Mike : 01 - Best Game of the Summer (mm/mm)

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Mike : 01 - Best Game of the Summer (mm/mm)

Post by Canuck100 »

Mike's stories
01 - Best Game of the Summer
Story index at the bottom

By Mike

Saturday January 29th 2000 05:38:07

I have to rank this one as my second favorite experience out of all of my tie-up game experiences. (I haven't posted number one on my list yet.) It's like my other posts, this situation wasn't that elaborate, but it was much more complete. I like the tie-ups themselves better, and everybody got a turn.

This time, I was around age 17. Even though I had friends my own age, I still spent time with the kids around the block. We were at Brian's house, who was about 12 this time, and so were his two friends Taylor and John. This was again in the middle of summer, and it was quite warm. For some reason I had blue jeans on and a t-shirt. The others made up for that; they are all more athletic in nature and dress down all the time. Brian only had some black cotton shorts on, and John was wearing only blue jean shorts. Taylor had gray shorts, the same type as Brian, but he wore a black t-shirt too. (We all had shoes, of course.)

Since it was so hot out, we started out trying to play war indoors. (War is our version of cops and robbers.) There is plenty of room, and I think I had a pretty good hiding spot. Brian and I were one team; Taylor and John were the other. We hid first. I got in their laundry room which had only one door. Most likely they would peek inside and not look too hard; as long as I stayed down very good behind the washer, I would be safe. But nobody ever came that way. After waiting for what seemed like a long time (probably only five minutes), I opened the door a crack and looked out; John was in the living room, not really looking for anybody, and pulling the handcuffs out of his shorts pocket. I thought it would be cool to see him use them, but nobody else was there. I risked speaking out and asked him what was going on; he said we were going outside instead. I guess we disturbed Brian's parents or something.

So we started over outside. Again, Brian and I hid, the others sought. I can't remember at all where I hid, but I got caught first by Taylor. The treehouse was base, but we didn't go up into it. They chained my left hand to a fence just below the treehouse. That's it; I was almost disappointed because getting taken prisoner is the fun part....

Then they had to find Brian, but it's his yard and he knew all the good hiding places. It took them a little while to find him. And I got plenty hot even in the shade, so during the wait I took my shirt off too. That took a little explaining when Taylor came back to check on me. "Hey, how did you get your shirt off?" I showed him that it was still hanging on the handcuff chain; I certainly couldn't get it all the way off chained like that! If only he knew that I was planning to take it off all the way--I had a tiny piece of metal (something like a pin but thicker) that I knew I could use to pick the lock. These were the handcuffs that I gave to Brian, so I knew how to pick them. But I was waiting for the right moment. The yard was empty, and I was finally ready to start freeing myself; but then I saw them bringing Brian around the corner. So I just stayed put until they got there.

So, our entire team was captured; they let me out; game over. We stopped for a drink because of the heat. We stood around and talked about the game, and I guess either John or Taylor must have been tipped off to what I was doing as they came around the corner with Brian. They started asking us about picks and extra keys. While they weren't looking, I managed to slip my pick to Brian, then I let Taylor search my pockets. When he didn't find anything, they got suspicious of my teammate, so they wanted to see Brian's hands (I don't think his shorts had pockets). He tried to slip the pick back to me, but they were watching way too close at that point. Taylor managed to grab the pick and throw it into some bushes, lost forever. Now that hurt; I actually liked that pick. Oh well, I guess it's more fair that way anyway. Besides, it was our turn to find them.

It was several minutes into the game. (It always is; nobody was ever so bad at this game that they got caught right at the beginning, although I was tempted let myself get caught early on several occasions.) I caught John trying to move from one hiding place to another....

He was easy to catch out in the open because I'm bigger and faster than him. I held his arm and didn't bother to cuff him because we were very close to the treehouse. He jerked really hard and I lost my grip. Comically, we both just stopped and looked at each other for about one second, surprised that he got away that easy; then he started running. Again, I caught up to him really fast and dragged him more forcefully to the treehouse ladder. I put a cuff on one hand, but convincing him to put his hands behind him took a while. Even in the middle of the game, I was too bashful to talk about tie-up techniques, so I didn't want to actually say it. I tried to move his cuffed hand behind him, but he kept turning with me, trying to figure out what I was doing. Finally, it clicked with him, and he said "Oh" and put both of his hands behind him. I cuffed his hands behind him around the ladder to the treehouse. (The ladder is heavy and fixed in place, so he couldn't break out of that.)

Brian finally joined us and decided to watch the prisoner. I thought that was a stupid idea because he couldn't get out and because I needed the help looking for Taylor. Also, Taylor was faster and I might have trouble catching him. But Brian stood guard anyway. While I was out searching for Taylor, I kept looking back to see how Brian and John were getting along. First, there was a partially crushed coke can on the ground near them, and Brian dropped the handcuff key in it. Clever; if Taylor wanted to make a rescue attempt, he would take a lot of time getting the key out. After a few more minutes of searching, I got to where I could see them again but from a distance. They probably just stood and chatted about everything for a while, but then it happened. Maybe having John handcuffed with his bare chest exposed was too much temptation because Brian started poking him in the sides. He mostly hit middle of the sides, close to the armpits, and right in the stomach. John laughed, yelled, and violently struggled, but the attack only lasted a few seconds....

Well, I had a job to do, so I went and found Taylor. Catching him was as hard as I thought, but he showed up close to the treehouse, so Brian did help me. That ended that round, but poor John had to remain handcuffed another two minutes or so before we could fish the key out of the can.

After another quick break we traded sides again. Brian and I went our separate ways, and I had the better hiding place (still can't remember it, though). Brian got caught and taken to the treehouse. I didn't see him get captured, but they put him in the same place John had been on the ladder, but with his hands cuffed in front. John returned some of the earlier treatment by poking him a few times in the sides, but that's all. Working together, John and Taylor found me. Each grabbed an arm and led me back to base. Just when we got there, Brian's mother came out and said he had a phone call. That was funny, watching Taylor and John try to rush to get him released and Brian yelling, "I'm coming; I'm coming!" While he was on the phone, we rested long enough to play one more round.

Brian came out, and Taylor and John hid. We were getting worn out by then, and my memory is fading, so I don't know how much time passed, but Brian caught Taylor and chained him exactly the same way I did John (behind the back around the treehouse ladder). This time I stood guard. As much fun as it looked earlier, I was either too tired or too bored to tickle torture Taylor; besides, he started a good story about how he burned his arm a couple of days before, and I even had to loosen the cuff around that arm to keep it from irritating his burn (which was very noticeable on his arm). I guess I had pity on him. I don't remember if Brian ever found John, but we got really tired at the end of that round and the game fell apart and we went inside. We probably didn't spend more than ninety minutes playing, but with the heat it felt like a long day, and it was definitely one of my favorite games.

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