Ash : 04 - Sherry's Revenge (f/m)

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Ash : 04 - Sherry's Revenge (f/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Ash's stories
04 - Sherry's Revenge
Story index at the bottom

By Ash

Mon Mar 23 00:35:28 UTC+0800 1998

Hey gang! Well, I really don't know if I can follow up the intricate postings that have appeared since my last visit here, but since a person is only as good as their word, here's my promised final babysitter story (And I would also like to apologize to Gillian, John and JD in advance for any sloppy punctuation, spelling mistakes and general grammatical errors that will probably escape my roving eye. While I would like to take the time to write my posts up using Word, it is 1:00am in the morning now and I have a ridiculous amount of work to get done tommorrow!)

Alright, excuses aside, let me begin.

It didn't take long for Sherry to make her intentions clear on the night in question. I would like to say it was a dark and stormy night (purely to slip in a phrase as hackneyed as a split patella and make it sound like I pay attention to such trivial details), but I really have no recollection of what the weather was like. Mum and dad were not going to be back until late that night, and Sherry - wearing her usual jacket and jeans and looking quite spectacular to her not-so-secret-admirer - used that point to begin taunting me.

"If they're not going to be back until late, that means I have plenty of time for my revenge," she said (or words to that effect).

"Revenge?" I was all innocent.

"Yeah, revenge. For tying me up so I couldn't get loose last time I was here."
(For those of you who have forgotten my last postings on Bob's page - in February I think - this story takes place between the two where I bound Sherry.)

"But you said I could tie you up."

"I said you could tie my hands, not bind me and gag me so I was completely helpess."

"Same thing," I mumbeld.

"Do you want to do this the hard way or the easy way?"

By way of answer, I trotted off to get the "stuff". Secretly, I was excited, and although I knew it was partly the tying up thing, it was also because Sherry was involved. Messing around with my cousins could never compare with this!

When I returned Sherry instructed me to cross my hands behind my back and I did so. She tied them with a bath robe cord and then set about binding my feet. That done, she connected the two, leaving me in a hog-tie.

"Hey!" I said.

"Do you want to be gagged as well?" she threatened, and although the answer was a definite "yes", I shook my head "no". I didn't want Sherry to think I was a total freak.

"Alright, I'm going to watch TV for ten minutes. See if you can get free of that. If you can't I've got much worse planned for you."

She left me and I began to struggle, desperately.
Although I didn't manage to free myself completely, I did get my feet loose of the cord binding them and thereby escape from my hog-tie. So when Sherry came back, all she found was a discarded cord lying on the floor.
I had run off and hidden in my mum and dad's room, with my hands still bound securely behind my back.

Sherry hunted me for the next five minutes or so, threatening me with all manner of horrible things if I didn't come out. Eventually she found me, and proceeded to drag me out from under my parent's bed. Then, half carrying me, she "guided" me into the living room and proceeded to bind me in a second hog-tie - but this one was about a hundred times tighter than the first! All of a sudden, I knew I was going nowhere fast. And although some of the fun evaporated for me at that point (after all, the cords were pretty tight!), I tried to savour every moment I spent as Sherry's captive.

Basically, for the rest of the night I was cleave gagged and blindfolded with scarves, and kept tight bound with cords. Sherry would occasionally loosen a cord here, or change my gag a little there (I spent a good half hour with a packed mouth after I made too much noise through my realtively ineffective cleave gag) - and all the while she just watched TV.

When I was eventually released I didn't really know what to expect (again). But Sherry just hepled me pack up the stuff and hinted that maybe more games would be played next time. (She was right of course. Either the very next time she sat for me, or the time after that, was the occassion of her chair tie).

Those were definitely the days . . .

Thanks folks. I'll post a slightly more modern story if anyone's interested next time.

Ash's stories

Stories retrieved from Stories of Tie-Up Games
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Post by Canuck100 »

I had some fun using ChatGPT to complete this story, which I found really good and interesting, but a bit “rushed” towards the end. Please note that the continuation, while believable, is fictional, and that I am not the original author of the original story.

My method was to copy/paste the story in ChatGPT

Then my prompt was :

“ Elaborate more on this paragraph:

Basically, for the rest of the night I was cleave gagged and blindfolded with scarves, and kept tight bound with cords. Sherry would occasionally loosen a cord here, or change my gag a little there (I spent a good half hour with a packed mouth after I made too much noise through my realtively ineffective cleave gag) - and all the while she just watched TV.”

And here’s how ChatGPT continued the story :

In the last paragraph of your story, it's evident that Sherry had taken control of the situation, leaving you bound, gagged, and blindfolded while she watched TV. Here's an elaboration on that part:

As the evening wore on, I found myself completely at Sherry's mercy. My hands remained securely bound behind my back, and my feet were tied in a second, even tighter hog-tie. I could feel the cords digging into my skin, reminding me of my helplessness. The initial excitement of the game had given way to a sense of genuine captivity, but it was strangely thrilling.

Sherry, taking her role as the captor quite seriously, had cleave gagged me, muffling my protests and rendering my speech incoherent. At times, she would adjust the gag, making it harder for me to communicate.

During our playful but increasingly intense game, there came a point when I couldn't resist the urge to test the boundaries. Perhaps it was the combination of my curiosity and the adrenaline coursing through my veins that led me to purposely make more noise than necessary. I wanted to see how far Sherry would go, how she would react to my provocations.

As I squirmed and tried to protest through my cleave gag, I could see a mischievous glint in Sherry's eyes. She seemed to relish the challenge I presented. With deliberate slowness, she moved closer, her fingers deftly undoing the gag just enough to create some space. This brief respite allowed me to catch my breath, but it was also a harbinger of what was to come.

Sherry reached for something nearby, and in the dim light of the room, I couldn't quite make out what it was until I felt the sensation of her hands gently but firmly pressing a soft material into my open mouth. It was as if she was sealing my defiance with each fold and push, effectively silencing me. My muffled protests turned into incoherent sounds as the packed material expanded, filling every inch of my mouth. I remember the odd taste and texture, a reminder that I was entirely at her mercy.

Once my mouth was filled to her satisfaction, Sherry tightened the cleave gag again, securing the makeshift stuffing in place. The pressure on my jaw and the expanding sensation within my mouth was both unexpected and oddly thrilling. My vocal attempts were reduced to mere hums and muted grumbles. I was, in a way, a prisoner not only of the cords that bound me but of my own audacity.

Sherry leaned in close, her breath warm against my ear as she whispered, "That should keep you quiet, shouldn't it?" Her voice carried a hint of amusement, and she seemed to be thoroughly enjoying this newfound level of control.

In that moment, as I struggled to adjust to the sensation of my packed mouth and the knowledge that my defiance had brought about this change, I couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. It was a testament to the unpredictable nature of our game and Sherry's ability to keep me on my toes, ensuring that the night's adventure remained both thrilling and memorable.

To add to the sensory deprivation, she had blindfolded me with soft scarves, plunging me into a world of darkness. I could only rely on my other senses to navigate the room, and the sounds of the TV in the background served as a constant reminder of Sherry's casual enjoyment while I remained tightly bound.

Throughout the night, Sherry would occasionally come over to me, her hands expertly manipulating the cords, either loosening them slightly to give me a fleeting sense of relief or, conversely, making them even more restrictive. It was a rollercoaster of sensations and emotions, ranging from anxiety to excitement.

As the evening continued and I remained tightly bound and gagged, Sherry seemed to revel in her newfound dominance. With each passing moment, her taunts and teasing took on a playful yet slightly wicked tone, making me acutely aware of my vulnerability.

She would sit beside me, her presence almost tangible despite my blindfold, and she'd speak in a hushed, conspiratorial voice that sent shivers down my spine. Her words, though muffled by the thick scarves she had wrapped around my head, carried an unmistakable air of amusement.

"I hope you're enjoying this little game," she purred, her fingers lightly tracing patterns on my forearm. "You wanted to play, didn't you?"

I could only respond with a muffled nod, the packed material in my mouth stifling any coherent reply.

Sherry's teasing continued as she leaned in closer, her warm breath brushing against my ear. "You know, you're quite adorable like this, all tied up and helpless. I could get used to having you as my captive."

My heart raced at her words, a mixture of excitement and nervousness coursing through me. I squirmed in my bonds, but they held fast, serving as a constant reminder of my predicament.

She wasn't finished, though, and her teasing continued. "I wonder if you'll ever escape from these restraints. But then again, why would you want to? I’m taking good care of you!"

Her words had a seductive quality, and despite my helplessness, I couldn't deny the intrigue they sparked. Sherry's ability to manipulate the situation and my emotions was both exhilarating and intimidating.

Throughout the night, Sherry's teasing and taunting persisted, creating a dynamic of captor and captive that was both thrilling and strangely intimate. Her words, though playful on the surface, held a deeper undercurrent of desire and control, leaving me with a growing sense that this night's adventure would be unforgettable in more ways than one.

As the hours passed, I couldn't help but wonder how the evening had taken such an unexpected turn. I had gone from being an innocent participant to a willing captive, captivated by the intensity of the experience and Sherry's commanding presence. And so, in the dimly lit living room, I remained bound, gagged, and blindfolded, entirely subject to Sherry's whims as she continued to watch TV, knowing that the night held more surprises and adventures in store for me.

My prompt : “ When it’s time to release me, Sherry takes her sweet time, keeping my wrists tied and my mouth gagged for as long as possible, until my parents were almost home.”

ChatGPT :

As the night wore on and the time for my release approached, Sherry seemed in no hurry to let me go. In fact, she appeared to relish the lingering moments of control and captivity, savoring every second of our shared secret as my parents' return drew closer.

With a deliberate slowness that bordered on teasing, Sherry toyed with my emotions. She kept my wrists securely tied, the cords serving as a reminder of my vulnerability and her dominance. My pleas for release were muffled by the gag in my mouth, but she seemed to derive amusement from my futile attempts to communicate.

Sherry's actions became more deliberate and sensuous as the minutes ticked by. She would occasionally lean in close, her lips brushing against my ear, and whisper promises of eventual freedom with an almost seductive tone. "You've been such a good captive," she'd murmur, her warm breath sending shivers down my spine. "But we wouldn't want this night to end too soon, would we?"

My heart raced as I felt both excitement and frustration building within me. The anticipation of release was juxtaposed with the growing desire to be free from my restraints. Sherry's skillful manipulation of the situation had me yearning for the moment when I would finally regain my freedom.

It wasn't until the very last moment, when the sound of my parents' car pulling into the driveway became unmistakable, that Sherry finally relented. With a final, lingering touch and a wicked grin, she removed the gag from my mouth and began the process of untying my wrists. It was a rush of conflicting emotions – relief, exhilaration, and a lingering desire for more of the captivating adventure that Sherry had orchestrated.

As I was released from my bonds, I couldn't help but reflect on the unforgettable night that had unfolded. Sherry's deliberate prolonging of my captivity had added a layer of intensity to our shared experience, leaving me with a mix of excitement and a newfound bond with my not-so-secret crush.

End of story

Anyway, I thought the result was quite good and that you might enjoy it. Hope it was the case!
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