PH : 21 - Jenny's School of Revenge (fm/fm)

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PH : 21 - Jenny's School of Revenge (fm/fm)

Post by Canuck100 »

PH's stories
21 - Jenny's School of Revenge
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Mon Aug 23 00:48:31 Västra Europa, sommartid 1999

Hello everyone!

I'm sorry to waste space, but here's another story from an arrogant and egotistic guy. (...what a word...) As I am of lower, mid-range intellect, I can only hope in my dreams that some reader will find my story interesting and worth reading. If you hate it, and if you're normal you should, please don't hesitate to write me a rude comment. If you, against all odds, should like it, don't even dare to pad me on the back (in writing of course). The posters to this site might look, to a jealous outsider, like a group of friends who enjoy reading stories that interest them!

Well, here we go!

Jenny's School of Revenge

One evening I arrived at my friends' house for a sleep-over. My parents were giving a party for some of the neighbours in the summer-house area, and Joe's and the girls' parents were going. Joe's younger brothers were going along, and they would have a sleep-over together with my younger cousins, who were their age. The families sort of swapped kids for the night. We would be alone for the entire evening and part of the night, parties in our area tended to go on long into the night.

As I arrived at the main house, carrying a sleeping-bag and a small back-pack with a change of clothes, I met the older generation going off to the party. A small speech was given by Joe's Mother, Mrs. L. about the necessity of going to bed early and not eating too much candy. As usual I smiled, nodded and thought nothing of it. Peter, Joe's younger brother, blinked his eye at me, letting me know that he knew what we would be doing. They told me the others were already at the boat-house and I went there.

Outside, sitting in the sand and playing cards, were Joe and Jenny, both in jeans and T-shirts and barefoot. They greeted me and told me Sarah was waiting for me in the upstairs room.

-She's got a surprise for you, Joe told me smiling. Somehow I sensed that smile was not as friendly and sincere as it was intended to look. I went inside the boat-house, kicked off my sneakers down stairs, and walked up the stairs to the big room where we used to spend so much time. I noticed that the girls' small cassette-radio was on at full volume, delivering some of the enormously popular ABBA-songs of the late seventies. I remember thinking that was odd, as Sarah never liked ABBA. On the other hand, Jenny did.

As I reached the top of the stairs I could see the reason for my instinctive feelings that something was wrong. In the middle of the room, sitting on a simple wooden chair, was Sarah. She was, if not completely, but nearly so, covered in rope. In her mouth was a big ball made out of a sock that had been knotted around a bandana, the bandana had been tied in her neck. Sarah's hands were tied behind the back-rest of the chair. Her bare feet were tied with the ankles crossed, and secured under the seat of the chair by a rope going up to her hands. Loop after loop of heavy, thick rope were tied around her jeans-clad legs and around her upper body. Her eyes were huge above the gag, signaling to me some stupid message that she had been kid-napped, as I could not understand that from what I saw. There was sweat on her forehead and her reddish-brown hair, worn in a pony-tail, had several strands that had come lose from the rubber band in her neck, and hung over her face. This was truly a damsel in distress, and a very angry one too.

-I told you Sarah had a surprise for you, said Joe from behind me.
-She has been kidnapped, and wants you to rescue her, but you can't do that, can you?

With these words from the evil villain I was grabbed by both Joe and Jenny and wrestled to the floor. I knew that by our rules, they had revenge to take on us, and I did not struggle too hard to resist them. Soon I was helpless on the floor, my hands tied behind me with a thick, harsh rope. Jenny held a white sports-sock, tied around a bandana in front of me and told me to open. I did, and the thing was stuffed into my mouth, making my jaws open as wide as they would go. I bit down on the gag as she tied it in my neck and gave the required performance, grunting and making mmmmph-sounds.

Joe sat me up and he and Jenny started to cocoon me the same way Sarah was encircled with rope. They tied five or more loops around my upper arms, then cinched the rope between my body and my arms. They repeated this around my elbows and finally around my waist, pinning my hands to the small of my back. My feet were tied with the ankles crossed and the legs were soon covered with rope. They dragged me over to the heavy sofa by the wall and turned me over. My legs were pressed up against my buttocks, making the rope around my knees and thighs go even tighter. Joe tied a rope from my ankles to my hands, making sure the knots were placed out of reach. As a final precaution they secured my feet to the armrest of the sofa.

The "bad guys" were in charge and the two helpless heroes were bound and gagged and at their mercy. Jenny started to make a little speech, mostly addressing her grunting and squirming sister, who just had to sit there and listen. Jenny told Sarah how horrible the tickle-torture had been, that she had been forced to endure, tied to the plank in the barn. She said that since Sarah had seemed to enjoy tickling Jenny's bare feet and stomach the other day, she would not mind knowing just how Jenny had felt.

-If you don't want to be tickled, just say so and I will release you, Jenny said with that special evil look in her icy blue eyes.

-Mmmghwah, bmghblghmmm!, was Sarah's response.

As I was on the floor, tightly tied and helpless, I could only watch as Joe and Jenny slowly undid all the ropes holding Sarah to the chair. When they were done, only her hands and feet were tied, and she was still gagged.

Squirming and trashing this and that way, Sarah was carried to the sofa and dumped on her back. The sofa was a typical Scandinavian piece of birch-wood and padded cushions. There was a gap between the seat and the back-rest. They tied rope around Sarah's upper body and secured it around her and the seat, pinning her down. Then they re-tied her feet side by side and pushed them through the gap between the seat and the same arm-rest my feet were tied to, They tied her feet in place and tied her knees down to the seat. I had to twist my head backwards to see what was going on. When Sarah was secured on the sofa Jenny did something new to our game. She took a thin piece of twine and tied Sarah's two big-toes together and lashed them to the arm-rest, making it totally impossible for her to move her feet at all.

-I will teach you a lesson, kid, said Jenny and produced an ordinary ball-pen.

Sarah immediately started to scream through her gag as Jenny begun to let the point of the ball-pen dance merrily across the bare skin of her immobile feet. Although her helpless fellow prisoner, I enjoyed the sounds coming from that gagged mouth. This was a bit of a mistake as Jenny started to give me the same treatment a few minutes later. The feeling of the pen slowly moving across my bare soles was even worse than being tickled in the ordinary way. I must have sounded about the same as Sarah had, as I trashed around on the floor, laughing through my gag and desperately trying to stay calm.

They continued to tickle us for some time, trying different approaches to the game such as tickling the toes, under the heels and on the upper parts of our feet. Sarah was also tickled in the ribs and belly-button. When they were done, they left us there for an hour to escape while they went for a snack. I twisted my hands around in search for knots to undo. We had an intelligent conversation of "Gmbls" and "Mmmmphs" and Sarah twisted and turned on the sofa. We did not manage to get free and after the designated hour, Joe and Jenny arrived back.

They untied us, every rope except the ones tying our hands. They removed our gags and helped us to sit on the sofa. Jenny told us there was one more thing to do before they released us.

-Please look at the soles of your feet, she said.

We both placed one foot on top of the other thigh and looked at the sole. Written in big, bold letters were the words:
"I will never tickle Jenny again!"

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