steve : 01 - The Uniform (f+/ff, ffm/f)

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steve : 01 - The Uniform (f+/ff, ffm/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

steve's stories
01 - The Uniform
Story index at the bottom

By steve

Sat Apr 10 12:48:45 Est (Heure d'été) 1999

The Uniform (Part 1)

I've been into bondage for as long as I can remember myself. Even as a kid, I was fascinated by the view or the thought of a damsel bound and gagged. But my most secret enjoyment on the subject was the "borrowing" of another woman's role by the heroine, ever since I heard a WW2 story of a girl in the resistance who managed to escape her German captors by knocking out her female guard, stripping her of her uniform and escaping by wearing it, while the real guard was left bound and gagged in her underwear, locked in the cell. However, I only had one experience of tie ups between girls during my childhood, but what an experience that was!!!

During the summers in early eighties, my family used to reside in a holiday resort on the beach, outside of Athens, Greece. As a 14 year old guy, my main interest was hanging out with a few friends, spending most of the time on the beach, playing soccer and basketball and going to the movies. Flirting was both difficult, since it was a family resort, and mild (the age, you see). However, there were girls that we hanged out with, and we did flirt a bit.

As kids, the most typical rivalry was the one between the area's blocks of flats (kind of reminding the Judge Dredd block wars - anybody into that comic? Anyway). So that you can get the picture of the area, each building was facing the sea, and every one had a big parking area attached to either the front or the side of it, with the main front entrance leading to this lot before the actual building. Even though each had its own design, the ground level was, almost in every block, either unoccupied or not even built, with only a few facility rooms, allowing us kids full space and freedom during our games. Each block was separated by wooden or bushy fences, with the occasional alley that separated the building areas. Those fences were really not capable of stopping anybody who really wanted to enter an area from the back.

So, during the previous summer, the boys from some 4 or 5 blocks formed alliances, and started playing war games for something like a week's period, as a variation of the typical sports encounters. Those had nothing to do with bondage (which was good, since I am not into guys' bondage - sorry for all of you who think otherwise!), just the typical "bang, you're dead" and the "war prisoners" behaving themselves. There were no girls involved, but surprisingly enough there was serious demand from them to participate.

So, come the year in question (I think it was 1985), and towards the end of the summer the girls raise the war game subject again. Boys from all blocks declined it, as we had our hands full with a big sport event going on at the same time, with soccer, basketball and volleyball games in which we had formed teams and participated. However, it seemed that the summer's rivalries between the ladies had quite developed, as they decided to start a small war game of their own.

Time to present the characters of the story: First off, there was Betty, a 14 year old girl from my block, and a real sweetheart. She was about 5'4'' at the time, with quite a "development" for her age, very few extra pounds in all the right spots (which was more of an advantage for her looks rather than a drawback) and brown hair, below-the-shoulder length, with a real pretty face and a strong personality. She was my "love affair" the previous summer (if you can use this expression for 13-year olds), and even though it hadn't continued that summer, she was still my closest girl friend. Along with her were two more of her closest friends, Maria and Nancy, 14 and 13 respectively. Maria was rather small-sized and shy, but a great girl on the overall, and Nancy, even though she was the youngest, was real clever and the more feisty of all, with an attitude that could be characterized either as spirited or obnoxious, depending on which side you were. These three, along with three more girls aged 12-14 (which weren't really into war games at all but just followed the idea so they wouldn't be left out), formed the block's fighting squad.

On the other side, there were also 5 or six girls from another building three or four blocks away from ours, but were all overshadowed by their "leader", Tina. Tina, daughter of the building's owner, was a 15 year-old girl, with a great physique, as she was a track athlete at the time. She was really great looking, and the subject of interest of almost all the older boys in the area, something that she knew, and she really enjoyed the attention. Standing at around 5'5'', with a very slim body and a beautiful, green-eyed face, she had quite long brown hair also, just like Betty's but only a bit longer. A real charmer, but as it usually happens to women who get that kind of male attention at this early age, it had a negative effect on her personality, becoming snobbish and arrogant to the point of being bitchy. Still, I (along with almost everybody else my age) had a crush on her, but being younger and from a "rival" block I didn't have much of a chance of approaching her.

Now, with Tina being a year older and hanging out with 18 and 19 year olds with cars etc. (in Greece you get a driving license after turning 18), I wouldn't think she would be involved in such childish war games. But I had overlooked a rather important, for women, factor: Betty, as I mentioned already, was really well developed, and her looks started attracting some of the older boys as well. So, Tina started feeling threatened of losing the "privileges" she had from the older boys by another girl, and of course she didn't like it, or Betty, one bit (this was my first hint that women are far more antagonistic than us men, by the way). So, when the war game issue came up, not only did she agree to participate against Betty, but took over leadership of her squad and vowed to "crush" Betty's squad. She even took her role so seriously as a leader, that during the "battles" she was wearing an army camouflage uniform, which she had borrowed from her older brother, with his oversized army boots and a khaki baseball cap, to show off.
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The Uniform (Part 2)

Now, I wasn't really following how their game evolved, even though I admit that this rivalry between Tina and Betty could not leave me untouched. At the time I was busy cursing myself for having the bad luck (or so I thought) of spraining my ankle during the first basketball game of the sports tournament, and I was limited to watching our team's games and supporting the guys. As this war game was an all-girl affair, I didn't want to participate in any way, so I didn't even ask about their rules etc. My only contribution was a few tactical advises to Becky when she asked once, as I knew the area from our last year's games. It seemed that "hostilities" usually started at about 6 in the afternoon, and lasted until about 9, when it got dark. It was the fourth day of their game, and a very important basketball game was coming up at 6.15 for our team. I wouldn't force myself to play even though I had almost recovered from the sprained ankle, to make sure I could participate to the finals, but I would go and support them anyway. I was slowly getting ready to leave at about 5.15, when I heard a knock on my door. It was Betty, pretty upset.

"What's up, Bet", I asked. "Tina and her team kidnapped Maria and Nancy" she replied. "Have you started playing so early?", I said. "No, we were just returning from the beach when they ambushed us. They grabbed the girls even though we shouted them it is too early yet to start. I had my bike with me, so I managed to escape, but they are after me, and the other three girls of our team are not really worth anything". She was really taking this game seriously herself.

"Bad for you, sweetie, but I can't see anything that I can do for you in this all-girl contest. Besides, I must be on my way for the game" I said. "You've got to help me, you're my only chance" was the almost sobbing reply from Betty. Now, my feelings of chivalry couldn't let me leave her without help, as I saw tears running down her cheeks. She definitely was dying to win this game. "But, what can I do" I tried to protest, and it seemed the answer was ready. "Help them get out. They must be kept in the heating room on the ground floor, where the boys kept the prisoners last year (this was a small room where the boiler for the central heating during the winter was. The door did not have a lock, but instead there was a wire keeping it closed from the outside. Easy to open even from the inside, but with the boys' agreement that the prisoners will behave themselves, this never happened the previous year). You know your way around the fences, you were one of the best last year (she observed the action then as she was my girlfriend at the time, and also knew how to sweet-talk a man!), so it will be easy for you to go through. The girls are totally inexperienced in war games compared to your "warfare" last year, so they will only put guards on the main entrance. Just go in, release them and it'll look like they escaped. We have set no rules for prisoners' behavior, so it's fair".

"And why don't I just show you how to get in from the back, and you get the job done, so we won't cheat?" I offered, trying to get myself out of this. "They'll be around waiting for me, but if I try to lure them out instead they'll chase me and only leave a guard or two by the main entrance, as they know the rest of our squad won't dare do anything". "You know this is not fair" was my last effort to talk her out of this. "All's fair in love and war", she said, and looking me in the eyes continued "This is war, and I don't want to lose from Tina. Can you understand it's very important for me? Help me, please". That was it. Deep inside, and despite my crush on Tina, I wouldn't mind evening the odds just a bit, to help "good prevail over evil", as I thought of the situation between them two. "OK, I'll just sneak in and see what I can do. But I warn you, it will just be a scouting mission, I'll only help if I can do it without risking, and I'll go straight to the game from there. If it comes to worse, drop by the basketball court and I'll tell you at least how you can help them". She gave me a broad smile, and kissed me on the cheek. "You're a real sweetie. Thanks".

We started off at about 5.45, and we separated right before Tina's block. The plan was that Betty would pass right in front of their block with her bike, forcing Tina and the others to chase her, and I would go through the back fence. I gave her a five minute head start, and made my way to the back. Tina's building had a bush fence, but with last year's "operations" I knew all the weak spots to sneak in. And thankfully the fence was still not fixed. So I got to the back of the building and advanced carefully to the heating room. It looked that Betty's trick had worked, as in the distance I could only see one girl from Tina's squad by the main entrance, on the other side of the block. Most of the regular residents were still taking their afternoon nap after the beach, so the area was quiet. I reached the heating room. Surprisingly enough, the wire was not even knotted together to keep the door from opening. Knowing that there was not an agreement on the girls standing still as prisoners, I was almost sure that they were kept somewhere else. Still, I decided to check, and it was probably one of the wisest moves I've made in my life, as it triggered the series of events that afternoon.

I opened the door, and for a moment I blinked, trying to adjust my sight to the half-light in there. I heard some strange noises though, and when I took a better look across the room, I saw a sight I don't think I'll ever forget. In the far corner I saw Maria and Nancy, both sitting bound and gagged by two heating pipes, struggling furiously! Maria was wearing a long white T-shirt over her black bikini swimsuit, and Nancy was wearing her blue one-piece swimsuit with a pair of white shorts over it. They both were barefoot. Each one had her hands tied behind her back and around the pipe, and their knees and ankles bound as well, with scarves and old bathrobe belts. They were also tightly cleave-gagged with bandannas. Right beside them were a few more scarves in a pile, as well as a Polaroid camera. It looked that Tina had planned this and was quite prepared, and by looking at the girls' bonds even an inexperienced person could tell that she knew what she was doing (even though, unfortunately, I never found out if she was really into bondage). I stood there, frozen by this sight which I never expected, especially from a girl's game, until their mmmpphs woke me from my trance. I knew that at this point I should have not interfered and leave them bound for Betty to save, but I was never expecting this turn of events, and I knew that if I left them there, both them and Betty would never forgive me. After all, it was my block's squad, and they could always claim that they got loose by themselves and escaped through the back. I untied first Nancy's hands (as the feisty one, she was screaming frantically behind her gag by the time she saw me), then Maria's, and they soon were free, bandannas hanging on their necks.

"I'm gonna get that bitch" Nancy spat out with anger, the language shocking even me for a 13 year old girl. "They grabbed us and led us here," Maria (who was more calm, although pretty angry herself) explained, "then Tina got this pile of scarves and stuff out and she tied us up. When the kid (pointing at Nancy who was still swearing) tried to protest, Tina got out a bandanna and gagged her, then with a giggle said "you are my prisoners and since we have not made any agreement I can do whatever I want to make sure you won't escape". She then gagged me as well, and said that our leader will soon be with us for the ultimate humiliation. She checked our bonds, took a few pictures of us tied up and then left, laughing with the others at our fate". "And now what?" Nancy asked. "We all gonna leave really quiet by the back, and you're going to say you got loose yourself and escaped. You never saw me, since I shouldn't be part of this in the first place, OK?" I replied, sounding as stern as I could to convince them this was the only way. It was then when I heard Maria, who was at the time peeking out the door to check if all was quiet, saying "Oh God! I don't think it will be that easy".
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Post by Canuck100 »

The Uniform (Part 3)

I ran to the door and looked outside, and when I realized what was going on I froze. All of Tina's squad was coming through the main entrance laughing. Tina, standing out in her army uniform and her hair in a ponytail under her cap, was triumphantly dragging around someone, who I instantly recognized as Betty. Even though I couldn't see clearly, it seemed that her hands were tied behind her back. Since there was a direct line of sight, we couldn't risk getting out. It looked like we were trapped. After a minute that seemed like a century, Tina took out another scarf from her pocket, cleave-gagged Betty (my heart stopped for a second at this sight) and started leading her towards us to the heating room, while the rest of the squad moved upstairs. I couldn't believe I was caught up in the middle of this, and my brain wasn't really coming up with a plan, when I heard a muffled cry of surprise from beside me. I turned and saw a weird sight: Nancy was behind Maria and was cleave-gagging her again with the bandanna that hanged from her neck! We both looked at her, Maria surprised and myself amazed, when we heard the kid's brilliant idea:

"We'll pretend we're still tied up, and when Tina brings Betty in we'll jump her and escape. It will be a humiliating defeat for Tina, and we'll pay her back for what she did to us". "She'll never accept an honest defeat with me in here" I reminded her. "Hide behind the door. When we grab her, just go out the door unseen and leave the rest to us. We can do it, don't worry." were her last words as she gagged herself again, while Maria, already following the plan without objection, was seated by the pipe, her hands behind her back and a scarf wrapped once around her ankles, to deceive Tina. Nancy sure was desperate to get even, but she also was very smart and daring for a girl her age. Without having an alternative, I reluctantly agreed. As I took a last look outside through the crack of the door, Tina was leading the bound and gagged Betty towards us, with a broad smile on her face, whispering something obviously mischievous to her. They were only a few yards away. "Can things get any worse?" I thought to myself. Well, they did get worse - or should I say better?

I held my breath and stuck myself behind the inwards-opening door. A few seconds later, I heard the sound of army boots, and then the door opened and Betty was being pushed inside by Tina, who triumphantly announced "look who I brought to keep you company". That was the main turning point, because the way Betty was pushed inside, she turned towards my position. She froze still, her eyes glowing hope behind her gagged face as she saw me. But this was her mistake, as Tina noticed that and turned around to see who was behind the door. Her mouth hanged open in amazement. "What-what are you doing here?" she mumbled in utter surprise. I needed a split second decision, as the other two girls were far down the room, and wouldn't be able to grab Tina before she regained her composure and called for help. I could try to resolve this diplomatically, or...

I went for the latter option. Just as Tina was ready to yell, I jumped out. With my left shoulder I pushed the door shut, so no one would notice what was going on from the outside, and at the same time I grabbed her, my right hand over her mouth and my left arm grabbing her above her waist, pinning her hands to her sides. She tried to let out a scream, but I had just enough time to make my hand gag as effective as possible, so all she could do is thrash around with her legs and make little sounds under my hand. She was strong and athletic all right, but I was standing at about 5'10'' at the time, and being a prominent water polo player I had no problem keeping her fairly still. I dragged her to the middle of the room, since she was trying to kick the door to draw some attention, while Nancy and Maria were already untying Betty. It seemed that so far, we at least had successfully prevented Tina from drawing some attention to this escape. "Thanks", she said to me, and turned towards Tina. "Looks like a change of plans, sweetheart! You don't look so arrogant now, do you?" she sarcastically asked. "Stop fooling around, we need to go before somebody comes" I said. "Don't worry, the little princess here took care of that, and we'll be alone and quiet for a while". Betty had a huge smile on her face. "She sent her "troops" up to her flat to watch over the gate by the balcony instead. She told them to get a lemonade, and said that she would take a few pictures of the three of us all tied up and gagged as a trophy, and then join them later". "What shall we do with her?" Maria asked. Tina was now thrashing furiously inside my grasp, her cap tossed away from her head, and if there wasn't my hand gagging her I'm sure we would hear many not-so-nice things. "Maybe we should just tie her up and go" I said, trying to sound as cool as I could, despite the fact that the prospect excited me. I saw the evil grin on Betty's face, but could never have expected what she said.

"I think I have a better idea. Let's take her uniform off". I almost fainted. "W-What??".

"We have the same height, and almost the same hair. I'm sure I can fool the rest of her squad on the balcony by wearing her uniform and pretending to be her, leading Nancy and Maria out of here. That will certainly make you look like a big fool when they find you, won't it, sweetheart?". Betty sure had a plan. She picked up Tina's cap and wore it, pulled it low towards her eyes and made her hair into a ponytail. "See? From up the balcony, they'll never see my face".

Tina had stopped struggling, shocked at the idea, and for the first time I could see her eyes look scared of the forthcoming embarrassment and hear her whimpered mmpphs almost pleading me. But things seemed to have gotten way too personal between them two. Betty sure wanted her revenge so badly, and looked forward to beat Tina in the most humiliating way possible. After all, Tina was ready to do the same to her with the photos. Betty seemed to have understood how important the uniform was to Tina, and thought that by "borrowing" it, she would have performed the ultimate humiliation. She probably was right, too, as Tina was wearing her brother's army camouflage clothes with pride during all those days. As for me, the idea alone drove me crazy.

My heart was racing. My emotions were telling me to keep my mouth shut, but reason (and my inner desire to look as protective as I could to Tina, under the circumstances), could not let me. "You can't expect me to strip a girl naked" I protested. Betty looked at me and laughed teasingly. She had understood my secret interest in Tina, and usually old girlfriends don't take things like that too lightly. "Wow! A knight in shining armor! Well, don't worry Mr. Gentleman, I know she's wearing her bikini swimsuit underneath, and I'm sure you've seen her with that outfit on the beach before". She fixed me with a stare and added "But if you don't want to get more involved, me and the girls will gladly help our guest out of her uniform. Just make sure to help us keep her still and quiet". Betty nodded to the other two.

Tina put up a valiant, but futile and brief fight, as she was severely outnumbered. I kept her upper body still and her mouth shut with my hand, Nancy and Maria grabbed her arms and legs, and Betty unbuttoned the jacket and pulled it down to her elbows. As then Nancy pinched her arms, at biceps' height, stuck to her body, the other girls pulled it off. "There you go. Now for the rest" said Betty. I don't know who was more excited at this incident - me or her. The boots and trousers were easier, with the two girls holding Tina's knees and ankles as Betty unlaced and removed her boots, and then the buggy trousers. She must have understood that resisting was in vain, as she almost gave up struggling after her jacket was taken, but still kept on wiggling all the time. In a few minutes, I found myself holding a Tina dressed only in a bikini and very short, thin summer socks, her precious uniform now a prize in Betty's hands. I would have expected her to be barefoot, but it was much later, when I joined the army myself and found out how those army boots feel, that I realized she must have been wearing those light socks just to prevent her delicate feet from getting any blisters from the boots. She really was taking care of herself, for a 15-year old girl. I must have taken quite some time considering what was going on, because when I looked at Betty again, she was all dressed up, wearing Tina's uniform above her brown T-shirt and shorts and was lacing the boots, while her snickers were placed in each of the trousers' big side pockets. "What do you think? Can I be Tina?" she asked while posing teasingly. From up close, you could definitely tell the difference, but the oversized uniform covered all the main differences in their bodies' shape, and the cap and ponytail made their hair style look almost identical. So, from the balcony's distance it should be hard to tell if the girl in uniform was actually Tina or not.

"I guess you'll pass" I said, still holding and hand-gagging Tina "but what if they speak to you?". Betty turned around and looked me in the eyes, and it was at this time I realized how confident and determined she was. "I can pretend that I can't hear them from that distance. Or Maria can reply instead, with something like "leave us alone, she's got Betty now, so she's returning us". If it comes to worse, we can always run and be far away before they even come down, but it's worth the try." She looked at Tina, who by now looked aware of her humiliating defeat. "But first let's make sure she'll be out of our escaping way and won't cause any trouble for a while. Girls, get the scarves".
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Post by Canuck100 »

The Uniform (Part 4)

It was the moment of revelation for me. Tina gave a final attempt to struggle, but I was holding her real tight. "Put her down on her stomach, if you please" Betty asked me theatrically. I did lay Tina face down as gently as I could, and the girls grabbed her arms and legs as I kept her quiet. Betty pulled Tina's hands behind her back and grabbed a scarf. As she tried to wrap it around her wrists, I couldn't prevent myself from speaking. "Make a loop first" I said. Betty looked at me surprised, then understood what I said and folded the scarf in half. She made a loop, put Tina's hands through the loop with wrists crossed, pulled the edges, then proceeded wrapping them and tying the scarf tightly. "Pretty effective. Where did you learn this?" she asked as she was proceeding to tie Tina's knees together, while Nancy was holding her body still (and occasionally teasing her), and Maria was watching the door. I must have turned red. "Scouts" I lied. "And how do you think you'll stop her from calling for help? I can't keep her mouth shut for much longer." Of course I knew what was coming next, but I was dying to hear that from Betty's lips, while at the same time I tried to change the subject away from my (pretty basic, back then) bondage knowledge. Betty looked at me, and I felt relieved as she told me she couldn't believe how naive I was for asking. "Gag that talkative little mouth of hers, of course! Don't worry, I have something in mind to settle that problem" she added meaningfully.

She moved on to tie her ankles with another scarf, but paused for a moment and then did something that for me was the last big surprise of this magical afternoon. She pulled Tina's socks off her feet, folded them into a small ball and then left the scarf down and picked up a bandanna instead. I was shocked as she bent over Tina quietly and nodded me to let go of her mouth. Tina, lying face down, could not know what arrangements were going on between us behind her back. So, as I suddenly let go of her mouth, she spent about a second in pure surprise. Immediately afterwards, she decided to grab the chance and scream for help. Bad choice. As she started opening up her mouth, Betty quickly stuffed it with her socks before even the slightest sound came out. Quickly, she pulled the bandanna tightly between the surprised Tina's teeth, which was now very effectively cleave-gagged before she even knew what hit her. "There you go, princess, all nice and quiet" Betty said with a broad smile as she was tying the bandanna tightly on the back of Tina's head. Tina's muffled screams of protest were very faint, proof enough that she wouldn't be heard outside of the heating room.

Up to this day, I still don't think that Betty or any of us back then knew what a wad is, or how it can be used to effectively silence someone (as even Tina had not used one when she had gagged the girls). She must have done this only to further humiliate Tina. This was her day and she knew it, because she patted the now furious Tina on the head and said playfully "hope you haven't sweated them too much trying to get me, honey". I thought I was in heaven.)

Betty and the girls finished up tying Tina's, now bare, feet together (when she asked me if they were doing it right, I must have turned red again), and then used a long bathrobe belt to attach her ankles to her wrists. It was far from being a strict hogtie as it barely made her bend her legs backwards, but would still keep her from straightening them and standing up. "OK, let's move" I said after checking that her bonds were tight enough, and reapplying them when necessary, as Betty asked me to ("a scout can tell if these knots will hold"), but in reality I could spend hours watching the now defeated, but still gorgeous Tina wriggling on the floor, bound with scarves and gagged with a red bandanna (and a wad), barefoot and in her purple bikini swimsuit.

"Just get her over here so we can secure her to the pipes" Betty said. I bent over and picked up Tina. My heart was going at about 100 mph., and as I lifted her in my arms, I whispered to her: "Hope I haven't hurt you". I added reassuringly that we were to let her friends know about her after we were out safely, so they could come and set her free. I wouldn't expect warm feelings, but at least I could tell by the look in her eyes that she wasn't set on killing me for my participation.

I sat her down back to the pipe as gently as I could, with her legs bended sideways and a bit backwards due to the hogtie, and Betty took the longest available belt and tied it around and above Tina's waist and just below her chest twice, pinned her arms to her body with it and tied it securely behind the pipe. "That should keep you in place for a while, General Tina" Betty sounded happier than ever, "but before we go I want us to share something from this moment as good girl friends". She picked up that Polaroid camera and handed it over to Nancy, as Tina started wiggling, struggling against the tight scarves and mmmppphing in terror.

"Calm down, it was your plan anyway. Say cheese!" Betty commented as she posed smiling right next to tied up Tina for a few photos, wearing her own uniform! I could not get enough from this fantasy coming true, I only started thinking how I could get my hands on those pictures (unfortunately, I never made it. Darn!). After a dozen or so photos of the two of them, as well as Tina alone, Nancy stopped. Maria, from the door, mentioned the pictures that Tina had previously taken of the two bound and gagged girls, so Betty went through the uniform's pockets, found them and put them all together.

She sat next to a very upset Tina, put her arm around her in a friendly way, held the photos in front of her eyes and said "Now, I have a proposal for you, my little friend. When your "army" finds you, you will admit a fair and square defeat, without any involvement of boys" pointing at me, "and I can promise you that no one else will see those photos, or even learn about this-how can I put it delicately- unpleasant situation of yours (what a choice of words!) from us. All is fair in love and war, you see (she repeated her motto). But, one hint that someone else was involved, and your mature friends will all get a copy of these the very next day (well, women can be so rough competitors sometimes, I thought at this point). So, do we have a deal?". Tina wasn't left with much of a choice, as her prestige among her adult friends was much more important to her than any silly war game. She moaned through her gag and nodded "yes". "Good girl" Betty said, ruffling Tina's hair. "Sorry, but we have to go. Behave yourself now and stay put, will you?" teased Tina, who now looked really mad, for the last time, then got up.

As she went through the plan with Nancy and Maria, she took two scarves and wrapped them loosely around their wrists behind their backs, so that they would look tied up. Meanwhile, I couldn't help looking at the trussed up Tina and thinking how this afternoon has evolved. "Don't worry about her. Think of it as an anti-arrogance lesson" Betty shook me. "All clear" Nancy said from the door. "You go first out the back, and we'll play our little roles in a couple of minutes". Betty looked born for this moment. "Good luck, and be careful. Meet me in the back of our block" I said, took a last look of Tina all tied up, struggling and trying in vain to alert somebody with muffled screams through her gag, and slipped outside. It was already 6.30, but little did I care about the basketball game. I reached the fence, and hid there waiting until a couple of minutes later I saw "Tina" (Betty) in the uniform, securing the door with the wire and moving her "bound prisoners" (Nancy and Maria) towards the main gate. I then went through the fence, an elderly resident shouting at me about how we kids ruin the fences with our stupid games, and ran to the alley on the back of my block.

For minutes that seemed like centuries I stood there waiting for them, hoping their plan would work. I could not realize at the time in how big actual trouble they could be into if they were caught, but all the excitement made me think this was a do or die situation. Finally they showed up, running and laughing loudly, as Betty had already taken off the uniform jacket. "How did it go?" I asked. "Better than I thought" Betty replied. "They stood on the balcony and shouted at me to hurry in returning the girls and get back soon, so we can "play with Betty before it gets dark!" I just waved and went on. Imagine the look on their faces when they visit the heating room waiting to find me all tied up, and finding the real Tina bound and gagged instead, stripped of her army clothes" she giggled, but the sound of it alone made me shiver with excitement. "I'm on my way to the basketball game. Go back and I'll see you later" I said. "Thanks for everything. You are my hero" Betty said and kissed me on the cheek for the second time that day. I went to the game at half time, mumbled some lame excuse for my delay, but I don't remember anything else apart from the fact that we won, as I was mentally reliving the whole situation over and over.

I came back at around 8 o'clock to find the girls waiting for me. Betty was happier than ever, even though we all knew this was far from being a fair victory. But she had defeated Tina, and this was more than enough for her. "I need one last favor" she said, and presented me with a small bag. "Get these to Tina's block, will you?". I looked inside and saw the uniform, neatly folded, the army boots on the bottom, and a note pinned on the jacket with the words "It was fun. Betty" scribbled on it. "Are you crazy?" I said. "Come on, you're the only one who can do it. We are still at war, remember? Besides, it will be a good chance to see if Tina is set free and has kept her part of the deal. You don't even have to give this to her, just to one of her sidekicks by the gate." Well, I was convinced to do far worse things that day, so ten minutes later I was outside Tina's block. A girl from her team was by the main entrance (the guard, I thought). She looked pretty nervous as I approached, though I could tell it was not because of me. This looked like a sure sign that they have already discovered a tied up and humiliated Tina in the heating room. I put on my best innocent smile. "Hi. Sorry to interrupt your little war game, but Betty, the leader of our block, asked me to deliver this to Tina. Can you give it to her, please?".

She looked inside the bag and burst out laughing. "Oh my god!". She looked at me. "Has Betty told you what happened?" she asked. "Very briefly. No details". Now I was the one who was nervous. "Tina was furious that we were all fooled, but how could we know?" the girl started. "She said that first thing tomorrow she will declare defeat to call off the war game. To be honest, no one of us felt really bad about what Betty did to her. She kind of deserved it, as she started tying up the girls first".

"Has she mentioned anything about how it happened?" I tried to make it sound like casual curiosity.

"She said that when she took Betty to the heating room, the other two had already managed to get loose and jumped her. They overpowered her, took her uniform and left her bound and gagged without anyone noticing. We just found her all tied up and sweaty from the struggle about half an hour ago, when we went to check on Betty, you know. Tina said she put up quite a fight, but could not do much as she was outnumbered by three to one" the girl continued. "My God, Betty had even stuck Tina's socks in her mouth before gagging her, can you believe it?". In a strange way, I could.

"Now, I shouldn't be telling you this, since Tina made us vow that no one else hears about this incident, but I guess it's OK since you know it already from Betty. Just don't go around telling anyone else." she added. "Three to one" I thought smiling and bid the girl goodnight. Tina had kept her part of the deal.

The next couple of weeks after that incident, I felt quite ashamed to face Tina again. However, on a farewell party a couple of days before returning home, I finally came across her. Gathering all my courage, I said hi. She looked angrily at me. "I shouldn't speak to you, you know" she replied, but then her voice softened. "But I have to admit that you were really a gentleman with me that afternoon. Still, you have a hell of a grip, and you sure know how to tie a girl up". I blushed like a small child, as she smiled. "Well, like it or not, you are now my little secret with Betty, so I'll have to live with that" were her final words, as she went on to the party. Even though I never saw any of them again, since this was the last summer my family and I spent there, those last words were a great finale for a summer I'll never forget.

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