Nathraq : 16 - Chained! (m/m)

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Nathraq : 16 - Chained! (m/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Nathraq's stories
16 - Chained!
Story index at the bottom

By Nathraq

Wednesday March 21st 2001 09:51:30

I guess Bobby and I were about 13 at this time. One day we were fooling around at his house and he came out with a couple of choker collars from a dog he'd had. They were different lengths. You could loop the chain through the ring at each end and make two loops, we found, but of course it was easy to escape from.

"Wouldn't it be cool to be chained up?" I asked, my brain trying to come up with ways to chain someone up.

We didn't have access to handcuffs and such then. And I thought about those tiny little padlocks, one of which was on a small cedar box (a miniature cedar chest) I had on my dresser in which I kept pins and mementos and such.

Bobby was really excited at the idea and we began making plans. He grabbed a handful of change, announced that we were going downtown, and walked down to the dime store where we bought two more. We planned on using them on our next TUG (TiedUpGame).

Next Saturday, after the interminable parental questioning, I went over to Bobby's house. His parents were gone, but they had no rule about Bobby having a trusted friend over (as long as we didn't go upstairs--that was off-limits). I remember it was cold and raining that day. We went into his basement, I with my two little padlocks and my key ring, and he came out with the two dog choker collars and a couple of small lengths of chain he'd acquired somewhere. After a bit of experimentation, we found that the locks could link 3 chain lengths. I pulled out three snap hooks, available at the local hardware store for a nickel each, explaining that they could be used on the feet if we ran out of locks.

We made a rule that no ropes were to be used, and flipped a coin to see who would go first. I won, so Bobby stripped off his shirt and shoes and socks. I put his hands behind him and looped a chain around his wrists, locking the links in the middle with the little padlock.

"Now you can't escape," I told him.

He walked around a bit, trying to pull his wrists free, and when he knew he couldn't escape, I got another chain and repeated the procedure for his ankles. After rolling around on the rug for a bit, it was my turn. I unlocked him and handed him the keys.

He put on his shoes & socks and in a moment I was shirtless and barefoot. I remember remarking to him that it was a bit cold.

"You know the rules," he said. "No shirts for the victim." (We had a rule that boys were always tied up with their shirts off. It's a bit more fun, and the feeling of helplessness is more, when you're tied up less than fully dressed.)

A bit later, I was on the floor, my hands locked behind me in chains and my ankles locked together, and he was pulling me over to a pole. He sat me against the pole and used two chains and some snap-clips to secure my arms to the pole (which was cold on my back--part of the torture!) I could not reach the snaphooks and could not free my hands. We were talking about different ways to chain someone up, like with arms overhead to a pipe, and he was teasing me with the keys and such, and I said that the keys wouldn't do me much good. He disagreed, saying that if he had the keys he could get loose. We made a bet. If he could get free in 15 minutes, I would be his prisoner and "anything goes" (within safety rules) and if not, he would be my prisoner. I locked his hands behind him and his ankles together and handed him one of the keys.

Well, after a few minutes, he had managed to get a key into the lock on his wrists (he was very patiently working on the problem) and went upstairs. He came back with a pair of swimming trunks, the racing kind much like the "speedo" kind, and I changed into them, feeling already helpless and a bit cold, almost naked. He chained my hands behind me and chained my feet, and blindfolded me. He was going to chain and tie me to the pole, but we heard his mother come in upstairs, so he quickly freed me and I put my clothes back on while she announced from upstairs that lunch would be ready in a while. Fortunately, she didn't come downstairs. Since I was in a hurry, I'd put my pants on over the swim trunks and stuffed my underwear in my jacket pocket, and had to return them to Bobby on another day.

We never did play with chains and locks again, the subject just never came up. I guess they were too uncomfortable and cumbersome to carry around. My cousin Brenda certainly would've enjoyed them, though.


Wednesday March 21st 2001 09:03:19

Tied up with WHAT?

I am amazed at the number of us who regularly use duct tape for their TUGs. When I was a kid, playing TUGS, we were too poor, I suppose, to keep the stuff around. Oh, my Dad had some in the basement, but he would certainly know if some was missing. Even Bobby's dad, who had an old house he was working on as a hobby, rarely kept duct tape around, and then it was "off limits" like the rest of his supplies.

We did use electrical tape a few times, but the black nasty stuff made a mess on one's skin. It was inescapable after a few wraps, however. Being expensive (and in short supply) we only used it a few times, and then only on wrists and ankles.

I suppose one reason we used ropes is that we wanted the "victim(s)" to struggle, to have some (small) hope of getting free. That was part of the fun. Often, when we played, we'd make a "one knot rule" to allow the person tied a chance to escape. This meant that the hands were tied (usually behind the back) and only one knot was used, which would, of course, be placed as far away from reaching fingers as possible. Remember, we were kids, and the time allotted was always unreasonably short (in our view, at least).

Electrical wire was employed a few times, mostly because it was strong and would not break. It was copper wire with red or black insulation. Amazingly, I was tied up once with dental floss (what kid uses it for anything anyway?) which was quite inescapable; also, it hurt if you pulled on it too hard. The knots in dental floss were impossible to pick.

Strips of cloth make good binds because they are comfortable and knot well, and if they're not torn too thickly, are very hard to get out of. But bedsheets were also in short supply in the more frugal times of my childhood. Strips of cloth could be found about anywhere, if they were long enough.

But my favourite (and the favourite of my friends) was always plastic-coated clothesline and plain old rope. Clothesline made a good tie but, in a hurry, the other person could untie the "victim" if he or she had to, a valuable asset when medling parents came home early to interrupt any activity. Also, it never seemed to wear out. I had a small collection of ropes & clothesline lengths (and a few other things), as did most of my TUG-buddies, since it was innocent enough to withstand a nosey mother's inspection of dresser drawers & closets.

A friend and I used chains one time. I don't know where he got the chains, but they were like those smooth choker collars used for dogs. You could buy these tiny padlocks for 15 or 19 cents, and the keys always worked all the locks (they're cheap, used for little jewelry boxes or diaries and such). Of course, I had 2 of the little things and he went down and bought a couple more at the "dime-store", and since all the keys fit all the locks, it was fairly safe. Snap hooks at a hardware store were only a nickel (the small ones) and we used them on feet/ankles where the hands could not reach. Perhaps I'll tell that story sometime.

By the way, I don't recommend fishing line or dental floss . . . it's too easy to cut ones self, and hard to get someone out of in a hurry unless you have a knife, and knives should never be used in a hurry!

So, to those of us who are fortunate enough to have easy and cheap access to duct tape (which would, of course, save a lot of precious playing time), be sure to keep plenty on hand (and have a ready explanation for your supplies should they be found). Have fun!


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