Katie : 04 - The Next Day (m/ff, m/m, f/m, mff/m)

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Katie : 04 - The Next Day (m/ff, m/m, f/m, mff/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Katie's stories
04 - The Next Day
Story index at the bottom

By Katie

Saturday August 12th 2000 08:15:21

Last time my parents had gone away for a wedding and surprisingly gave me the option to stay home since I didn't know the people anyway. Steph had slept over Friday night and now it was early morning and we were sound asleep.

Steph was wearing a pink t-shirt and panties and slept in a sleeping bag on the floor next to my bed. I was wearing my pajamas, which were (and still are) a button down pink cotton shirt and matching pants, almost exactly like Serena's (from Sailor Moon). I don't care if anyone thinks they're juvenile, I like them and thats all that matters!

Anyway at about 8:00 or 9:00 I was awakened by a presence in the room. I was groggily aware of movement at the foot of the bed, but in my state of half-sleep I just figured it was Steph moving around. I began to feel a slight breeze, then my right arm was seized and pulled above my head. It slowly registered that my left arm was already up, and I was jerked fully awake. I found that the covers had been pulled back, the window was open, my left arm was tied to the left head bedpost, and my feet were already tied to their respective bedposts. I looked up to see Kevin finish tying the knot that bound my right wrists to the post. He was wearing shorts and a white shirt.

Instinctively I yelled, "Dammit!" and tried to sit up.

When he saw I was awake, he smiled down and said, "good morning! I heard your parents were gone so I took the liberty of kidnapping you. I knew you wouldn't object."

My reaction was only a reflex, I wasn't particularly angry.

"When you kidnap someone, you usually take them somewhere," I pointed out.

"Well I was surprised to learn that I'd get two hostages," he said, ignoring my comment. He added playfully and with fake hurt, "which is funny because I wasn't informed about any sleepover."

"I didn't feel like keeping track of four people. Besides, she was already here." I responded, and briefly detailed the events of the night before.

"Sorry I missed it. Well I know you'll be a good sport about this and not wake her up," he said, reaching in my drawer for a pair of socks.

Before I could say anything, he took one and shoved it in my mouth, sealed by a few layers of tape. I was glad to be barefoot because the guys had this habit of using their hostage's own socks (or worse, their own socks) as gags.

He turned to Steph, who was still asleep in her sleeping bag. I watched with interest as he carefully unzipped it and pulled back the top half, then quickly bound her ankles together. He gently rolled her on her side, beginning her slow ascent to consciousness. Aware of this, he quickly tied her hands together and followed with a vertical tie between her wrists so she couldn't slip out (is there a name for that cause its annoying describing that all the time). Feeling merciful, he gagged her with my other clean sock instead of the ones she was wearing, and covered it with tape. This gave her the final push, and she was awake and struggling in seconds.

"Because I surprised you, I won't tickle you ladies," he zipped up Steph's bag around her body and smiled. "...yet."

He closed the bag around her neck and tied it off, not tight enough to choke her but tight enough so she couldn't wiggle her shoulders through.

"Right now I've got some calls to make," he strolled out of the room, closing the door behind him.

I didn't bother checking my bonds, I wanted to enjoy this for a while first. I fell into fantasy, and Steph had apparently stopped struggling and done the same. I fantasized that we had been attacked in early morning by robbers who thought the house was empty, and came upon us sleeping. A ransom note (or call, in this case) was generally agreed upon to be an invitation for others to join the game. When they got one, they knew what it was about and would decide weather or not to join the game knowing full well the risks and what to expect when they got there. After what happened in the first game, recipients of a note weren't allowed to "secretly" bring others. So I was surprised to hear the telltale sounds of somebody climbing the tree outside my window. I was even more surprised to see Chris, ladened with rope, climb through the window. He had a small coil of rope around his body like a sash, and his pockets were bulging with shorter pieces of rope and a roll of tape. It's amazing how alike those two are.

His goofy over-preparededness mixed with the look on his face when he saw us already tied up made me burst into giggles. Steph must have thought I was insane until she looked up and saw Chris standing absolutely dumbfounded by the window. She didn't think it was that funny, so still probably thought I was insane. Once I recovered, I gave him an apologetic look. He was wearing baggy jeans and a dark blue shirt.

"Kevin?" he asked.

I nodded and Steph gave a muffled "uh-huh."

"DAMMIT! I knew I shouldn't have told him. Or at least set my alarm clock."

Frankly I was surprised they hadn't teamed up to get us, and I figured that at least now they would team up. I was surprised when he flattened himself against the wall behind the door (or what would be 'behind' when the door was open).

Minutes later, Kevin came through the door saying, "do you believe stupid Chris isn't home at 9 in the morning?"

"Nope," said Chris, and tackled him from behind.

Once Kevin was subdued (the unspoken rules say that Kevin was caught even if he could overpower Chris) and his arms tied behind his back, he said, "you traitor! I was gonna let you join me!"

"Serves you right for stealing my prey," responded Chris, leading him to my rolling chair.

I grunted at him for referring to us as prey. Chris sat him in my chair with his hands behind the back. He tied Kevin's bound hands to the plastic thing that connects the seat to the back and tied his chest to the back. Then he tied his feet to the pole that fans out into the five wheels, and removed his socks and gagged him with one. Then he began to tickle. Kevin endured it as long as he could before finally bursting out into laughter.

During all this it apparently didn't occur to Chris that Kevin had called Lisa. She must have been listening through the door or something, because she burst through the door and tackled Chris. She was wearing a very light pink, almost white belly shirt and kinda flared khakis. She had come prepared (not as prepared as Chris and Kevin) and used duct tape to tie his hands together.

"Hey, I didn't call you, it was Kevin!" he protested.

"And?" she asked as she gagged him with Kevin's other sock.

Kevin laughed at him through his gag as she taped his legs together. After taping him into a hog tie, she stood up and surveyed the room. I was wondering if she was going to let any of us go and if so, who. So I mphed at her and she looked at me like she had just noticed me. I gave her an expectant look and indicated my bonds, but she just said, "I'm not letting you go just yet. I managed to capture everybody without doing anything at all!"

I wasn't really surprised, but Steph had apparently expected her to untie us and leave the guys. She grunted and mmphed at her until Lisa walked over to her and untied the sleeping bag from around her neck. Steph looked relieved until Lisa pulled the bag over her entire head and tied the hole completely closed.

"I'll let you guys get out of this yourselves," said Lisa, and left the room, closing the door behind her.

It didn't occur to her that Chris wasn't secured to anything, so he could eventually release one of us. The problem with being tied spread eagle is that it's next to impossible to pick at your knots, so all I could do was sit (or lay as it were) and wait. He wormed his way toward Kevin, apparently deciding to put their feud behind them. Once he managed to get behind the chair where Kevin's hands were, he felt around for the knot which, luckily, was facing outward. Once his hands were free, he slid his arms around to the front of his body where the knot for his chest bond was. When that was free, he untied his legs and took off his gag.

He stood up, looked at all of us, and picked up one of the ropes. He tied it around Chris's body and tied the other end to one of the desk legs. Chris and I (Steph couldn't see) yelled at him, and he turned to explain, "I'm not untying Chris cause he ruined my plans, and if I untie either of you, you'll untie him!"

I frantically shook my head, but he ignored me and walked out the door. That bastard!!

Well I had no idea how he planned to catch Lisa, but I hoped he failed. And now Chris couldn't come over to untie one of us.

During all this, Steph had been silently working at her ropes. When Kevin had been gone a few minutes, I heard a zip coming from the floor. The sleeping bag opened, and Steph crawled out. She untied her legs and took off her gag, then stood up smiling. She walked toward me, but just then the door burst open. Seeing the situation, both Lisa and Chris rushed toward Steph, who tried to evade but had no chance. They had teamed up!!

After her brief moment of freedom, Steph was hog tied and put back in the sleeping bag. As a further precaution they put her in the closet and locked the door. Poor Steph, this wasn't her day.

I couldn't believe that Lisa and Kevin trusted each other. It was only a matter of time before one of them turned on the other, and they were probably both thinking it. It was kinda funny watching them move around and check our bonds, trying to put themselves in a position to surprise the other while at the same time keeping an eye on the other.

Finally in the brief moment Lisa dropped her guard to see how Chris was secured to the bed, Kevin jumped on her. He laughed triumphantly as he wrestling her to the ground, he pulled out a roll of tape and taped her hands and legs together. He then gagged her, put her in a far corner of my room, and left us to escape.

She looked slightly annoyed at having to free her former captives. She rolled her way to Chris, the most easily accessible. She untied the rope that connected him to the bed, and felt around for the end of the tape around his arms and legs. She finally unwound it and untaped his hands. He untaped his legs and took off his gag, then untied her. FINALLY they got up and untied my arms and legs.

I got dressed while Chris and Lisa freed Steph. Once we were all free and Steph put on her pants, we decided Kevin would have to pay for his betrayal. So we gathered rope and tape, and Steph winked at me and got a roll of string from my desk. We didn't really have to be very sneaky about it, one because we outnumbered Kevin and two because he was expecting us.

We marched into the living room where Kevin was watching TV. Steph seized him, and we went to work stripping him down to his boxers. I threw him to the floor, and held him down while we began a double-pronged rope and tape tie. Once he was in a hog tie, Steph and I went to work with the string under Lisa and Chris's curious gave. I tied his two big toes together while Steph tied all his fingers together.

Since I was closest, I began the tickling. We took turns relentlessly tickling his feet, sides, and armpits. After much torture he lay there red in the face and panting through his nose.

After a few hours we let him go as always, and we hung out for the rest of the day doing normal boring teen stuff. We wouldn't get another chance for a bondage game until about a week later during spring break. There were a few, and as long as SHIVA doesn't object, I'll post them too.

Katie's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section