James : 04 - A Strange Old Day (f/fm, fm/f)

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James : 04 - A Strange Old Day (f/fm, fm/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

James' stories
04 - A Strange Old Day
Story index at the bottom

By James

Sunday March 11th 2001 08:37:41

A Strange Old Day

Hello everyone, it's James here. Time for another story.

The weekend passed by agonisingly slowly and Monday finally arrived. Beth was still a little upset at letting through four goals in her soccer final, but she still received a consolation prize of a small trophy for being runners up.

I woke at about 9:30 that morning and this time, there was some cereal left for me for breakfast. So I had my bowl of cereal and hit the shower. I heard Jodie get up as I finished my shower, and she must've still been a little groggy, because she walked right in on me as I was drying off!

She looked up at me and jumped, as I tried to hide myself behind my towel. She gave out a small scream, and apologised profusely as she quickly walked out and closed the door.

I finished drying off, and found Beth sitting in the kitchen eating away at her cereal. She glanced up at me and apologised again. Mum, who was busy washing the dishes from last night, asked me what Beth was apologising for. I told her about the little incident, mum just gave a little nod of the head, and returned to the dishes.

I walked into the lounge, and found Bert Newton talking to me as I turned on the TV. I got bored of him after only five minutes, and I had a little game of Doom on the computer. Beth walked in just as I got started and saw what I was playing.

"Don't you ever, ever play that game again while we're playing our game." Beth said, trying to remind me of what happened on Wednesday. (see my prev post dated Feb 11 for details).

"Hey, that was an accident alright, an accident," I said, trying to keep my focus on the game.

"Alright, anyway, hurry up and get ready, it's almost time to go."

I looked my watch and it was almost 10:30. I quickly exited the game I was playing and shut down the computer. I got changed into a pair of jeans and T-shirt (as usual) and white socks and sneakers. Jodie wore a pink singlet top, flared jeans, white socks and runners. We were going down to the shopping centre before we went to Jodie's.

Beth bought a singlet top similar to the one she was wearing, only this one was bright blue, and mum bought an electric kettle, but that was about it. Most of the time, we just spent browsing. I just tagged along, finding nothing of interest to me. We had lunch at the food court, and it was almost 1:00 when we left.

We arrived at Jodie's about half an hour later. I told mum that we would call her to tell her when she should pick us up. She agreed and drove off.
Jodie met us at the door, and we exchanged greetings and went inside. We took our shoes off, and settled into the lounge area. Jodie showed Beth some of the photos that were in the lounge, while I stayed on the couch. They had a bit of a giggle at some of the pictures, I don't know why though, I'd seen them all before and I didn't find any that were amusing, must be a girl thing!

Jodie had on a tank top and tracksuit pants. She was barefoot. Jodie then showed Beth around parts of the house she hadn't seen yet, and we all ended up back on the couch about five minutes later.

I enquired as to the whereabouts of Mark, to which Jodie replied that he was out seeing a movie with friends and probably wouldn't be back until about three, so we had about another hour and a half before he got back.

I brought up the subject of last Wednesday, and the game that Beth and I had played. It was probably wasn't such a good idea because Beth immediately had a go at Jodie for suggesting the game in the first place. This triggered a sort of catfight between the two, nothing serious though, just a bit of harmless fun.

Things settled down soon after, and Jodie broke out the Monopoly set, after Beth politely declined to play a card game. We modified the rules a bit so the game would go a lot quicker. You could build on any property, even if you don't own the set and rent was double. As it turned out, the modified rules worked to my favour. I managed to get hotels built on Angels Islington and Pentonville, and Jodie and Beth kept landing on it, and had to pay double rent. Beth was the first to bow out, while Jodie lasted a little longer through skilled selling of buildings and mortgages, but by the time she went bust, every property that I owned had at least 4 houses on it.

It was just past 2:30 when we finished the game. We packed it all up, and we found ourselves in exactly the same spot as we were an hour ago, in the lounge room sitting on the sofa.

Jodie brought up the game that she and I were playing when Beth walked in on us. I told her that I'd rather choose to forget that day, to which she replied, "At least it was fun for one of us."

Anyway, she suggested the idea that we should do the same thing to Mark, seeing as he was the only one who wasn't there on the day. I was a little reserved about it, but Beth seemed a little more open to the idea, and begged me to play along.

I was still unsure, but when Jodie joined the chorus in asking me to play, I finally agreed. Both sort of jumped for joy as I agreed, and Jodie hastily ran to her room to grab the materials.

Beth appeared impatient as we waited for Jodie to come down. She was shaking her arms, and walking about until Jodie finally came running down the stairs with her backpack.

"So, how do you want to do this?" Beth asked.

Jodie thought for a moment. "How about I tie you two together under the stairs first (there was a little room underneath the stairs where they kept all their old clothes and toys), and then I'll tie myself in the basement. Sound okay?"

Beth and I both agreed. So we immediately began to get to work. The room under the stairs was a little small, but there was enough room for the two of us to fit in, and still be comfortable. Beth volunteered to be tied first and Jodie happily obliged.

Beth swung around and placed her hands behind her back. Jodie tied them using the figure 8 method. Beth had about 6 layers of rope on her wrists before Jodie cinched them. She asked me to turn around, and I complied. I could feel that Jodie was tying my hands in a similar fashion to Beth's. Beth and I both stood side by side with our hands tied behind out backs. Jodie stepped back a bit.

"Now what?" I asked.

"OK, this is going to be a little difficult. Beth, you're probably going to have to go inside first, since you're the smallest. But I'm going to have to tie your ankles before you go in, so you'll sort of have to hobble your way in and sit down."

"No problem, I should be fine." Beth said.

Beth sat down and leaned against the wall, and placed her legs close together. Jodie didn't ask her to cross them; otherwise it would make it too difficult for her to hop. A rope was looped around and around her ankles before being knotted at the front.

Now come the really difficult bit. Jodie helped Beth up to a standing position, and Beth slowly hopped her way under the stairs. Once inside, the stairs were too low for her to hop, so Jodie helped her down again into a sitting position. Beth complained of a carpet rash on her bum as she was being slid along the carpet under the stairs.

Jodie told me to sit down inside and lean on Beth's back. I managed to get in okay, but I had a little trouble trying to sit down with my hands tied behind my back, Jodie helped me sit down, and went for my ankles, She tied them in the same way as she had tied Jodie's.

Jodie pulled a couple of long ropes from her bag, and began tying them together, making one very long rope. I figured that it was for our arms, seeing as it was the only part of our body that hadn't been tied.

And my prediction proved to be correct. She managed to squeeze in under the stairs and tie the rope around my arms first, then below Beth's breasts and so on, until there wasn't any rope left. Jodie and I were now tied back to back, with our hands and ankles tied. There was only one thing left now, the gags.

Jodie rummaged through her backpack, and pulled out the roll of black tape and a few bandanas.

"OK people, which do you prefer?" she said, holding them in her hand.

Beth asked for the bandana, so I followed suit. Jodie put the tape back into the bag, and came at us with one bandana in each hand. She gagged me first, tying the bandana in my mouth, between my teeth and knotting it behind my head. She did the same to Beth.

"OK, I think that's it. Is there anything that I've left out?" Jodie asked.

I shook my head. "OK then, well Mark'll be back soon, so I'd better hurry up. This is going to be fun!" she said, as she gave us a little wave and closed the door.

Beth seemed to be as excited as I was when I first got tied up. She was half struggling at the ropes, but was giggling under the gag at the same time. I just sat there, and after a while I started to get tired. At one point, I was half asleep when I tipped my head back and banged Beth on the back of her head. She let out a scream and pinched my fingers.

This started a chain reaction, as we exchanged pinches back and forth, before she told me to stop through her gag. I could hear her pretty clearly, so the gag wasn't that effective.

I tried to talk through my gag as well, and also found the gag to be slightly ineffective. Beth and I tried to have a conversation, and it was a bit of fun trying to figure out what the other person was saying.

Soon after, we heard the front door of the house open. Our conversation stopped instantly, and we listened tentatively for footsteps. Soon enough, we heard Mark's voice calling out for Jodie. But then, the bombshell. I heard two sets of footsteps, not just one. I think Beth heard this too, because I could feel her fingers beginning to shake.

Initially, I thought that Mark had brought over a friend or something, but this idea was quickly thrown out the window, when I saw the door open, and Jodie appeared in the doorway, next to Mark.

Mark had a wide eye look, and Jodie looked at us and said, "See, I told you they were very gullible."

"Whoa, that gag doesn't seem to be working very well for you there Beth. Let's see what we can do about that." Jodie said.

She grabbed the black tape from her bag, and squeezed in beside Beth. She took off the bandana gag, and replaced it with several strips of the black tape, but not before some resistance from Beth. She squeezed out and leant beside me.

"I think we'd better replace your gag as well, James." Jodie said.

She took off the bandana, and three strips of black tape was smoothed over my mouth.

"I'll leave you two to it, see if you can try and get loose. I doubt you will though," Jodie laughed as she shut the door behind her. Beth immediately began to put in a genuine struggle to get loose. She moved from side to side, backwards and forwards, up and down but didn't get anywhere, and was breathing heavily after a few minutes. She was also breaking into a sweat, and I could feel her arms beginning to heat up.

After a few moments, I could feel Beth begin to rub her head against her shoulder. I thought she had an itch or something, but as it turned out, she was trying to get the gag off.

"Urgh, finally" she stammered out, after she managed to work the gag off.

I turned my head slightly, and tried to ask her how she got the gag off, but I only managed to produce a mumble.

"Hey James, the rope around us has loosened a little. Try wriggling under it." she whispered.

I could understand why she needed me to do it, because the rope was tied below her breasts and there was no way she could squeeze the rope over them.

I let out an affirmative mumble, and began wriggling around like Beth had done. Up and down, left and right, forward and backwards I went, and finally I managed to slip my body underneath the rope and free Beth and myself from the back to back tie.

"Good work, James." she praised me. "Ok, now let's try to free up our hands. Try to find the knot near my hands and loosen it."

I shuffled myself into a sideways position, so that I could just see her hands when I turned my head, and at the same time, my hands could reach hers. I turned my head as far as allowed, and saw that the knot was near her right wrist. I managed to get my hands to the knot and started picking at it. The knot was pretty tight, and it took a fair while to undo. My neck began to get sore after a while, but persistence and intense concentration won through, and the know was undone.

Beth removed the rope from her wrists and let out a quiet celebratory hooray. But the celebration was short lived, when we heard footsteps heading in our direction.

"Oh, shit. Someone's coming.," she said, trying frantically to get the arm-tie rope back into place. "Oh no, too late" She quickly slapped the tape back over her mouth and shuffled the rope to her side, hiding it using her body. She quickly positioned herself on my back, and put her hands behind her back.

The door opened, and it was Mark. What a relief, I thought. If it'd been Jodie, she certainly would have noticed that the arm rope was missing, but Mark didn't notice anything suspicious. He just took a quick peek inside and shouted "Yep, they're still in here." and closed the door.

"Whew, that was close." Beth said, after she removed her gag again. She untied her ankles, and did a bit of stretching, even though there was limited space in the small room.

She looked over at me and said, "You know, half of me is telling me to leave you tied up after what you did to me on Wednesday."

I frantically shook my head, and let out a "Don't you dare" through the gag.

"Don't worry, I'm just messing with you. I'm not a cruel bastard like yourself, leaving me tied up for an hour and a half, while you were playing games!" she said.

She untied my hands, and I peeled off the gag as she untied my ankles.

"OK, now what?" I asked her.

"What do you think?" she said sarcastically. "We hit back, revenge if you like."

"Oh, but how exactly."

"Well, Mark's just checked up on us, so he won't be back for a while. So we try to surprise them."

"I don't think that'll work. Jodie's heaps stronger than you or me, and Mark's pretty strong as well."

"Then we'll just have to hope that they won't be together,"

With that, Beth slowly opened the door, taking a quick peek on both sides of it, and found nothing there. She crept out, and tiptoed into the lounge, hiding behind the wall. She motioned me to follow her, and I did.

We looked around the kitchen and found no one around. As we got closer to the study, we heard some faint music playing. Beth told me to stay in the kitchen while she took a peek in the study.

She tiptoed out of the kitchen, and ten seconds later, she tiptoed back in. She whispered in my ear that Mark was in there playing on the computer.
That meant that Jodie was probably upstairs somewhere, and more importantly to us, by herself. Beth suggested that we go after Jodie first and leave Mark alone till later, seeing that his mind was solely focussed on the computer. I agreed and we tiptoed up the stairs, making sure we kept the creaks to a minimum.

We stood close together and Beth took the lead. She stuck her head into Jodie's room, and quickly pulled her head out.

"She's in there," she whispered.

"What's she doing?" I whispered back.

"I think she's reading a magazine or something."

I took a quick peek inside the room and saw Jodie on the bed, lying down on her stomach, reading some sort of magazine. "So what do you want to do?"

Beth thought for a moment. "Just rush in there, and grab her."

I nodded. Beth did a countdown with her fingers. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. Beth ran into her room and charged at Jodie. I followed suit, and ran straight at her.

Jodie was certainly surprised by this, as she looked up quickly and fell off the bed as she tried to avoid us.

I rushed up to her as she lay on the floor, and encircled her arms and body in a bear hug. She struggled only for a bit, and almost broke free before Beth arrived to help.

"OK, come on Jodie, you're outnumbered two to one, just give up." Beth said.

"Oh, but all I have to do is call out to Mark, and then you're both screwed. But, you did get me fair and square, so I'll be nice and play fair." Jodie replied.

She did have a point, if she did call out for Mark, they certainly would've overpowered us, and we'd have ended up back where we started, tied up and gagged under the stairs. But, she was a good sport, and refrained from calling her little brother for backup.

Beth looked around the room and asked, "Where's the backpack?"

"You mean the one with all the ropes and stuff? I left it in the lounge." Jodie replied.

"Oh, I'll go get it." Beth said. She looked at me, "Watch her carefully James."

I nodded, and tightened the bear hug on Jodie. I was a little surprised as to Jodie's lack of resistance when we caught her, and I soon found out the reason. She wanted to split us up, so she could take us down, one at a time.

No sooner had Beth left the room, and I tightened the bear hug, did Jodie make her escape attempt. She back heeled me in the shin with her foot, and I lost the grip I had on Jodie's body. I fell down in pain, and Jodie took this opportunity to jump on top of me. She pinned me down and twisted my left arm behind my back. I begged her to let go of my arm. She made me promise not to struggle, and for me to stay lying down on the floor. I hesitated a little, and she twisted my arm slightly and I quickly agreed.

"Good, now stay there and don't move." Jodie ordered.

I did as she said, and she got off me. I probably had a small chance to escape her, but I decided against it, fearing the consequences if I didn't succeed. Jodie moved over to her wardrobe, where she pulled out the backpack that was supposed to be downstairs in the lounge room.
At this point, we heard footsteps coming back up the stairs. Jodie panicked, and quickly grabbed a stash of rope, and forced my hands behind my back. She didn't have much time, so she just wrapped all the rope she had around my hands, hoping that they would tangle up, and prevent my escape.

Beth came walking back into the room and began to say that she couldn't find the bag, but stopped mid-sentence when she saw me on the floor. Jodie immediately got up, and ran towards Beth. Beth took some good evasive action, and managed to squeeze between door and the oncoming Jodie.

Beth rushed towards me, and pulled at the rope that bound my hands, but didn't get much done before Jodie pounced and, in between a few wayward kicks and slaps, managed to pin Beth to the ground. She did the same arm-twisting thing to her, and Beth squealed.

I pulled hard at the ropes and managed to free myself. Jodie wasn't expecting this and I got up and grabbed Jodie by the arms and she toppled on top of me. Beth was freed, and immediately came to my assistance. She grabbed Jodie's flailing arms, while I got out from underneath her.

"OK, that's enough, you little bitch. No more tricks this time. James, get the rope." Beth instructed. Jodie was about to scream, but Beth picked this up and put her left hand over her mouth, stifling any attempt Jodie tried to make at screaming.

I fetched the ropes that Jodie used to tie my hands, and quickly bound Jodie's hands in front of her. She made this task very difficult by swinging her free arm back and forth, but I eventually, managed to secure her hands tightly.

Once her hands were tied, Jodie literally gave up the struggle, and just lay there, breathing heavily, obviously tired from her struggling. I searched through the bag and found the black tape and cut off a three strips. Beth slowly removed her hand from Jodie's mouth, and I quickly replaced it with a strip of tape. Jodie managed a small but short scream, but I doubt that Mark heard it from downstairs. I smoothed on the other two pieces of tape and her screams were now nothing more than small muffled whispers.

The rest of it was easy, I tied her ankles and knees together while Beth held her down. Jodie's hands were untied, and then retied behind her. The finishing touch was added when a rope was tied around her body and arms below her breasts.

Satisfied that she was secure, and wasn't going to go anywhere, we lifted her up and set her down inside her closet and closed the door. Jodie emitted a few screams through her gag, as we walked out the room.

OK, one down, one to go.

We tiptoed downstairs, and were about ready to pounce on Mark, when we heard movement downstairs. We hid in the lounge room and I stuck my head around the corner. I caught a glimpse of Mark as he walked out the front door.

"Where's he going?" I asked Beth.

Beth saw Mark on the footpath through the lounge room window. "I don't know," she shrugged. "Probably off to a friend's house or something."
I guess we had to settle for one that day. We checked up on Jodie again, and she hadn't gotten anywhere since we left her, but her wardrobe was a mess. There were shoes all over the place, and some of her clothes had fallen off their hangers, an obvious sign of a vicious struggle that proved to be futile.

It was just past 4:00, and we left her for about 15 minutes before deciding to release her. She was really sweating badly from her struggling, and had a shower as soon as she was free. We packed up all the rope back into the bag and tidied up her wardrobe.

She came out of the shower in a new set of clothes and looking very refreshed. We talked about the game afterwards, and Jodie copped a lot of stick for tricking Beth and I, but Beth also had a go at me for letting Jodie overpower me in her room.

I called mum and asked her to pick us up at 5:00. She arrived exactly on time, and we said goodbye to another fun tie up day. Mark didn't come before we left, and Jodie told us later that he had indeed gone over a friend's house.

The final and most exciting game of the term break was on Thursday. That particular game was very interesting, as it also involved twin sisters, who were related to Jodie and Mark. This was their only appearance in our tie up games, so don't miss it!

I hope you all enjoyed the story. What did you think? Any comments?

PS. Beth helped me write this story, so I'm giving her credit for it by placing her name next to mine below. Thanks Beth!

James and *Beth*

James' stories
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