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EDM : Immobilized by a 13 Year Old Girl (f/M)

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2019 3:29 am
by Canuck100
Immobilized by a 13 Year Old Girl


Thursday January 27th 2000 01:48:02

First off, I want to apologize in advance for any errors with this posting. I am not very good with computers. I hope it turns out ok.

I have spent the three days scanning this site, and I have to admit that if I had known what had happened to a few of the unsuspecting mothers,I would not be posting this story.

I am a 28 year old man with a 45 year old divorced sister, who has a spunky 13 year old daughter.

My niece Rebecca is aperfectionist at everything she does, from ballet, to gymnastics and piano.

One evening my sister called, she needed me to watch my niece. This is not uncommon as she goes out town alot on business.

I went over to her house on wednesday,she gave me all of her travel info and said she would be home late saturday night.

Thursday and friday went as can be expected with a teenage girl. She wanted to have a friend stay over friday night, but when I told her no, she got all huffy and went to her room and slammed the door.I could hear her talking to her freind in an angry tone through the door.

The next time I saw rebecca she was all smiles and sending her freind on her way home. She told me she was going to check e-mail and go to bed.

Saturday was a fun day. We swam and goofed off. For dinner we grilled out.

We were wearing our "gadda-bout" clothes when we washed dishes. I had on khaki shorts and a t-shirt that had sleeves to my elbows. She was wearing cut offs and a shirt that showed her midriff.

I spied the little squirt gun that they use to keep the cat off the furniture, picked it up and said "We must pre-rinse the dishes", and squirted a plate.

With chores done, I sat down to watch some t.v. Rebecca came out with one hand behind her back, and stood right in my way. I told her to move and her answer was to bring the squirt gun out and start spraying me with water. I jumped up and ran around the house. I was doing good until I tried to go upstairs, I tripped and fell. I rolled over onto my back and held up my hands in mock defense, laughing and saying "I give up, I surrender".

She stopped squirting me and had a look of pure amazement on her face. Her eyes got big and she asked in a curious/ innocent tone "Do you surrender to the army of Rebecca?"

"Yes", I said. That was my first mistake, but not my biggest, the biggest was extremely underestimating a 13 year old girl.

"Put your hands up, march into the living room and wait for me", she instucted. I did as ordered.

When she came into the living room, she had two boxes stacked on a small chair. She told me to sit on the chair, hands behind my back. I said how about in front? No dice, she said "behind you"

Now I have never been tied up or, tied up anyone, and I felt the first pang of doubt in my stomach. But I reasoned how good could a girl really tie up someone? I relaxed a little with this thought.

The first box had some shoe laces in it. They were about as long as she was tall.(about 5-3 or 4).She put my hands palms together and started looping the lace around my wrists. It was loose, but I didn't say a word because I thought it would make my escape easier, if needed. My gut belly flopped when she made a knot, and then went between my arms around the first loops that she had made, and pulled it tight, it was alot more restrictive than it was, alot more.

Next, my ankles were tied the same way, and I could see it was a good method to secure wrists and ankles. A belt was now looped around my thighs and tightened, It barely would reach but she made it reach.

Now she pulled out some duct tape, I told her it wouldn't work because of my goatee, she told me it wasn't for my mouth. She took it and wound it around my upper body several times.

She took out two bandanas and wadded one up, she said "These are going in your mouth, open up", I opened up and she stuffed one in my mouth, and used the other by tying it around my head and making a double knot between my teeth.

She now started to giggle and get sort of giddy.

Next she took out some electricians tape and applied it to the knots at my ankles and wrists. I was now in full tilt worry. I was now certain that if I even could reach where the knots were I couldn't untie them.

Kite string was chosen next. She tied my big toes, my thumbs and pinky fimgers together, cutting the excess off with littl scissors.

Now I was ordered to my knees, I kind of slid/fell to my knees. A piece of rope was tied to my wrists, brought down between my legs, under the ankle harness, between the soles of my feet, and straight up. She used the leverage of the rope to bend me backwards and almost make my fingers touch my heels. The excess was tied around my waist with the knot in front.She now had me to the point where I could barely wiggle my fingers, and that was all,I was stuck, trussed like a christmas turkey.

She took her boxes and chair and came back with an ace bandage. She then grabbed my shoulders and lowered me to the ground. "Can you get out?", I answered by thrashing, pulling and wiggling, but it was eerily apparent that I was strictly immobilized by my niece.

She squeeled with delight at her handywork, and now knowing that I was in a helpless condition, she began tickling my feet and ribs, back and forth.

When she finally stopped she wrapped the bandage around my head to blindfold me, it was also very effective, some how she had learned some good ways to tie a person up.

Then next thing she said scared the wits out of me. "I am going to bed", I screamed through my gag, of course it did no good.

I tried to get loose but I couldn't, I was forced to lay there until my sister found me. I have never been more embarrassed in my lif. She had to cut my bonds off with a knife.

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