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Jessie 02 - Revenge on my Youngest Sister (f/f)

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2023 6:43 am
by Zek_
Jessie - Revenge on my Youngest Sister (f/f)

Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:19 am

As I never got both my sisters back at the same time there will be separate stories for each. This one deals with Lily At this time I was about 14, and Lily was ten.

I woke up on a Sunday morning laughing, due to a highly ticklish sensation on the soles of my feet. At the end of my bed, sitting on my ankles was Lily. (Quick description; pretty similar to me, see my earlier post, but she has a few freckles. And is shorter, obviously). She turned to look at me,

"Hehe, its really funny you're sooo ticklish Jessie", she said smiling vindictively.

"Haha quit it! Hahaha stop, mercy! Hahaha Mercy!" I tired saying through my laughter. She giggled, and the tickling sensations stopped.

"It's always so easy!" she teased. I glared at her and promptly felt a finger nail start circling around my heel, which tickled like crazy. I bit my lip trying not to give her the satisfaction of my laughter again.

"Don't you have anything better to do on Sundays than tickle my feet?" I tried asking angrily, but a few giggles slipped out.

"Well I thought you needed to get up", she smiled innocently. "Plus you're smiling so I thought you were enjoying it". She then ran out. Right I thought, she tied me up and leaves me a few weeks ago, then this. Time to get even.

I got out of bed, putting on my red dressing gown over my night attire. However, I did not tie the dressing down up, but pocketed the cord. It would be part of my plan. I crept barefoot over the landing, hoping Lily would be in her room. Her door was open, and luckily she was lying on the floor (drawing I think). For those who want to know she was wearing a yellow nightdress. I crept up just behind her and suddenly pounced, pinning her arms down and sitting on top of her.

"Hello Lily", I said as evilly as I could.

"Umm, hi..?" she replied slightly nervous, "What ya doing?"

"Oh, just getting revenge on you", I said sweetly, pulling her arms back and tying her wrists together with the dressing gown cord.She started squirming, but it was too late for her.

"What are you going to do with me", she asked hesitantly.

"Oh, you'll see", I said, reaching back and giving her bare feet a tickle. No reaction. As always. (It always annoys me she's not really ticklish and I am).

"Keep that up, it's nice" she said, trying to wind me up. I said nothing, but reached over to Amy's bed, pulling her dressing gown over and taking the cord out from that. (Amy and Lily share a room together, and have a bunk-bed. I can't remember where Amy was that day, guess she was out).

I told Amy to stand up. I watched her try, but without use of her hands she didn't get very far. I laughed at her, and then pulled her up.

"Stand here" I said, indicating to the ladder allowing access to the top bunk, "and put your hands through". She obeyed, not having any other choice. I sat on Amy's bunk, and using Amy's dressing gown cord I tied the rope holding Lily's wrists together to the rung of the ladder. Satisfied my knots were good and tight, I then stood in front of her. She stuck her tongue out at me, so I started tickling her, my hands wandering over her stomach and sides. As I said, she's not especially ticklish, but I got a few giggles and squirms out of her

For the next stage, I thought I would blindfold her. I considered a tea towel, or some underwear from her drawers. However I remembered my dad keeps a sleeping blindfold next to his bed (Not sure what they're actually called, the ones you put over your eyes so it seems darker and helps you sleep). Anyway, I didn't think Lily would be going anywhere, so I skipped off to my parents room to fetch it. Whilst there, I also took one of Lily's dirty socks from the laundry bin to use as a gag (yeah, I'm so mean ). I stuffed the sock into the pocket of my dressing gown, so Lily wouldn't see it. I returned to me room, half expecting Lily to have freed herself. Fortunately she was still secure, albeit struggling. I slipped the blindfold over her head.

"What's that for!" she exclaimed in an annoyed manner.

"So I can do this to you" I told her, taking the sock from my pocket and waiting for the opportune moment. She paused for a moment.

"Do what to mmmppph" she said, as I pushed the socks into her open mouth. She "mmmppphhhed" angrily some more, but went quite. Now for the real punishment to begin

I went downstairs, looking for items to use. Normally I just like to tickle victims to death, but this of course would not work on my youngest sister. (Amy on the other hand...) I rummaged through the drawers in the kitchen, finding some sticking tape. That was pocketed.

I then had an idea. Ice cubes. They could be taped tightly to her, and melt slowly. That would make her squirm I thought My mum usually has ice cubes in drinks, so I wasn't surprised to find a mould containing eight. I decided that would be enough, and returned upstairs to my bound sister. I stood at the doorway, smiling at how vulnerable and helpless she looked, standing straight, with her arms tied tightly to the ladder behind her. Perfect XD

I walked over to her silently, making her jump as I gave her sides a poke. She mmmpphhed at me a couple of time, and kicked me. Damn, I'd forgotten about her legs. I crouched over, pulling one of her ankles to the side of the ladder rung.

With my other hand I quickly taped the two together. She tried kicking with her free leg, but I grabbed her foot and repeated the procedure. Now she was completely helpless. I then pulled her nightdress up a bit, so her stomach was bare (don't worry she was wearing underwear). I then removed an ice cube from the mould (slighlty melted now) and taped it to her belly button, making her squirm considerably and make loud noises through the gag (probably swearing at me).

I taped two more to her upper body, one on each side, increasing the squirming. Finally, two more were taped above her knees. Revenge is sweet To finish off with I picked her felt tip from the floor, and drew some whiskers on her face (my trade mark), although they were a bit wobbly due to her squirming. After that I decided I'd leave her tied, as she had done to me. I was sure Amy would free her when she returned...