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Infinitefacade : A First for Both of Us (m/m)

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 6:17 pm
by Soraka
by Infinitefacade » Sun Oct 28, 2012 4:53 pm

While I have been interested for quite a while, this was the first time I actually had a TUG with another person; previous occasions were only self-bondage. Suffice to say, it is therefore my first story, and here it is:

People involved (I know such detail isn't entirely necessary but I think it helps):
Me (Nico) 14. Comparing me to the average size for my age, I'm a little tall, in reasonable but far from brilliant shape in terms of muscle and naturally have a pretty wide frame.
Ryan, also 14. Rather different to me, he is very tall and incredibly strong, as well as looking about two years older than he is.

First, some background: It was in August, as summer-y as Britain ever gets and the only whole month our school holidays entirely encompassed. My friend, Ryan, lived a fair way away from where I did and went to a different school, so when his father told him that he would have the house to himself for several days, his father being on a business trip (his parents had separated a long time ago so his mother was out of the picture), he convinced him that he would not have any sort of crazy teen house party and to let me stay there for those couple of days. That was easy enough, and this story began.

I arrived at his house in the afternoon on the day when his father was leaving later in the day. His father was at work and, for a while, we just did normal friend stuff. For what it matters, I remember that I was wearing a black pole-shirt and black cargo shorts, and Ryan was wearing a white t-shirt and dark green shorts. I was barefoot, and he was wearing white socks. He eventually suggested that we watch a film and put one, which he seemed to have planned in advance, in. I honestly can't remember what it was to any extent further than "obscure and low-budget", but what I can remember is that at one point a character gets tied-up, a scene in which I tried to hide my interest. In retrospect, Ryan was also trying to hide his interest in it, but I was too busy trying to hide my interest to notice. Once the film was over, he immediately made what sounded like an offhand comment;
"You know the bit where [character name I can't remember] was tied up?" I nodded in affirmation.
"They didn't tie them up very well; I bet they could have gotten out easily." I just made a vague grunt in response. He then was obviously faking an idea suddenly coming to mind.
"We could test it. I'll tie you up exactly like in the film and you try and get out." By this point, I sort of suspected something, but given that an opportunity to be tied up had just appeared out of nowhere I was just going to take it.
"Yes. That's a good idea; It's wise to back up moaning with testing and facts." I was being about as subtle as he was, evidently.

He then fetched some rope and some cloth, and started attempting to recreate the scene from the film. Using some of the rope, my ankles were tied together, then rope was wrapped around my legs up to my knees, which were also tied together. More rope was used to tie my wrists together, and then rope was wrapped around my arms before tying my elbows together. He seemed to be going more for accuracy than quality, and in retrospect the tying was quite bad. He then, again going more for being like the film than for doing a good job restraining me, used some of the cloth to create a gag which I could probably still talk through if I actually tried, and the rest for a blindfold, with the common error of bad blindfolds that I could still see looking down. He then told me to try and escape, and, although happy to be tied up, did attempt to escape for the sake of accuracy. Our suspicions were correct, and escaping quite easy; the knots were simple and I could easily reach the ones near my hands. I tried to fake it being harder than it was, but eventually almost had no choice but to escape. As I took off my gag, having left it for last as it didn't really do anything to stop me escaping, he spoke.

"Well, that confirms our suspicions." He seemed a little unhappy that I had escape so easily, and I wasn't entirely pleased myself, but neither of us said anything else about it, just cleaning up the ropes and cloth and then going back to normal friend stuff, which I can neither remember in detail nor needs description. His father returned from work, the three of us ate and soon enough he left to get his flight and go wherever it was he was going for business, leaving the two of us with the house to ourselves for several days. The next remotely relevant part of our story comes later in the evening. The two of u were lying there talking and planning to go to sleep relatively soon, him lying in his bed and me on a mattress on the floor.
"Anything specific you wish to bring up?"
"Remember earlier when I tied you up? You know, after that film?"
"I do indeed. It was... Honestly, I kind of enjoyed it."
"Oh. That makes this easier. I have a little confession. The film was a...I guess you'd say a gambit. I kind of like tying people up, but I haven't had anyone to do it on, and as we're good friends and we had the house to ourselves..."
"It was a good plan. And I have the conveniently inverse confession to make regardless; I like being tied up. I noticed your gambit, but I wanted you to tie me up."
"That's oddly convenient."
"Yes it is. And if you want, and I rather do want, you can tie me up more. But now, we seriously need some sleep. It's technically tomorrow already."
At that, we did in fact get a modicum of sleep.

I was almost surprised that Ryan hadn't stealthily tied me up while I slept, especially considering that he already seemed to be up by the time I woke. I had a shower and got dressed, wearing the same shorts and a literally identical polo shirt as the day before. As I walked into the lounge having completed my relatively short morning routine, he had clearly finished his. He was wearing a blue t-shirt and the same dark green shorts, and was just sitting there watching TV. There was also a somewhat bizarre pile of items in the corner of the room, which I did not question.
"Morning. You know how you said I could tie you up again..." I nodded.
"How about now? We're both ready and I've been waiting for you." Again, I nodded nonchalantly.

He half-pushed half-placed me face-down on the carpet and started to retrieve items from the pile. First of all, he took some rope and tied my ankles together, this time to a rather high degree of quality, cinching it. He did a similar thing with more rope at my knees, wrists and elbows. Unexpectedly, he then brought my arms and legs closer together behind my back and secured it in a hog-tie. Overall, the rope was tight, the knots secure and out of reach, and I had no hope of escaping.
"And in case you were thinking of complaining:" He then took one of his socks that he had been wearing yesterday and shoved it in my mouth before securing my mouth shut with a strip of duct-tape. He then dragged me across the room, me making satisfyingly muffled grunts as he did, and eventually deposited me in front of the television.
"Just because you're all tied up doesn't mean we can't resort to the least imaginative form of entertainment. Although you are clearly enjoying that; there's a reason certain parts are facing the floor."
He was right on that one, although he was certainly enjoying the other end of the arrangement. But for that time I was still incredibly happy just to be tied up, and perfectly content with what was occurring.

He had quite a few plans for those days, as I would later learn, but there is only so much I can write in one sitting, so this shall be continued.

Re: A First for Both of Us (m/m)

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 6:18 pm
by Soraka
by Infinitefacade » Fri Nov 30, 2012 9:31 am

...I really seem to have accidentally abandoned this. Anyway, time to attempt to continue this thing. As to the previous comments, "gotten" is a very incorrect attempt at the past tense of get, but one which he does actually use, so it seemed like...I suppose an accurate inaccuracy, if that makes any sense and I am indeed British, so knowing my writing there are probably some incomprehensible British English phrases in this.

I lay there, gagged and hogtied on the carpet, for several hours before Ryan decided to try something. He walked out of the room and, a few minutes later, returned holding something, carrying it behind his back so suspiciously he obviously intended for me to notice even though the door was in my peripheral vision and I wasn't paying attention. Although I didn't immediately notice, he crept up behind me and promptly pored several ice cubes down the pack of my shirt. I grunted loudly, or at least attempted to underneath the gag.
"Oh, stop that. Nothing you can do about it. And it's funny."
I made what was best described as an indignant grunting noise.
"Very funny."
He then promptly reached over and dropped two pieces of ice down my pants (the British meaning, underwear), prompting an even louder and significantly more indignant grunt.
"Well then. That'll do for now."
Seemingly happy with his work, he then returned to the sofa for a short while more of uneventful TV watching.

A short while later he left the room again, this time for a while longer. When he came back, he made no effort to hide what he was carrying. He put it down and knelt down besides me. By this point, all the ice had melted and, predictably, he now put even more in the same places he had put ice before, resulting in me giving almost exactly the same reaction as before.
"That will never stop being funny. Anyway, I'm going to feed you now."
He took off the gag, at which point I immediately spat out the sock.
"Did you really need to use that much ice? Was it entirely necessary?"
He then took a bottle of water and put it to my lips for me to drink. Once I had downed the entire bottle he then took a sandwich and slowly tore it into pieces and fed it to me in the most annoying way possible.
"All right then, that should do for now."
At this point, his phone rang.
"Don't make a noise."
He didn't replace the gag, and picked up his phone, walking out of the room to talk. Whatever the conversation was, it took some time and I decided to see if I could escape. After about half an hour I concluded I couldn't, and some while later he finally walked back in.
"That was just dad checking on us, if you were wondering. Now, I have another idea."
He then walked over to me and half-carried, half-dragged me outside into his back garden and roughly put me down in the middle.
"I ran out of ice cubes."
I did not quite understand what he meant until the next thing he did; standing behind me, he turned on his hose and started spraying me with it, covering me with water. As this was summer, this was actually rather pleasant, but I had no choice in the matter regardless. Eventually he turned it off, leaving me lying there drenched and hogtied.
"Like I said, never stops being funny. I'll come and get you in a bit."
"...You're just going to leave me lying here?"

He did in fact leave me there for about half an hour, after which he came out and undid the ties. I had by that point been tied up for quite a long time, and as such immediately ran to the toilet. Amusingly, he had put towels on the floor between the back door and the toilet, presumably really not wanting me to get the carpet wet. The carpet remained incredibly dry, and I then changed clothing. A lot of irrelevant things then happened, leading up to when I woke up the next day.

I woke up lying on the floor on the mattress, Ryan already up and presumably downstairs. There was, as is the case with me in all but the dead of winter, nothing on top of me (such as a duvet or blanket) and, as usual, I had been sleeping in my underwear, a pair of boxer briefs. What was unusual about the situation was that while I slept rope had been used to tie my ankles together and to tie my wrists together behind my back. I struggled briefly before coming to the conclusion that I could not escape. The door was open, so I shuffled across the room and then across the hallway to the stairs. I descended the stairs on the floor, in a very awkward motion, and when I reached the bottom my feet were on the floor and I managed to stand up. From there, I hopped across the hallway and into the lounge, which was the only open door.

Ryan was sitting inside, already dressed in clothes similar to those he wore the previous day, watching television and let out a short laugh when he saw me enter.
"I was kind of hoping you would manage that. I was expecting to find you having fallen over somewhere on the way down and failing to get up, but you actually managing was funnier."
"I suppose."
"Oh come on, it's funny."
"I did not deny that."

After that, I remained tied up for a while as we watched TV, which isn't interesting enough to go into detail on except in this short sentence. Eventually he untied me and I got dressed, again in clothes similar enough to the day before not to warrant description. On going downstairs he suggested we have lunch, the tone in his voice clearly indicating that he had another idea. As I walked into the kitchen this became more obvious, due to the large amount of ropes.

I sat down on one of the chairs around the small table in his kitchen, and he immediately started tying me to the chair. He strongly secured my legs to the chair legs, tying it securely near my ankles, and below my knees, but stopped there. He then took more rope and tied my hands together behind my back, but not to the chair. After that, he seemed to be done and moved my chair closer to the table before placing a plate of food in front of me. I can't remember what it was, but it was messy.
"Go ahead and eat. Shouldn't be too much of a problem."
"You find this amusing, I presume?"
"Yes. Now eat."
Accepting that, and rather curious as to how it would turn out, I leaned forwards and started eating as well as I could. I managed to eat more of it than expected, but a great deal of it got on my face and on my shirt. After I finished I looked up and noticed that Ryan was watching and seemingly trying very hard to restrain laughter.
"You have in fact noticed that I am in fact now covered in food?"
"Yes. I'll fix that."
He dragged me away from the table and into the centre of the room, and then untied my hands. He removed my shirt, which I didn't protest given how much food was on it, and handed me a wet cloth which I used to wipe my face.

After this he dragged me, lower legs still tied to the chair, back into his lounge and fetched more rope. He securely tied my lower legs to the bottom of the chair, then tied each of my arms to one side of the back of the chair. He then looked around and found a large cloth, which he used to cleave gag me.

Once I was securely tied down to the chair, he started to tickle me. This seemed to be the reason why my upper body was only tied to the chair by my arms, as this left my bare chest and armpits open. He continued to tickle me, first just with his hands and then fetching and using a feather duster, and although I struggled the rope held tight. He eventually stopped, leaving me sweaty but fortunately before I wet myself, and then let me out so I could go to the toilet. When I returned from the bathroom I sat back down on the chair and he tied me to it again, the same as before with the legs but now tying my torso to the chair, my arms together behind the chair and then finally tying my arms to my torso and the back of the chair. He secured the gag and then left me there as we watched TV for the rest of the day.

Ryan untied me later before we ate, and we then did the normal non-TUG related things for the rest of the evening. When we decided to go to sleep he got yet another idea.
"Hey, how about you sleep in the bed and I'll sleep on the mattress tonight?"
"There is a catch, isn't there?"
"I'm going to tie you to it."
I smiled at that, which he correctly took as taking up the offer, and I lay down on the bed, already just wearing the boxer briefs I was going to sleep in. He took some rope and tied it to each of my limbs, then stretched it out and tied it to the corresponding post of the bed at the headboard and footboard. This left my limbs pulled out fairly tightly, and me tied spread eagle. At that he turned off the lights and I eventually managed to sleep, tied tight to the bed.

His father came back the next day, so we didn't do anything more then, but we have done more since, some of which I will probably write.