dudalb : 19 - My Mom's Second Tieup (mm/FF)

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dudalb : 19 - My Mom's Second Tieup (mm/FF)

Post by Canuck100 »

dudalb's stories
19 - My Mom's Second Tieup
Story index at the bottom

By dudalb

A couple of weeks after my Mom's great escape, Sean and I got ambitious. We decided to see if we could bag both my mom and Sean's mom at the same time. Steffi was also in on the project. She was sorry she had missed my Mom's escape and was fascinated by the idea of tying up one's parent. Sean had other motives.

Both his mom and my mom had escaped from our tie-ups. We had devised a tie up we thought could hold them for the hour limit. I also was curious about how it would feel to tie up my mom. Remember that in my mom's great escape Sean and his older sister, Meg had made me a victim along with my mom. I wanted to know what it would be like to be in control of my all-powerful mom, even if for just a little while.

Sean's mom - I am going to call her Emma because she did have a striking resemblance to Emma Thompson (although this was years before Ms. Thompson became well known)-- would be no problem. She was always an easy and willing captive in our games if she was not busy. Emma was a little bit of a free spirit although quite responsible as a parent. My own mom was more middle class but had a streak of fun in her. My mom had some resemblance to the actress who played the mom in the first two "Home Alone" films. Both were in their mid thirties. Our two moms were close friends.

We thought about some kind of scam but decided my mom was far too smart to fall for a con twice. Our best chance lay in an open challenge.

One day-it was the final week before school started-Mom; Emma, Sean, Steffi, and I were sitting around the pool talking. Sean decided to be fairly direct. He just told my Mom that he and I had thought of a new way of tying and gagging her so she couldn't get free (my Mom was not above teasing Sean about her escape).

Mom then gave Sean and me a look and said, "Is that a dare?"

Emma then said "I would kind of like to see you do your Houdini act, Moira".

"I'll think about it", Mom said. (We decided not to mention the plan was for Emma to join mom as a Mom in-distress).

I motioned Sean to cool it; to press too hard too early would ruin everything. Sean got the message.

About an hour later we had changed into our regular clothes and my mom and Emma came down together. They were both dressed about the same: slacks and blouses; Mom's was white, Emma's blue. Emma had on her always-present large wire frame glasses. Emma had horrible uncorrected eyesight, which might have accounted for one of her peculiarities. She seemed to actually have fun being bound and gagged by us kids in our games, but she was terrified by the idea of being blindfolded. One time at a party she tried to let herself be blindfolded to take a whack at a pinata but just couldn't hack it.

Mom looked at us, knew what were mentally asking, and said, "I think I'll take you two up on your dare". I could feel that Mom was in one of her playful moods.

Sean said it would take a few minutes for him to get some stuff together and then went out. I went into the garage and gathered some rope. I probably had enough there to tie up mom but we would need Sean's stuff to bind both of them at once - the main point of the exercise. Steffi watched fascinated. To her to tie up a mother was an ultimate act of rebellion.

Sean returned with his tie up materials and the contest begun - although Mom did not know it was to be a double feature. Mom was wearing slacks and a white blouse.

"Ready?" I asked her.

"OK" mom said. Give it you best shot!"

Mom stood in the middle of the living room with her arms at her sides, and did not resist when I took a piece of cord, pulled her hands behind her, crossed them and tied them together. I felt strange tying Mom's hands. I wanted to tie her tightly, but I did not want to hurt her. So I took my time trying to make the knots as tight as possible without cutting her skin or her circulation. When I finished Sean came over to check my work, and he nodded his approval.

Sean then took a piece of rope. Mom thought he would use it on her, but instead walked over to Emma was sitting watching and politely asked her to stand up.

"We want to make it a double challenge, Mom", he said.

Emma stood up. "Should we, Moira?"

My Mom looked surprised and then giggled and said "If you want to keep me company in captivity, that's fine with me but I've got a feeling we won't be saying much to each other before long". Mom then glanced toward a pile of scarves obviously meant for gagging.

Emma nodded "OK, Sean, I'm in!" and put her hands behind her Sean then tied his Mom's wrists tightly together.

Now both our moms were standing before us with their hands tied behind them. The sight fascinated Steffi. I then took a length of rope and begun the second part of our tie up. I wound the rope a couple of times around my Mom's waist and then wound the rope around her already tied hands and tied it securely off, fastening her hands in the small of her back. She could not lift them away from her back. Sean did the same with his mom. All this time they were chatting about a project for our school they were active in. The bizarreness of our moms talking about a school project while their kids were tying them up with gags next on the agenda did not occur to me until later.

I picked up a handkerchief and scarf and walked toward my Mom. I said "You talk too much, Mom!" - our standard comment when we were about to gag somebody.

"Good bye Emma, it was nice knowing you!" my Mom said and then opened her mouth. I put the handkerchief in and gagged it in place with the scarf used as a cleave gag. I pulled it fairly tight but not enough to hurt my Mom. She looked just like a character on TV, with the scarf between her lips and the corners of her mouth pulled back a little. Sean then cleave gagged his mom in the same way. Steffi was totally absorbed in watching us bind and gag our moms. We then sat our Moms down on the couch and proceeded to tying up their legs.

I tied my Mom's ankles together and then tied her legs together us below the knees.

Sean tied Emma's ankles and legs the same way. Suddenly My mom looked at me and begun mmphing loudly. Obviously she wanted to say something. I ungagged her.

"This is going to sound silly", Mom said, "but I just remembered I have to make a phone call. Sorry to spoil the game."

I began to untie her ankles, disappointed. Sean looked more disappointed. He had a crush on my mom - not an unusual occurrence with 14-year-old boy when he found a friend's mom attractive. It evened out for I had a crush on Emma. We knew that we found each other's mom "Nice Looking"

Then Mom said, "Wait. I just have to confirm a sales appointment for tomorrow. Bring the Phone over here, hold it up, and I think I can take care of it".

In retrospect most people would have thought this weird but Mom hated to disappoint us kids. So I brought the phone over looked up and dialed the number, held the phone up to Mom's mouth, and she was done in less then a minute. She then said "Ok, gag me", and in a minute she was cleave gagged exactly as before. Emma was laughing through her gag as the whole thing.

Now came the creative part. I took a scarf and tied it around my Mom already tied hands so that the scarf covered the ropes, making it hard for Mom or Emma to get at the knots on the ropes binding her hands. Sean and his sister Meg had done this to me when my Mom and I were both tied up a couple of weeks before. Sean did the same to Emma's hands.We were both careful to knot the scarves where prying fingers would find it hard to untie.

Now I took my Mom and turned her around while Sean scooted his mom around. We put them so they were back to back. I took a piece of rope and tied my Moms left elbow to Emma's right elbow. Sean did the same to our moms other elbows. Now Steffi helped out. She used a long piece of clothesline borrowed from outside to tie our Mom's upper bodies firmly together just under their bustline. We asked Steffi to do this portion of the tie up to avoid any accidental groping that would get us in trouble. Steffi was a very apt pupil in matters of tying up and would do as good as job by now as we could. Steffi then used a second lenght of clothesline to tie our Moms together in the midriff,below the other rope.

For the final touch a long ace bandage was wound around my Mom's hands then brought over and wrapped around Emma's hands and then securely tied off, making it very hard for them to untie each others hands with the bandage, then several layers of scarf, to get through before the actual ropes binding their hands could be got at. Their tightly bound ankles and legs and the ropes binding their bodies together would make any hopping or movement difficult.

Steffi, Sean, and I looked in fascination at Moira, my Mom, and Emma, Sean's Mom sitting on the couch tightly bound and gagged. I felt very weird at seeing MOM, the supreme human power in my world ,the layer down of the law, the Big Boss as a helpless tied and gagged captive - and a sense of power that at least temporarily I, the Kid, was in charge. This was a total revolution, a total reversal of power. And it felt Cool! I loved my mom as much an any one can love his mom but still to have her as my prisoner for at least a little while was fun!I did not feel quite the same emotion during my Mom's previous escape because then I was in the same situation-bound and gagged-as she was. I also stared at Emma with different motives. Seeing her tied and gagged was also fun in a totally different and testosterone charged way. Sean was looking at my mom in the same way.We both accepted the fact that we had a crush on each other's mom.

Steffi was surprised that parents would agree to play such a game with their kids. She whispered to me "Could you and Sean help me to tie up my Mother, please?" I nodded. But that is another story.

After a few minutes staring at our moms I said, "OK, Let's see you guys gets out of this one! You've got one hour." Sean and I felt sure we had won this one.

Had Sean and I won? Were our two moms bound and gagged beyond escape? Could Mom do a Houdini for a second time?

To be continued
Last edited by Canuck100 5 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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My Mom and Emma started struggling. Watching them was interesting in seeing their contrasting styles of testing their bonds. Mom was very deliberate, feeling the bindings slowly, testing them, and trying to find a weak spot. She made no noises beneath her cleave gag.

Emma, on the other hand, twisted melodramatically in her ropes and mmphed loudly through her gag, probably distracting Mom from her patient feeling out of the ropes.

Looking back I realize the styles reflected their different reasons for playing this unusual game with their kids.

I think my mom liked the physical challenge of trying to escape. She participated in track and field and swimming in college and was always into exercise. (She still is..last time Mom visited Jennifer and I all 3 of us went for a run. Mom is in her early fifties and we are both 32 but she kept pace with us every step of the two mile jog), was always competitive when she played with us - she cut us kids no slack in Monopoly or Risk- and I think she considered her being tied up as a kind of athletic challenge involving a great deal of dexterity and coordination.

Emma, on the other hand ,I think enjoyed the Damsel in Distress (Mom in Distress?) aspects of it. Emma had done a lot of theater in college and I think saw the game a little as performance art. Although she had also become quite adept at escaping. Whenever she was tied up she hammed it up a little - especially if there were little kids involved. (This is why Sean and I ignored her mmphing. Sean could tell between his mom's acting and when she really wanted to say something.) Her performance on this occasion was one of her more restrained ones.

After about a minute had passed the door opened and my kid sister Chris came in. She took one look, remembered the earlier escape and said "Are mom and Emma supposed to get loose" We nodded. Chris said "Cool!" and sat down on a chair to watch the fun.

After about five minutes Emma settled down and Mom could test her bonds in peace. After ten minutes Mom gave a disgusted sounding mmmph. I asked if she was OK and she nodded. Later she said this is when she gave up trying to find a weak or loose spot. The escape would have to be done the hard way
Mom twisted her head toward Emma and mmphed loudly. Emma twisted back and mmmphed in reply.

Then mom mmphed once, mmmphed again and then a third time. But at the third time she lifted her bound legs up off the couch (remember, my Mom and Emma were tied back to back seated on the couch with their legs tied in front of them) and put them down again. Emma watched. Mom did the same thing again-mmphed 3 times and on the third lifted her legs. Emma then mmphed loudly in reply and then did the same sequence of mmphs and leg lifting herself. Mom mmphed nodded her head and then gave a long mmmph, a second long mmmph, and then a third mmmph. On the third mmphh both moms scooted to the edge of the couch. And twisted their legs so that their feet were now resting on the floor, though there were still seated on the couch. Mom then gave another long mmphh, a second long mmphh,and then a third long mmmph. On the third mmmph both moms struggled to their feet. They were now standing up; still tied back to back but off the couch.
Sean and I were surprised. We really though our moms were immobile. Now we were not so sure the victory was in the bag.

Mom then mmphed loudly to get Emma's attention, and made a small shuffle forward. Emma caught on and shuffled also. Now mom tried a hop in place. Emma caught on and mmphed in response. Now Mom mmphed and the both hopped in unison They went forward. I knew mom was aiming toward the kitchen where scissors could be found. The sacrifice of an ace bandage and a cheap scarf would be a small price for a win.

It took them about ten minutes to hop to the kitchen. Forget what you see on TV when a captured heroine takes huge hops across the floor, (a la Cameron Diaz in Head above Water), in reality you take small hops, not much more then steps. Our Moms were taking it slow in small hops.. Sean and I walked beside them to to catch them if they fell. They stopped a few times to rest. But finally they reached the destination. Mom and Emma, once in the kitchen, inched there way to a drawer with My Mom in the lead. My mom had a hard time opening the door because of the ropes securing her wrists to the small of her back. It took some stretching and twisting before she finally opened the drawer and got a pair of scissors. Once she got the scissors she began to cut away the Ace Bandage and the scarf covering her bound hands. It took a few minutes but at last the scarf and the bandage came off. Now Mom used her fingers to get rid of the rest of the Ace Bandage around Emma's hands and the scissors to cut away the scarf around Emma's wrists. Now, they could work at each other's wrists. Mom put the scissors back on the counter. She did not want to risk cutting Emma's hand with the scissors; the ropes were too snug against Emma's skin. Emma and my mom began the task of untying each other's hands.

I checked the watch. About 30 minutes left. We might still win. Our moms could eventually free themselves but maybe not within the contest's limit. It was beat the clock time for our moms.

Emma and my Mom worked on the ropes on each other's wrists, and after a few minutes the ropes dropped off Emma's hands.About a minute later my mom's hands were untied.

My Mom and Emma then began the task of untying themselves from the several other coils of rope with which we had tied their upper bodies. First of all they slipped out of the ropes tying their hands to the small of their backs. With their wrist free this was easy. They were able to slip their lower arms out of the rope with which Steffi had tied them together slightly above the waist but Steffi had done a much better job on the ropes tying their upper bodies together just below the bustline; They could not slip out of those. Instead they bent their lower arms so they could work on the ropes tying them together at the elbows. If was kind of funny to watch them - or would have been if they had not been winning the challenge.

After about five minutes of pair of elbows was free, and in another minute both pairs. My mom was then able to stretch her arms and work on the knots of the rope securing their upper bodies together.That soon came off and now they could move separately. Mom bent down and untied her knees and ankles. Emma did the same. Mom and Emma finally ungagged themselves and Emma shouted almost like another kid would "We won!"

I looked at my watch. Mom had bettered her time from her previous escape attempt. Back then she had ungagged herself as the clock ran out. Now she had over five minutes left on the clock. Another defeat for Sean, and a first defeat for me.

"Hey Kids", Mom said, "Face it. We Moms always win in the end!"

Sean and I had to agree. My mom had proven adept at escaping twice now. Emma has also acquitted herself well. To this day I don't understand how Mom and Emma were able to coordinate their movements despite being tightly gagged and without intelligible speech. Some strange from of psychic communication phenomenon shared only by moms held captive by their kids? Perhaps Muldur and Scully should investigate...

Thinking it over I decided that next time Mom would have to solo without benefit of a partner. But it would be about ten months before the next opportunity came. And I had other things on my agenda first. Steffi's mom being among them. But the next tale I will tell will be the Great St. Patrick's Day Abduction.

One guess when it will be posted. ....Till then keep the new stories coming in to Canucks!

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