Woodal : 02 - More Knotty Stuff (m/f)

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Woodal : 02 - More Knotty Stuff (m/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

Woodal's stories
02 - More Knotty Stuff
Story index at the bottom

By Woodal

Thursday September 7th 2000 08:04:54

"What's new in school?"

"Science is cool, Miss Haskell has a neat program going on," said Nancy.

She was talking to my mother. It was a few days after my binding adventure. Mom and Dad, Nancy and I were at our dinner table. Cheese casserole was the main dish, it tasted great.

The first year Miss Haskell taught junior high science I was in her class. Now a couple of years later Nancy had her. Miss Haskell is the first teacher I remember having legs. Even now when I think of legs, great looking ones I think of Miss Haskell's pins.

Nancy's science project involved bugs

"Annie and I are working on it. And maybe La Roux Erna," said Nancy.

"Oh really? We met her mother at PTA. Remember dear?" said Mom.

"She was the tall woman, a truck driver?" said Dad.

"Yes, you kept looking at her," said Mom.

"Well you notice her because of her size, and the red hair."

"You noticed the size of them all right," said Mom.

"We got any ice cream?" said Dad.

I didn't pick up on the conversation that much because I was picturing what Nancy would look like tied to one of our dining room chairs. Or Miss Haskell sitting bound and gagged in one. No chance of that happening.

After dinner, while Mom and Dad watched "Hogan's Heroes". I struck a new deal with Nancy. I named the amount of money.

"For that I get to kidnap you three times."

"No way, I don't want to be tied up that much. I can't lay around like that."

"O.K I won't tie you up. But I get to snatch you, grab you up and you have to go along with it no matter where or when it happens."

"Like where?"

"Just around the house. I won't tie you but I can use a gag."

Nancy had to think about that.

"You paying me now, the whole thing?"

"No just one at a time."

"And it can happen any time?"

"That's right," I said.

"All right it's a deal then. Just be careful."

I stuck out my hand to shake on it, but since she was a girl she just looked at me and walked off. I thought at the time that I should have got it in writing.

Speaking of school and schoolteachers, well maybe we weren't, the next day I was eating a school lunch with my friend Sam Dotson. Sam was a different sort of guy, the type who would ask.

"Have you ever seen your sister naked?"

I believe that day the school was serving corn bread and beans for lunch. That's what I spit up when he asked the question.

"What sort of question is that? Are you nuts?"

"Well you live with her. I mean have you. Have you checked out her bod?"

"Christ on a crutch, you're grossing me out."

"I'm just telling you that your sister is a fox. I know her and La Roux Erna have to have to each have the biggest set of boobs in school. And that includes high school."

"Their fat Sam, or chubby at least."

"Oh don't flip out. I thought you'd think it neat to have a sister that guys dig."

"What guys dig her? Besides you?"

"Oh I just heard stuff you know."

I said, " if she was an older sister yeah I could see how it would be cool that other guys dug her. But she just annoys me, I don't think about what she looks like man. I mean what are people going to do, she can't date."

"Ah there's eighth graders that date," said Sam.

"Yeah they can go to dances where somebody's parents are keeping watch. Making sure nobody does the big make out thing," I said.

I changed the subject to sports; the Jets and Lions were playing that weekend. Still Sam mentioning that my sister and other lesser mortals might hold attractions was at the back of my mind. I mean far in the back, behind the other stuff.

I brought the topic up at home.

Nancy's right leg flew up in the air during the first second of the grab. She passed by the doorway of my darken bedroom. I popped out and first the right hand went over her mouth, the left arm came around her left side and I was lucky enough to pin both arms to her waist.

"Mummp?" went with the sound of air zooming out her nose when I clamped her mouth shut. She got her balance and her bare feet made a scuffing sound on the carpet as I pulled her backwards. She made five or six quick steps as I yanked her into my room. I shut the door with my right foot and we stood in the dark.

"Not a sound if you know what's good for you."

Nancy was quiet. It took me a few seconds to find the light switch. I got it on and we stood there, me still clutching her mouth. She had on a light flannel nightshirt, which stopped right above her knees.

"Murg manf mooing bif budder?"

"Sam Dotson has a crush on you."

She made some puzzled noises under my hand.

"I'm taking my hand off. Don't make any sudden moves, my gun is right here. I'm going to have to gag you so they won't hear."

Nancy looked like she wanted to say something but she was quiet after I took my hand off her lips. I opened one of my dresser drawers and pulled out a little item. She watched me, turning her head over her left shoulder to look as I stood behind her.

"I thought you said you weren't going to tie me up."

"I'm not."

"Then what's that for?"

"It's off an old bedsheet. I kept frapping it in on itself until I got this big knot in the middle. It's a different type of gag I want to use."

She turned her head back to the front. "When did you hear Sam Dotson had a crummph oom hefft."

I cut her off by bringing the sheet gag down over her head until it lined up with her mouth, then pulled back. Her lips fought it, but it slid past them and I knotted it twice over her blonde hair. She made an angry sounding snort through her nose but didn't try to pull it off.

I checked to see it was firm in back, then turned her to face me. The white material was in past her teeth. Her upper and lower incisors showed over the gag. She made some more sounds and I'm pretty sure the knot inside her mouth was sitting atop her tongue. The gag was pressed up against the corners of her mouth, just a bit. It could have been tighter, but what the heck.

"Arguph mummer bork gumph," said Nancy. I don't know how hard she was trying to talk, but the gag was working pretty fair.

"You're not dating anybody are you?"

Nancy rolled her eyes pointed a finger at her mouth and said, "Guh gaff ah shuff zin mum muff."

"That's right you're gagged. Now sit over on the bed while I toss the place."

She stomped over to my bed and sat, folding her arms across her chest and crossing her left leg over her right knee. I noticed the hem of her nightshirt rose several inches above that knee.

Is that what Sam was talking about? I shouldn't be thinking of her legs in that way. I mean their no Miss Haskell's. Not long and strong looking like hers. Well I guess Nancy's legs did look sort of long, it was the way she was sitting.

Well to get my mind off that I pretended to be searching my room. After a minute I turned and said.

"Do you know where it is?"

She looked puzzled, then she slowly shook her head no.

"I can make you talk you know."

This time Nancy's eyebrows shot up and her eyes got wide. She made a small sound through the gag.

It's nice she was picking up on how to play along. I made a few more threats to find what I needed any way I could. She kept shaking her head from side to side, and then put her hands together in front of her like she was praying. That may have been a bit over the top, but it looked neat at the time.

I tried something else. "You know I've got your friend Annie bound and gagged in that closet. If you tell me what I need to know, I'll go easy on her.

Now Nancy looked really scared. She shook her head yes.

"O.K take off your gag."

She used both hands to pull it out and off her mouth. It hung down around her neck.

"Are we finished?" she said.

"Yeah sure. Thanks, here let me untie that."

I took the gag off and she stood up and walked off. "Your weird," she said as she closed my bedroom door.

I didn't mind her leaving so soon. We'd forgotten about the money, and I was ready to hit the sack. I got in bed but I didn't go to sleep right away. When I finally drifted off, I had a dream. I was a pirate, or a sea captain of some sort, a ship with big sails and all. I was walking real fast on the deck and there was this person up against a mast. They had a red bandanna tied atop their head, a bunch of blonde hair falling from underneath it. They wore those puffy, baggy type shirts you see the crew wearing in those old pirate movies. They had on dark pants and shoes that had toes curling up. Then I noticed there was a bunch of rope wrapped around the body, holding it to the mast. The face had a patch over one eye, and there was a big wooden pin tied inside its mouth, propping it open so all the teeth showed. The one eye that showed gave me an evil glare. It was Miss Haskell.

Suddenly I was wet. I thought it was in the dream and a wave had got me. But I woke up wet. My face and my pillow. I thought I might have peed the bed. In the dark there was someone standing by my bed. I turned on my bedside lamp. It was Nancy holding a bucket.

"I'm an assassin. I can attack you any time, and anywhere. That's going to be part of the game. By the way you're dead," she said.

"Thank you," I said. She left and I turned off the light.

zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooxxxxxxxxxxx

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