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vampirepoet303 : 01 - 19th birthday (M/F)

Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2019 3:51 am
by Canuck100
vampirepoet303's stories
01 - 19th birthday
Story index at the bottom

By vampirepoet303

Monday February 21st 2000 04:32:53

This is my first post and it concerns my 19th birthday. First off I'd like to say that I first 'discovered' my bondage interst when I was around 6 or 7 and second, I suffer from asmtha every now and then. I ended up having a mild attack every three or four years since I was about 8. It's an important point latter in the story. My good friend Didi, who I've know since I was in 1st grade and was the first and one of the only people who knew of my bondage interest, had just moved into her first apartment. It was a two bedroom, but her roommate backed out after a week leaving her with a two bedroom place to herself. Well, it was approaching my birthday and she had inquired into what I wanted. Well, knowing she was going to have to pay for a two bedroom place by herself for a while, I told her nothing. Just show up at the dinner some of my other friends were holding at a local restaurant for my B-Day and I'd be happy. Well the day of birthday, she told me not to make any plans after the dinner, she had a surpise for me. I said 'sure' and told her I'd meet her at the restaurant.

Well the dinner came and Didi sat next to me being my sub-girlfriend seeing I didn't have one on this birthday. Didi was a knockpout too. She was about 5'6", a swimmer body, aburn red hair and green eyes. If we hadn't been friends for so long we might have gone out. Didi was one of the first people to leave, telling me to meet her at her apartment after I was finished with the dinner, but to give her at least an hour. She said she had my birthday present. I gave the usual protest, but hey, I like present so all the better.

After the last of my friends had called it a night, it was around one A.M. and Didi had been gone for about an hour and half. I had to work the next morning, so I thought I'd better make Didi's quick. Well, when Didi opened the door to her apartment, she looked pissed. "Am I to late?". "No" she said opening the door. She was wearing her long 'comfy' robe w/ her dark red hair pulled up. "I'm sorry" she said, "things arn't going like I planned them". Then I heard another voice from one of the rooms. It was Didi's friend Helen. Didi explained Helen had come by after fighting with her boyfriend and was drunk. Didi couldn't let her drive home. Helen was in the spare bedroon, which was baren. Helen had crawled into the closet and was talking to herself. I kinda of laughed at the por girl and Didi began talking and told me she'd give me my present as soon as she put Helen to bed. helen was pretty insistant on staying in the closet and after 15 minutes of arguing with us, she finally just fell asleep. I yawned and asked if we could do this tomarrow night, but Didi said no and it be worth it. She ran into her room, telling me to get her camera from the hall closet. It was a real nice camera, I was almost afraid to hold it. After a few more minutes, Didi came out of her room wearing a short black dress and stockings, no shoes. her hair was down and she had touched up her make up and looked just gorgoues. She held out a large bag of rope and looked at the camera. "It's got film, do what you like birthday boy".

Sunday February 27th 2000 04:56:10

my 19th continued

Well, here I was, my 19th birthday and my best friend Didi had decided to let me tie her up and take photos of her for my birthday present. I was standing there in the empty bedroom of the apartment with a camera in my hand in disbelief. "well?" she asked. I could only smile and realize I wasn't dreaming. I took the bag of rope from her and asked her to sit on the floor.

"Ah, wait!" she squelled. "I almost forgot!" She ran into the kitchen and came back with a birthday cake with lit candles.

"Make a wish" she said.

I assured her I had already gotten my wish and blew out the candles. She suggested we eat the cake afterwards and I agreed, sitting the cake down against the wall. Didi sat down on the floor and I placed her hands in front of her, wrapping the first strand of rope gently around her wrists.

"No good" she said. "you need to make these pics good, this is probably you only shot at this. Tighter".

Again I was astonished, but knowing Didi, when she said to do something, there wasn't a need to double check what she said. I retied her wrist, pulling the rope till she gave a slight wince, knowing that was tight enough. After that, I took the longest piece of rope and wrapped around her torso, just below her chest. She began to giggle.

"What?" I asked.

She flashed that beautiful smile of hers, "We've known each other way too long because any other guy would be overly excited by now". I laughed at her though too and told she souldn't trust any other guy to do this. She agreed as I tied the rope off behind her back.

I move on to her ankles next wrapping the rope around them about 7 times before tying it off and the did the same at her knees.

"Can you get free?" i asked out of curiousity.

She struggled a bit and replied "if I had too".

I began taking some pics, moving her around the room and after taking about 15 pics of the 36 exposure roll, she suggest I take some with her hands tied behind her back. I agreed, untying her hands. She managed to move hands behind her back with out me having to undo her upper body. I crossed her hands and looped the rope around each wrist, then in a criss-cross fashion. Again I shot off some pics and began running out of different postions for her but film left.

"Go in my room and pull a scarf from the top dresser drawer" she said. "You can do a gag or blindfold".

Man Didi was great. I got two scarves and a hankercief, hoping to do both but decided to start with the gag. I wadded up the hankercief in a small ball, placing it in her mouth and then using the scarf to finish the gag. She mmmppfffed a giggle and started taking more pics. At this point it was real early in the morning and we were both laughing at almost every move she tried to make.

I told her I wanted to stand her up to take a photo and moved to stand her up, but hse shook her head. Didi wanted to show off and do it herself. She sat up on her knees and tried bounce up to her feet. She almost did it, but lost her balance and fell over. She landed right up next to my birthday cake, a small tad of the frosting getting on her nose. I lost it, laughing so hard I was turning red. After a few moments though, I could feel I was short of breath. I was having a mild asthma attack. I fell to my knees trying to catch my breath, knowing I just had to stop laughing and relax for it to stop. Well Didi didn't think that, squirming and rolling across the floor. In the corner of my eye I saw her start to kick, turning, I saw her kicking Helen who was still in the closet! I had forgotten about Helen! This just made me laugh harder. Helen was so out of it, she might as well been dead. Didi kicked and pushed, but Helen would not wake up. I rolled on my back staring at the ceiling, clutching my stomach in pain from my laughter. It really wasn't as funny as it sounds now, but I was was so tired that I was feeling more silly than normal and the sight of my best friend totally bound with her hands behind her, gagged and with frosting on her nose, trying to wake up another girl who was passed out in the closet was too much!

After about five minutes of staring at the ceiling I was able to calm down and get my breath back. I lied there for a moment longer when I realized Didi wasn't in the room. I heard a small crash and ran into the living room, worried she might of been hurt. Upon coming into the living room, there was my beloved Didi. She had made her way into the living room and knocked the phone off the table. She was trying to dial withe her frosting covered nose. I leaned over and quickly untied her hands before I started laughing again. Didi took the gag off and hugged me.

"Oh my God, are you O.K.?" she asked.

That was my Didi, she just had worked her way down the hall to the livingroom, bound, trying to call for help with her nose, but she was more worried about me. I assure her I was O.K. and my laughter was causing me more problems than the breif asthma attack. She sighed in relief. I wipped the frosting off her nose, kissed her on the check and untied her legs, decideing we were done.

"Who were you calling?" I asked.

"911" she said, "I figured even though I couldn't speak, they come check out the call. I thought you were dying".

She hugged me again and told me she loved me and I returned the expression. We got the birthday cake from the bedroom and some glasses of milk before heading back into the living room. We stayed up till dawn, watching the Princess Bride and eating the cake. twoard the end of the movie, I turned to her ans said "You could get out if you had to, huh?". Didi just smirked and hit me on the leg. Needless to say, neither of us went to work the next day. The only down part is film didn't come out, the negatives were blank. Didi said we'd do them again some day, but shortly afterwards, she got a job out of state that was to good of an oppritunity to pass. We still keep in touch and even had another bondage experiance, but I never got my pics. Still, thanks to my best friend, it was easily my best B-day ever!

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