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Grinandbareit : 02 - Exploring self-bondage (self/f, f/f)

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2018 3:56 am
by Fordman
Exploring self-bondage
By: Grinandbareit

After my first experience of self-bondage I very much wanted to do it again. But after getting stuck I wanted to find a safer way to do it. I also wanted to find a more private way. I and my mom are close but I'd rather not call her for help every time I got stuck.

My adventure started at an adult play store. I didn't want to talk much to the guy working as I found him creepy. I quickly found a 36 inch satin ribbon. I checked out and after a creepy comment from the guy working I left and headed for home. I wanted to ask question about safe ways to tie myself up but I refused to ask that creep so I guess Google would be my friend.

I got home said hi to my parents and retired to my room for the night. I took all but the fitted sheet from my bed and removed the ribbon from its package. I took my time test the right length I would need then cut my ribbon into 4 lengths I could use to tie myself from each bed post. I googled way to tie yourself up. I ended up settling on using 3 hangman knots for my legs and left wrist. Then for my right wrist I tied a fixed knot that could be tight but allow me to pull my hand out to free myself.

I setup my restraints open my window a crack to let in cool air and turned my ceiling fan on high. Then I stripped naked and got on my bed. I tied my legs first then my right wrist followed by my left. I pulled my arms and legs tight then closed my eyes. Most things were the same as I had done before. But the feeling was incomplete. Knowing how easy I could get free totally ruined the experience. I wasn't bound I was just naked on my bed. I had over looked an important part of the reason why I like being tied. To feel helpless. The freedom and liberation I felt last time came from being full exposed and tied tight. I quickly free myself and put on a robe.

I was disappoint. It had been 2 weeks since my first attempt and I had gotten very excited to once again be tied up and feel that liberation again. I tried to watch TV to get my mind off it but I could focus. My failure had really upset me. I spent time on Google looking for other way to tie myself up and they all had a way to free myself and I knew it would ruin the experience. I was really getting bothered by not being able to feel that freedom again. I figured I could ask my mom for help. She was ok with it last time. Said she would help again so I could be safe. Now as open as I was with my mom I couldn't do it again. I tried to get on with the night. I tired TV, the internet, texting, but nothing worked. Before I knew it I was still in my robe walking down stairs to see my mom. I was nervous and butterflies filled my stomach. I've always love the feeling of butterflies in my stomach.

Before I knew it I was tapping my mom on the shoulder. She turned to me and said need something. Nervous I choked and just said I wanted to say hi. She asked me if I wanted to join them. I said no I want to go back up stair and then I trailed off. My mom turned to me again and what’s that baby. I looked at the ceiling and tried to tell her what I had come to do but just ended up rambling and finishing with never mind. My mom confused said never mind what? If you need something just ask.

I could feel my face turning red so I started with well mom remember 2 weeks ago when I forgot dinner and then well.... As I trailed off again my mom cut me off with should I stop by your room on my way to bed? I looked at her and said you ok with that. She turned back to the TV and said always you know I am. As I walked back towards my room my mom shouted I'm not going to bed for a while so call me if you need me earlier or if I forget. I shouted back ok thank you. My dad never said a word the whole time he must have known.

I got back to my room and slipped my robe off the hung it up. I switched the fixed knot for my right wrist with a hangman’s knot then tied my legs then my arms. Once I tighten my bounds this time I felt the freedom. The cool air flowing on my naked body excited me. I would occasionally tug at my restraints just to test how stuck I was. I never feel as free as I do when I'm tied. I didn’t know what time my mom would come which added to my excitement. After a few hours about 2 and a half I heard them coming both my mom and dad. They passed my room and I thought of not calling maybe spending the night. But then I heard my mom say oh wait I got to get Katie she is still and my dad cut her off with ya I know. My door swung open.

Mom has a flare for dramatics and likes to do embarrassing things to me. It’s always with acceptance and has always help me feel less embarrassed with things. Ya strange I know. She walked in looking at me. Naked again are we she asked in her loud voice. Yep I replied I feel free when I'm naked I like naked best. It was a reference from a book she use to read to me. As she freed me she lowered her voice and said there is nothing wrong with this. It’s ok to like and I don't mind freeing you. I'd rather it be me than anyone else. You could be taken advantage of so easy baby. Ok mom I said.

As she left me room she said just ask me to stop by to say good night and I'll know you need me. I then took a hot shower to warm up. I went to bed knowing I would now being doing this on a regular basis. I feel asleep very thankful that my mom was so cool and open. Most of my friends would have died if their mom simply seen them naked. My mom saw me naked all the time. She walked in on me masturbating plenty and ever judged me. She might have been too loud at what she saw or how much of a sweat I was working up. But it was always no big deal. Now I could count on her to untie me. Once again no big deal. I don't know how I would have gotten by without such a great mom.

01 - Tied Twice in one Day!!! (mmff/f, f/f, self/f)
02 - Exploring self-bondage (self/f, f/f)
03 - Warm Summer Night Tug (self/f and f/f)