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lindsayinbonds : My real life kidnapping (FFM/F)

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2019 9:39 pm
by Soraka
By lindsayinbonds » Wed Sep 14, 2016 1:30 pm
Edited by Soraka

Hello there, my name is lindsay and I'm a very professional and well dressed girl that would like to share the story of her real life kidnapping that took place in Virginia on a very cool October morning in 2013

It's late October 2014, a Thursday afternoon. I was taking the next two days off to make it a four day weekend. I was stressed and was going to take four days of alone time which as you will see was probably a bad decision... I had not planned on telling anyone where I was going, but before I left town I had one thing left to do. I work part time for a realtor taking pictures of exterior and interior of abandoned and foreclosed homes. I had the keys to a property that needed to be photographed so I thought I would do it before I left town and turn in the pictures the following Monday

At the time I reached the property I decided I was going dress to impress for my first day of vacation. I parked next the mail box of this huge foreclosed house that was kind of by it self in a cul-de sac. I got out took all my exterior photos of the property and went back to get the keys and my dressy outfit....

I unlocked the lockbox entered the home. It was in pretty good order it appeared. I decided I was going to change before finishing the photos so i headed into the huge downstairs bathroom. The power did work so I turned the lights on and closed the bathroom door got out my make up and outfit and turned off my phone and set my purse on the other side of the toilet out of sight from the door. I took of the drabs i was wearing and got in a very tight form fitting knee length skirt with a multi colored black, orange, gray, white kind of knit pattern on it. After that I put on my brand new very gorgeous glossy black pantyhose. I grabbed my long black lace top and put it on. It made my D-cup boobs look even bigger. To finish it off I put on my 4 inch stiletto heels with ankle straps. After the outfit was complete I put on my make-up. I have very long dark brown with highlights below the boobs hair parted in the center with no bangs. After I finished the eyes I did my cheeks and lips and decided to go with a dark plum lipstick.

Just as I was finishing my lips I thought I heard footsteps outside the bathroom door so I opened the door and to my absolute shock there were three persons standing in front of me. Two women and one man. They looked grungy, and before they said a word I knew I might be in trouble. The man said: "who are you and what are you doing here and why are you so dressed up?". I paused then said: "sorry didn't realize anyone was here! I'll just leave and pretend I never came in.". I walked towards the front door but the two women jumped in front of the door and said: "hold there honey your not going anywhere til we got some answers.".

I explained to them who I was and what I was doing here. I also told them that a bunch of contractors would come here on Monday to get the house ready to be sold. After that I asked them who they where and what they where doing here. The man said: "Well, if you must know, we are homeless so we have been staying here for a few months. Now that you know this I think we won't be able to let you leave until we talk further.". He then reached in his bag and grabbed a huge knife and asked me to cooperate so he didn't have to use it.

My jaw dropped in silence, feeling in shock but not overly fearful. I said: "Ok what do you want from me?", with the heels, hose and tight skirt on i knew i had low mobility to make a run at the door and I didn't want that knife coming out again, so i remained very calm and said: "yes you have my cooperation, just please don't hurt me". The woman assured me that they wouldn't and escorted me upstairs to meet the others so they could decide what to do with me. They didn't want to risk me calling the cops.

The 2 women grabbed my arms and led me to the staircase with the man behind commenting on how good my legs looked with black stockings and asked why I was so dressed up. I told him I always dress like this. The tight skirt and heels made it a bit harder to walk up the stairs so I kind of walked up sideways with 2 women leading me along. After we got to the top of the stairs fear finally took over and I knew I was in real trouble. I was shaking inside as they lead me down the hall to huge room where 5 or 6 other people were sleeping as well. I was in complete disbelieve that this was happening to me. As we entered the room they were all starring at me and an man said: "wow what do we have here?". There were two other men, four more women and a young boy.

"We were caught here downstairs she's an inspector. Apparently we will have to get out of here by Monday because there are contractors headed here to work on this home.". The two women forced me to sit in this big soft chair that was left in the room. With all of these people surrounding me I nervously said: "Yes, it's true they will be here Monday at 8AM so you people might want to think of leaving this place".

They all looked at each other and one of the women said: "That gives us a few days to find another place. But unfortunately for you, we can't let you leave until we find that place". "Do you have a car?" one of the women asked. I said: "Of course, the keys are still in there because I wasn't planning on staying this long". They planned on moving the car into the garage so it wouldn't attract anyone's attention.

One of the women said: "So guys what are we going to do with her, we will have to keep a close watch on her... Lets just tie her up and keep her in the huge closet down the hall, that way she's not going anywhere and she's out of our way and we wont have to watch her all the time". They all thought this was a great idea.

My jaw dropped in terror and said: "Nooooo, please don't do this! Let me go!". I got up and made a quick dash for the door but was quickly tackled to the ground and forced back in the chair. Someone told me to stop struggling and that they wouldn't hurt me if I didn't do anything stupid. Two people went downstairs to put my car in the garage and get some ropes.

About 10 minutes later they returned with several long pieces of white cotton rope. "Who wants to tie this beauty up?". All of the men were gleaming at me and two said they would love to, but I stood up and said no! I don't want any of you touching me. A young woman decided to do it instead.

I stood up and was escorted down the hall to another huge room with a giant walk in closet, that was going to be my prison. The women was about 5.6 tall, had long brown hair, a fairly cute face and a thin posture. The closet door opened and I was told to stand facing the wall and. I felt her soft clammy hands grab my wrists and cross them behind my back. She took a long piece of rope and wrapped it around my wrists several times, then wrapped it in the center and tying it off creating a handcuff effect. I stood passively as the girl tied my hands behind my back because I really had no choice but to cooperate at this point.

my hands were very secure, there was no way I was getting loose. After she finished my hands, she took another long piece of rope and tied it just above my elbows in the same manner. She helped me to lie down flat on my stomach and tied my ankles tightly together. Then she pulled my legs up and tied my feet back to my hands putting me in a compact hogtie. Then she rolled me on my side pulled up my skirt a bit so she could tie a rope just above the knees wrapping them several times and wrapping between them before tying the two ends of. To finish it off she gagged me with a ripped piece of bed sheet with a knot in the middle. She checked the bonds one last time and was certain that I wouldn't be able to escape.

The girl left and closed the closet door. I was completely demobilized unable to move at all. I lay there with my mind wondering for what seems like hours. I was thinking how I was going to get out of this and I was thinking how relaxed I was... So relaxed my eyes slowly closed and I fell asleep.

I slept for a long time. When i woke up the tight gag was parching my mouth, and I tugged at the ropes a bit but it was useless. I just lay there looking down at the ropes holding my knees together. The white ropes were very bright over my glossy black pantyhose. I just put my head down and lay there motionless for at least 2-3 more hours. I didn't know what time of day it was.

Finally i heard the door open and it was the woman that tied me up. She took the gag out of my mouth and said: "Ok, it's about 4PM, so we are going to untie you for a bit and give you food and bathroom break. But don't try to run off, we'll be watching you!"

Re: My real life kidnapping (FFM/F)

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 4:44 pm
by Soraka
By lindsayinbonds
Edited by rafeylovesbonds

This is part two of my true life kidnapping story about me being held hostage in a foreclosed home by a family and friends squatting. To recap, I was in the bathroom at about nine-thirty am. I was changing into a dressy outfit of tight knee-length skirt, glossy black pantyhose, black lace top and four-inch stiletto heels with an ankle strap. I encountered three of them outside the bathroom door and, after evaluating the situation, I felt I had no choice but to co-operate. I was first bound and gagged, which seemed to happen at about ten am; this part of the story starts after spending six hours bound and gagged in a large walk-in closet. It is now four pm and I have been untied for a bathroom and food break. So, on with part two of my harrowing few days as a hostage.

After being released from my bonds, I was taken into the bathroom for a break. The girl said she would bring me some food, but not to try anything because they were watching me. I thanked her for the break and asked if she could get my make-up, which was on the sink in the downstairs bathroom. She was happy to do so, but when she had gone, I remembered that my purse containing my phone was down there too, albeit out of sight. I hoped she would not find it.

After a bathroom break, I just stared into the mirror at myself, thinking what a way this was to spend a vacation. I was so worried and fearful that I wouldn’t get out of there. I was trying so hard to keep calm and not have an emotional breakdown, but I felt so defeated and just overwhelmed by what had just happened to me. I was thinking that I should be headed towards a vacation right now and I felt foolish for not telling anyone I was coming to this house or going out of town. All in all, I was made to really just sink into a very depressed mood.

Just then, the girl walked in with one of the other women, with my make-up and some food: pop tarts, water and a few cookies. I wasn’t hungry but I ate it all anyway, knowing where I was going after my break was over.

The women told me to sit down, as we needed to talk, so I sat on the toilet and listened to what they said. “The men are going to start looking for a place starting tomorrow morning and it might take a few days before we find somewhere to go, so we need to be honest, you’re in for a long few days. We expect you to co-operate, in fact I have written out a strict daily schedule we are going to keep you on and I want to go over it with you,” I was told. I just rolled my eyes and said, “You know this is kidnapping?” “Sure,” she replied, “But it’s in our best interests to keep you here, because again, we can’t have you calling the police until we have a place to go.”

I just shrugged and said, “OK, I understand where you’re coming from, but what you’re doing to me is not good.” “I know,” she said, “But you need to start accepting the fact that you’re here and go along with the program.” I said, “Well, do I have a choice?” She just glared at me, then said, “OK, before we tie you up, I need to go over the daily schedule.” I just shook my head and listened. “OK,” she said, “Starting from tomorrow morning: from six am to eight am, you have two hours to shower, freshen up, be fed and relax, but you’ll be locked in here while you’re doing so. Then, you will be tied up and gagged from eight am to three pm and we’ll check on you every two hours or so. We’ll give you another break from three pm to four pm, after which you’ll be tied up again from four pm to nine pm, with one last break from nine pm to ten pm. After that, you’ll be tied up once more, this time for the night.”

I looked at her angrily and asked her if it was really necessary to keep me tied up for that long. “Oh, yes,” she said. “No one trusts you here. Right, it’s almost five o’clock now, so we need to get you tied up again until about nine tonight, so let’s go … ” She grabbed my arm and took me back to the closet, the girl following us with all the ropes in her hand. I stood without resistance as, again, she crossed my wrists behind my back and tied them together securely with a fifteen-foot long piece of rope. These bonds were very snug. She gagged me with the bed sheet gag again, very tightly so that in no way could I make any noise. Finally, they made me lie down and she again got me into a good tight hogtie. I was so upset at what was happening, but I laid there like a corpse until she was finished.

When she had completed tying me, she looked down at me and said, “I’ll be back to check on you in a few hours,” before shutting the door. I just rolled my eyes at this, thinking, “a few hours”! I had no idea how I was going to get through this, knowing they planned on keeping like this for days; how was I ever going to get through this? I just laid there, my mind wandering, for a long time. It was a bit muggy in the closet and my legs were sweating through my pantyhose just a bit, so I tried to lay still and, eventually, I fell asleep again.

I woke up after what felt like a long time. The gag was drying my mouth out again and I felt cramped from being hogtied most of the day. I decided to try to work on the ropes to see how tight they really were, but after struggling for about fifteen minutes, I realised there was no possibility of getting loose. I wondered for a time how it was that the girl could be so good at tying me up, then I started thinking about that daily schedule. I just felt like crying, knowing that this was going to happen over and over again while I had no idea what those people were up to and what they were really planning for me. However, I made the decision there that I would happily do what they told me without showing an attitude. Maybe I could start talking with the girl, Kylie and try to learn more about her – that is, if I got the chance.

The minutes got long as I lay there completely helpless, by now I’m sure it had been hours. The gag was unbearable, but it was so tight I could not budge it. I had no idea what time it was; I really wanted to take my heels off, but that darn ankle strap prevented this. My mind started racing again: the thought of being here for days was just scaring the hell out of me. I didn’t want to cry because if I did, I would have make up in my eyes, but it was hard to hold the tears back. A sense of doom and depression was starting to set in and it felt like I had been there a week already. Finally, though, the door opened to reveal the girl, Kylie. “Awww, you’re awake,” she said. “I checked on you about three hours ago and you were sound asleep. Guess what? It’s nine pm! Are you ready for a break?” She took the gag out and I thanked her. “I’m so thirsty,” I told her, “And I need the bathroom, too.” Just then, the blonde lady came in to assist, everyone else seeming to keep out of sight on the other side of the door. So, finally, I was untied again and, feeling a bit sore and very fed up, I was taken to the bathroom again. I asked Kylie if she wanted me to do some makeup for her but the blonde lady, speaking before Kylie could reply, said, “No, she is not going to interact with you. Now, get in there and take an hour to freshen yourself up, because you have a long night ahead!”
So, I took an hour to regroup myself, to mentally prepare for more time bound and gagged. The hour flew by, then Kylie came in and said, “OK, I need to get you ready for the night”, so back to the closet we went. Two other women were with her, also one of the men was there, to check on things and to make sure I was not going to be able to go anywhere. Kylie tied my hands together in front of me, then she tied my feet and did a front hogtie. I asked if she would take my shoes off and not gag me for the night, which the blonde said would be fine.

So, it was ten pm, I was tied up again and had been held hostage for twelve hours now. All I could do was fall asleep and hope to find that all this had been a dream when I woke up.

Re: My real life kidnapping (FFM/F)

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 4:45 pm
by Soraka
By lindsayinbonds
Edited by rafeylovesbonds

I must have slept soundly through the night, as I was woken by Kylie, the twenty-something girl, shaking me until I was awake and saying, “Good morning, Lindsay, it’s six AM and time to get up!” She untied the front hogtie that had held me secure all night, then I slowly got up and she said, “Let’s go - you have two hours to get freshened up and we will bring you some food.” She guided me to the bathroom and said again, “Two hours.” As previously, I softly thanked her.

I heard the door close behind me as I just stood there, trying to wake up. I thought, “Two hours …”, so, I stripped down to my animal print panties and bra, took off all my make-up, then washed. Afterwards, I began to reapply all my make-up very nicely and decided I had better get dressed again before they barged in as usual. I wondered whether to put my pantyhose back on and after thinking about it, I carefully pulled them up over my panties to my belly button. I then put my skirt and top back on and for some reason I even put my heels back on.

It had been at least an hour and I was completely revived, however I was thinking about the prospect of spending another day tied up. It was really killing me that I was going to have to go through that for another day, but I knew I had to deal with it somehow. Just then, one of the women entered with food: she said, “Good morning, Lindsay, here is some breakfast.” She had bacon, pancakes and orange juice: I said, “Thank you, I’m starving!” “After you’ve eaten, we need to talk,” she said, as she walked out and closed the door behind her. I wolfed down the food, then went to the bathroom one last time, knowing what I was in for now.

The woman came back in ten minutes later. “OK, Lindsay,” she said, “I need to get you prepared - it’s very likely that we are going to take you with us when we leave here.” “WHATTTT!!!!!!!!” I exclaimed. “No - no way, you can’t! I have a life to get back to - ” “Well, I understand that,” she said, “But while there are some of us who think we should leave you here when we go, there are others who say we should keep you with us until we are settled into a new place. We will vote on it tonight, but the most likely outcome is that you’ll be coming with us.” “No, please don’t,” I said, about to start crying. “You have to let me go – can’t we come to some agreement? I won’t call the police if you just let me leave – please? Can I come to the vote? I want to talk to all of you, because this has to end!” “Well, we'll see,” she said, “But for now, just continue to do as we ask, please.” I was shaking, but said, “OK, I will.” But I was so upset and scared about what I had just been told.

I sat there for the last twenty minutes, then Kylie and three of the women came back in, to escort me back to my captivity. One of the women grabbed my arm and kind of pulled me to my feet. “Let’s go, Lindsay,” she said and I was led back to the walk-in closet. Kylie selected a very long length of rope before grabbing my hands once again and placing them behind my back. She paid particular attention to making sure my wrists were securely bound; the length of rope must have been twenty feet long and she spent a good long time working on my hands.

With my hands very, very securely tied, to the point that I had no movement at all in my wrists, she then did a very secure elbow tie with another, similarly long, piece of rope. The three women just stood there watching and one of them said, “Do make sure she won’t get away!” Kylie just smiled and said, “Don’t worry - she’s not going to be able to go anywhere.”

The three women then helped me lie flat on my stomach and Kylie gagged me, pulling the gag super-tight. After one of the women had tied my feet together, Kylie finished with her patent hogtie, then checked over all the ropes as she always did, making sure there was no chance that I might escape. I was kind of used to this by now, but I was still very upset about my situation.

For some time after the women had left, I just lay there still. I could feel the ropes digging into my skin and I knew I was going to have rope burns after this. I knew I should not struggle too much, because it would make the ropes even tighter. Since I was not tired as this point, I just lay quietly, thinking how my vacation had turned into a total nightmare. Before long, I was thinking the worst, which was that I would never get out of this situation.

More time went by with me just laid there helpless, then Kylie came in. “I just came to see that you were all right,” she said, “And also, to do a ropes check.” She went over all the ropes and decided they were secure. “I’ll be back later and we can have a chat,” she said. I just nodded as I heard the door close and wondered what she wanted to talk about.

After what appeared to be several hours had gone by, I was cramped, very bored and extremely worried about what might have been going on outside of this closet. By this time, I could feel the ropes burning my wrists, the gag was very tight as usual and it was giving me cotton mouth, but there was nothing I could do but lay there as the hours went slowly by.

Eventually, I was able to fall asleep, despite the discomfort. Kylie came back again, with one of the other women and woke me up. “It’s three o’clock, Lindsay, so we’ll get you untied for an hour or so.” She took out the gag and untied me. I was very stiff and therefore slow getting up and I had red burn marks on my wrists from the ropes. I showed them to the women and said, “Please, don’t make the ropes so tight again – here, look at my arms.” Kylie smiled sympathetically at this. “Yeah, OK,” she said, apologetically. “I’ll have to be more careful about the tightness in future.” She then kind of pushed me into the bathroom, saying, “One hour, Lindsay.”

I felt completely depleted and defeated, with little hope about getting out of there. I ran water over my wrists, until they felt a little better, then pulled my skirt down and my pantyhose up, since it had fallen down during my time in the closet. I drank some water, then re-did my lipstick and it was just then that two of the women came in. “Lindsay,” they said, “We are voting tonight about whether we are going to take you with us or not and we will let you attend and talk. We have decided to listen to you, but don’t get your hopes up - we still don’t trust you and we still don’t think we can afford to let you go.” I thanked them for letting me have a say at least.

Ten minutes later, I was led back to my room and as Kylie was about to re-tie my hands behind my back, I said again, “Please, don’t tie me so tight this time!” She just said she would tie the ropes a bit higher on my arms so they would be a bit more bearable. After she had done so, the ropes were just as tight but they were further up my wrists from where they had been. I did feel slightly for this, but then I was placed again in the hogtie and so left unable to move.

Re: My real life kidnapping (FFM/F)

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 4:45 pm
by Soraka
By lindsayinbonds
Edited by rafeylovesbonds

It seemed like hours had gone by in which I had lain bound and gagged and my mind just raced with the fact I was in this predicament. I remember looking down at my legs and realizing that I had been in the same clothes for two days by this stage; I also began to realise that, as much as I wanted out of this closet, I was kind of used to the ropes and to being tied up. I think I was becoming unfazed by the length of time I was being kept tied up.

This was just what they wanted, I guess; that was why they had come up with a daily schedule to keep me on. Well, it seemed to work, because, as I laid on the closet floor very securely hogtied, I felt very relaxed and, I guess, content with the fact that I was a hostage. I lay there motionless for what seemed like several more hours, just letting my mind wander; then, as I was not really tired enough to sleep, I tried to work on the ropes, to see if they would budge. I knew it was hopeless, however, after spending some time on this and by that stage, I was just bored out of my mind as a lot more time had gone by. I knew I had been in there for more than six hours, but as I had no idea as to what time it actually was, I just lay there and waited for the door to open.

About an hour after this, the door finally opened. It was two of the women, one of whom said, “We are sorry we’re late, Lindsay, it’s ten pm and we have been in serious discussion about you. We will give you an hour to freshen up, then we are going to have our vote on what’s going to happen with you.” I did not say a word as the two women untied me, then walked me to the bathroom. As I slammed the door on them, the women reminded me, “One hour, Lindsay.”

They give me some food after I had used the toilet and I stretched out my legs and arms as I just kind of stared in the mirror for a while at my make-up. Then, the door opened again, to reveal the lady in charge, holding a long piece of rope, who said, “OK, Lindsay, it’s time.” I did not say a word as, firstly, she grabbed hold of my hands, then tied them very tightly together behind my back. I was totally unfazed at this point. She then blindfolded me, walked me out of the room and carefully led me down some stairs, then down a second flight of stairs that turned out to lead to the basement. I heard the voices of the others as she placed me in and tied me to a chair, binding my feet as well in the process.

To make a long story short, it was decided by vote that I was to be drugged with Benadryl the next day, as well as being kept tied up; they had found a new place to go to live and, with organising their move, they would not have time to give me any breaks. Then, it was decided again by vote that the day after that, which was Sunday, they would keep me tied up in the house as they moved out. When they had gone, it would be up to me to get away by myself. It was a close vote, with some of them wanting to take me with them and keep me as a long term hostage, but as it stood, I was still going to have get through much more time bound and gagged.

About an hour later, I was untied from the chair, then taken back upstairs and put in a front hogtie for the night. As Kylie finished tying me up, she said, “See, Lindsay, this is going to work out for you; just hang in there for a couple more days, then you’ll be able to go home.” I looked at her and said, “That’s easy for you to say! Look - I’m going to be drugged up tomorrow, then you guys are going to leave me here, tied up, after you have gone! What the hell, Kylie? This is not good for me! And anyway, how am I supposed to get free after you guys go?” Kylie just smiled and said, “Trust me, Lindsay, I’ll help you with that when the time comes. Now, you get some rest.” As she slammed the closet door on leaving, I lay there worrying about everything I had heard that evening …

Re: My real life kidnapping (FFM/F)

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 4:46 pm
by Soraka
By lindsayinbonds
Edited by rafeylovesbonds

Well, I made it through a second night, enjoying a good sleep despite being in a front hogtie. I was awake and lying there for a long while before the door opened up and I saw three of the women and Kylie standing there. “Good morning, Lindsay,” one of the women said, as she began to untie me. I said nothing, as I was helped to my feet and escorted into a room down the hall where the rest of the folks were. One of the men there glared at me, then told me to sit down. I did so, a bit concerned about why I had been brought in front of everyone again.

Another of the men explained this. “You’re here for us to confirm that we are moving all our stuff out of here today. We won’t be able to keep an eye on you during that time, so you will be given five Benadryl pills, crushed up and mixed up in this orange juice. The girls will then tie you back up and you’ll be left alone until this evening. Now then, Lindsay, do you understand this?” I looked at him and said, forcefully, “NO - I DON’T! I DON’T UNDERSTAND ANY OF THIS ALL! PLEASE, JUST LET ME GO!” “Lindsay,” the guy said, as he mixed the drugged drink up, “We need your co-operation. Please drink this willingly, so we won’t have to give it you by force.” I was so angry they were doing this to me, but I knew I didn’t have a choice; so, when he handed me the glass of drugged orange juice, I looked at it for just a second and then just downed the whole lot. “That’s great, Lindsay, thank you,” he said. “Now, girls, take Miss Lindsay back upstairs and give her a thirty-minute break, then tie her back up and come back here. We need to have a family meeting.”

The three women duly escorted me back to the bathroom and said, “Thirty minutes, Lindsay.” “OK, fine,” I replied. I heard one of the women say it was six-thirty am. I was shaking from the knowledge that I had just been drugged: I was thinking, well, five Benadryl pills are going to put me out for several hours; this made me a bit concerned. So, I re-did all of my make-up, due to being nervous and put on some nice plum lipstick. I thought about taking my pantyhose off, just from the fact I had been in them for three days by now; I started to remove them but then thought better of it. Instead, I just pulled them up to my belly button and, as I looked at myself in the mirror, I could feel the first effects of the drink in that I had started to feel very relaxed. At that point, one of the women walked in and took me by the arm, saying, “Lindsay, you’re in for a long day. I’m very sorry we have to do this to you, but it has to be done.” I just looked at her as she picked up one of the longer pieces of rope and said, “Well, what’s done is done. I’m sorry too - ” but she cut me off by saying, “Lindsay, please don’t complain. You should be thanking me and the other women, as we have kept the men away from you; if it weren’t for us, you would be in much deeper trouble!” And she grabbed my hands, crossing them very precisely behind my back before wrapping several loops of rope around them. She also wrapped several further loops of rope between them, pulling the centre quite tight and then put a few more loops around the outside before I felt her tie it off tightly. She then went through and pulled all the loops, to make sure they were tight: I guess she wasn’t happy with them, because she undid a few and put figure-of-eight loops in their place. Further, she tied it off much tighter this time. I was so used to being tied up by this point that it didn’t bother me; besides, by then the drugs were really starting to make me feel drowsy. Checking all the ropes again, she pulled on them one last time and I guess, after spending ten minutes on just tying my hands, she was satisfied. In any case, she moved on to tie two pieces of bedsheet together, making sure that the knot joining them was very large; this, of course, she forced into my mouth and then pulled the gag very tight before tying it off behind my head. I was then taken back to the walk-in closet, where, once she had helped me lie flat on my stomach, she spent several minutes tying together my feet, then my knees, very securely. She finished off by putting me again in a compact hogtie. When she had finished all the tying, she went back over everything to make sure I was properly secured. Lastly, she rolled me over on to my side and said, “Sweet dreams, Lindsay! I’ll see you later on tonight.” Just then, the other women appeared and asked, “What’s taking so long?” “Nothing,” she replied. “I just wanted to take my time and make sure all the ropes were secure.” One of the other women looked down at me and said, “Oh, wow, you’ve tied her up really nicely! I don’t think she’ll be going anywhere now, so if you’re finished with her, we need your help with something.” “OK, I’m coming,” she replied, whereupon all the women left me and the door closed behind them.

After a short while alone, the drugs started in earnest to overpower me. It had been at least an hour before that I had been given them and although I could feel the tightness of the ropes and gag, it didn’t seem to matter anymore as my eyes grew heavier and heavier. My mind raced for several more minutes, then the last thing I remember prior to passing out and there being only silence was voices from somewhere near to the closet door ...

Re: My real life kidnapping (FFM/F)

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 4:46 pm
by Soraka
By lindsayinbonds
Edited by rafeylovesbonds

It was around seven-thirty am that I passed out from the drugged drink I was given around an hour ago and I woke up in response to someone shaking me. I was seriously out of it, but I looked up to find two of the women there, shaking me awake. They untied me and helped me to my feet, but I was really shaky and unable to walk too well, so they brought a chair in and sat me down on it instead. Immediately, I started to go back to sleep, but the women kept shaking me until I was at last to some degree coherent. “Sorry, Lindsay, we know you’ve been in here for twelve hours or more; are you OK?” I looked at them but was unable to really talk, so I just nodded.
Kylie walked in then and said, “Oh, poor Lindsay, I’m so sorry … ” She looked at the other women, then continued, “I think we have gone too far with this! We need to let Lindsay go, because she has put up with enough from us!” The woman in charge said, “Oh, come on, Kylie, you know better than that!” Kylie asked her, “So - what are we going to do with her now?” “Well,” the woman said, “You get her dinner and a drink and we’ll give her a break for a while before we tie her up again.” “OK,” Kylie said, turning towards the door, “But I think we should let her go.”

I had started to come around a little by this stage. My wrists had deep rope marks on them, but other than that I was alive. I still felt like sleeping, though, as the drugs were continuing to affect me. The two women were just standing talking while I sat there still spaced out, but I was not paying any attention to what they were saying. Kylie came back in about fifteen minutes after this, with lots of food. “Here, Lindsay,” she said, offering it to me. “You have to eat!” I was not hungry, I think because of the drugs, but I did make myself eat nonetheless. Kylie had brought a bagel, a cup of plain pasta, eggs and water; I said nothing as I took the plate from her and began to eat. The two women were still talking as I finished the food and I found I did feel somewhat better after having for eating. “Are you done, Lindsay?” one of the women asked. I said I was and asked to use the bathroom.” “Certainly,” she said. “In fact, we are going to give you plenty of time to stay in there and recover yourself.” “OK,” I said. “Thank you.” I stood up and at once felt like collapsing, but the women helped me inside the bathroom and closed the door. “We’ll come and get you later, Lindsay,” they said.

At least an hour had gone by and soon two hours, but they had not come back for me, although I could hear their voices. I still felt very hung over, but I had recovered sufficiently to be able to walk normally. I had been rubbing my wrists and they had started to look better; I was not worried about my make-up, as from the mirror it still looked flawless. I sat there for what seemed to be at least two more hours again, if not more; I was bored sitting there with nothing to do, but I guess it was better than being bound and gagged so I was thankful for this time. I was finally feeling well enough to start thinking about what might happen to me next, though I knew it would involve more ropes and gags, so I just tried to not worry about it. I wanted to go home so badly; I was feeling very hopeless and homesick, not to mention being full of dread as well. In the finish, I just sat there until I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I did not know what time it was but I had been in the bathroom for hours. I still did not feel completely myself, rather I was continuing to feel a little hung over from the drugs. I was really at a loss as to why the women had not come back to tie me up as normal, but still more time went by before the door finally opened, to reveal them there with ropes in their hands. I asked what time it was and one of the women told me it was three am. “We’re getting ready to leave,” the other woman said, “And we need to tie you up one last time, so come on - let’s go, Lindsay!” I walked out and towards the closet where Kylie was waiting. “Let me tie Lindsay up,” she said. “And, remember, we have to leave the closet door open, so she will be able to get out after we leave.” “Very well, then,” one of the women said. “You take care of her and we’ll wait in the hall.”

For the last time, I felt Kylie’s clammy hands hold my wrists behind my back as she tied them super-tight. “How am I supposed to get out of this?” I asked, as she proceeded to help me lie down on the floor before she tied my feet. Smiling reassuringly at me as she told me not to worry, she put me in a hogtie that was not as tight as previously; gagged me super-tightly; rolled me on to my side; then spoke. “Right, Lindsay, listen,” she said. “I left a sharp knife in one of the rooms and I’ll show you how you’re going to get there.” She pulled my skirt up to my waist, then said, “Sit, Indian-style.” I did so, whereupon she showed me how to rock myself up to my knees so I could crawl around. Just then, though, one of the women came in and said, “Kylie, it’s time to leave, so you need to finish up with her. Make sure the ropes will keep her there for a bit, then come along with us.” Kylie nodded, checked all the ropes and then stood up. “Goodbye, Lindsay,” she said, looking down at me. “I’m sorry for everything you’ve been through … I hope you’ll manage to free yourself soon and then get back home ... OK, Lindsay, ’bye!” And with that, Kylie turned away and walked out with the other woman. I could only listen to the footsteps of all three of them going downstairs ... then, I heard the door open and close ... and finally, they were gone. I knew it was going to be a struggle to get out of the ropes, so I lay there for a few minutes, still a bit hung over from the drugs. I felt that I lacked the energy to fight my bonds, so I needed a nap before I tried to escape. My head was spinning a bit and I lay there for a long while, until my eyes closed in sleep.

Re: My real life kidnapping (FFM/F)

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 4:47 pm
by Soraka
By lindsayinbonds
Edited by rafeylovesbonds

After a long nap, I woke up, angry with myself for falling asleep instead of trying to get free, but those darn drugs I was given were still making me feel drowsy. As I laid there trying to focus on what to do, I started to feel the tightness of the ropes which once again were cutting into my wrists. I looked down at my legs and all I saw was pantyhose, but remembered that Kylie had pulled up my skirt so I could rock on to my knees by sitting Indian-style. As I thought about this, I slowly sat up and crossed my legs Indian-style ...

After about four attempts to get on my knees, I had had no luck; it had just made me more tired. However, I knew I could not lose any more time; I had to try to get out of the ropes as soon as I could. I knew that half the morning had gone by already and I was no closer to being free, so I got in position and rocked as hard as I could another three or four times. Alas, I tried too hard because on the final attempt, I over-balanced, flew forward and hit my head with great force against the door frame of the closet. I heard a very loud thud, I saw a flash before my eyes and then I was back on the floor, nearly knocked out and in a great deal of pain.

It hurt so much! I had to lay there for another long while, with tears in my eyes and unable to cry out due to the super-tight gag. It was a good thirty or forty-five minutes before I could finally sit up and even then, I was feeling very dizzy. I was wondering by this point if I was ever going to get out of there, but I knew I had try again: firstly, because I knew three or four hours had gone by since I had been left alone; also, because the tightness of the ropes had become worse after the fall.

I got in position again and rocked up just enough this time to get on to my knees. I felt I was finally making progress and would be able to start looking for that knife Kylie had been talking about. Hopefully, she had been telling the truth about that!

I started to walk on my knees, whereupon my skirt fell back down to knee length. That was going to make it harder to move around because now it was very tight, but nonetheless, I did manage to get out of the closet. I was still really dizzy and my head hurt a lot. The closet had been in the master bedroom, which, being fairly dark inside, meant that I could not see too well in there; so, I crawled around all the sides of the room in search of the knife, but did not find it.

I began to make my way towards the door. I had just got through it and into the hallway, when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I hoped so much that it was someone coming to rescue me! Then, I heard a male voice say, “Oh, Miss Lindsay, you’re still here!” I looked up to see one of the men who had been here in the house. He was probably in his early forties, with short brown hair and, I think, blueish eyes; he did not look like a homeless person, as he was fairly trim and smart. I looked at him in horror because I had a bad feeling as to why he had come back.

He walked over to me and said, “Hello, Miss Lindsay! We never had the chance to properly meet, but I had to come and see you. My name is John. I see you haven’t made much progress with getting loose! Well, that’s good, because I want to hang out with you for a good long time here today.” My eyes were as wide as coffee cups and I just froze with worry: what did this guy think he was going to do with me?

He took the gag off, saying that that would make it easier for us to chat. I said, “Why are you back here? Please, untie me!”, but he said that that was not really what he had in mind to do with me. I asked whether the others be missing him, but “No,” he replied. “I told them I was going food shopping, then afterwards I was going to take a long walk ... it’s a beautiful day out, Lindsay and Halloween is in a week or so.”

The more I heard this guy talk, the more I knew he was a bit off and that this might not work out too well for me. So, I decided I had to play nice with him, in order that maybe, eventually, he would untie me. “Look, John,” I tried again. “These ropes are super-tight! Will you please untie them?” “Sorry,” he said. “You’re on your own as far as that goes.” I said, “OK, fine – so, what do you want from me?” He said, “First off … ” But I cut him off at that point and said, “Look, whatever you do, don’t hurt me or take my clothes off, OK?” “OK,” he said, “I promise, but I really want to feel those stockings.”

He untied the rope connecting my hands to my feet and got me to my feet. “Please stand here,” he said, “And face the wall.” I had no choice other than to co-operate, whereupon he started to very gently rub my sheer pantyhose legs from my ankles to my knees. Next, he pulled my skirt up to my waist, then very gently and precisely rubbed me from my knees up to my waist. I must say that if he had been trying to arouse me, to turn me on, then it worked! I started to squirm and asked him to stop, but he responded that he had only been getting started with me and that I was not to talk any more. To make sure of this, he put the gag back in and made it super-tight again.

He kept on rubbing my legs from waist to ankle, which felt so good I could not help but get aroused. I found it quite a turn on, being tied up and aroused forcefully, but at the same time I knew this guy was creepy and so might hurt me if I failed to co-operate. He continued to rub my legs to the point where I felt a climax was approaching, which I think was what he was trying to achieve, then he turned me round and put his hand to my crotch, rubbing over my pantyhose and panties. I tried to talk through the gag but it just came out as moaning ...

By this point, I was so turned-on by the way this guy was touching me that I couldn’t stand it any longer and it was because I was tied up that it was made that much more intense. I was completely in this guy’s grasp, there was nothing I could do except go with it, but then right at the point where I was feeling the most aroused - he stopped and said, “We’ll get back to that in a minute, but now, I want to kiss you, Lindsay ... so please, no biting me or trying to fight me off, OK?” I nodded my compliance, at which he took the gag back out and pulled me down to the floor.

He laid next to me, but then he noticed that my lipstick had been ruined from the gag. He said, “Lindsay, before we do this, I need to fix your lipstick. Where is it?” “It’s still in the bathroom,” I told him, whereupon he went off to get it. When he returned, he sat me up and put the new lipstick on me that he wanted. I said nothing throughout: this guy was very out there and I was just hoping to survive all this ...

The lipstick applied, he said, “I’ll be back in a bit; I need to get a few things I forgot from downstairs. Please behave while I’m gone!” I very softly said, “OK,” to this as he left the room.

He was gone for a long while, during which I worked on the ropes the best I could. My head still hurt and, by now, we were getting into late morning or early afternoon. I was in a panic to get out of there before he came back, but the ropes had all been very well tied by Kylie and I had to accept that I was not going to be able to go anywhere.

After what seemed to be more than an hour, John came back with food. He sat down next to me and said, “I’ve bought you a treat, Lindsay.” He had obtained cold pizza from somewhere; he asked if I was hungry and I said I was, very. Accordingly, he fed me three slices of cold pizza in succession while he just talked about weird, random stuff, seemingly giving words to the wanderings of his mind. I just sat there and listened, bemused at first but then in horror after he had finished feeding me, as that was when he told me that he had to apply my lipstick again. I looked at him and said, “Oh, John, please don’t - I beg you not to do this to me! Look, I really need to go home ... untie me, please, John, untie me, please!”

He just looked at me smiled and said, “Sorry, Lindsay, but I’m going to be your guest for quite a bit longer! I’ll leave you alone when I get what I’ve come for and then you can focus on trying to get free. For now, though, let’s get back to what we were doing earlier … ” And he stood me up, facing the wall again and began to rub my legs once more, very sensually as he had done previously. He pulled up my skirt as before and fondled me intimately from waist to ankle ...

I really did not like the fact that his touching me was such a turn on! He started in the crotch area again and slowly rubbed my legs, giving me the best leg rub I have ever received in my life! He kept on with it and when he saw that I was getting a tremendous thrill out of it, he rubbed my private area very sensuously to the point that I was so turned-on, I had the most intense climax ever! And in the hands of a creepy stranger, too. In fact, so all-consuming was it that when he put me down on the floor again, I was still in climax as he just stood and watched.

I was beyond exhausted, as after that I passed out almost immediately. He left me there asleep until I eventually woke up to find him cuddling me. “At last,” he said. “The sleeping princess is awake!” I was in a total daze as I asked him what happened and what time it was. He said, “Lindsay, thank you; it’s twelve-thirty and you gave me what I came for.” I tried to sit up the best I could, but he pushed me back down and said, “Lindsay, I’m not done with you yet!” And bringing his face to mine, he stuck his tongue down my throat as he began to kiss me, whilst rubbing my legs again.

I was completely grossed out and yelled at him to stop. He said, “Please kiss me back, Lindsay!” I rolled my eyes and said, “OK, if it gets you out of here quicker, then I will.” He smiled, then laid into me like he had never kissed a girl before. Which, for that matter, maybe he hadn’t ... he kept me there on the floor and made out with me for well over an hour and it was at this point that I knew he was not going home. I was utterly depleted and, looking at him, I said, “John, I’ve had enough. Will you, please, either untie me, or leave … ”

“Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay,” he said, in a soft voice. “You mean you’re not enjoying my company?” I replied, “Oh, John, please ... I’ve had enough now.” He pushed me back to the ground and started kissing me again, while rubbing his private area over my pantyhose. Oh, this guy was too much ... I was completely grossed out, scared and yet turned on by what he was doing. However, the ropes were very painful by this time, my wrists were so sore and I could feel rope burn setting in.

Meanwhile, he continued to kiss me and fondle me, forcing me to kiss him back all the while. There was another hour or so of this, but then he sat up at last and said, “Well, I’m going to have to leave now, sweetie, but here, let me fix your lipstick one last time before I gag you up.” I pleaded with him, “John, please don’t gag me … ” but he didn’t listen and gagged me as tightly as I had ever been. He said, “It’s two-thirty now, Lindsay, so you have three hours until dark. I hope you will be able to get out of the ropes before then.”

He stood up and looked down at me. “Lindsay,” he said, “Thank you so much for these last three hours. You gave me exactly what I wanted.” Then, he rolled me on to my side. He re-tied the rope connecting my hands to my feet, thus I found myself hogtied again.

Re: My real life kidnapping (FFM/F)

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 4:47 pm
by Soraka
By lindsayinbonds
Edited by rafeylovesbonds

Hogtied again, I watched this creepy man leave me; I heard him walk down the stairs and close the door behind him. I was a complete mess at this point: my shoulders were in great pain from my arms being tied behind my back for so long; my wrists were completely rope burned; my head was throbbing because of the fall earlier; and I had just been molested by a weird, homeless guy. I felt completely creeped out by his visit, but I was grateful he had not hurt me.

I knew it was getting be close to three o’clock. I had been tied up since very early in the morning and with everything that had happened, I needed now to focus and find a way to get loose. My skirt was down and so there was no way I was going to get up on my knees, unless I tried to use the wall to do it and with this in mind, I kind of inched over on my side towards the said wall. I tried several times to lift myself up, but I was not going to succeed due to the hogtie. I spent a good thirty minutes trying without any luck to get up and I was beginning to feel hopeless.

Darn it, I was tired of the ropes and the gag was so tight it was nearly choking me. I just sank back down to the floor, thinking that was it – I was doomed. I laid there for a good ten minutes until suddenly I remembered … my purse, with my phone in it, was in the downstairs bathroom from when I first came in a few days ago. And in my purse, I remembered now, was a razorblade cutter I had been using when on a previous project! So I sat there and wondered how I could get down the stairs whilst tied up the way I was – I knew I had to go for it.

On my side again, I inched myself out of the closet and slowly made my way out of the room into the hallway. It took me about twenty minutes to get that far, but then I saw the staircase and slowly rolled and inched over to it. The next challenge I was facing was how to get down it without violently crashing all the way down to the bottom.

I got back on my side, put my legs towards the stairs and slowly worked myself down from step to step. It took absolutely for ever, but eventually I did manage to get right to the bottom. I was so relieved when I hit the cold, untiled floor! The subsequent trial was, of course, to inch in the same way along to the bathroom. This was a little way down the hall and it was already fairly dark in the house as the day was winding down. Accordingly, I began straightaway to struggle and inch my way to the bathroom door, which fortunately, being cracked, I was able to open with a bit of effort.

I inched myself into the bathroom - it was quite dark in there. I was able to locate my purse and my clothing bag, as they were still where I had left them a few days before. Neither being tied up the way I was, nor the general darkness, helped, but I was still able to grab my purse, then inch back into the hallway.

I managed to empty out the purse and, yes! There lay the cutter. I laid down, opened the blade and carefully found a space in the ropes to cut through. After about fifteen minutes, I felt the ropes give way sufficiently for me to be able, at long last, to get one wrist free! My shoulders were so cramped, it hurt far too much to try to lift either of my arms; gradually, however, I worked them forward and moved them around to loosen them up and finally, I was able to lift both.

I pulled the gag down and I was able to breathe freely again. I slowly got my arms to the front, so I could untie my feet. Once they were free too, I just laid there in my pain and rejoiced. I sat up on my knees and then, the reality of my freedom hit me and I had a complete emotional breakdown. I laid there and cried for a long time, which really was all I could do.

When in control again, I made it on to my knees at last and then, eventually, I managed to actually stand up. I was very sore, very dizzy, but I made it over to the light switch and got some illumination in the bathroom. I sat there crying with relief for another long while, then tried to gather my thoughts and begin to focus. I knew I had to get out of here but, equally, I knew I could not go home in this condition either.

My mind was lost; I was confused about leaving that place; I remember getting up and walking around the entire house to make sure all the doors and windows were locked, so no one could get in again. I was horrified at the thought of going outside at this point, but I had brought all my make-up downstairs and I knew I had another dress outfit in my clothes bag.

So, instead of immediately leaving that house, I stayed there for a bit. I washed, put on another tight skirt with some new black tights and floral print panties, re-did all my make up and put on two-inch chunky heel shoes. All this, simply because I was scared to go outside and face the world. After all, what would I do when I did? Was I going to call the police and report all that had happened to me, or was I going to just leave and not tell anyone about it? I was a head case at this point and sat there for a long while until I had finally talked myself into leaving.

I walked into the garage and there sat my Chevy Suburban with the keys still in it; I went back into the house, collected all my belongings and put them on the back seat. Something, though, still would not let me leave; I felt like I belonged here, I felt so out of sorts. So, I walked upstairs again and looked around in every corner of every room. I even found Kylie’s knife, next to the door in a room down the hall. I took one last look at the closet, then I turned, ran downstairs, opened the garage door, jumped in my truck, reversed it out and closed the garage door behind me. It was nearly dark by then and temperatures were in the forties. It felt very strange, being outside after being locked up for four days. I pulled over about a block away and turned on my phone, then sat there to decide if I was going to call the police or bury the whole experience.

Re: My real life kidnapping (FFM/F)

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2019 4:48 pm
by Soraka
By lindsayinbonds
Edited by rafeylovesbonds


Well, I guess it’s irrelevant whether I ended up calling the police or letting it pass; that is just between me, myself and I. I will say, though, that this messed me up for a long while after it was over. I suffered from PTSD and went to talk to a group about my experience, but otherwise I pretty much kept it all to myself. I did not even share my ordeal with loved ones, not just because I was embarrassed about what had happened but because, at the same time, I was a bit obsessive about it too; I would often drive by the house, or sit outside and just stare at it.

Then, three years later, I discovered the house was back on the market and they were having a viewing session one Sunday in October, nearly three years to the day after all that happened to me began. I felt I had to make peace with my demons in order to be able to move on, so I decided to attend the event. I dressed up in the same outfit I had been wearing that fateful day three years earlier: the same tight skirt, the same black pantyhose and the same black heels.

I drove up to the house; it was strange to see lots of cars in front of it. I got out of the car and slowly walked to the door, where I was greeted by a very nice lady named Susie who said I was welcome to explore the entire house.

I got the chills as I entered. A few other people were there looking around as well and my first stop was the bathroom, where it all both started and ended. I walked in and looked about myself, remembering crawling around in the dark trying to get free of my bonds, then moved on to the basement. I did not spend much time there as I did not feel anything in particular in that place.

After walking back up from there, I stopped at the stairs that led upwards. Then, taking a deep breath, I walked to the next floor and looked in all the rooms. Next, I entered the bathroom, where I had spent lots of time. However, looking in the mirror and seeing myself in the same outfit made me start to have flashbacks, so I said a prayer for myself and walked back out.

Lastly, finally, I went to the master bedroom and there it was - the giant walk-in closet that had been my prison for four days. I went in and stood there for a few minutes remembering everything I went through in that closet, the one closet I want closed for ever, then I said a very long and intense prayer for myself before walking out, going back downstairs and quickly leaving the house.

I got in my car, drove away and that was the last time I ever went near, or even thought about, that house again. By then, I think I was finally over what happened to me.

Now, let me tell you where I stand as far as rope bondage goes. Before this happened, I thought rope bondage was fun and I enjoyed it a lot. After all this happened to me, I no longer see rope bondage as a game, but rather as a need: it is no longer fun, but I feel I need it, after what happened to me. I feel now that I should be tied up and put in isolation for long periods at a time, as it seems to relieve all my stress when I am tied up for hours. I guess that on some level, I feel I deserve to be tied up and locked up and I think I’ve become very submissive since this ordeal.

Thanks for reading everyone; I left out some stuff, but otherwise I wrote this as best as I can remember.

Re: My real life kidnapping (FFM/F)

Posted: Sat Sep 21, 2019 6:27 pm
by Sportsfan
I remember this story being by far one of the oddest I've ever read. It is told in a good amount of detail to the point where it certainly sounds true, certain things that they talk about, especially in terms of getting used to their predicament and feeling hopeless, I feel like a person writing a fictional fantasy story would never think about or write down. At the same time, the author seems to focus a little too much on aspects such as what they were wearing and how they looked, which makes it seem like a fake fantasy story. Whatever the case, it is a great story nonetheless.

Re: My real life kidnapping (FFM/F)

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 3:49 pm
by rafeylovesbonds
Sportsfan wrote: 4 years ago I remember this story being by far one of the oddest I've ever read. It is told in a good amount of detail to the point where it certainly sounds true, certain things that they talk about, especially in terms of getting used to their predicament and feeling hopeless, I feel like a person writing a fictional fantasy story would never think about or write down. At the same time, the author seems to focus a little too much on aspects such as what they were wearing and how they looked, which makes it seem like a fake fantasy story. Whatever the case, it is a great story nonetheless.
Having co-edited this story with Soraka, I have spent some time reading, examining and thinking about the text and how true it all might be. I have come to the conclusion that, on balance, it is a true story, but would be interested in other readers' view on the subject. Thanks @Sportsfan for yours.


Re: My real life kidnapping (FFM/F)

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 6:59 pm
by Sportsfan
rafeylovesbonds wrote: 4 years ago
Sportsfan wrote: 4 years ago I remember this story being by far one of the oddest I've ever read. It is told in a good amount of detail to the point where it certainly sounds true, certain things that they talk about, especially in terms of getting used to their predicament and feeling hopeless, I feel like a person writing a fictional fantasy story would never think about or write down. At the same time, the author seems to focus a little too much on aspects such as what they were wearing and how they looked, which makes it seem like a fake fantasy story. Whatever the case, it is a great story nonetheless.
Having co-edited this story with Soraka, I have spent some time reading, examining and thinking about the text and how true it all might be. I have come to the conclusion that, on balance, it is a true story, but would be interested in other readers' view on the subject. Thanks @Sportsfan for yours.

Not a problem. And by no means am I bashing the story for maybe stretching the truth a little, nor would I be upset if I found out it was completely made up. Just makes me curious is all.