putting away some tools in my father's toolshed, when Alvin came out and asked if I wanted to walk downtown with him. I agreed and we walked down one long street rather than through the park because, he said, he wanted to go by Annie's house to see if he had left his pocket knife there.

We walked around her house about the time she came out, wearing short purple shorts and a matching sleeveless top. As she approached, he pulled a water pistol out of his pocket and said that he had captured two U.N.C.L.E agents (from the TV show "Man from U.N.C.L.E." which had been one of our favourite games).

Annie put up her hands and said "Ilya, what have they done to you? You're drugged!"

Now I figured that they had planned this, but I played along, never one to pass up a good tie-up game.

Alvin ushered us into the enclosed area under her side porch and said he'd blast Annie if I didn't cooperate.

"Off with your shirt!" he commanded.

Well, I pulled my shirt off and Alvin set his pistol for "stun", zapping both of us (2 squirts apiece) so that he could tie us up.

He started with me, tying my hands behind my back very securely, and then tying my feet. I had expected him to tie up Annie so I could rescue her later, and was a bit surprised. Near the steps at one end of the porch was a metal pipe from the floor to the "ceiling" and he tied my arms and legs to it. Then he tied Annie's hands behind her. She kept saying "not too tight, remember...I have to get loose" but I could see he was tying her for real.

She giggled as he called me "Napoleon Solo", a character in the TV show, and shoved her toward me. She protested slightly as he pressed her right up against me, face to face, and began, with a number of lengths of rope and clothesline, to tie her to me by the waist, around the arms, and around the legs, all the time saying he was going to torture us into revealing all the UNCLE secrets.

Just as he was apparently finished tying Annie to me, she realized that she wasn't going to get loose anytime soon and began to demand to be let loose. He just laughed and said it was our turn, paybacks for tying him up. So there I was, my hands tied behind me, tied to a pole, and Annie tied to me with her hands behind her back. She was shorter than I was, her head coming just up to my neck. He shut her up by shoving a rolled up cloth into her mouth and tying it with another strip of cloth, saying I wouldn't be able to kiss her (in the TV show Robert Vaughn, playing Napoleon Solo, had kissing scenes in every episode, a running joke with us) and then he put a blindfold on me. I could feel him adding more ropes, around our arms and torsos and around our legs and knees and thighs. He was tying knots every so often, using a large number of ropes rather than one long piece, so I knew it would take awhile to get free, if at all!

Finally he said he was going downtown and MIGHT come back to release us. Annie was trying to talk through her gag, obviously realizing she had been tricked. He shut the door to our prison and went off for parts unknown.

I asked Annie if she were blindfolded; she shook her head no. I pulled, with my teeth, at her gag until it came out, but she could not at that time reach my blindfold with her teeth. She was squirming like crazy and, of course, with only her purple top between us, even this little 12-year-old girl could make a fifteen-year-old boy a bit uncomfortable. (It might have been more romantic had she been 14 or 15, in retrospect.) I could not, with my hands tied to the pole, reach around to try to untie her, and she could not turn around tied to me as she was. She squirmed and squirmed, bumping me painfully several times, I telling her to take it easy. I finally reached a knot with my fingers and untied it, and found another knot and picked it loose, finally freeing my hands from the pole. But my hands were still tied. I could reach up and pull at the ropes but couldn't find another knot. I finally bent my head foreward enough so Annie could pull the blindfold with her teeth, finally pulling it over my head. Now I could see!

It must have taken an hour for me to get Annie's hands untied and, of course, after that it was easy for her to untie us. She said she wished it had been the REAL Robert Vaughn tied up with her, and I joked that she really would rather have been tied up face-to-face with Alvin, which made her blush.

"Well," I said, "Alvin will be along eventually, and you'll have your chance."

"Oh, no!" she said, "I'm not letting either of you tie me up again!"

After awhile, though, her father came out calling for her, and she ran around the house and up the steps. I put my shirt back on and left a few minutes later.

Annie's mother got out of the hospital the next day and she went back to live with her mother. I have not seen her since.


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