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LordNelson : A Fair Exchange (F/F | MF/F | FF/M)

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 5:50 pm
by Soraka
by LordNelson » Fri Jan 24, 2014 12:14 pm

When Matt’s mother gave him the message he had to try to hide his excitement. He didn’t want to confuse his mom by showing an interest in homework after having complained about it since starting school. Melina had called and wanted him to go to her house to help her with her homework. The reason why he was excited was that “homework” was the secret code word that they used when one of them wanted to have a TUG.

As Matt headed for the door empty handed his mom asked ‘Don’t you need to take something with you?’ 'Don’t worry mom’ he replied ‘Melina has all the toys, I mean school stuff we need.’

She watched as he sped off on his bicycle. She was pleased with the change that had come over him in the last few months since he and Melina were doing their homework together. He had always been a smart boy but never really applied himself. Now that he was helping her out he seemed to be much happier. Who would have guessed that homework could have that effect on him?

When Matt arrived at the house Mrs. Bianco answered the door and called for Melina. Melina came from her room and when her mom was gone she told Matt ‘I know what you’re thinking but I really do need help with my homework.’ He was not only disappointed but surprised. She was a much better student than he was and he couldn’t imagine how he could help her. They went to her room and she opened the door. ‘This is my homework’ she said ‘her name is Monique, she’s from Montreal.’

Matt knew it wasn’t polite to stare but he couldn’t help himself. This pretty girl in Melina’s room had totally taken him off guard. Monique knew that under the circumstances Matt’s behavior was to be expected and she didn’t let his gazing at her bother her. Melina explained what was happening.

Monique was an exchange student who would be spending a week with Melina at school and at home. After picking her up at the airport earlier in the day they had a welcoming meeting, followed by a quick bus tour of the city and then back to Melina’s house to get settled in. They already had their first assignment which was to write a short essay called “First Impressions”.

Melina was going to base her essay on Monique’s reactions to the events of her first day. Monique decided to base hers on the impressions she would get from examining Melina's room. Once she put her luggage in the guest room they went to Melina’s room and she began to look around. She was trying to get an idea of Melina’s personality from the books, magazines and other stuff that was there.

She tried not to be too nosy but curiosity got the better of her when she noticed a cardboard box tucked underneath the bed. Without asking permission she pulled it out and opened it. Most of the stuff she recognized and it brought a smile to her face; she had many of the same things back home in a box hidden in her closet. One item though was a mystery to her. She pulled it out and asked Melina ‘What is this?’

Melina turned around and was at a loss for words. Monique was holding up the latest “toy” that Matt had made. With a limited budget and no access to the real stuff at “adult only” shops they had to improvise. During a visit to the Bargain Store they found some interesting items in the pet department and Matt immediately saw the potential. After spending less than ten dollars they had some professional looking devices.

Monique said ‘Don’t panic. I know what all the other stuff in here is for’ as she held up the box ‘but this one has me baffled.’ Melina was comforted by Monique’s words and pleased to know that Monique wasn’t freaked out by what she had found; if anything she looked quite excited about it.

Melina explained that Matt had bought four cat collars and a dog choker to make a harness. The shiny silver chain was for a small dog and was only twelve inches long with a ring at each end. He attached the leash ring of the cat collars to the rings on the choker putting two at each end. Now he could put a collar around each wrist and at the other end each ankle. It could be used in front or behind to hog tie. They hadn’t tried it out yet but were looking forward to doing it soon.

Monique held it up and turned it; now it made sense. ‘It’s beautiful’ she said ‘I really like it.’ The cat collars were bright red leather with rhinestones. ‘Show me how it works.’ Melina took it from her and began to explain but Monique interrupted ‘Don’t tell me, show me.’

Melina buckled the collars around Monique’s wrists in front and then asked her to sit on the floor. Monique kicked off her sandals and went bare foot. Melina pointed out that the collars matched the color of Monique’s tank top. Monique pulled her heels up to her butt and placed her hands at her waist. Melina fastened the harness to her ankles. The silver chain stood out in high contrast against Monique’s black shorts.

Melina stood back and said ‘Wow! That looks great on you.’ That’s when her mom called, Matt had arrived.

Melina ended her story and looked at Matt. He was still staring at Monique. Melina was a bit jealous of the attention that Matt was giving her but really she couldn’t blame him; Monique looked fantastic. She snapped her fingers in front of his face. He realized that he had been inconsiderate and blushed with embarrassment.

He thought for a moment and then asked ‘If you two were having this much fun together why did you call me?’ Now it was Melina’s turn to blush at the thought of her having fun with another girl. This was nothing new to Monique and she was amused to see how they were reacting to it. Obviously they had never invited anyone else to “play” with them before.

Melina explained that this revelation about Monique had happened after she had called Matt. She had only wanted him to come over so that she could tell him that they would have to put their activities on hold while Monique was visiting but now it obviously wasn’t necessary. If anything they would have to increase their “homework” if they were going to have a third participant.

Now that they had established that they all shared a common hobby Matt felt comfortable enough to make a request. Since Monique looked so good in the bargain store gear he wanted to complete the look. He reached into the box and pulled out a bargain store ballgag he had made with a red chew toy ball and a black leather dog collar. He strapped it onto her and this time it was Melina’s turn to get caught staring. She found Monique quite attractive as a “damsel in distress”.

Matt was about to snap his fingers in Melina’s face like she had done to him but he found that the more he thought about it the less the attraction between them bothered him. She was only here for a week and maybe it would lead to some interesting evenings.

After a few souvenir photos of Monique they removed the harness and gag and it was Melina’s turn to try it on for the first time. First she changed out of her jeans and t-shirt and put on a white halter top and denim shorts. Matt was partial to hog ties so they strapped her hands behind her. Then once she was on the floor and her ankles were bound Monique gagged her with a pair of white panties and a red bandanna.

After a few more pictures Monique said it was Matt’s turn now. Both Matt and Melina looked a little perplexed. Matt had always been dominant and Melina submissive. In Monique’s experience it worked both ways and she convinced them to try it.

Matt didn’t appear to be entirely comfortable with being bound but Melina really found it exhilarating to be the “boss” for a change. The sight of him hog tied and gagged was a new experience that she knew was going to become a regular part of their “homework”. She found herself getting the urge to “do things to him” but in the presence of Monique she managed some self-control.

Melina said to Matt ‘this would be a lot more enjoyable for us if you would lose that sad face; is being at the mercy of two hot girls really so bad?’ Monique said ‘I know what will cheer him up.’ She began to tickle his feet. He twitched away from her but she didn’t give up. Melina joined in tickling his sides. They worked him over for a few minutes before giving him a break.

After they released him they sat around talking for a few more minutes and then Melina said that they really did have to finish their essays for tomorrow. Matt went home to have supper and do his own real homework. He was looking forward to getting together with them again tomorrow.

After he left Melina and Monique picked up the gear and put it back into the box. As Melina pushed it under the bed she paused for a moment and then pulled it out again. The essays could wait she thought. What kind of host would she be if she didn’t spend some quality time with her guest? Matt might not like it but she didn’t plan to tell him and she was pretty sure that Monique was a girl who could keep a secret.