DM : 03 - Two More Perils for Jennifer (mm/f)

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DM : 03 - Two More Perils for Jennifer (mm/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

DM's stories
03 - Two More Perils for Jennifer
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Tuesday January 11th 2000 06:01:27

(If you're interested, this happened chronolgically after the treehouse and the railroad track scenes from my two earlier posts. Enjoy.) One summer afternoon when we were thirteen, Robby and I were in my garage trying to think of something to do when Jennifer came walking up my driveway pushing her bicycle. Ever since the day we tied Jennifer in the treehouse, when Robby had to leave early, he had expressed his interest in capturing Jennifer again. I never told him about all the tie up games Jennifer and I played in my room, although I did mention the scene at the railroad tracks, and he begged me to do it again sometime when he was with me.

On this particular afternoon, as Jennifer approached us, Robby turned and asked me if we should grab her and tie her up. I never needed to be asked twice, and after we sat around a while, trying to think of something to do, I told them I had to go inside to use the bathroom. Once inside, I ran through the house and out the back door to the treehouse where the bag of ropes for our games was waiting. When I got back to our kitchen, I set the bag down just inside the door so Jennifer wouldn't see it, and removed only a single piece of rope, a few feet long, and shoved it in the back pocket of my jeans. I then went back out to the garage and rejoined Robby and Jennifer.

Jennifer was dressed in her usual attire of cutoff jeans shorts and a tee shirt and sneakers with no socks, and I was excited thinking of the prospect of tying her slender legs. (As I have said before, I am, first and foremost, a leg man!)

We talked for a few minutes as I tried to find some way to signal Robby that I was ready. When we finally made eye contact, I was standing next to one of the steel support posts in the center of the garage, and I pointed to Jennifer when she wasn't looking and leaned my back against the pole. Robby knew exactly what to do, and he waited for my signal. I reached into my back pocket and stepped around behind the post and yelled, "Now!"

Jennifer jumped and turned around to see what I was up to and Robby grabbed her from behind in a bear hug and wrestled her over to the post. A couple of times, her feet came completely off the ground as she struggled and kicked, but Robby had no problem controlling her. He brought her to the post and managed to pull her arms around behind it so I could tie her wrists. I wrapped the rope around her wrists as many times as I could and tied it off.

"Come on, you guys!" Jennifer yelled.

I ran inside the kitchen and grabbed the bag of ropes, and when I returned, we finished securing Jennifer to the post. I tied a rope around her ankles and around the base of the pole while Robby used a longer rope to secure her torso to it.

We both stepped back to admire our victim, when Robby asked the seemingly inevitable question: "So now what do we do with her?"

Something in the way he asked it seemed fiendish and we huddled up trying to think of some sort of peril to put her into. Jennifer, as I've said, was familiar with our re- creations of the perilous scenes from television shows. She must have anticipated what we were up to because she started to squirm against her bonds in a vein attempt to free herself.

Deciding her fate, Robby and I quickly ran around the yard gathering sticks and branches. Returning to our victim, we placed them at her feet and around the base of the pole.

"There," I said, after we had built a nice pile around her tied feet. "That should be enough."

When she started to protest, I reached into the bag and removed the piece of white cloth, which usually acted as a blindfold (and occasionally a gag) and I worked it between her teeth, trying it off behind her head.

I sent Robby into our kitchen for matches, and Jennifer's eyes got wide as she struggled and mumbled into her gag. When Robby returned with the matches, we stood and teased our hostage.

"So, now you're going to see what happens when you stick your nose in where it doesn't belong," I said, quoting a typical line from the many scenes we had watched on the Saturday afternoon movies.

We tormented her for a while longer, and then Robby bent down close to the pile of sticks at Jennifer's feet and removed a match, poising it against the matchbook as if he were about to strike it. (He had no real intent of lighting it, he was simply interested in seeing Jennifer's reaction.) Jennifer squealed and struggled frantically, and I reached out to Robby and touched his hand.

"Wait," I said. "I have a better idea."

Robby slipped the matchbook back into his pocket, and the two of us went to the far side of the garage to devise our plan.

In the corner of the garage was a dolly we used for carting trash barrels out to the curb. My older brother had built it in metal shop, and it was one of the standard L-shaped variety that we called a two-wheeler. Robby grabbed it and wheeled it over to the post where Jennifer was now tied.

We started by untying only her hands, leaving her torso and her ankles were still secured to the post. Once they were untied, I pulled her wrists around in front of her and held them while Robby retied them with the same piece of rope. We removed the rest of the ropes that held her to the pole so that only her ankles and her wrists remained tied. I helped her hop away from the pole while Robby brought the two-wheeler in behind her, and with a couple more quick hops, I positioned her so she was standing on the base of the dolly. At that point, Robby and I began to bind her to the dolly with an assortment of ropes. As before, I secured her ankles and her legs, while Robby used an enormous amount of rope around her waist and torso until she could barely move. We still had one long piece of rope, one end of which I tied around the base of the dolly.

Amid Jennifer's confused and muffled protests, Robby took hold of the dolly and tipped her back, wheeling her out to the driveway while I followed, holding the long coil of rope that was secured to the base of the dolly.

I lived on a very steep hill, and my house sat atop a high lot, giving us a straight and fairly steep driveway that sloped away from the house. As we reached the crest of the driveway, Robby set the dolly straight up so that Jennifer was standing facing the garage with her back to the slope leading to the street.

"This will make for a more interesting end for you I think," I told her, and again, we taunted her for a while as she tried to work herself free of her ropes. "Okay," I finally told Robby, "Let's get her ready."

With that, Robby leaned the top of the dolly back so the top of the handle was resting on the pavement. In this position, she was laying on her back, her head pointed down the steep incline of the driveway as I held the rope that prevented her from rolling away. I then instructed Robby to go to the bottom of the driveway and let me know when cars were coming. In truth, I wanted him to let me know when the road was clear, not that we were going to let her go out into the road. We were just playing it safe. But when Robby called out to me that a truck was coming, and then gave me a thumbs-up, I knew the road was actually clear. In fact, I could see the entire road from where I stood, and I knew the road was clear, but Robby's announcement was for dramatic effect, and to elicit a response from Jennifer, which it did.

"Well," I said to Jennifer. "I guess this is it."

And with that, I began to let out the slack in the rope, allowing the dolly to roll slowly down the slope of the driveway. The scene was reminiscent of the old sawmill scenes where the damsel is bound to the log as it inches closer to the buzz saw, and both Robby and I enjoyed watching as Jennifer struggled furiously and squealed into her gag as she slowly rolled closer to the street. As she neared the bottom of the driveway, I allowed her to pick up speed, and she let out one final scream until I finally eased back on the rope and pulled her to a stop just a few feet short of the street.

Jennifer claimed later not to have been scared. As always, she trusted us not to let anything happen to her (and nothing ever did). After we wheeled her around for a while, much to her displeasure, we finally untied her and spent the remainder of the afternoon in other, less dramatic pursuits.

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