DesertFox : Burglary and an Unlucky Guy (FF/M)

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DesertFox : Burglary and an Unlucky Guy (FF/M)

Post by Soraka »

by DesertFox » Sun Mar 09, 2014 7:20 pm

Alright, so I was a rich kid. Big deal. It was my parent's money anyway, so I don't really do anything except go to college.

I'm 20 and was home on break. I'm about 6 feet tall, 185 pounds, and on this unlucky day I was wearing jeans, socks, a t-shirt and a black Polo quarter-zip sweater. I wasn't a jewelry guy, but I did have a Rolex SeaDweller on. I was home for the summer and my parents were out at our vacation home in Florida, so I was alone for a few days.

It was a Wednesday night and I was just watching TV and had ordered a pizza about 15 minutes ago when I heard a knock at the door. I looked at my watch and saw it was only 8:30; the pizza guy was really early! I put on my tennis shoes and went to answer the door, but when I opened it there were two women there. One wasn't especially attractive, but she looked like a bodybuilder. The other was gorgeous, with long red hair and blue eyes, Both were wearing black sport jackets and black skirts with high heels.

"Hi, are you Max?" one of them asked.

"Yes, but who are you? You aren't delivering a pizza.." I replied.

"Are your parents home," grumbled the bodybuilder-looking girl. She had a deep voice. 'Testosterone supplements,' I thought to myself.

"No," I replied. "They aren't in until Saturday. Can I help you ladies with something?"

"It sounds like it," the attractive one said with a smile. "Myra, could you take care of this?"

As she said that, the bigger lady barged in the door and shoved me to the ground. I cried out in shock as the attractive looking one quickly closed the door and locked it while Myra, the bodybuilder, pulled a small gun on me from her waistband.

"W-what the hell do you want," I yelled!

"Shut up," said Myra. She took a coil of thin cord from her pocket and told me to turn over on my stomach. I did so and she grabbed my hands together, tying my wrists together palm-to-palm just above my watch. She hauled me to my feet while the attractive one looked around the living room.

"Listen, please just-mmmph!"

My plea turned into a whimper as Myra clasped her hand over my mouth. I mumbled into her huge hand as she spoke to her partner.

"Zoe, we need to take him upstairs and keep him there."

Zoe, the beautiful redhead, smiled sweetly at me.

"How about that, sweetheart? Let's go upstairs then!"

Myra threw a huge arm around my waist and, with one hand over my mouth, followed her partner upstairs. They went into my room, shutting the door and locking it. Myra threw me on the bed, her hand still over my mouth as she lay on my back. Zoe, humming to herself softly, took more rope and looped it around my ankles, tying them tightly together. I mmmped into Myra's hand as she took a third coil of rope and tied my ankles and wrists together in a loose hogtie.

They both climbed off me and stood at the edge of the bed. I struggled with my bonds for a second before I started pleading again.

"Please, just take whatever you want! I'm not going to call the police!"

Zoe laughed, a high musical note that would normally have been even more attractive.

"We know you won't, honey," she said. "Myra, find me a gag please."

As Myra went to rummage through my closet I tried my best again to convince them.

"This house is huge! Nobody outside can hear me if I yell; please don't gag me!"

Zoe laughed again as Myra approached with two (clean, thankfully) knee socks.

"I've heard that one before! Myra, gag him."

Myra leaned down towards me and stuffed one sock in my mouth before tying the other between my teeth and knotting it tightly behind the back of my head. I moaned at them through the gag as Myra checked the ropes around my wrists and ankles.

"Do you want his Rolex?"

"No, sweetie," Zoe replied. "Let's leave him one thing."

They left the room and locked the door behind them. I started to struggle. My hogtie wasn't too tight and I could roll around, but I couldn't get either my wrists or ankles free. I tried to loosen my gag and almost spat out the knee sock stuffed in my mouth, since the one tied between my teeth wasn't too thick. Finally, after a few minutes, I managed to do it and breathed heavily through my nose. I could make a lot more noise, but what would be the point right now?

I waited sullenly, tugging on my bonds for a few minutes, before my phone in my pocket started to vibrate! It was the pizza guy at the door! Sure enough, if I listened closely I could hear a car idling outside.

It took all my flexibility to get my phone from my pocket and get it near my face. I swiped at the 'answer call' bar with my nose and heard the pizza guy come on.

"Hello, is Max there?"

"Hellppm, I tried to yell through my gag. "I'm beimmggg robbbdd!"


"Pleammph hellpmmm me!"

"Is someone there?"

That was the last thing I heard before the two women burst through the door. I hurriedly tried to yell in the phone but Zoe took it and crushed it under a high heel. I groaned through my gag as my last hope disappeared under her foot.

Myra got on the bed and threw her hand over my mouth again.

"That wasn't very considerate, sweetie," said Zoe with another sweet smile. I groaned into Myra's hand.

"What about that chair over there," I heard a gruff voice say from behind my head.

"Perfect," replied Zoe as she snapped her fingers. "Undo his hogtie and get him in it."

Myra did as she was ordered and hauled me over into the straight-backed wooden chair I used for a desk chair. I always fell asleep in the more comfortable ones, but it turns out that, over the next several hours, I wished that I had just gotten an office chair. Myra undid the rope from around my wrists and pulled my hands through the chair slats. She ziptied my wrists together above my watch and then put another ziptie below my watch, just above my palms, for good measure. She untied my ankles and zipped them together with two zipties before forcing them under the chair. She connected my wrists and my ankles together with another zip tie, harshly arching my back. I groaned into the gag as Myra and Zoe took rope and wound it around the chair and my body, both above and below my pecs, and then zipped my thighs and knees together. They stepped back to look at me for a second and talked quietly between themselves with their backs turned.

"Pleasmmph," I moaned into the gag. "Just let mmmee go!"

They turned back around.

"Yours are bigger, hun," Zoe said. "And probably a bit sweater, no offense."

Myra grunted and Zoe came around to untie the knee sock from between my teeth before clamping a thin hand over my mouth. I could smell her perfume and feel the soft skin of her hands, very different than Myra's.

Meanwhile, Myra was pulling down a big pair of blue panties from her waist to the floor before stepping out of them. She balled them up and walked over to me.

"Hmm mmm," I said into Zoe's hand!

Zoe sighed and pinched my cheeks together, opening my mouth, and took the panties from Myra before methodically stuffing them into my mouth. The pair was huge and I couldn't close my mouth. Immediately I tasted sweat and...other things.

From behind me I heard the sound of ripping duct tape. Zoe wound the tape between my teeth several times and then over my mouth, tightly winding it around my head, making my cheeks bulge from the panties in my mouth. After 10 turns, she finally ripped the tape and patted the end down near the back of my head.

"Mmmmph," I groaned into my new gag. Myra huffed and left the room. Zoe turned around and straddled me in the chair.

"Oh you poor baby," she said as she stroked my cheek. "I'd love to stay and play, but we've got to be going now. Here, I'll leave you something." She planted a kiss on my cheek and then placed a small knife on the desk behind me before leaving the room, locking it and shutting off the light. I heard the front door open and shut and their car drive away.

"Hmmmmmph mmmmph!"

I immediately yelled into my gag to see how loud I could be. The answer: not loud at all. I struggled with the zipties but they just cut further into my wrists.

It took my a good hour to worm my way back to the desk and grab the knife with my fingers. As soon as I touched it I knew it had all been a joke; this was a plastic knife with no serration and there was no way I could cut the zipties with it. I still tried for half an hour, but it was no use.

"Mmmmph," I moaned into my gag, dejected. I knew I wasn't going anywhere until someone found me.

The End
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Post by samfellow »

The girls should strip him nude or semi nude before bondage.
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