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Jennifer : 06 - One Rainy Day at Home (m/f)

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:34 am
by Soraka
Jennifer's stories
06 - One Rainy Day at Home
Story index at the bottom

By Jennifer

Hello again Jennifer here again. I finally got my adjusted to my new situation and everything is pretty stable for the time being. I had some time on my hands, so I decided to add another story to my growing collection. It's good to be back. This one takes place in September about 4 weeks after my camping experience. Anyway, here we go.

I sat up on my knees staring out the window of my room. I watched as the drops of water fell in stiff steady sheets from the clouded September sky. School had been back in session for a few days now and I had been looking forward to the weekend. The weather was supposed to be nice and I wanted to play outside one last time before the cold of fall had settled in. However, I guess the weatherman on the news had been off again. So, I sat and stared out the window at listening to the soft pitter-patter the rain made on the roof of my room. It looked like it was going to be a boring Saturday at home watching rerun cartoons.

My parents were out for the day as usual and Mary had gone back to school last week and was to be absent as well. I was left home with my brothers Scott and Sean, both of whom were still sleeping. I looked over at the clock on the dresser. It was already 9:30 and I was bored out of my mind. I returned my stare to the window glaring up at the dull gray sky. I sighed wishing the rain would cease so that I could go outside and play in the yard, but there was no such luck. Mother Nature wouldn't yield to the will of a bored 8-year-old girl.

Beep, I was distracted from my view by the sound of the alarm clock going off over on the dresser. Scott sat up in bed and groggily rubbed his eyes to the humming buzz coming from the dresser. "Jennifer, could you turn that off please? I want to sleep in some more." Scott asked. I got up and walked over to the alarm clock and slid the button to the off position. The clock ceased its humming and Scott looked down at me. "I see your up early as usual, is mom still home or is she already gone?" "She's gone, she left around 8." I replied. Scott nodded and asked what I was up to on a rainy Saturday morning. I told him that I had already eaten breakfast and was waiting for the rain to stop so I could go outside. "Well Jen, sitting by the window in here won't make it go away any faster."

"I know, but there really isn't anything else to do around here. You and Sean are still asleep and mom left for the day. Could I play with your play station?" I asked. "I really prefer that you wouldn't right now. It’s really loud and I want to go back to sleep. I would really prefer that you don't do anything in here until the afternoon. Why don't you go watch some TV?" I shook my head, and explained that I had already checked the listings and there wasn't anything new on. "Couldn't we do something together I asked?" The expression on Scott's face changed from a look of sleepiness to one of annoyance. I guess he really wanted to go back to sleep and I was annoying him. Scott sat up and threw the covers off to the side of his legs. Then he rotated himself, so he could come down the ladder of the upper bunk to reach the floor.

"You really are starting to get on my nerves sis, this is the one day of the week I get to sleep in and here you are keeping me from my sleep." I retreated a few steps back; Scott really sounded upset. Scott turned his back and started walking over to the dresser; I was beginning to see what he had in mind. "Well sis, if you really want to do something, I have an idea. How about I tie you up so that you cannot bother me and then I can go back to sleep?" I thought it over for a minute and looked back at the rain falling steadily outside the window. "Okay, that sounds like a deal to me. Anything is better than sitting here bored and waiting for the rain to stop." "Good." Scott commented, "could you turn around please?” I turned my back as Scott walked over and opened the bottom drawer of the dresser. He pulled a length of coiled up rope and came over to where I was standing.

I folded my arms behind my back as Scott came over bearing the rope. I guess I will describe how I was dressed. I was wearing comfortable clothes suited for just lounging around the house on a Saturday morning. My outfit began with a long sleeve red sweatshirt that had a pony pictured on its front. Over top of it, I was wearing a set of pink overalls. They came all the way down to my ankles where they ended in a gather cuff. The front of it came up a few inches below my neckline and continued with two straps that went over my shoulders and crossed in the back. I was also wearing a pair of white socks and a set of character slippers over them. The slippers were the sock top kind that cover the whole foot and have a skid resistant pad on the bottom. They were yellow in color and had a stuffed tweety bird (Looney toons) head at the toe.

Scott came over and went to work on my hands without sparing a word. He pulled my wrists into an X shape and began wrapping loops of white clothesline around my wrists horizontally. He made five or six turns and pulled them tight. Then, he made a couple of vertical loops around the center of my tied wrists to secure them better. Then he knotted it off with a square knot on top of the vertical cinches out of the reach of my fingers. I pulled against the ropes a little and found they held pretty securely. Scott continued to restrain my hands by taking a second piece of rope that was much shorter and folding it in half. He brought the two ends together holding them in one hand and the folded end in the other. He looped the folded end over the center of the ropes binding my hands and threaded the two ends of the rope through the loon. Then he pulled it tight. This tied the rope secure in the middle overtop of my bound hands, leaving the ends free.

Scott then proceeded to wrap the two ends overtop of the vertical cinches in opposite directions for one pass each. Then he knotted the ends of the rope together on top of the tie. Scott proceeded to bring the two ends of the rope around my waist to my front. He threaded the ends of the rope through the belt loops on the waist of my overalls. Then he brought them together in front of me and pulled them tight to pin my bound wrists to the center of my waist behind my back. Finally, Scott knotted them off securely in the front. "Sorry sis, but I don't want you getting out of this. I know how good you are at bringing your hands to your front by sliding you legs through." I gave the ropes a quick tug and soon learned that the limit of my arms mobility had been reduced to less than an inch.

Scott returned to the bed and selected the longest piece of rope that we had. It was a length of clothesline somewhere between 50 and 60 ft in length. He proceeded to tie one end of it to my left upper arm, right below the shoulder. Then, he started walking the unwrapping the long coil of rope as he started to circle me. He drew the rope tight against my upper body with each pass as he encircled my upper arms with it further pinning my arms in place. After what seemed to be about 15 loops around my arms, Scott brought the end to the front and knotted it off securely. "Well Jennifer, that should keep your hands out of trouble." I pulled against the ropes and confirmed his statement with a nod. There was no way for me to get loose without help. "Do you think that's enough, or do you want me to tie your legs up too?" Scott asked. I told him that he better tie my feet too, that way I wouldn't be able to bother him at all. Scott picked up one last coil of rope and beckoned me to follow him into the hallway.

We proceeded out of the room and down the hallway towards the kitchen. We arrived there in a few minutes to find that it was still vacant. Sean must have still been asleep. Scott pulled a chair out from the kitchen table and gestured for me to have a seat. I sat down, careful to leave some space between the back of the chair and my tied arms. "Scott, are you going to tie me to the chair?" I asked. He shook his head no. "I just wanted not to be standing when I tied your legs." He explained. Scott had accomplished his goal, seated as I was; my feet were hanging a few inches above the floor. Scott knelt down and went to work on my legs. He looped one end of the rope around my right ankle over the sock top on my slipper and knotted it off to secure the end of the rope. Then, he pulled the loose end over and wrapped it around my left ankle and secured the loop with an overhand knot. Strangely though, Scott left about 9 or 10 inches of rope loose between my ankles. He then proceeded to pull the loose end back to the right ankle and tied it around my right leg again with another over hand knot. He repeated the same action a third time and secured a second loop around my left ankle.

I looked down at my feet and gave Scott a curious look. The rope had been looped and secured around each of my ankles twice, but there were three pieces of rope between my feet each about 9 or 10 inches long and Scott still had a long tail of rope left. "What are you doing?" I asked. He replied, “You’ll see, just sit tight and let me finish.” I gave him a curious smile at his pun. There really wasn't much else I could do accept sit there and wait for him to finish. Scott proceeded to finish the tie on my ankles. He took the remaining end tail of the rope and began to cocoon the three short ropes between my feet together. It was similar to how you would wrap the end of a rope around itself to make a noose. He did this all the down from the left side back to the right. It pulled the three center ropes tightly together and for one strong tight bundle of rope between my legs. He still had about a foot of cord left, so he looped it twice around my ankle and knotted the end off on the side. "That should do it." Scott said as he stood up to admire his handiwork. I was still a little confused about the way my legs were connected with the rope.

"I thought you might want to be able to move around a little Jennifer. This way, you can probably still walk, but you can't run around or kick. I didn't want you hopping around the house making so much noise that I couldn't sleep." I slid down off the seat of the kitchen chair into a standing position. I looked down at the ropes on my ankles. They kind of resembled a set of handcuffs for the feet. "Are you all set Jennifer? If so, I am going to go back to bed for a little while. I'll see you in about an hour or so if that's okay." I nodded and told him I would be fine and that I was going to go and watch some TV in the living room. Scott said that should be fine if I kept the volume down. Then he turned and went back down the hallway towards our room. He entered the room, shut the lights off, and closed the door behind him. He left me standing there all tied up in the kitchen.

I spent the next few minutes straining against the ropes that secured me at tested the limits of my movements. The ropes on my upper arms took most of my struggling leverage away from the tie on my hands. Similarly, the rope around my waist pinned my wrists tight against my lower back. I could move my fingers a little, but my crossed wrists were secured very tightly in place. The ropes were quite snug, but they weren't tight enough to cut off circulation. Scott had made sure that my arms were completely immobilized. I twisted my arms in every direction I could think of, but the ropes held secure against my resistance. My hands weren't coming loose until somebody untied me or I found a way to cut the ropes, which I didn't want to risk doing. I tried jerking my arms upwards, but my hands were pinned tight and low. It was unlikely that I would be able to reach anything that was situated above my waist. Which pretty much meant every drawer and doorknob in the house.

Satisfied that my hands were secured and helpless, I looked down and took a look at how my legs were connected. The loops securing the center wrapped set of ropes to my ankles were quite tight. I tired pulling my feet upward against the other one at a time. It was quite a pointless gesture, the rope held snug as soon as it reached limit in the middle. My tweety slippers made my feet too bulky to have any chance of pulling a foot out of the loops around my ankles. Additionally, the ropes were tied at the base of the sock tops tightly. It was unlikely that I would be able to remove one of them without the use of my hands. Next, I tried pulling my feet as far apart as I could with the center rope to see if it might loosen. All that I found was that it limited the separation to 9 or 10 inches of cord. I relaxed my efforts, my legs were going to be staying together until I feed my hands or someone else untied them.

I decided to make the best of my situation and head for the living room so I could watch some TV while I waited for Scott or Sean to wake back up. However, I it took me a little while to make the 30 ft journey from the kitchen to the living room. Although I found I could walk, with my legs tied the way they were, it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. First, the center coiling of rope wasn't very flexible to my efforts. Its shape held it rigid, which made it hard to walk. The second problem I found was pretty intuitive. Scott had only left me a few inches of walking cord between my legs. It allowed me to move slowly at about 1/3 of my normal stride. I could walk like this, but I couldn't run. I also doubted that I would be able to kick if I wanted to without using both of my legs together. The short cord kept the rigidly in close proximity to each other. The final difficulty I faced was that with my hands bound the way they were, I couldn't use them to help me keep my balance at all. So, my trip to the living room was slow going.

I slid my slippered feet across the smooth linoleum of the kitchen floor. They guided along pretty easily, but I was being careful not to loose my balance. I knew it would be difficult to get back up like this if I fell. So, I took my time crossing the room. I reached the doorway to the living room in a few minutes and started over towards the couch. The carpet was a little more difficult to slide across than the kitchen floor, but I managed to cross the room nonetheless. When I reached the sofa, I turned around and took a light hop upward in order to seat my self on it. I landed with a soft thud and began to slide backwards onto the cushions. Before I knew it, I had lost my balance and collapse on the soft cushion on my side. It took a moment or two of effort to return to a seat position and sit back up. Then I began to slide myself down the sofa towards the armrest with my legs.

When I arrived at the armrest where the sofa organizer bag sat draped over, I took a moment and spun my back towards it. I fished around in the largest pocket and pulled the remote control loose from the pile of TV guides and other items. I clicked the power button and looked over my shoulder so I could observe the channels as I flipped through them. I found the cartoon station I was looking for and turned the volume down to a level where it wouldn't wake Scott or Sean. Then, I deposited the remote back into the organizer pouch and turned myself around. I slid back on the seat until my back came to rest comfortably against the back of the couch. Next, I pulled my legs upwards and folded them sitting cross-legged in front of me and got comfortable. Well, at least as much as the ropes would allow me to do.

I leaned back and focused my attention on the TV. There wasn't much point in struggling, so I decided to make the best of my situation. I scooted and repositioned myself to get comfortable from time to time, but I didn't put up any real resistance to the ropes on my arms and legs. They were secure and I would just have to wait to get out. After a while, I got reasonably comfortable and relaxed as the shows changed from one to another. There was a new episode on and I was really getting absorbed into watching it. I kept my attention focused on the screen and the anticipation was really building during the commercials. Overall, it was just a relaxing morning sitting their secured and watching TV. I was glad that Scott hadn't gagged me. Gags were a fun when I was only going to be tied up for a short while, but after a while they could really hurt your mouth.

I relaxed my tension as the show took its last commercial break and drew in a few deep breaths. The quiet atmosphere was suddenly broken by a loud voice. "Jennifer, what are you doing?" I was caught off guard and started by the question coming from the male voice behind me. I turned my head backward and upward to see Sean looking down over the back of the sofa at. I took a deep breath and replied that I was just watching cartoons while I was waiting for the rain to stop outside. "I can see that," Sean replied, "but why are you all tied up like that?" I looked down at my body and realized that I had been so wrapped up in the show that I had forgotten about the ropes completely. I gave him a sheepish look and replied. "Scott tied me up so I would leave him alone while he was sleeping." Sean just shrugged and seated himself down on the couch next to me.

Sean took a minute examining Scott's handiwork and commented. "Looks like he did a pretty good job, I don't think you'll be able to get out of that on your own." I told Sean that I had to agree with him on that point, I couldn't get loose if I wanted to. Sean gave me a light pat on the forehead and rustled my hair a bit with his hand. I shied away and gave him a quite smile. "You know Jen; this reminds me of when Mary used to keep me tied up on Saturday mornings too. When I was younger, we used to always fight about what to watch on TV, especially when mom was out. However, Mary found a way to win the fight easily, she used to tie me up about the same way you are now. That way I would just have to sit there and watch what she wanted." Sean explained.

"Really?" I asked. "Yeah, there wasn't a whole lot that I could do when I was all tied up like you were other than sit there and watch the TV. If I complained about what was on Mary would just gag me for the rest of the morning. So, I learned to sit there quietly and just let her pick the shows." The conversation continued for another minute or two and I decided to ask a question. "Did you want to be tied, or did Mary just force you because she was bigger than you?" Sean shook his head, "No; Mary never forced me to be tied up if I didn't want to. But, I usually let her when she offered. I just liked the way it felt I couldn't move, and it left Mary in control of the situation. It taught me to be patient because I really couldn't get loose very often without help." We talked a little more about my current situation and Sean's past. It was neat to learn that my brother had gone through some of the same experiences that I was having now when he was younger.

I asked him if he ever managed to escape, and he told me that sometimes he did, but more often than not he had to stay tied up until Mary let him go. My show had come back on and concluded, but I was more interested in talking with my brother than the cartoon. An interesting question jumped into my head and I decided to see if Sean would address it. "How did mom and dad react to the games?" I asked. "Did they let Mary tie you up a lot like Scott does to me now?" Sean pondered the question a little bit and then he brought the truth to the surface. "Jen, I remember the first time mom found me all tied up when she came home early on a Saturday after noon. She really didn't take it that well at all. She untied me and demanded that Mary explain what her little brother was doing all tied up in the living room. I butted in telling her that I asked Mary to tie me and that we just played tie up from time to time."

Sean paused thinking of what to say next. He continued “When dad came home that evening, she brought the issue to his attention and talked with him for a long time. He convinced her that it was really just a harmless game. After another week or two, mom finally decided it was just a phase we were going through and settled to let them just go on. She pulled us aside and gave us the some ground rules on what we were and weren't allowed to do. Most of it was just common sense, like don't keep someone tied up without their permission and other stuff like that. Mary and I passed them on to you and Scott when you joined in a few years back." Sean explained. I asked Sean if he still like to be tied up. "I have to admit, mom was right on the matter, I outgrew wanting to be tied up about the time I turned thirteen, but by then you and Scott were getting into it. I had learned to tie knots pretty well, and I passed that and my other practical knowledge onto Scott."

I looked down at the ropes securing my arms to my sides and the elaborate rope handcuffs around my ankles. I admitted that Scott had been a pretty good learner. "Yeah Jen, but he had to learn the hard way just like I did from Mary. We weren't all that good to begin with, but we got better with practice." We talked a little more on the topic and then shifted our attention to the television as the next show came on. Sean got me a pillow off the easy chair and propped me up so I would be a little more comfortable. Then we sat there and watched the show and the next one together. Sean offered to untie me a couple of different times, but I refused the offer politely each time. I explained that it was kind of relaxing just sitting here not able to move around. I had a pretty good time spending some time with my brother on a rainy Saturday morning.

Around noon, I finally asked Sean if he would untie me. The rain had stopped outside and I was getting pretty hungry for lunch. Sean said that he would let me out if I was ready. He asked me to shift my backside to him and lean forward so he could get at the ropes binding my hands. I had been tied up for a little over two hours, and my arms were getting a little sore from the ropes pinning them behind my back. This by far wasn't the longest I had ever been tied up, but nonetheless I was ready to be let out. Sean began at my wrists and slowly unwrapped the intricate rope work that Scott had secured me with. I was more concerned with getting my legs untied, but Sean had presumed that I wanted my hands free first. So, I let him work the ropes loose around my wrist and brought my hands to the front as he unwrapped the coils of rope around my upper arms.

I sat back and rubbed the circulation back into my hands while Sean worked on getting my legs free. The ropes really hadn't been all that uncomfortable, but my feet were starting to become steamy. My slippers were meant to be worn during the winter to guard against cold floors. However, they were soft and I found them comfortable, so I wore them during the warmer times too. They were pretty bulky and designed to keep heat in. The sippers covered the whole foot, and secured at the top with a sock top to keep heat from escaping. The ropes securing my ankles were drawn tightly over the tops of them and made it almost impossible for the heat to escape. So, I was beginning to get a little uncomfortable from the heat. After Sean finally got the ropes loose, I shed my slippers and carried them back to my room.

I found Scott their playing his play station when I arrived. He was surprised to see me and asked me how I managed to escape. I told him that I hadn't and Sean had just untied me. Scott smiled, content that his efforts had thwarted my escape attempt. I deposited the slippers on the bedroom floor and went back to the kitchen where Sean had begun to make lunch for the three of us. We ate and talked at the table together. After lunch, I went outside to play with Scott and spent the rest of the afternoon outside in the warm fall weather. It had been a good day.

Well, that about wraps up this story for the time being. This incident wasn't all that isolated from a normal weekend experience for me. I remember spending quite a few Saturday mornings tied up on the living room sofa watching cartoons. They are one of my favorite memories from my tie up games. I took two primary things away from these experiences. First, they gave me a chance to relax and helped to keep me from being bored. Secondly, they also gave me a chance to spend some time with Sean early in the morning. I wasn't from his age group, but he never pushed me away because I was a lot younger than he was. Our tie up games gave us a common bond and a reason to spend time together. Which, was one of the reasons I liked playing them so much as a kid.

I have quite a few experiences that were similar to this one, but this is the one that stands out the most in my mind. I don't think I that I will be sharing any more stories that have this particular scenario repeated. It was a group of events that I remember fondly, but they are all pretty much the same. Several of the details might vary such as; how I was tied; what I was wearing; the time of year; and whether I was who I was with. However, the stories are all the same that I ended up sitting on the sofa tied up watching cartoons. Don't worry though; I have quite a few other stories that I still plan to share on this site and on my archives page. I just don't think my time is best used rewriting the same plot. Since it takes me so long to write a story, I would rather focus my attention on some of the different scenarios I was in than on this one set of events.

I apologize for jumping around so much in my stories; I know I have two series of stories still hanging in the air that I have yet to finish. Rest assured, I will get to them soon. This story is not a new set of events, all though it could be part of a series. I am leaving it here as a single story on its own. When I first placed a story here a few months back, I really didn't think I was all that good at writing or that my stories would be so well liked. However, when I found I had a knack for this, I thought I would continue the first series and continue in order until its end and leave my contributions to the site at that. As I read through the archives, more and more, I was beginning to think that some of my experiences were different from what is common here on the site. I was worried that if I shared some of my other stories, they would be judged as weird and a little off the wall. For example, sometimes I would wear two layers of pajamas to bed because it was cold in my room. Or, there was the fact that I wore a safety harness in the car when I was growing up. At the time, I didn't think anything of it because it was just the way my family functioned, but now I see that it was a little off the beaten path. I was surprised again at how well my stories were received here.

I have learned that this community can be judgmental when someone steps over the line, but they are also very supportive of individually. That said, I like to share stories from my life that I find relevant to some of the topics that come up in the chitchat on this board. One I found of particular interest a few weeks ago was why do we like this stuff in the first place. I had thought about it over the last two weeks and I know how to respond at first. But, it gave me something to think about during the last few weeks and I finally decided to comment on it. This story is a good illustration of my thoughts on being tied up in general and why I like it so much as a kid. That's why I decided to take a short break from my other series and post it. Being tied up as a child, was both an exciting and relaxing experience for me. It also made me part of my siblings' group despite our age gap. If anyone has some ideas or comments about this, please feel free to post them here or on the message board of my site. I will try to get back to you in a timely fashion this time if you want to discuss it more. Thanks again everyone for all the support, it’s good to be back. See you soon,


Jennifer's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section