max cuff : 01 - Wanda the Spy (m/f)

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max cuff : 01 - Wanda the Spy (m/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

max cuff's stories
01 - Wanda the Spy
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By max cuff

Sat Jan 23 23:33:21 1999

I've been a visitor to this site many times. I will try to relate my first tie up game.

When i was fifteen, I had a friend named Wanda. She was tall, (for her age.) Slim, had a nice figure and dark hair. She and I were on the swim team for our school.

One hot july afternoon, Wanda and I were taking our usual shortcut through the woods. She had on her one piece blak speedo swimsuit. Our team colors were black, with a gold bar running down the sides of the suit.

Over her shoulder was her gym bag with clothes for the walk home. She always walked with her thumbs tucked into the whit canvas belt that held up a white tennis skirt.

One day i finally got up the nerve to ask her; "Why do you always walk aith your hands behind your back?"

Her answer made my heart leap out of my chest. "I like the feeling of my hands behind me."

After the swim meet, we came in third, her bag with all of her clothes gets accedently dumped into the pool. As we walk home, shes got some old flip flops on her feet, and just her Swim suit. I noticed that she kept butting her hands behind her back, yet they wouldnt stay.

I ask her to put down her gym bag and i begin going through it till i find her wet sneakers.

She gives me a sly grin as I pull the laces out of the sneakers. "Turn around."

"Not to tight.' She said as she turned on her heel and placed her hands behind her. I laced her up, "Not to tight, is it?" I asked.

"Nope, it feels great." She sure looked great. And i carried her bag, as well as my stuff home.

She giggled the whole way back as we talked about school and stuff. She squrimed and fidgeted, but i think she enjoyed it.

There were other 'adventures,' with Wanda. But i end it for now.

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Post by Canuck100 »

Sun Mar 21 22:28:48 Eastern Standard Time 1999

Wanda the spy Part 1

When I was around fifteen or so, I got a chance to play a tie up game with my next door neighbor. Her name was Wanda. She was older than me, (she just got her learners permit.) we were sitting around her pool, just talking. She had on a pink one-piece swimsuit, me, your standard blue swim trunks.

One of the James Bond movies was playing, and the two of us were talking about it.

"Who cares about all that spy stuff," Wanda said, "I'd like to be the girl."

"I'd like to be the villain." I said thinking quickly. Wanda turned from her side onto her back and stretched her hands over her head. She looked great as she drew her body out on the aluminum and green webbed lounge. I stood up and clamped my hands over her wrists, pinning them down on the metal frame.

"Your going to tell me what you know of my operation." I said in my most dastardly voice.

"Your not going to tie me up are you?" Her brown eyes told me yes. With my right hand, I reached into my imaginary pocket and pulled out some imagined paralyzing Mist. After 'spraying' her with it, I ran into the garage.

When I came back with some lengths of clothesline, she was still splayed out with her hands over her head, and her shapely legs outstretched. (She truly was a site that July afternoon!) Quickly, I tied her wrists separately to each corner of the aluminum frame. Finished, I stood back to admire her test the binding.

"It's not to tight, is it?"

"No," Wanda confirmed, "but I thought villains wanted their prisoners tied tightly?"

"Well, I guess I'm a nice villain." I said as I continued to drink in her squirming pink form.

Her foot reached out and tried to kick me.

"Hey!' I said, "You're under the paralyzing spray." I said as I moved out of the way so that she could not hit me.

"It must be wearing off." I 'sprayed' her long legs again, then quickly grabbed her slender ankles, and bound them together. I walked around several times before settling on another chair next to her. I really didn't quite know what to do next. (however, now that I'm older - sigh.)

I'll never tell you what I know of your operation!" Wanda was defiant! I was loving every minute of it. I know she was too.

Sadly, it was about this time when her Dad came home from work. And I had to quickly untie her.

"That was fun." She told me as she stood up and tied a towel around her hips. "To bad your Dad came home so soon." I said as I neatly coiled the rope.

"We'll have to play this again." Wanda said as she grabbed the rope out of my hands and headed for the house. We played several games over the years, let me know if you want to hear of more.

Wanda the spy; Part 2

Wanda and I were sitting around her pool, and we were laughing about our first 'adventure,' pool side.

"We should do that again." Wanda said as she turned on her side. It was all I could do to keep my eyes off of her pink one piece swimsuit.

"Yeah, it would be fun," I said into her brown eyes, "but we need someplace a bit more secluded." Wanda thought about this as she casually brushed her shoulder length hair back off her face.

"How about the school?" I smacked the palm of my hand on my forehead. "The jungle gyms and athletic fields would be great!"

"Don't forget about the woods and trails." I stood up quickly. "Let's go." I grabbed her arm and practically pulled her off the deck furniture.

After a quick stop at my parents garage for some clothesline, we arrived at the elementary school playground. In our haste, I was still wearing my blue swim trunks and black converse sneakers. Wanda still had her swimsuit and matching pink flip-flops.

"Where should we begin?" She asked. I wasn't sure. I looked nervously about. (I didn't want a prime moment like this to slip away!) "I guess I should tie you up while I'm thinking."

"Okay." Wanda turned her back on me and crossed her wrists behind her. As I stood there tying them, I took in her shoulders, they were the same width as her hips. Her suit was a deep scoop in the back. Four straps anchored along the top of the fabric which was below mid-back. The four straps then formed into two. With each one going over it's respective shoulder. Once I had her wrists tied securely, I spun her around so that she was facing me. "That's not to tight, is it?" I asked as she fidgeted with the rope.

"No. It feels fine." I was in love.

So there we stood, me in my swim trunks, her in her swimsuit with her hands tied tightly behind her back. She fell right into character.

"You'll never make me talk!" She said as she stood before me, defiantly placing her slender legs in a menacing stance. She would bend slightly, from time to time, at the waist as she continued to try and loosen her bonds. Seeing the slide, I got an idea.

"If you don't tell me what I want to know, the consequences will be most unpleasant!" (I was really getting into this villain stuff!)

"Never!" Wanda said in between giggles. I led her over to the base of a giant slide on the school playground.

"My piranha fish are hungry! You would make a tasty morsel!" I said to her motioning at the dirt depression where thousands of hungry fish swam in our imagination.

"Do your worst!" Was her response.

I led her around to the steps that led up the slide. The steps weren't really a 'ladder,' but more like stairs. I asked her if this was okay, Wanda said yes. I asked her if she wanted to be untied as I was going to have her go up. She looked at the steps and said it wasn't that steep. I stayed very close behind her, just to make sure.
As we made our way to the top, I asked her to sit with her back to the slide. I then tied her ankles together. Then I swiveled her around on her rump so that her legs were pointing down the slide. She continued to struggle, and giggle.

"My piranha will enjoy a fine meal, unless you tell me what I want to know!"

"You cannot harm me!" Wanda shot back, "when I get free, I'm taking you in!"

"Ahh, but you have to get free first." She continued to try and work the ropes loose, both her ankles as well as her wrists. I grabbed her shoulders from behind and laid her flat on the slide. Her brown eyes looked up at me. "What am I to do?" She said in her best 'perils of Pauline' voice.

I lowered her shoulders down onto the cold shiny steel slide. "Such a waste!" I said twirling an imaginary mustache. Wanda, in her pink one piece, continued to struggle in a vain attempt to free her ankles and wrists.

"Oh my!" Was all Wanda could say. (Still using her 'Perils of Pauline' voice.) I gave her a gentle shove and you she slid towards the [imaginary,] piranha! She arched her back to free her wrists. When she did this her sliding stopped! After 'hanging' like that, her back must have tired, 'cause she flattened out. When she did she slid some more, prompting a squeal in-between giggles! She quickly arched her back which stopped her slide. (I had created my own conveyor belt of doom On the grade school playground!)

"My piranha are awaiting you my dear!"

"I will never tell you what I know of your planned gold theft!' Wanda said this In between giggles and the sound of skin skidding along the slide. I climbed down from the top of the slide and watched her from ground level. She continued her start/stop, progression down the slide! It was great! As she got closer, she tried 'wedging,' her body and legs against the sides of the slide. All she accomplished was her flip-flops coming off her feet as she inched towards the bottom. I noticed that when she used her now bare feet to stop, she laughed uncontrollably.

"I thought super spies were impervious to tickling?"

"I think I skipped that part of the training!" Wanda said as she slipped a few more inches towards the bottom. Wanda was now more than half way down the slide. She lifted her head up to look and see how far she was from the end.

"Oh please dastardly villain," she tried one final struggling fury to try and escape, "can't you spare me from being eaten alive?" She slid another foot and stopped. I lightly grabbed one of her toes. She squealed in delight and drew her legs up sharply.

"Hmm, lets see."

To be continued

Tue Mar 23 19:26:24 Eastern Standard Time 1999

I guess I should introduce myself. I've been a big fan of this site for some time. I posted a short adventure about a month ago, but I thought it was time for something with a bit more 'meat,' as it were.

Over the years I've been able to amass several stories of bondage fantasy/role-play. And I thought I would share some of those with you. Just as I've been enjoying all of yours.

When 'Wanda the spy' concludes, there is more of Wanda to come. As well as some other ladies from college and beyond...

I am also creating my own fictional heroines who manage to get themselves into one peril after another.

I'd like to thank Mason, Doug, and Clark for their words of encouragement. I'll continue to post as long as my stories entertain.
Why? 'Cause that what these stories are for, entertainment. I'm not a rotten person, nor am I on a work release program from the state pen! Just your average guy, who likes consensual fun.


max cuff

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