Nathraq : 14 - Eileen (m/f)

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Nathraq : 14 - Eileen (m/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

Nathraq's stories
14 - Eileen
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By Nathraq

Monday January 15th 2001 10:14:57

This is one of the few tie-up games I played with someone who was not in one of my "groups" (my groups being either my cousins or a couple of guys who lived in my neighborhood).

When I was 14 and in the 9th grade, there was this really delinquent-looking girl named Eileen. Eileen used foul language as a matter of course, smoked cigarettes constantly, and always had some of the less desirable type guys hanging around her. She invariably came to school in a very, very short miniskirt and a leather jacket. She had long red hair and a constant frown on her face.

Eileen had a friend named Lorraine who was taller and heavier than Eileen, but had the same demeanour about her, and also wore very short skirts. Lorraine had short black hair and wore dark red lipstick about 3 inches thick! They were almost always seen together unless they had separate classes (and then only if they didn't skip their classes).

I remember several times when Eileen made references to a in particular was a "wear what you want to wear day" which was intended for fun, and Eileen stated she'd wear a bikini. She was thin and had pretty legs, and I thought she might look good in a bikini. I had opportunity later that year to find out.

I was walking to the local swimming pool to meet some friends (I went swimming frequently in the summer months) the following summer and heard a shout from across the street. In a run-down two-story house, on the porch, was Eileen, in a t-shirt and her inevitable mini-skirt. I had my trunks on under my pants and was wearing a pullover shirt, and was wearing sneakers without socks. I waved at her and kept going, but she said "come over here" and, for no good reason, I did.

She said something about my being smart and helping her with her Geometry (she was in summer school for flunking almost all her classes) and, of course, I explained a few things to her, showing her how to work out a few proofs. She was smoking her cigarette and cussing as usual. Finally she asked me where the #@*! I was going, and I told her. She said she never learned to swim.

"I thought you'd love to swim, with all that talk about bikinis last year," I told her.

"#@!#*, I just wanted to see who would notice," Eileen replied.

When I got up to leave, she said "c'mon, stay and help me with this #@*! history!"

I told her I was meeting friends, and she said "You won't leave if I tie your @$*! up!"

Now I was might be fun to tie up this girl. I started thinking quickly.

"What if I tie you up first?" I said.

"I'd get loose and kick you in the (groin)," she said, though she didn't use the term "groin"...I don't think she knew what it meant.

Anyway, I finally made a bet with her: One of us would tie the other up. If the one tied could free himself or herself in 15 minutes, he or she would win.

"If I win," Eileen said, "you have to stay here for 2 hours and help me with this #!%@!"

"OK, if I win, you have to put on a bikini and I get to tie you up in it."

She was shocked for a moment by this, but she agreed, thinking she could certainly get loose, and we made a few rules. Well, I won the coin-toss so I got to tie her up. The rules said I could not tie her to something and I realized she would quickly get her hands in front of her (she had long limbs) and pick the knot with her teeth; however, I knew about the elbow tying and that didn't violate the "arms and legs only rule" upon which she had insisted (no tying around the body). I tied her arms just above the elbows, not tightly, but enough to immobilize her arms with her hands tied behind her. Then I tied her feet. She was saying all the while that she would get loose but, when I checked the clock and said "go", she became surprised and then worried and finally desperate. Cussing at the knots, she asked for an extra few minutes after the time was up, but knew it was hopeless.

She started to reneg on the deal, but I told her that I'd help her with her homework anyway and she finally agreed. After what seemed like an hour (but was probably 20 long does it take to don a bikini, anyway?) she emerged with an orange bikini that showed her waist and belly to my great delight. She was rather small-breasted, but I didn't care...I got her hands crossed and tied behind her and re- tied her elbows before she would change her mind. She kept saying, "alright, no taking off my @#%!%-ing bikini" and "keep you hands off my @#*!" and so forth, and I just kept nodding and kept tying. When I had her arms inescapably helpless I took her down to her basement and tied her wrists, arms, and knees to a pole. She complained about the cold concrete floor (it was an unfinished basement with a furnace, washer, dryer, and a couple of metal support poles).

After I got her secured, standing there in her orange bikini, I mentioned that Lorraine wasn't around to help her and that she was my prisoner. I left her alone to go find a blindfold, she cussing the whole time telling me not to leave her alone. She went berzerk when I put the blindfold on her, a rolled up pillowcase, struggling and squirming and fighting, and I was about to let her loose when she started "begging" me to "please" let her go and "please don't hurt me", shouting (not loudly) "help, help". I had never heard her use any kind of polite language before, and realized she was playing the part of a kidnapped "damsel". She asked who would rescue her and so forth and so on, and really began playacting when I used the term "damsel in distress".

Well, after a bit of teasing (and getting my hands occasionally on that beautiful bare waist of hers) I left, telling her that the "monster" would be along shortly to eat her for lunch. I vanished for a few moments, and returned to "rescue the damsel in distress". I pulled off her blindfold and untied her from the pole...leaving her hands and arms tied, naturally...and led her, running, to the kitchen as we made our "escape". I said something about being rewarded with a kiss, but she would have none of it...

"I ain't kissin' you, #!%@ it, and don't even try!" (I'm not sure I really wanted to kiss that mouth, if you know what I mean.)

But I did get one more big close hug, and picked her up in my arms and carried her to the little living room where I finally untied her, telling her I'd help her with her homework if she'd stay in the bikini. She cussed a bit more and lit a cigarette, but agreed, and I ended up looking up a bunch of answers for her in her schoolbook before I left.

One note: I only saw her, walking with Lorraine, a few more times that summer. I did not see either girl in high school and always wondered if they both quit school or went to reform school or something. Too bad, though...Eileen would have made a great TUGger!


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