PH : 20 - The Escape Bet (fm/fm)

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PH : 20 - The Escape Bet (fm/fm)

Post by Canuck100 »

PH's stories
20 -The Escape Bet
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Tue Aug 17 01:35:26 Västra Europa, sommartid 1999

During my childhood and my early teens the tie-up games we played constantly developed. We made up new games all the time and often there was a bet or a challenge involved.

-I bet you can't escape in an hour if I tie you up this new way I've invented, Joe would say to me or one of the girls. The challenge would of course be accepted and if we failed to escape, we would have to resign to our fate and stay tied up for the agreed hour. Most often some tickle torture would be thrown in just for the fun of it.

Joe was the one who constantly worked on new ways to tie a prisoner up, or he would try to invent a new sort of gag. He also was the best at thinking of new plots to our games. Joe was the one who got credit for "inventing" the hog-tie, or at least introducing this very effective tie-up technique to us. I guess he got it from one of the mystery-novels we all read, or from a film he had seen.

One day of rather bad weather we all sat in the boat-house having a boring time. Thinking back at the summers more than twenty years ago, the weather always seemed to be excellent, but of course there were days with bad weather also. This was the summer when I was fourteen. So was Sarah and Joe, Jenny was fifteen. We had had some challenges earlier this summer when Joe had introduced the hog-tie. Later came the more extensive kid-nappings and retaliations I have described in earlier postings.

However, Joe said he had come up with a new plot for a tie-up game, and wanted to know if anyone wanted to accept his challenge. He needed one ally and chose Jenny, that left Sarah and me as the intended prisoners. Joe explained that we would be taken to a secret place, tied up and blindfolded. There we would be left for an hour to escape. If we managed to get free, we would still have the problem of finding our way back to the house. It sounded like a good idea, and we accepted.

As it was a bit chilly, but not cold, we were dressed in jeans and sweaters, but as usual, no shoes or socks. We asked if we needed sneakers for this, and Joe said no. We would not be walking much, more of being "transported" as he put it. Joe fetched ropes, scarves, bandanas and some strips of cloth from our tie-up collection in the bottom floor of the boat house. Sarah and I helpfully put our hands behind us and Jenny and Joe tied us up with usual perfection. No way of getting free without help. They proceeded to blindfold us very carefully, using folded up scarves, but first they put a folded wad of cloth over each eye so no peeking would be allowed.

Two very helpless prisoners were then walked out of the boat-house and down the soft sand of the beach. I was wondering what Joe had in mind and soon found out. We were led to the boat and helped inside. It was a simple row-boat with an out-board engine. Jenny and Joe put life-jackets over our bound arms and secured them with straps. The life-jackets were supposed to be put on like sleeve-less vests, but they put them on over our arms instead, and tied the straps between our legs and around our arms. We had to sit on the bottom of the boat instead of on the seats. Joe and Jenny pushed the boat out, started the small engine and took off out on the lake.

After about five minutes, Joe started to make the boat go in circles. It soon made us a bit dizzy and we lost the sense of direction. When the boat took up a straight course again, we had no idea if we were going north or south. The boat trip continued for about fifteen minutes. It was not a long trip. When the boat scraped against sand we were at our destination, whatever that was. I guessed that we had gone either to the small creek to the south of the house, or north towards the deserted parts of the vast woods in that area. There were some shallow bays there with sand, but not many.

Jenny was helpful and rolled the legs of our jeans up and they both helped us go ashore, wading in the shallow water. Once with our feet on dry land, they helped us off with the life-jackets. No followed a very difficult walk through some kind of forest. Walking barefoot in the forest can be both nice and enjoyable, but with your hands tied behind you and blindfolded, it is quite difficult. Jenny held one of my arms and Joe led Sarah. After about ten minutes of stepping on pine-needles and twigs I felt soft grass under my feet. We stopped and they started spinning us around. Once again we lost the sense of direction. We did not know the way we had come to this place. They removed our blindfolds and started tying us up properly. As usual lots of rope was used. We got our arms secured and our legs and feet tied together with loop after loop of thick rope. Finally we ended up face down on the ground and got hog-tied, not too tight, but tight enough to prevent much movement.

Wads of cloth were pushed deep inside our mouths and secured there by bandanas. Jenny and Joe could of course not resist the temptation to tickle our feet for a while before leaving us. They walked away behind some bushes, but that was not in the direction the boat was. We had one hour to get free.

Sarah was the born escape-artist and immediately started to twist and turn on the ground. Grunting behind her gag, raising her eye-brows and wrinkling her nose at me, ever so mad I did not understand her message at once. When she started to move towards me I got it. We twisted into the best positions to untie each others' hands, on our sides, our backs against each other. We got as close as possible, our shoulders touched and Sarah placed her feet on top of my legs to get as close as possible. We got a bit confused at first, not knowing who should search for knots first, but soon I let my hands be still, and Sarah's fingers moved all over my wrists. After a bit of feeling the ropes she finally got hold of a knot, but did not manage to undo it. She worked hard and finally the knot came undone. My hog-tie rope slacked considerably, and I managed to twist and turn my wrists so I could slip one hand free.

It took me about fifteen minutes to get out of all the rope and another ten to untie Sarah. Finally we could stretch both limbs and jaws, the gags had been really tight. Now we had to decide which way to go. After much thinking and looking at the sun we decided on a narrow path and followed it. We soon came to where the small creek entered the lake and saw where the boat had made marks in the sand. We figured that Jenny and Joe would return soon, as the hour must be almost up. We hid behind some bushes and waited. Soon we heard the sound of the boat. They were back!

When Jenny and Joe had jumped out of the boat we rushed forward from behind the bushes and grabbed them. They were surprised we were free, but agreed they had lost the bet. Soon both of them had their hands tied behind them and they were now at our mercy. We told them how we would tickle-torture them for hours to get our revenge. Revenge we got, but that will be in another posting.

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Last edited by Canuck100 3 years ago, edited 7 times in total.
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Post by Canuck100 »

Fri Aug 20 01:12:32 Västra Europa, sommartid 1999

After being transported on the lake in the row-boat, tied up and blindfolded, to a place south of the house, Sarah and I had been left in the woods for an hour to escape our bonds. We managed and eventually took Joe and Jenny prisoners as they got back to look in on us.

Jenny and Joe sat on the ground, hands tied behind them with the thinnest of our ropes. They were both wearing jeans and sweaters. Joe had a school sweat-shirt and Jenny a blue lambs-wool sweater. Both our prisoners were barefoot. They looked angrily at us, mad that they had not managed to tie us up more effectively. We had brought all the rope and the scarves and bandanas back to the creek and now we had plenty of binding-equipment to use on our helpless prisoners. We tied their ankles together and left them sitting there for a while and walked away a bit to discuss their fate.

To continue the game in the same spirit it had started, we had to think of a good place to bring our prisoners, and leave them there. We would have to do it in such a way that they would not know where they had been taken. After a bit of discussion we decided on the old abandoned barn in a field behind Joe's and the girls' parents' property. From the beach by their house it was only a short walk, and as our prisoners would be walking blindfolded, the walk would have to be fairly short.

We went back to the prisoners and started preparing them for the boat trip. As we did this we happily told them how we would enjoy torturing them once at the destination. They had tickled us before leaving us, and revenge was always a pleasure to take in our games. Soon we had them sitting on the bottom of the boat, dressed in life-jackets and blindfolded. We got the out-board engine going and took off.

Just as they had done we circled the boat to make them lose their sense of direction. Finally at the beach we helped them ashore and took off their life-jackets. With a firm hold on their arms we walked them up the beach and into the woods. The walk took about ten minutes and we were at the barn. It was an old "field-barn" only used to store hay during the summer. It had a hay-loft and an area to keep different kinds of tools. The farmer hardly used it and we were allowed to play in it. The good thing about it was that there were many different beams, supporting the roof of the barn, as well as wooden poles or pillars going from the floor to the support-beams. These were perfect to tie prisoners to.

We had planned to start by taking our revenge at them for tickling us earlier. Sarah led Joe over to one of the poles that supported the hay-loft and placed him sitting with his back against it. She used a long, thick rope and secured his upper body to the wooden pole. He was totally immobile. She then tied his feet together and using a long rope slung over one of the roof-beams, lifted his legs off the floor a bit. She took off his blindfold as she wanted him to see what was coming. Joe cursed her and threatened her if she dared to touch him, just like we always did in our games. Sarah laughed at him and went up to the hay-loft to get some straws. Using the straws as "tickling-tools" she then started to tickle Joe's face just to make him mad.

While she was doing this, I prepared for Jenny's torture.

The two sisters always competed in everything they did, and in our tie-up games, the tickling of a bound prisoner made them as stubborn as ever. None of them wanted to be defeated by the other, so we could expect Jenny to try and act as she did not feel a thing. Sarah on the other hand would try her best to tease and torment her sister.

While Jenny sat helpless on the floor, hands tied behind her and still blindfolded, I prepared a little "torture-rack" for her. It was a simple wooden plank, placed between two heavy saw-bucks. I had to ask Sarah to help me with Jenny, and she left Joe alone for a short while. We untied Jenny's hands and re-tied them in front of her. We placed her on her back on the plank and raised her hands above her head and secured them there with a rope going around the plank. Jenny sensed what was coming and tried to twist and turn away. Sarah pinned her legs down and I tied her feet together and secured them in the same way with a rope going down to the foot of the saw-buck. Jenny's feet were in the air, just off the end of the plank. More rope around her waist and thighs made her very immobile indeed.

Sarah removed Jenny's blindfold and started to slowly push her sweater and T-shirt up to reveal Jenny's stomach. Jenny breathed heavily, concentrating on trying to be as relaxed as possible. Her efforts did not help much as Sarah started tickling Jenny's stomach and belly-button. Jenny bit her lip, closed her eyes and breathed deep breaths, but soon she was giggling. Sarah constantly told her:

-You like this, don't you? Tell me you like it!

In response Jenny called her younger sister names you would not call your worst enemy. After having fun with Jenny's mid-section, Sarah then moved to her sister's feet. She tickled toes and soles with both fingers and straws until Jenny was roaring with laughter and was trashing around as much as the ropes would let her. We did not go on too long, as this was a friendly game after all. After we thought Jenny had had enough, we tickled Joe a little more and then started to prepare our prisoners for their hour-long escape-try.

We placed them side by side on the floor, hands tied behind them and arms and legs surrounded by thick rope. Their feet were bound with the ankles crossed and pulled up to their hands, not too tight, but not much slack either. To prevent them from escaping the way we had, we tied rope from an above beam down to their feet and tightened it so they were unable to roll over on their sides. Gags were applied using thick wads of cloth in their mouths, tied over with bandanas. Sarah wanted a little extra touch of fun for them, so she collected two bunches of straws and tied them together. She then hung the straws from the rope going up to the roof, making the straw-ends just barely touch the bare feet of the bound prisoners. Every little move they made resulted in the straws swinging and giving them a little tickle. They surely would not fall asleep during their hour!

We left them there and sat outside the barn waiting for them to escape. When the hour was up they were still in the same positions. When the gags came off they tried to sound mad and angry, but had to agree that we were the winners of the game.
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