Dragon : 01 - Revenge on Megan and Sara (mm/ff)

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Dragon : 01 - Revenge on Megan and Sara (mm/ff)

Post by Canuck100 »

Dragon's stories
01 - Revenge on Megan and Sara
Story index at the bottom

By Dragon

Thursday September 14th 2000 07:28:54

This is quite the story and for those of you who don't like male bondage, please just bear with me - I'll go through that part real quick.

So anyways, me and my friend Matt are invited to this killer party. Chicks, food, pool, everything except booze. This part was hosted by two of my best friends Megan and Sara. Megan is 5'5, with long brown hair down to the arch in her back. Sara has shoulder-long blonde hair, with long bangs stopping at her cheekbones. So, Matt and I went hoping to see the girls in their bathing suits (it was one of those days where there's a really hot day amongst all the cold days, and practically everyone was wearing a bathing suit)

While Matt and I were eating some pizza, the girls came up to us and asked Matt to leave for a second. Matt's a very cool, laid back kinda guy, so he said yes, and went to find someone else. Megan told me to come with her to the basement for a second because she had to tell me something really important that I would only understand. Man was I stupid. Sara of course wasn't there, but when we got down into the unfinished basement, Megan snapped her fingers and Sara jumped me from behind. They tied my ankles and wrists, then left the basement with no lights on and the door shut. Upon leaving, they said "Don't go anywhere now ya hear!"

Oooh damn. That pissed me right off.

The ropes, were so damn loose that a newborn kitten could break through them, I thought. But this task proved to be way more difficult. The knots were tight, and I could only move where the kots would allow it. Then I remembered. I had my knife in my back pocket (I ALWAYS carry my knife with me no matter what) I reached in, and slashed the cords apart, and got up. The first thing out of my mouth was "Revenge..."

The following day, I told Matt what happened. He was pissed right off, cause he'd never think that Megan and Sara would go so far. So, Matt and I plotted revenge all that night. We practiced tying ropes, gags, and even a way to frighten them. After talking around, I found out that Sara and Megan were going to go to Sara's house to do some homework. Now this was all too perfect because Sara lives in a subdivision that is embedded in a forest. I called Sara's mom to tell her that we gonna play a practical joke on Sara. She offered to help by locking the doors to the house, and leaving to go do some errands. The stage was finally set.

It was a cloudy day, as Matt and packed up a duffel bag with our supplies. We each wore all black, with ski masks. We looked just like kidnappers. We followed far behind the girls as they headed to Sara's, and when they got to the locked door we heard them say "Shit. The door's locked." Sara said. Megan then happily replied, "We can go to my house for a swim while we wait." Sara frowned, and said "I not wearing my bathing suit." Megan replied "You left it at my house." Matt and laughed to ourselves, as we followed them back to Megan's. We waited for so long but it was worth it. As it turned out, Megan and Sara decided to go and check Sara's house to see if her mom was home in their bathing suits.

As they walked by our cover in the forest, Matt and I leapt out and grabbed them. We used our hands to gag them for a minute, as Matt go the ropes. We managed to get Sara's arms behind her back and tie her up, but Megan got away. Matt threw me a rope, and said "After her! I'll stay and watch this one!" Being a star member of the track team at school, I got up with Megan before she could reach the end of the forest. I took her down, and taped her screaming mouth shut.

"You're mine little girl! You're kidnapped now! ha ha!" I said.

Megan wasn't really little. All 4 of us were the same age. After tying both of the girls in their bikinis and gagging them with lotsa duct tape, we both carried them deep into the forest. Matt untied Sara's ankles and led her to a wide oak tree. He tied her ankles to the tree, and then went to untie her wrists. he shouted "Hands above yo head, bitch!" and Sara obeyed. He tied her wrists together, and threw the remaining ten feet of rope over a high branch. He then tied her raised arms up to the tree, and tied a long rope around her chest, right above her hips and about a few inches below her breasts. Both bathing suits revealed a lot of cleavage. I found another oak tree, and brought Megan to it. I did the same as Matt did, and when I was finished I took the tape off her mouth. Through tears, Megan said "Why are you doing this to us?" Matt and I laughed, and I walked up to her, winked and then whispered "It's me Derek!" Her tears instantly turned to anger, and before she could shout and protest, I taped her mouth shut again. We planned to be with the girls all night there in the woods. Matt told me to go and get some firewood, just so we all wouldn't be cold at night.

As I was walking around through the woods, I heard a loud angry sounding mmmphhff. I ran back to the shouting to find Matt tickling Sara's breasts through the top of her bathing suit. I ran over and shouted "What the fuck are you doing?!" He told me to calm down and then answered "They don't know it's us, so we can do whatever we want to them." My heart sunk. Matt didn't know that Megan knew that it was me. So, thinking really fast, I untied Megan and carried her over my shoulder to someplace different. I've liked bondage with Sara and Megan, but I had a strict rule that it wouldn't be sexual. I wasn't about to let Matt blow it either.

I later tied Megan up to another tree, somewhere in a grassy clearing. It was now somewhere between 9 or maybe 10 o clock. I ungagged Megan and asked her, "Whose idea was it tie me up at the party?" Megan sighed, and squirmed trying to get comfortable.

"It was Sara's idea." she said.

I knew Megan wouldn't lie, especially if I had her tied up in the woods like this.

"Does Sara know that the other guy is Matt?"

Megan shook her head no.

I laughed to myself, and let the tickling continue. Megan asked me as I was taking her sandals off, "You aren't going to tickle me are you?" I laughed as I put more tape over her mouth.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out."

I picked up a feather from our duffel bag, and began tickling Megan's toes, her belly, and her underarms. She laughed through her gag for hours, and then ran out of breath.

"I'm gonna check up on Matt, ok? I'll be back." I told her.

Matt was still there tickling Sara who was now angrier than a hornet. Her nasty look seemed to touch my conscience which told me that the prank should end. Matt tickled Sara's breast and toes for a little while longer, when I told him. He was getting bored of it too, and so we blindfolded the girls and carried them back to their house. The last thing i told Megan was not to tell Sara, and that maybe we could play again sometime...


Thursday September 14th 2000 07:55:20

PH, I always love your kickass stoires. Megan, Sara, Matt and I all say hi. We're hoping to go to Sara's cottage over the weekend....THIS should be good. So anyways, thanx for inspiring me, and thanx to all of you for letting me post my little story. Later!!! DRAGON

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