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Jennifer : 08 - A Long Weekend tied up (F/f)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:37 am
by Soraka
Jennifer's stories
08 - Winter Vacation at Grams
Story index at the bottom

By Jennifer

Hello again everyone, it’s Jennifer again. For those of you who missed me the first time around, I posted several stories last summer and continued into the early fall. I apologize for the long absence from my posts, but I had a very difficult transition period in my life. I am glad to say that it is over and that I have finally adapted to my new life style. My stories were well received on this site, and are probably still in the archives if you want. I also had a website where I posted them, but I am unsure if it is still in operation. Anyway, I am going to share another new group of stories. It is good to be back. Here we go; I hope you enjoy it.

It was a quiet afternoon in early March. I sat at my desk watching the clock praying that it would acknowledge the time my departure soon. The last five minutes of school before the weekend always seemed to drag on forever. I watched as the second hand finished its final revolution and pushed the minute hand to its new resting position. The bell rang a few seconds later announcing the end of another week of school at my elementary school. I gathered my backpack and other belongings and headed outside to the bus.

As I walked out the door of the school, I noticed the deep chill in the air. Winter was still with us and we hadn't seen the last snowflakes of the season yet. Still, I was warm enough against the chill in the air as I headed for the bus. I was excited about going home because it was Mary was going to be home from college for the weekend. Mary was my older sister who was 19 at the time of the story. I also lived with my parents and my two brothers Scott and Sean. Scott was a year and a half older than me and we shared a room. Sean was in his first year of high school. I boarded the bus and took a seat behind the driver and buckled myself in.

Mary hadn't originally planned on coming home for this weekend, but she was doing it as a favor to my parents. Scott and Sean were going on a camping trip with the scouts this weekend and my father was going with them. My mother was also going to be absent from the household this weekend as she had planned to visit my aunt in the next town over. Originally, the visit had been planned long before the camping trip and neither of my parents wanted to cancel their plans. So, my mother called Mary and asked her if she would mine coming home to keep an eye on me while they were out of town for the weekend. It was just going to be the two of us for the weekend. I didn't get to see my sister all that often, so I was looking forward to it.

(I apologize to any of you new readers who are looking for the action in this story. My posts tend to be several pages in length usually and I like to take time to describe the context of my story. Please bear with me.)

The bus arrived at my stop about 15 minutes later and I got off and headed down the driveway. I noticed that Mary's car was parked in next to my parents’ signifying that she was home for the weekend. I rushed to the front door of the house and opened it, excited at having my sister home for the weekend. Much to my disappointment, my mother greeted me instead. She was busy overseeing everyone’s packing for the camping trip and her trip as well. The boys were leaving at 5 and she was leaving around 6. I asked my mother where Mary was and she replied that she was in the kitchen. I dropped my backpack and coat and headed for the kitchen.

I found Mary seated at the kitchen table staring down at a thick textbook. "Hi Mary, welcome home," I greeted my sister. "I am looking forward to spending the weekend with you. It looks like it will just be the two of us." I commented excitedly. Mary, looked up from her book long enough to meet my gaze and acknowledge my existence. "Hi Jen," was all she got out before she turned her attention back to her book. She finished reading the page and looked up again as she noticed that I had moved closer to see what she was looking at. Mary looked up and me again and started to give me the bad news. Unfortunately, she explained that she had a term paper due Monday morning. She explained that it was worth about 30% of her grade in one of her college courses and that she expected it to take her most of the weekend. "I have most of my notes outlined, but I still have to write 8 pages this weekend." Mary explained.

I gave her a disappointed look. Here I had been looking forward to spending a weekend with my sister and she had enough homework to drown the whole thing. My mother entered the kitchen carrying her suitcase in hand. "Well, you two look like you are getting an early start on things. I hope you have fun this weekend." Mary replied that she would love to have some fun, but the way things were, she would be lucky just to finish her paper in time. My mother gave her a quiet smile and told her not to procrastinate so long until next time. She told me to mind my sister and stay out of her way while she was working on her paper. With that, my mother left the room and headed out to the car. She was leaving now and wouldn't be back until late Sunday afternoon. Bored from the sudden depravity of my sister, I decided to follow her out to the garage and see her off. I offered to help her carry one of the lighter bags that she was taking.

The two of us proceeded out to the garage where my mother put the suitcases and bags into the trunk of her car. My father and brothers were also located in the garage loading their camping gear into the van for the weekend. They would be leaving in about an hour. We all waved goodbye to my mom as she got in the front of her car. Then she started the engine and drove off to my aunt’s house. I still think she spent too much time visiting with my aunt on the weekends. With Mary busy at work in the house on her paper, I turned my attention to watching my brothers and father pack for their camping trip. They were going through each of their items making sure that they hadn't forgotten anything. The process took about 20 minutes as they inventoried their camping gear. I had to give my dad credit that he was well organized and prepared.

My father read each item off the list as he handed the bundles of items to Scott. Scott then in turn passed them to Sean who was busy trying to fit the gear into the back of the van. Sean was a veritable expert about getting the stuff into the van as tight as it could fit. They talked about the plans for the upcoming trip as they worked heaved everything into the car. Unfortunately, I wasn't really part of the conversation. I didn't know anything about their camping trip, which pretty much just left me out of the loop. So, I just stood there content to listen to their conversation. When they finished packing the gear, Scott and Sean went back into the house to say goodbye to civilization one last time before they left. "Are you sure I can't come with you?" I asked my dad. He looked over at me for the first time since I had entered the garage.

My father gave me a puzzled look and asked, "I thought you were looking forward to your weekend with Mary. Just the two of you girls?" I explained that it was going to be boring with her having to work on a paper for the whole weekend. He replied with the response I expected about this being a trip for him and my brothers. He told me that we would go camping as a family when the weather go warmer and that I could go then. "We have to get going soon Jen, and I still need to talk with Mary before we go for the weekend. Let's head back in." My dad led the way inside the house from the garage. I followed closely at his heels. We navigated the entrance to the house and made our way down the hallway to the kitchen. Mary was still busy at work making the final preparations to write her paper. She looked up as we entered the room and her eyes made contact with my father.

"Are you leaving already?" She asked him and he replied that he was in a few minutes. He handed Mary an envelope and told her that she could either cook something or order a pizza for dinner. He also reminded her that his cell phone number and the number of my aunt were on the fridge if some thing did happen. Scott and Sean passed through the kitchen on their way to the car and waved goodbye as they passed. My father stooped over and put his hand on my shoulder as our eyes met. “Now Jennifer, mind your sister while we’re out, and no wild parties you two.” He said with a quick grin on his face. I giggled and told him that we would keep the house standing while he was gone. He nodded and I hugged him goodbye and watched him exit the kitchen for the garage. I took a seat at the table across from Mary and stared out the window. I watched as my father and brothers pulled away in their car. When they were gone, I turned around and faced Mary. Now it was just her, her long paper and me for the weekend.

I shifted the chair around and turned my gaze to observe my sister as she worked. I folded my arms on the table and rested my chin as I watched her work. I had to face reality, Mary had plans with her term paper this weekend and I was going to be bored. Mary continued to work diligently on her paper. She ignored my presence in the room for the next 10 minutes or so. Then, she looked up and asked, "Jen how long are you going to sit there, why don't you go watch TV or something?" I explained that I was bored and I just felt like sitting here for the time being. "Well, you're annoying me to say the least" she offered. I protested that I wasn't making any noise and that I wasn't trying to bother her. However, she explained that I was disturbing her concentration just by looking at her. She reiterated the importance of getting this paper done this weekend.

I just shrugged and told her I didn't know what to do. I had looked forward to seeing her all week and now I really couldn't do anything with her because of her stupid paper. She asked me how long I was going to bother her and I replied that I was probably going to be there until her paper was finished. I told her "That was just the way it was and there was nothing you could do about it so there" Oh yeah,” she replied "want to bet? With that, Mary slammed the book she was reading shut on her notes and got up. She headed out of the room and wandered down the hallway to the room I shared with Scott. I watched her movements curiously, but I decided not to follow her. She returned in a minute carrying several items that she had retrieved from my room. I knew at once what she had in mind.

Mary reentered the kitchen holding several long pieces of cotton clothesline in her hand. She had taken them from the stash that Scott kept in his lower dresser drawer. Mary walked up behind the chair where I was sitting. "If you don't quit annoying me, I am going to tie you up Jennifer." She said with a serious tone in her voice. I could tell that it was just a threat to get me to behave, but I decided to call her bluff on the issue. "Go ahead," I replied. Mary just shrugged and knelt down behind the wooden chair I was seated in. She didn't waste a single word further and went straight to work on me. She reached around and grabbed a hold of my wrists. She guided my arms back between two of the slats on the chair behind my back and set to work tying them together. I suppose I should take a second and describe what I was wearing. I was dressed in the clothes that I had worn to school that day. My outfit consisted of a set of pink overalls and a red sweatshirt. I was also wearing a pair of white socks and my good school shoes. They were a set of black t-strap flat bottomed Mary Janes.

Mary pulled my wrists together and began coiling the rope around them in a figure 8 pattern. She made about 9 loops around each of them horizontally making sure each pass was tight. Then she wrapped them vertically in the middle of the ropes to tighten the tie down even more. I looked over my shoulder as I watched my sister work the ropes tight. She finished the tie by tightening the ends together above the center of my wrist and knotting it off out the reach of my fingers. I winced a little as she drew the ropes tight to their final tension. Mary then proceeded to scoot my chair out from under the table and drew it backward towards the wall. Then she circled around to my front and repeated the tie around my ankles. She tied my feet together parallel with the figure 8 pattern and horizontal tightening loops to keep it snug. She drew my legs tight and knotted them off. Finally, she turned my chair to face the wall. Then Mary walked away leaving me to struggle and returned to her own seat at the table.

Mary instructed me to face the wall and keep quiet or she would gag me. I decided that was one thing that I didn't want. I liked being tied up, but I really hated it when somebody gagged me. It just made my mouth ache after a while and it really doesn’t add anything to the experience. So, I decided to comply with my sister's wishes. I twisted and squirmed against the ropes that Mary had applied to my wrists and ankles. They were tight and quite secure against any initial struggles. I twisted my arms and legs against the ropes in every direction, but it proved to be a useless effort on my part. I wasn't going anywhere until Mary decided otherwise. After a few minutes of trying, I relaxed my efforts and accepted my situation. Mary had done a good job. I risked a glance over my shoulder to find her deeply engrossed in her work. Her frustration was proving to be a good motivator for her.

I stared at the wall blankly and let my situation sink in. I sat up and repositioned myself for comfort once in awhile and gave a little tug against the ropes. But, I gave up any real effort to escape from this. I began thinking about the way Mary had tied me up. Scott and Sean were both pretty good at it, but Mary was the real expert of the 4 of us. Either of my brothers would have used quite a bit more rope to secure me to the chair that I was currently tied to. Scott would have done my knees, and upper arms. He would also have anchored my legs to the cross bar beneath the chair to minimize any movement. However, Mary had just used two pieces of rope to make a simple tie and it was effective. Usually, something would have loosened up by now and offered some slack to the situation. Yet, my wrist and ankles stayed drawn tightly to each other as Mary had originally tied them. I had to give my sister credit that she was pretty good at this stuff.

Mary looked over at me and told me she was ready to start the actual writing process of the paper. She explained that she would need to move to the living room to type on the computer. Her first order of business was to pick me up, chair and all and move me into the living room. Mary plopped me down in the far corner of the room facing away from her. Then, she returned to the kitchen to get her notes and books. When she returned, she plunked her supplies down on the computer desk and booted up the computer. "I want you where I can keep an eye on you Jennifer", she explained as she waited for the machine to boot up. “I don't want to forget about you while I am working on this paper. Just let me know if you are getting sore or if you want out.” she said with a quiet smile. I returned her look and told her that I would let her know if I was uncomfortable.

Mary spent the next hour or so typing away on the computer at her paper while I sat in the corner of the living room and struggled against my ropes. I attempted to struggle loose now and again, but it proved to be a futile effort on my part. Eventually, I just gave up and waited for Mary to find time to stop and notice me. However, she continued to drum away on the keyboard in the background. I looked up at the clock and it was already 6:30. I had been tied up for almost two hours now and I had really lost track of time. Also, I was starting to get hungry. "Mary, I think I have had enough for the moment.” I interjected into the situation. Mary looked up from the computer screen for the first time in over an hour. "Sorry little sister, I almost forgot about you. I told you to let me know when you were tired of being tied up."

Mary got up and walked over to where I was bound in the corner of the living room. She leaned down and undid the ropes that secured my wrists. I pulled my hands forward glad to be free of the ropes as I massaged the circulation back into my wrists. Meanwhile, Mary went around to my front and undid the bindings on my ankles. I stood up and stretched for a moments, still stiff from the ropes. I asked Mary about dinner, and she said that she would throw something in the oven. It was time for a break anyhow. She went into the kitchen and set about putting a frozen pizza into the oven and turned it on. Then, Mary came over to the table and sat down to wait for it to cook. She beckoned me to come over and join her. So, I walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table across from my sister.

We began talking about several things going on in both of our lives. I didn't get to see my sister all that often and it was nice to have her home. The conversation bounced from topic to topic, but it eventually came back to the evening’s events and Mary's term paper. Ding! The buzzer went off in the background signaling that the frozen pizza was done. Mary got up and walked over to the stove and opened the oven. "Sorry about keeping you tied up for so long earlier." Mary said as she pulled the tray from the oven. I told her that it was okay and that I enjoyed these games from time to time. Mary explained that it had kept me out of her hair during the afternoon and she had almost forgotten that I was there. I nodded and told her it was all right. After all, I should have spoken up earlier if I wanted to be released. Also, it wasn't the longest period of time that I had spent tied up in my lifetime. (I had been tied up over night on several occasions. Check the archives from August and September if you want to see some of those stories.)

Mary brought over the pizza and we sat down and shared it. Mary let me have more of it than she did. She explained that she was on a diet and would probably be eating something later while she worked on her paper anyway. We ate and the conversation went back to bouncing from topic to topic over dinner. Then, a sudden curiosity hit me. "Mary, I wonder what it would be like to be tied up for a whole weekend?" I asked with a quick giggle. Mary caught the sarcasm in my voice and smiled. "Be careful what you wish for Jen, I might just take you up on that offer. It was nice having you quiet and out of my hair this afternoon. I am really making some progress on my paper." Mary replied with a smug smirk. We both laughed at the idea, but as absurd as it sounds, it was going through both of our heads at the moment. Sibling relationships can be scary sometimes when you think about it.

Well, unfortunately I have to end this part of the story here. It is good to be back and I am looking forward to posting the rest of this story here in the near future. Wonder what happened next, check back in a little while and will post the next part of the story if some of you are interested. Feel free to leave me some comments. I always appreciate feedback. Until next time.


Jennifer's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section

Re: A Long Weekend tied up

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:37 am
by Soraka
After we finished eating dinner, Mary told me to go and get ready for bed. I looked over at the clock and it was already 7:45. Mary had gotten pretty wrapped up in her paper and we had both lost track of time for the moment. She told me that she was going to be up late working on her paper tonight and didn't want me to be up past my bedtime to bother her this evening. Usually I went to bed at 9:00 so her telling me to get ready wasn't really out of the ordinary. I asked her about her comment earlier and if she was really serious about keeping me tied up all weekend. Mary gave me a quiet smile and said that we would see. With that she exited the room and returned to working on her paper. She seemed determined to get it done and I decided not to get in her way after this afternoon. It was pretty late anyway and I decided to take her advice and get ready for bed.

I went down the hallway to my bedroom and opened the door. It was still pretty cold inside. My bedroom was on the outside wall of the house and it was always a few degrees colder than the rest of the house. It had been an addition to the house before Scott and I were born to use for extra storage. When my parents had two more children, they decided to let us have the room to share to keep peace between making the older siblings share their rooms with us. I walked over to my dresser and set the alarm on my alarm clock for 7:00 the next morning just in case. I usually woke up before then out of my school waking habits, but I like to have an alarm set just incase. I took a quick glance out the window.

It was still snowing lightly outside and I could see the reason for cool temperature. I had hoped that the snow would be over by the start of March, but it was just one of those years. Oh well, I thought another cold night here in Ohio. I opened the bottom drawer on my dresser and pulled out a set of pajamas for the night. The set I selected was one of those one-piece sleepers that little kids usually wear. I still had a few of them that I liked to where when it was cold at night. It was a solid yellow fleece in color with a zipper that went from the chin down to the waist. The sleeves ended in a ribbon cuff that matched the trim around the neck and yes, it had the little built in feet with the white skid resistant bottoms. I also grabbed a change of undergarments and headed for the bathroom down the hallway.

When I arrived, I opened the door and flipped on the light switch. Next, I took off my school outfit and deposited it in the hamper across from the door and turned on the water. I spent the next 20 minutes or so taking a bath and getting cleaned up for bed. After I was done bathing, I dried off and change in to my pj's for the evening. Then I proceeded to brush my teeth and put the other things away. Finally, I turned off the light and proceeded down the hallway towards the kitchen. I passed through the kitchen and walked into the living room where Mary was still busy typing away on the computer. I passed through without comment and headed over to where my winter coat hanged on the wall. I reached into the pockets and took something out of one of them.

Mary offered a quick glance in my direction acknowledging my presence in the room. She told me she would be come see me in about half an hour and she wanted me in bed for the night by then. I nodded and headed out of the living room and back through he kitchen. My trek ended back at the door of my bedroom, which I opened and entered with the premise of getting ready for bed. It was going to be a cold night this evening, and I wanted to make sure that I was going to be warm enough. I looked up at the clock on the dresser, and it was already 8:30, so I didn't have all that much time before 9:00. I walked over to my chest of drawers and opened the bottom drawer up again. I dug through the drawer's contents until I found what I was looking for. I grabbed two coils of cotton clothesline and threw them over on the bed. I had already decided that I was going to spend the evening tied up. I also pulled out a white night gown and carried it over to the bed with me.

(I know that this may seem a little strange to some of you, but this was really common practice for me. I grew up in a weird family so to say. It wasn't uncommon for me to wear more than one layer of pjs to bed or to fall asleep tied up. Our parents knew about our tie up games and rarely intervened as long as no one got hurt. They never directly participated to say, but they really didn't think that it was unnatural at the time. If you want more examples, read my past stories in the archives of this page or on my website if it is still up and running. Looking back on them, I guess I grew up in a less than normal household, but thats what makes a person unique in a way. Well, back to the story.)

I hiked over to the bed where I had laid everything out. It had crossed my mind to take my sister up on her earlier offer. I wondered what it would be like to be tied up for a whole weekend. So, I thought I would give it a try, with a little help from Mary of course. That meant that I should spend the night tied up. This was nothing new for me, but I didn't want to trouble Mary too much about it. I decided to add a second layer to my feet, before I began tying. I reached under my bed and pulled out my loony toons tweety bird slippers. They were the types that covered the foot completely with a little stuffed character head at the toe. I slipped them on overtop of my pajama feet and drew them up until my feet were covered. I reached down and untangled the little sock tops to them around my ankles and laid them flat. The slippers were quite padded and would keep me warm tonight as well as keep the ropes I was going to add from digging into my ankles. With them on, I picked up the first coil of rope and began to untangle it. It took a minute or two before I could draw it to its full length.

I put my feet together and wrapped the end of the rope around the sock top on my left ankle. I left about a foot of cord trailing from the end of the knot. Then, I took the open end of the rope and began to wrap it around my ankles in a figure 8 pattern. I had learned the pattern from my cousins during a tie up game over Christmas break. I worked better than just wrapping loops of rope around the ankles and made it harder to struggle free from being tied. up. I made about 7 passes around my ankles until I was down to about 2 and 1/2 feet of rope left. I used the last of the rope to wrap the center of the tie off between my legs and to tighten the ropes down. Finally, I took the loose end from the first knot and the end of the rope from the coils and started tying them together. I tied the ends together in a triple knot and tucked the loose tails of the rope into the tie. It was finished. Next, I took a moment and tested the ropes to make sure they were secure.

I pulled my legs against each other and moved them up and down a little. The ropes didn't yield any real slack to my efforts and remained in place. I decided that I had done a pretty good job and proceeded to the next phase of the tie. I proceeded to uncoil the second coil of rope that I had procured from the bottom drawer earlier. I pushed my legs closer together and began adding the reinforcing rope to them I wrapped the rope around my legs behind my knees and drew it snug. I made a total of nine passes before I pulled it tight and knotted it off in the middle. This drew my legs even tighter together and took most of the leverage away from my ankles. I didn't wrap the center of the rope on this tie, because if would become uncomfortable after an hour or so around the knees in this case. I took another moment to make sure that my legs were secure by pulling against the ropes in several different directions. My efforts yielded almost no movement. The ropes were quite secure and I doubted that I would be unable to get out of them without untying the knots that held them in place.

Content that my legs weren't going anywhere for the night, I shifted around so that I was sitting with my legs over the end of my. Next, I allowed my feet to drop to the floor, and I attempted to rise on my bound legs. Trying to stand with your legs tied together at the ankles and knees can be a little tough, but I was getting pretty good at it after the number of times that I had been tied up. I steadied myself and made sure that my balance was intact before I risked letting go of the edge of the bed and started about my next task. I picked up the white nightgown that I had taken from the dresser a few minutes ago and started to don it. I let the garment fall into place around me as I worked my arms into the sleeves and my head through the top of it. Finally, I zipped it up in the back to close it. The nightgown was made of white cotton and offered some additional warmth against the cold evening. It had long sleeves that ended in a gather cuff and white flower trim around the neckline. The gown portion went all the way down to the floor covering my feet. It was a little long, but I still liked it on a cold night as a second layer of pajamas. With the nightgown in place, I sat down on the edge of the bed.

The last thing that I added to the outfit was the set of fleece mittens that I had removed from my winter coat's pocket earlier. They were pink in color and had another layer of lining inside to help keep the hands warm. I pulled them on over my hands and took a moment to tuck their cuffs into the cuffs on my sleeper. Then I pulled the cuffs of the nightgown down overtop of them and waited for Mary to come tuck me in for the night. The mittens served three purposes for the evening since I wanted to spend it tied up. The first was that they would keep my hands warm against the cold evening, which was their original function. The second was that they would provide some protection against the ropes digging into my wrists. Finally, the real reason I decided to use them was because I liked the way felt when my hands are tied up. They kind of tie up your fingers by grouping them together in a pouch. This makes it more difficult to manipulate smaller items, and it really makes it harder to untie knots even if you can reach them. After a few minutes, I heard Mary coming down the hallway towards me.

I glanced over at the clock on the dresser; it was already 9:10. Mary was a little behind on coming to check on me to make sure I was going to sleep on time. However, she had probably just lost track of time working on her paper. Mary entered the room just peaking her head through the door for the first moment. "I thought I told you to be asleep by nine Jennifer. What are you still doing up?" I glanced over at her and gave her a shrug. "I was waiting for you to come and tuck me in," I said. Mary entered the room and looked down at me for a moment. Nothing seemed to be out of place at first, but then Mary noticed the ropes on my ankles. "Are you planning to sleep tied up tonight?" Mary asked with an inquisitive look on her faces. I nodded and asked her about what she had said earlier. "Are you serious that you wanted to keep me tied up for the entire weekend?" Mary gave me a questionative stare and ran the thought through her head.

Her response to my question was another question. "Do you want to spend the whole weekend tied up?" she asked. I nodded and told her that it sounded like a neat experience to me. To this point in my life, other than occasionally spending an evening tied up the longest time I had ever been kept a prisoner was about 6 hours. I wanted to see what it would be like to spend an entire weekend not being able to move around at all, or at least having my movement as limited as possible. Mary thought it over for a minute and shrugged. "All right, we can try it if you want Jennifer, but you have to take a couple of breaks here and there." I nodded; I didn't really expect it to be a 24-hour deal. Also, I told Mary not to gag me, that way I could change my mind if I wanted to down the line.

"Could you do my hands please?" I asked putting my mittens together in front of me. Mary nodded an d picked up the piece of clothesline on the bed and straightened it out. Then, she began wrapping it around my wrists in the figure 8 pattern. She made about 7 passes drawing it tight at the end of each pass. Then, she cinched off the middle of the tie 4 or 5 times before knotting it on top of my wrists. I gave the rope a quick tug to confirm that it was secure. Then I laid down on my right side and bent my legs a little bit. Mary reached over and pulled the blanket up over to the base of my neck and folded it down. "Good night little sister, sleep tight." She said with a joking tone of voice as she kissed me good night on the cheek. I listened as she walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. Then I closed my eyes and before long I was fast asleep.

I think this is a good place to put a break in the story. There is more to come, but I need more time to put it together. Come by and read the story next week, if you want to know what happens next. Until then, take care.


Re: A Long Weekend tied up

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:38 am
by Soraka
It has been a little while hasn't it. I saw the new suggestion post at the top of the page about posting a multipart story in one post. However it has been about a month and I wanted to make sure that people knew I was posting. I will be putting the remainder of this story under this post so look here from time to time

Well, I am back with the third part of my story. This time I am going to skip the opening small talk. Here we go.

I sat up to the buzz of the alarm clock that I had set the night before. It beeped repeatedly in the background. It was morning already as I looked across the room at the first light seeping through the window. I threw back the covers revealing my bound legs and settled myself over the edge of the bed. Next, I stood up and took two small hops over towards the dresser where the clock was still buzzing a glorious 7:00 am. I reached up and pulled the switch into the alarm position. It was a little difficult with my hands tied together, but I was getting to be pretty good at this. I had plenty of practice. With the alarm quieted, I shuffled back over to the bed and seated myself with a gentle thud. I was still dressed in my footed pjs, nightgown, slippers and mittens from the night before. My ankles and knees were tied together under the nightgown and my wrists were secured in front of me.

I shifted my position back onto the bed, pulling my legs up and stretching them out in front of me. It had been a long night and I was a little stiff from the ropes that Mary hand used on my arms and the ones that I had added to my own legs before going to sleep. I stretched for a moment of two and then I decided that I needed to get out of the ropes at least for a moment. I had to use the bathroom. Unfortunately, Mary was probably still sleeping from working on her paper last night. She would likely be angry with me if she was woken up over this. So, I was on my own. Still, it really wasn't all that big of a deal. Glanced down and examined the ropes on my hands. Mary had tied them snugly, but there was a little wiggle room and the knot was right on top. It only took me a moment to reach it with my mouth. I bit down on one of the tails of the rope and began to work the knot out of the tie.

It took a few minutes and a fair amount of effort, but I managed to free the knot on my hands. Then I uncoiled the cinches and undid a couple of the coils so I could work my hands out of the ropes. After a few tugs my hands were free. Then I proceeded to shed the mittens from my hands so I could regain the use of my fingers to get my legs out. It only took a minute or two to untie my feet and knees. Then I padded down over to the door and out into the hallway. I walked across the hallway to the bathroom and opened the door. Next, I shut the door behind me and clicked the lock into place. Then I proceeded to shed my night down so I could use the bathroom. I threw it in the hamper and went about my business. I also brushed my teeth and did the remainder of my morning routine. When I finished, I opened the door and proceeded back into the hallway.

I headed down to the kitchen and entered the room. I found that Mary was already sitting at the table with a cup of coffee in hand looking over a document. She seemed more organized than all the research cluttered from the night before. "Good morning", I offered looking over at my sister. Mary took a deep draught of coffee from her cup as she looked up at me. She returned my greeting with a pleasant smile followed by a deep yawn. "What are you up to so early this morning?" She replied that she was going over her paper one last time to make sure it was ready to turn in. "I thought you said that it would take you all weekend to finish the paper?" I inquired. "I thought so too, but I stayed up late a finished it last night. I am running on about 3 hours of sleep Jen. But, I decided to wake up and get it out of the way. Maybe I can catch up on my sleep later tonight." she said.

I just shrugged and walked over to the counter to get a bowl of cereal. "What happened to you Jen, I thought you wanted to stay tied up all weekend?" she asked with a strong sarcastic tone to her voice. I explained my trip to the bathroom and that I need to free myself to accomplish it. I told her that I might get back to it after breakfast. Mary nodded and went back to proofreading her paper. I gathered a bowl of cereal and added milk to it. I also got a glass of juice from the fridge and set it on the table. I took the chair opposite my sister and began eating in silence as she continued to glance at her paper. Every now and again she would glance up at me. Finally, Mary broke the silence and spoke first. "Are you really serious that you want to spend the whole weekend tied up Jennifer?" she asked.

I finished my current bite of cereal and replied. "Sure, why not? I thought it would be a neat idea so that I wouldn't bother you while you worked on your paper. But if you’re done and you want to do something else, I can pass on the idea to." Mary put down her paper for the first time since I she had arrived home and brought her glance to meet mine. "The weather is supposed to be crummy this weekend. I really didn't have anything planned to do with you this weekend because of my paper. If you want, I could kidnap you for the rest of the weekend if you want." I looked over at Mary and asked her what she had in mind and she returned my stare with a cold expression on her face. Then Mary's eyes lightened up and she began to give me an explanation.

Mary told me that she really didn't plan to kidnap me or take me out of the house. She explained though that she would keep me tied up all day. She explained that she had done it to Sean before when our parents weren't home. She told me the short version of the story, so that I would get an idea of what to expect. I am going to omit it here because I don't remember enough of it to tell it. When she finished, she gave me a few minutes to think the idea over and went back into the living room to make some final corrections on her paper. I gave the idea some serious consideration as I ate breakfast. Mary had told me that if I wanted to be her prisoner for the weekend, she wouldn't untie me unless it was an emergency, even if I asked her to. After I finished eating, I walked over and set my bowl in the sink rinsed it out along with my glass. Then I headed into the living room to give Mary my answer.

I entered the room with my gaze to the floor and then I looked up to find Mary typing away at her computer. She looked over at me and said "Well Jen, have you made up your mind?" I answered that I had, but I had a few conditions of my own. I explained to Mary that I didn't want to be gagged and there were a few other things that I mentioned. Mostly a couple of ways that I didn't want to be tied up. Mary nodded and told me that was fine with her. She hadn't planned on anything too elaborate anyway. She told me that I should go and change my outfit. She explained that she wasn't going to untie me to use the bathroom, and that I would have a difficult time wearing a blanket sleeper. I had to agree with her on that. Also, she told me not to choose something with a long hem like a dress. I nodded and told her I would be right back.

I headed down the hallway into my room and closed the door behind me. I spent the next few minutes digging throughout the dresser trying to choose an outfit. I wanted something comfortable that wouldn't be too difficult to get out of if I needed to use the bathroom. After some searching, I gave up looking for a normal outfit and just settled on a set of my normal pajamas. They were a soft blue in color and made of a soft cotton material. The set consisted of a long set of pants that had an elastic waistband and ended in a loose folded over cuff. The top matched the bottoms and buttoned down the front. It had long sleeves that ended in loose cuffs and a fold over collar at the top. It also had a pocket on the chest with a teddy bear on it. I changed out of my sleeper and put them on. Then I added a set of my slippers to finish off the outfit. They were pink in color and looked almost like ballet slippers. The slid over the foot and were held in please by an elastic strap in the middle. Finally, I replace the fleece pair of mittens I had worn to bed the night before.

Content with my outfit, I exited the room and went back to the living room where Mary was still finishing up her paper. I entered the room and told her that I was ready if she was. Mary nodded and told me to wait here for her. She went back through the kitchen and into her old room or at least that is where I think that she went I waited for about 10 minutes until she returned holding a small backpack that I had never seen before. I asked her about its contents and she explained that it was just her old tie up stuff from when she was younger. Mary dug through the bag until she found what she was looking for. It was a long coil of rope, which she began to unwrap in front of me. I watched as she undid the securing tuck and let the end of the coil of rope hit the floor. She asked me if I was ready to get started and I replied that I was. Mary nodded and asked me to turn around and stand still.

I turned my back to her and let my arms come to rest at my sides as my sister approached me from behind with the rope. She gave me no instructions as she gently took hold of my left wrist. I took a deep breath and though ' here we go ' to myself. Mary took the rope and brought it up about 3 feet from one of the ends and secured it to my wrist with an overhand knot. The rope itself must have been about 13 to 16 feet long. It was a cotton clothesline similar to what Scott and I usually used, but it was a lot thicker. The rope was at least twice the diameter that we usually used. Once Mary had tightened the main knot of the rope, she took hold of my right hand and guided it gently backwards. She brought my hands to a simple criss cross-position in the middle of my back. Mary then proceeded to bind my hands together using a square lashing. Sean had provided me the proper name for it from the scouts. It consists of going over one arm and under the other alternating directions. She used the longer tail of the rope to do this

When she finished about five passes, Mary took the long tail of the rope and began frapping the lashing down to secure it better to my wrists. Next, she proceeded to wrap the tail of the rope around my hands the way you normally would make horizontal loops to reinforce the tie. Finally, she finished off the main tie with three vertical loops to cinch every thing down into place. And knotted it off on the top of the tie. Mary made sure the knot was well out of the reach of my fingers. Not that it would have mattered with the mittens I was wearing anyway. I gave the tie a quick jerk to check it. It wasn't tight enough to cut off circulation, but I could already tell that I wasn't going anywhere. Mary had left about a 3-foot tail on each end of the rope. She pushed my hands snug against the lower part of my back. Then she proceeded to bring the two tails of rope around my waist. She passed the two ends past each other in front and wrapped them back around my back. Mary pulled them snug to pin my hands tighter to my waist. Finally, she yanked the two ends around me again and brought the ends together in the front. There she knotted them off. Then she stood back to admire her work.

I gave Mary a smile and tried pulling against the ropes so that she could see that I was really trapped. Try as I might, the ropes pinned my mittens to the small of my back without much chance of an escape. "I'm really not getting out of this am I Mary?" I said with a little giggle. Mary smiled and replied "NO Jennifer, you’re not. Sean never managed to get out of it either. Well, I have work to do, I will leave you to your own efforts." she said. With that, Mary hiked over to the computer to continue finishing up her paper. "Hey aren't you going to tie my feet up too?" I protested. Mary looked over at me and just shrugged, "Maybe if I feel like it later." I protested again saying that this wasn't enough and she told me that was tough. I was her prisoner for the weekend and she would decide when and how to tie me up. I just sulked back and seated myself on the couch with a soft thud.

It just wasn't much fun to struggle with just my hands tied. I preferred to be secured better than this if I was going to be tied up all weekend. I asked my sister again, but it generated the same response as before. So, I decided to give the matter up. It was an argument that I couldn't win apparently. So, I decided to watch some TV to pass the time until Mary finished with her paper. I scooted over to the edge of the couch to retrieve the remote from its holder in the organizer bag on the left armrest. To my surprise I found it missing. I looked over at Mary and asked her if she knew where the remote was. Mary answered my question by holding it up for me to see it in her left hand. "Sorry Jennifer, but you are not watching any TV today. You’re my prisoner and I don't want you watching TV," she said. I just shrugged and walked over to the TV to turn it on manually. She might have the remote, but I didn't need it. Or at least I thought I didn't. It turned out that Mary had anticipated that move as well almost without thinking about it. Even when I stood up on my tiptoes, my bound hands were about foot short of being able to reach the on button.

Defeated, I walked slowly back over to the couch and sat down. I gave my ropes another couple of hard tugs, but it was a pointless effort. Mary looked over at me and told me to quit struggling so much. I looked over at her and I told her that I thought the point of this was to try and escape. Mary shook her head and explained the situation to me. "The point isn't to escape Jennifer. The point is for you to spend the day all tied up without being able to move around very much. You need to just relax. If you struggle like that all day, you are going to be quite sore in a couple of hours and I am not going to untie you for that reason," she explained. “Sit still and I will add some more ropes when I get done with my paper in a little while. I don't know what your big hurry is we have all day and I just want to get my paper out of the way first. I am almost done." I seated myself back on the sofa and relaxed my efforts. I watched Mary as she continued to work on her paper. I decided to take her advice. My wrists were already getting a little sore and I didn't want to risk getting hurt.

Well everyone that is about 5 pages so I am going to wraps this up here for the time being. I am sorry that I didn't get further into the story, but I have other things I need to get done. I will try to post the next segment sooner than this one was. I had a long day with Mary running the show or so to say. Until next time.


Re: A Long Weekend tied up

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:38 am
by Soraka
Hello again everyone, I finally posted my last story on Canucks message board, and I have also got around to updating my own site. I know this series has been hanging aloft in the air for some time and there are quite a few people who want me to finish it. So, I am going to write the rest of the story in one installment and post it here. So, without further ado here we go the final segment of this growing story.

As most of you remember, from my last part of the story I was sitting on the sofa in the living room in my light blue pj's. My hands were tied behind me and secured to my waist in the small of my back. Mary was sitting at the desk finishing her paper and she was also withholding the TV remote. Sorry for the recap, but it has been a while and I wanted to make sure that we are all on the same page.

I sat quietly on the sofa and watched the clock turn slowly onward. It seemed to be the longest half hour of my life. Meanwhile I listened to the pit pat of Mary typing away at the desk on her paper for school. I shifted my position a little from time to time to get more comfortable. I also gave the ropes a few good tugs from time to time to check their security. It was pretty much absolute and prevented any hope I had of escape. However for the most part I just sat and waited for Mary to finish her paper. After all, I didn't want to disturb her or it would take longer. Then after what seemed like an eternity I heard a new sound.

The printer attached to the living room computer hummed to life and began to produce the final copy of Mary's term paper. I watched as the ink head moved back and forth gliding the words onto the blank white pages. It took a few moments, but the printer finally produced two hard copies of the paper. Meanwhile, Mary was saving the final draft to a disk that she had brought home from college. Then she turned and stapled the final two hard copies each in the upper left hand corner and deposited them into a folder that was laying to her left on the desk. Finally, Mary switched the computer off and rose from her chair. Then she turned her attention towards me.

“Well, Jen that about does it for my paper. Now we can have some fun if you are ready.“ She said as she lifted the folder under her arm and headed for the kitchen to deposit it into her school bag. I sat up and watched her movements carefully full of anticipation of what she had planned. Mary disappeared for a moment and then she returned a few moments later from the kitchen. Her face was clearly tired, but she wore a look of satisfaction after getting a difficult task accomplished. Then she head over to where I was sitting and seated herself down on the sofa right next to me. Then she just leaned back, stretched out her arms and let loose a long yawn. Next, she rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes and looked over at me with a warm grin on her face.

I returned her stare unsure of what she had in mind, but I found out soon enough. All at once, Mary reached down and worked her hands under the bottom of my pajama top right around my exposed tummy. Then she began to tickle the living daylights out of me. She worked her hands up and down my sides gently, and she knew right where to get me. I started laughing out loud and squirmed away mostly out of reflex. But, Mary wouldn't be deterred that easily. She used her right arm to push me backwards and pin me flat on the sofa and her left to continue the assault. I squirmed all over the place, kicking my legs and struggling. I was laughing loudly all the time. Try as I might I couldn't escape, Mary was a real expert at this.

The tickling was just playful in nature. After a minute or two Mary let up and allowed me to catch my breath. “Having fun yet sis?” I drew in a couple of deep breaths trying to recover. I found myself unable to speak recognizably from the lack of air. So, I just nodded and smiled; I was having the time of my life here with Mary. My sister answered my response with another dose of tickling for another minute or two, which prompted the same reaction as the initial assault. Again, she stopped after a short interlude of about a minute or two. Then Mary removed the arm that she was pinning me with and pulled me back into a sitting position.

“Well Jennifer, now that I got that out of my system, for the time being at least. What do you want to do now?“ I looked up at my sister with a questionable stare. I was perplexed by the question. “What do you mean?” I asked with a blank expression on my face. Mary took a moment to collect her thoughts and answered. “There are quite a few things we could do. We could watch TV, play a board game, get something to eat, or we could just hang out and talk if you like.“ I looked back over my shoulder for a moment to make sure that my reasoning wasn't mistaken. Then I reminded my sister that my hands were secured behind my back with mittens over them. I told here that I really didn't think I could do many of those things like that.

Mary nodded at the obvious implication I gave her. “I know that silly, I would have to help you, but we can still have fun even if you’re tied up.“ I gave my sister another questionative stare and just shrugged. “I don't know what do you want to do?” Mary contemplated the question, but then she decided to alter the course of the conversation. “Do you still want me to tie your feet up too or do you want me to leave the free you can walk around?“ I looked over at my sister. I had almost forgotten my earlier request and I told here that I wanted them to be tied as well as my hands. Mary told me to stay put for a second and that she would be right back. She exited the room and headed into the kitchen.

Mary was gone for a few minutes before she returned to the living room carrying a couple of things with her. In her left hand she had two small coils of rope. They were likely from the stash that Scott and I kept in our room. In the other hand she was carrying a checker set that she placed over on the coffee table. Mary walked over to where I was seated. “Well then Jen, let's make you a little less mobile shall we?“ She stated. I nodded and allowed here to start on my legs. Mary had me lean back against the back of the sofa. Then she had me fold my legs Indian style in front of me up on top of the sofa. It really wasn't what I hand expected.

Once I was seated properly, Mary proceeded to type my legs together. She typed my right ankle to my leg right below the left knee and vice versa. She used some quarter inch cotton close line that was about 4 feet in length on each of my ankles. She maDE five or six loops on each end and cinched them off between my ankles and my knees before knotting each side off on the top. After drawing each of my ankles tight she stepped back to admire her handiwork, awaiting my approval. I was now tied with my arms behind my back, sitting cross-legged on the sofa. This was one of the first times that I had been tied up like this. I gave my legs a few good tugs in each direction, but I soon learned that I was completely immobilized from the waist down. The tie kept me from being able to unfold my legs. Also, I couldn't shift side to side, kick, or even attempt to hog away. This really was a lot more effective than just tying the feet together at the ankles. I pulled against my ropes a whole for a few minutes. I knew there was no way that I could escape from this independently aside from dumb luck. But it felt neat to struggle a little. I was having a great time.

Meanwhile Mary had opened the box to the checkers set and was setting up a game on the coffee table. I gave her a curious look and asked whom she was planning to play against. After all, I was not an obvious candidate bound like I was. “Do, you want to go first Jennifer or should I?” she asked as she put the last piece into its normal starting position on the board. “And how exactly am I supposed to play like this? I cannot even reach the board.” Mary smiled back. ”Well, I will have to move the pieces for you. You just tell me what you want to move and I will move it for you.“ she explained. I caught onto her explanation quickly and told her that she could have the first move.

The game began slowly at first. I had to admit this was an interesting experience for me. This was the first time that I had played a game of checkers while I was tied up. It took me a while to come up with a system for directing Mary to which piece I wanted to move a piece where I wanted to move it. However, after a few minutes I got the hang of it and the game proceeded. Mary beat me hands down. She was always the better player and I had a major distraction to deal with. But, I really didn't care. I was too indulged with my situation to care about the outcome of the game so directly. After the game concluded, Mary gave me a rematch, which ended with the same result.

After the second game, it was becoming apparent that Mary was getting bored with playing. She boxed the game back up and returned it to my room where it was stored. Meanwhile I sat on the sofa and waited for her to return. I was getting a little stiff from being tied up like this. The way that my legs were bound prevented me from being able to shift to a new sitting position. Mary came back into the room and looked over at me. She must have been able to tell about my becoming uncomfortable. Without a word she hiked over to the couch and began to undo the ropes binding my legs. It took her a minute or two, but she freed my feet from their bindings at least.

I didn't argue with her decision. My legs were too stiff and I welcomed the opportunity to stretch me legs out. “I know that it can be uncomfortable to be tied like that for a long period of time Jen.“ she commented. Mary gave me a minute or two to shift around and get comfortable. Then she took hold of my legs and brought my legs parallel to each other in front of me. Mary took one of the two pieces of rope and bound my ankles together snuggly. She did it in the way that it is commonly done, wrapping several loops around the ankles and then cinching it off in the middle. Then she sat down on the sofa next to me and dug the TV remote control out of her pocket.

She glanced towards me and gave me a quick grin. Then, Mary turned her attention towards the TV and clicked it on with the remote and changed the channel. My sister flipped through several channels before finding the one that she intended. I was surprised when she stopped on a cartoon that I usually watched on Saturday mornings. With the station fixed, she deposited the remote back in the couch organizer and leaned back to watch the show. I looked over at my sister and asked her, “I thought that you weren't going to let me watch TV today?” Mary gave me a quick glance and replied “I know you like this show Jennifer and I wouldn't make you miss it over our little game. Besides, I still like to watch cartoons from time to time myself.” I looked over at my sister with a questionative stare. I didn't feel like arguing about the situation and decided to make the best of it.

I shifted my attention to the TV and watch the show as it progressed. It held my attention for most of its duration. I shifted about from time to time and struggled against my ropes a little, but for the most part I ignored that I was even tied for the moment. I also gave my sister a glance from time to time especially during the commercials, but for the most part, my attention was held by the TV. Finally, the show drew to a close and Mary stood up and walked over to the TV set and stood in front of it. “So, Jennifer how are you holding up? Do, you want me to leave the TV on for a little while longer or do you want to do something else?”

I took a moment and shifted my position on the sofa little bit. I turned sideways and swung my bound legs upwards. I took advantage of my sister's absence from the couch to stretch my legs out in front of me and leaned back against the armrest of the sofa. Then I looked over at Mary as I contemplated my answer to her list of questions. I was having a good time watching TV, but I could do that any time. I had a weekend home with Mary and I wanted to spend the day with my sister. “You can turn it off if you want to, I haven't seen you in a while. Maybe we could just talk for a while.” Mary nodded and clicked the power button on the television off before she walked over to the easy chair next to the sofa and took a seat. “So, Jen what do you want to talk about?”

I began to ask Mary several questions about college and the other things that were going on in her life. I asked her if she liked living away from home and how things were going. We covered a couple of other topics, but I really don't remember what they were. Most of them were related to school, Mary's and mine and about some to the things going on here at home and our upcoming plans. We touched on Mary's paper and other classes, but they were way over my head and I got lost easily. She did her best to explain them to me; Mary was more than willing to satisfy my curiosity. She was very patient in that way. We talked back and fourth for quite a while. All the time I shifted around and struggled against my ropes now and again. However, it was a pointless effort. Mary had tied me way to securely to allow any chance of an escape and I lacked the means to release myself. Still, I was really enjoying this.

After a while, Mary broke off the conversation and drew my attention to the clock as she stared up at it. It was already going on 11. I had been tied up for a couple of hours now and Mary had a look of concern on her face. “Hey Jen, how about I untie you for a little bit and we get something to eat?” I nodded. I was starting to get pretty sore from the ropes and I was not opposed to the idea of being untied. Mary rose from the chair and circled around to where I was seated and asked me to lean forward. I complied with her request and she began untying me with my wrists. It took her a few minutes to free my hands from the complex set of ropes, but she completed it quickly enough. I brought my hands around to the front and went to work on rubbing some of the feeling back into them. Mary had left me enough slack to prevent any real risk of pain, but my arms were pretty stiff and there were still some red marks on my wrists from the ropes.

While I worked on my wrists, Mary went around and untied me the rest of the way. I had to admit it felt pretty good to regain my ability to move around. “Why don't you relax for a while and I will go and make us some lunch?” my sister suggested. I told her that was fine and that I was ready for a break anyway. With that said, Mary departed for the kitchen and turned on the oven to prepare lunch. This left me on my own in the living room. I worked some of the feeling back into my hands and feet over the next few minutes as I sat back on the couch. Then I decided to get up and headed towards the kitchen.

I entered the room and walked past Mary who was busy popping a frozen pizza into the oven. I walked pass her and head down to the hallway that connected at the rear of the kitchen. When I arrived I turned left and went down a few doors. Then I opened the door to the bathroom and headed in. I had been tied for a few hours already. I decided that I had better take this chance to use the rest room. I closed the door behind me and proceeded with my business. When I had concluded it I washed my hands and exited the bathroom and headed back down the hallway where I had come from. Then I walked back towards the kitchen planning to eat lunch.

I peered my head around the corner and asked Mary how lunch was coming and she replied that it would still be a few minutes before the pizza was ready. I decided to head back to my room for a short excursion. When I arrived, I opened the door and switched the lights into the on position. Then I hiked over to the edge of my bed and deposited the mittens that I had been wearing from when I was tied up on the headboard and began looking around the room. Next, I went over to my dresser and opened the top drawer. It had been a fun morning, but I was tired of wearing my pj's around the house. It was time to change into something more normal for the day. I picked out a green sweat suit and changed out of my pajamas. Then, I headed into the kitchen for lunch with Mary.

When I arrived, Mary was just pulling the pizza out of the oven and cutting it in half. She dished half of it up for me and the other half for herself and brought it to the table. I headed over to the refrigerator and brought out a gallon of milk and a bottle of apple juice. Once lunch was on the table, Mary went over to the cupboard and got two glasses, which she put out in front of each of us. Finally she sat down across from me and we started to eat lunch. It wasn't anything all that fancy, but after the long morning the food was a welcome sight and I ate it quite rapidly. I had worked up quite an appetite from the morning.

Mary sitting across from me began to eat as well. “So Jennifer, did you have a fun morning?” I looked up at her with a curious stare and nodded. “I had a great time this morning,” I replied. Mary smiled. “So, do you want to continue this afternoon or do you want to do something else with the rest of the day?” I thought it over for a minute before I responded. I had a fun time being tied up this morning, but it wasn't often that my sister was home me for the weekend I had to think this one over before I made a decision. I pondered on it for a moment then I gave Mary my answer. “No, I think that I have had enough tie up for one day, how about we do something different this afternoon?”

Mary told me that was okay with her and we finished eating lunch. We spent the afternoon at the roller skating rink in town and finished the evening off with a movie after dinner. It turned out to be a fun day overall, but I think that I like the morning the most out of it. I got to have a fun weekend with my sister and she managed to get her paper done. Well, since there really isn't much else to tell about this story, I am going to wrap this one up here. Don't worry though; I will have another one posted in the near future. I hope you enjoyed the conclusion of my story. Comments would be appreciated as always. Until next time.


Re: A Long Weekend tied up (F/f)

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2020 9:06 pm
by petkata41
I wish I had a sister like Mary.