Lisa : 03 - Lisa's Adventures in Babysitting (m/f)

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Lisa : 03 - Lisa's Adventures in Babysitting (m/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

Lisa's stories
03 - Lisa's Adventures in Babysitting
Story index at the bottom

By Lisa

Wednesday, June 12th 2002 - 08:28:33 PM

Lisa's Adventures in Babysitting - Part I

It was getting late as I rushed to the front door, slipping into my heels. The afternoon was getting late, and already long shadows were being cast across the yard. Fall was a cool time of year, so I shrugged into a sweater, grabbed my purse, and headed outside. Making sure the door was locked behind me, I headed down the walkway to the sidewalk.

It was just a short, half hour walk to Malcolm's parents' house, so I took advantage of the autumn weather and decided to walk. Like many teenage girls, babysitting was both an institution and a principal means of income. What other job could you both work and do your homework at the same time? The neighborhood I lived in was established and tree-lined. Many of the homes were almost a century old. I had always considered myself fortunate to live in such a rustic setting. I glanced up as I walked, and basked in the late afternoon sunlight filtering through the leaves.

I turned a corner and headed down the street where Malcolm lived. Like my own, it too was nestled in a dense, tree-lined area and was very pretty. The sounds of late summer were punctuated by the click-click of my heels as I walked. Up ahead, I could hear the drone of a lawnmower, and the splash of children having the last swim in a back yard pool. Further along, another neighbor, a retired gentleman by the name of Mr. Hanson, was raking leaves. I smiled and nodded as I walked by. It was a glorious late afternoon.

Up ahead was my destination. The house was old, a renovated two-story on a large pie-shaped lot. It was a very cozy house, and I always enjoyed my visits there when I was babysitting. I loved looking after Malcolm. Although he could be mischievous at times, he had a sweet disposition and never really meant any harm. More often than not, he was content to play board games with me, or sit and watch TV. For his tenth birthday, his father has built him a tree-house in the backyard. The last time I babysat him, he had me climb up there and read comic books with him. I smiled to myself. I made sure that I wore a dress this afternoon, so I would have the perfect excuse not to visit the tree-house. Climbing up into tree-houses was very un-ladylike!

I turned onto the walkway, and proceeded to the door. I pressed the buzzer, and shortly, Malcolm's mother came to the door. She was wearing an evening gown.

"Come on in," she ushered.

I walked through the door, and she closed it behind me. Her husband was coming down the stairs, adjusting his bow tie. The two of them were going to some ceremony.

"I left the number as to where we can be reached on the table by the phone. There are chips, and pop in the fridge." It was the usual babysitter debriefing. "We should be home no later than mid-night."

"Thanks," I smiled. "I'm sure that the evening should go okay." I turned to the young boy standing in the hall. "Well, hello Malcolm! Are we going to have fun tonight?"

The little angel before me just laughed. "Hi Lisa! Sure! We're going to have a great time tonight!"



Saturday, June 15th 2002 - 02:16:23 PM

Lisa's Adventures in Babysitting - Part II

After his parents left, I kicked off my heels and put my purse and books on the dining room table. If Malcolm was content to watch some TV tonight, I hoped to get in some studying. I had brought homework for my biology class, and some history material. Borringg! I half hoped that he would keep me occupied enough tonight so that I would have an excuse not to have to do it. As fate would have it, I would not have to worry about it too long.
Malcolm was sat in front of the TV watching a typical Saturday afternoon children's movie-of-the-week. It was some sort of a swashbuckling adventure where the hero always saved the day and rescued the damsel in distress. I fondly remember enjoying those type of movies when I was a bit younger, and found myself yearning for those simpler times. Satisfied that he was occupied for the time being, I reluctantly sat down and started into my homework textbooks. Biology. The anatomy of a frog. Could anything be more pointless or revolting? What possible use could a young, would-be career girl have for this sort of stuff?

After what seemed like an eternity, I was pulled out of my boredom with the realization that Malcolm was stood beside me. "Are we going to play any games tonight, Lisa?"

I guess there was nothing else of interest on the TV. "Sure thing, fella, what games would you like to play?" He had a bunch of board games up in his room, such as checkers, scrabble, and Monopoly. When he got bored watching TV, we often spent hours playing these games together. Although I found that they could be tedious after awhile, he did enjoy them, and it kept him busy.

"Let's go upstairs and pick one out." He took me by the hand and pulled me after him. We went upstairs to his room where he had the games. Like most young boys, his bedroom was a prime example of a disaster area. Clothes strewn of the floor, comic books scattered around. A bomb might as well have gone off.

Malcolm got down and reached under his bed. He pulled out a cardboard box that had the games inside. Reaching into the box, the first game he pulled out was checkers. As he sat on the edge of the bed and put the pieces into position, I sat down opposite him and idly gazed around his room. There were some posters on the wall depicting popular science fiction movies. A bat and baseball glove was propped in the corner. My attention was drawn to the stack of comic books on the floor. I reached down and picked on up. It was some superhero adventure comic where the heroine was tied up and awaiting rescue by the hero. Typical comic book fare. I found myself wondering what it would be like to be the damsel in distress and await my hero to come to the rescue.

"Red or black?" Malcolm had finished setting up the board, and I realized he was asking which side I wanted to play. He noticed me holding the comic book. "That's one of my favorites," he continued. "I really like the ones where the girl is captured!"

I smiled at his innocent comments. "Either one," I replied, referring to the board, "but I guess red is okay."

"Okay, then, I'll be black," Malcolm replied, stating the obvious. Bless his heart.

We played a total of three games, two of which I lost. After that, we had a round of scrabble. After awhile, Malcolm began to tire of being still and playing board games, and started to fidget. "Do you want to play something else?" I asked. "Maybe just watch some TV?"

"Nah," he replied, "there's nothing any good on TV. I checked the guide. I thought that maybe we could go outside into my tree house and read some comics?"

"Well, no I don't think so." I fiddled with the hem of my dress. "I'm not really dressed for going into the tree house today. Sorry."

Malcolm looked disappointed, then brightened. "Maybe we could play another game, instead. How about cops and robbers? That would really be fun!"

That sounded a lot better than climbing up into mosquito-infested tree house. "Well, that sounds okay, I guess. How are we going to play?"

"I will be the robber who wants to steal something from you. I will sneak up on you and demand to know where the money is. When you refuse to tell me I will take you inside, and then look for it myself."

It all sounded innocent enough. "Okay, so I'm the one who gets robbed. I got it. What happens if I try to escape, or scream for help? You can't guard me and look for the loot at the same time." Malcolm could be so cute when he digressed into these fantasies, and I found myself going along with him.

"Don't worry about that. Just do as I say."

With that we went downstairs. Malcolm wanted to start the game in the backyard, so I slipped into my heels. We went outside. The shadows were much longer now. I hadn't realized how much time had passed while we were playing games. The trees in the yard framed the sunset. I glanced up at the tree house. At least I wouldn't be going up there this evening.

"Stay here," Malcolm instructed. "Remember, you don't know anything. Got it?"

"I got it," I replied, smiling with amusement.

With that, he disappeared. I walked slowly around the patio, admiring the well-kept flowerbeds, and the neatly manicured lawn. It was nice to be outside in the late afternoon, with the gentle breeze causing the trees to murmur.

I was suddenly aware of something pressing against my back. "Don't move, or I'll shoot!" Malcolm had snuck up behind me and was holding a plastic toy gun. "Just be nice and quiet, and we'll go inside."

"Oh, please don't shoot," I pleaded, with mock seriousness. Bless him, he was so cute! Smiling, I started to turn around.

"Don't move. Put your hands up where I can see them. We're going inside."

"Okay, okay!"

We went back inside the house. I walked with my hands up, and Malcolm kept the gun trained on me. He directed me to the living room. Malcolm pulled out one of the high-back wooden chairs from the dining room suite. It was only then that I noticed that he was carrying a small bag with something in it. He indicated the chair with the gun. "Sit down."

Smiling, still with my hands up, I sat down on the chair. "So what are you going to do with me," I asked. I was actually really beginning to enjoy this. It was fun getting involved in a young boy's fantasy games.

"You can put your hands down now. I'm going to search for the loot, unless you'll tell me where it is."

"I'm not saying!" I replied playfully, trying not to laugh. I didn't want to disappoint him.

He smiled. "I knew you'd say that. I'll have to make sure that you don't run away or call for help while I'm gone." With that he reached into the bag and pulled out several long lengths of nylon rope. He started to uncoil one of them, stepping toward me.

My eyes opened wide with astonishment. "You're going to tie me up?!" I hadn't seen this coming. I knew that young children often played tie-up games, but I had never participated in them myself at that age. I had preferred games like house and playing with dolls, and had never been tied up before.

"Just put your hands behind your back. You need to be tied up while I search the house."

With that I gave in. After all, it was his game. And in any case, how well could a young boy tie me up? He probably had trouble tying his own shoelaces. Three minutes after he left me, I could probably work myself loose. After all, I was in pretty good shape, having worked out regularly. I placed my hands behind the chair back. Malcolm walked behind me and placed my hands palm to palm. I began to feel him securely tie my wrists together.



Saturday, June 22nd 2002 - 04:14:46 PM

Lisa's Adventures in Babysitting - Part III

My hands were being tied palm-to-palm, and I could feel Malcolm continuously turning the ropes around my wrist. I couldn't see behind me, but from what I could tell, he was starting with the middle of the rope and tying one wrist alternately after another using half knots (a half knot being what you would use for tying shoelaces before finishing with the bow). He continued to do this about a dozen times, and then wrapped the last four or five feet of the rope around both wrists and through the slats on the backrest of the chair. He finished off with the remaining ends of the rope by cinching between my wrists and tying them off, obviously making sure I couldn't reach the knot.

Malcolm then took another length of rope and started to tie my upper body. First, he tied one end of the rope to the chair back support, and then he started to wrap the rope around me, above and below my breasts, continuously pulling the rope tighter and tighter so that there was no slack. My arms were pinned snugly to my sides and to the chair back. Finishing off, he took the last of the rope and cinched it between each arm and my body and to the side slats on the chair back, making my bonds even tighter.

"Do you expect me to talk, now?" I asked playfully, still keeping with the spirit of the game. I had to admit, this was kind of fun. I thought that I might let him keep me tied up for a bit longer than a few minutes.

"I'm not finished yet," he replied, doing his best child's impression of a hardened criminal. "I still have to tie your legs." He was determined to make the game as realistic as possible.

"Oh, please let me go!" I pleaded theatrically. "I promise you can take anything you want. Please. Oh, Please!"

Taking no notice of my realistic (at least I thought they were) pleas, Malcolm continued with another length of rope. He wrapped the rope around my knees, just above the hem of my dress, several times. He pulled it tight, knotted it, and then continued down to my ankles. I quickly found my ankles being tightly bound. He wrapped the rope around them about ten times, securing them to the chair leg support, cinched them securely, and then tied it off.

I was now his prisoner.

I struggled slightly, experimentally. I was bound pretty well. Not a problem. I was in good shape from swimming. And kickboxing. Recently, my girlfriend, Kelly, and I had signed up for an introductory course in self-defense. We both found that we enjoyed the challenge and subsequently signed up. I was limber and strong, so I didn't think getting free would be a lot of trouble.

"Okay. I'm going to search for the loot." Malcolm stood before me, trying his best to look stern, but looking more cute than threatening. "Since your not going to help, you can stay here. There's just one more thing I gotta do." He pulled out some sort of scarf or bandana and walked behind me.

My eyes opened wide. "You're going to gag me, how will I? - mmmmnnnpphhh." He had put he scarf between my teeth and was tying it off behind my head.

Without further ceremony, he gathered up the toy gun, made sure I was tied and gagged safe and sound, and disappeared through the door.

I was tied up and alone! I felt like Nancy Drew in one of her adventures!



Tuesday, July 2nd 2002 - 05:39:39 PM

Lisa's Adventures in Babysitting - Part IV

As you recall, dear readers, dear little Malcolm had tied me up to a chair and gagged me; he wanted to make the game as realistic as possible. From what I could feel, the ropes were wrapped snugly (but not painfully) around my wrists. I could not see them, of course, as my hands were behind me and firmly against the small of my back. There were more ropes, wrapped around and around my body, pinning my arms to my side, and to the chair back. My legs were also tied, at the knees and ankles. As if that were not enough, I was gagged.

The TV was turned on; some sort of fashion program was on, and I idly admired the models in their designer clothes while debating when I should start to try and get free. Malcolm, of course, would be very disappointed if he came back and found just the chair with rope tangled around it. I had no doubt that escape would be just a matter of a bit of struggle and patience. If I thought that he would be able to inescapably tie me up, I would not have let him.

I pulled gently, experimentally against my bonds. The smooth, white nylon pressed against my wrists and arms firmly. Malcolm had made many turns of the rope, so it didn't cut into me, but it was pretty firm. Okay, so maybe this would be just a bit of a challenge. I glanced down at my legs. The hemline of my dress was just above my knees, and above them were the neat, intricate bands of rope holding them together. I slide my thighs back and forth. I could only move them slightly, and the effort caused my nylons to hiss and the chair to creak softly. I stained forward to see my ankles; they, too, were intricately bound with the same smooth, white nylon rope. I tiled my head back and looked at the ceiling. Probing with my fingers, I tried to find a knot, or a loose band of rope which would provide me with some slack. One of my fingernails lightly grazed the rope binding my wrists. I twisted my fingers back harder, and they just barely touched one of the coils. I couldn't find any knots. I relaxed and looked back down.

Okay, Lisa, I thought, nothing to worry about yet. You've gotten out of worse jams than this. There was not way he could have tied you up really good. He wasn't crafty enough to do that. He'd probably be back in ten minutes to untie me, anyway. He'd be bored wherever he was and would want to play some different games. Besides, I was a straight-A student. I was accustomed to evaluating problems and arriving at solutions.

My attention drifted back to the TV. The fashion show was almost over, and they were showing the final girls in their designer gowns. I envied them, with their gorgeous, long dresses, strolling up and down the stage. It looked a lot more fun than playing tie-up games during a babysitting assignment. The show ended, and another one began. Some monotonous documentary about the life of insects.

I started to get a bit bored, so once again I turned my attention to untying myself. This time, I pulled a bit harder with my hands. They were tied palm-to-palm, forcing my arms against my sides and my shoulders back. Plus, my arms were tied, so I didn't have much leverage. I pulled one arm up, then the other, trying to find a fault in Malcolm's efforts. I could barely move, and my hands showed no sign of getting free. The ropes around my arms were cinched to the side slats of the chair back, so there was no chance of sliding them over the top. Of course, I couldn't untie my legs without the use of my hands. I pulled hard from side to side. It only caused the chair to creak slightly and the ropes to strain. It was beginning to occur to me that this might take a bit longer than anticipated.

I wondered what had become of Malcolm. He had been gone for over half an hour, and I couldn't hear him anywhere. Naturally, because of the gag, I was unable to call out to him. Part of me, though, didn't want to give him the satisfaction of thinking he had gotten the better of me. He would more likely than not tease me about it for the rest of the night until I held him down and tickled him. Better to keep persisting and untie myself. I knew I could do it - I just hadn't really given it my best effort!

It's strange, but when you are tied up and gagged, your mind starts to drift outwards. You think, of course, where your captor is, but you also wonder about other people. Friends that you know walking about freely while you are sitting there helpless. I started to think about Ryan, a boy who sat two rows ahead of me in biology class. I thought he was really cute, and found myself glancing surreptitiously at him during lessons. Once he had met my gaze and I had quickly looked away, blushing furiously.

Real smooth, Lisa, real smooth.

I wondered what he was doing at the moment. I could picture him out on a Saturday night, with friends, having a great time. My girlfriend, Kelly, knew that I had a crush on him. "Lisa," she would say, "you gotta let him know you like him. Some guys are really shy, afraid of rejection. This is the nineties. Make the first move, for Pete's sake. Grab what you want!" Wonderful advice! As a birthday present, she had given me a couple of free movie tickets, and had encouraged me to initiate asking him if he'd like to take in a movie some time.

I blushed slightly at the prospect of asking a guy outright if we could go out sometime. But the more I thought about it, the more courage I saved up. Why not? I had the tickets in my purse, which I had left on the living room table. All I would have to do is pick up the phone and phone him. Simple. Real simple. Tickets. Phone. Ryan. Real simple when you weren't tied to a chair. I closed my eyes and thought about him. It would be wonderful if he would just walk through the door and rescue me. Sweep me off my feet. Of course, he barely knew I existed. He was probably out somewhere, laughing, having a great time, not knowing I was tied up somewhere dreaming about him. Maybe some other girl was talking to him at this very moment, smiling into his eyes. I struggled some more.

It was so frustrating!

I renewed my efforts to get free. Instead of systematically trying to loosen the ropes, I struggled mightily. After a minute, I gave up. It was hopeless. I was no closer to getting free than when I was first tied up. My first time tied up, and was totally helpless.



Friday, September 6th 2002 - 10:51:30 AM

Lisa's Adventures in Babysitting - Part VI

A sudden noise at the front door startled me out of my reverie. I heard the screen door open, and suddenly I felt myself panicking, struggling frantically against the ropes holding me. It was only the local weekend paper, and I could see it out of the corner of my eye as it was pushed through the mail slot in the front door. I heard the screen door close, and the paper boy as he retreated down the walkway.

I could feel myself trembling, and I took some deep breaths in order to calm myself. For a brief , scary moment I thought Malcolm's parents had decided to come home early. I let my breath out, and could feel myself turning red as the prospect of them finding me there all tied up and gagged. I could just picture them stood there, his father in a classy suit, and his mother in the elegant evening gown, stood there in wonderment at the sight of their babysitter tied to a chair and unable to talk. I could just imagine what they would say to me as they removed my gag and started to untie me. Completely humiliated, I would have to explain to them that it was just a game, that their son had not been kidnapped under my care, and that he was the one who had tied me up.

I writhed and strained some more against my bonds. It was totally hopeless. It had been nearly two hours since I had first sat down in this chair, and I was no closer to getting myself free than when I had started. What I wouldn't do to know where Malcolm had gotten to! I suddenly felt a pang of concern. I hoped he wasn't in any sort of trouble. I was beginning to think that letting him tie me up this way was a big mistake on my part, and completely irresponsible.

"Mhhhhhccmmm? . . . . Phssss, wrrrrrarrrrreyuuuuu? Iwhhhnnnttobunthhhhd?" Malcolm, please. Where are you? I want to be untied. I tried to mmmphh this through my gag, but I was futile in my efforts. I slumped forward in my seat as much as the ropes would allow, and let out my breath in resignation. So here you are, Lisa, once again in a jam. The whole world is out there on a Saturday, having a great time, going on dates, or just hanging out. And where are you? Fantasizing about your perfect dream date with the perfect guy while trussed up on a babysitting gig. This could only happen to you, Lisa, only to you.

Relaxing, I thought of Ryan some more. He was an avid kayaker, and had entered a few competitions. As a result of this, he had quite a nice physique. It was one of the things that I admired about him. He had a pleasant boy-next-door demeanor about him, not like the school jocks who could be egotistical and overbearing.

As I wriggled against my restraints some more, I thought that it would be fun if he had been the one who had tied me up. I felt myself smiling behind my gag. Stop it, Lisa. Nice girls don't have thoughts like this! I suddenly had another thought. It would be great if I had him tied to a chair. Of course, then he would not be able to run away. I would stand before him, where he could not help but see me. I would be the only one who could untie him. He would have to ask me out then, wouldn't he?

Okay, Lisa, knock it off. You have more pressing concerns at hand. You're the one who is tied up, and Ryan is out somewhere in his 'vette, or at some party with a bunch of girls present.

I heard a sound. Someone was in the house. I suddenly felt a wave of relief. Malcolm had returned, and I could hear him coming towards the living room where I was held captive. In a brief moment, he popped through the door and came to a stop. He stood looking at me for a moment, appearing to be a bit sheepish. I wriggled slightly, indicating that I wanted to be untied. He then walked over to me, and started to loosen my gag . . .

Coming very soon . . . the conclusion


Wednesday, September 25th 2002 - 06:51:50 PM

Lisa's Adventures in Babysitting - Conclusion

Malcolm began to work at the knot securing my gag at the back of my neck. The knot was tight, but eventually I could feel the fabric loosen. Without further hesitation, he unwrapped the scarf from around my head and pulled it from between my teeth. I worked my jaw up and down and side to side, relieved after over two hours to be able to talk.

"Where were you? I was so worried!" As exasperated as I was, I was also curious and a bit concerned with regards to his whereabouts over the last two hours. After being tightly gagged for such a long period of time, I had to enunciate carefully to make my words coherent.

Malcolm made no move to untie me yet. "I was searching for the loot, and when I found it I went back to the secret hideout to count it." He was still playing the game. He explained in further detail, "I was up in the tree house, making plans for the next heist."

I wriggled some more against my bonds. "Well, now that you have the dough, I guess I can be untied now, huh?" I was trying to be light and casual about it. I didn't want him to know that I had been struggling frantically for the last two hours, and that I was still just playing the game myself, like it was no big deal and I could get free if I really wanted to. "I promise I will give you anything you want and won't cause any trouble."

Malcolm looked thoughtful for a moment, as if calculating what the next move was. "Not yet. I wouldn't want you going to the police. I could end up in the slammer. I'll have to keep you tied up a bit longer while I think of what to do next."

This, Lisa, was never going to end. I could just see the headlines: attractive teenage girl disappears while on babysitting assignment. Film at eleven.

"I tell you what," I said, now trying to work my way around the game, "I have some more money stashed away in a secret hiding place. It's too well hidden to find on your own, so if you set me free I will get it, and you will have even more." I squirmed some more against the ropes.

Malcolm looked thoughtful for a moment. "I'm gonna count the money. You can stay tied up for a little longer to keep you out of trouble."

With that he dumped out the loot on the living room floor. Glancing down, I could see that it was just monopoly money. Malcolm made sure that it was all accounted for as he sorted it into piles based on denomination. Anxiously, I awaited him to complete the task. I was looking forward to eventually regaining my freedom after being tied up for so long. It would be nice to be able to stretch out and walk around, or just to be able to cross my legs.

"What are you going to do with all that money?" I asked, playing along with the game. Malcolm had just finished organizing the monopoly money, and it was stacked in neat little piles on the floor. I silently prayed that I was going to be untied at last. "You could buy a really neat getaway car, huh?" I squirmed a bit more. "So can I please be untied now? I've been good and haven't given you any trouble."

Malcolm looked at me for a moment. "Okay. I guess you can go free now." With that he got up and walked behind me and started to work on the loops of rope encircling my wrists.

Joy! Bliss! I was finally getting free after all this time. I could feel him work on the knots around my wrists. After what seemed an eternity, I could feel the ropes unwinding, and finally I felt my wrists come apart slightly as the final coils were removed. Malcolm started to work on my arms, undoing the ropes from between the chair slats and around my arms. After the last of these were removed, he started to work on my legs.

It took awhile - my struggles had tightened my bonds considerably - but finally I was free. I stood up and stretched out. I placed my feet as far apart as the hem of my dress would allow, put my hands on my waist, and did some hip rotations. It was great to be free!

"Looks like I had you tied up real good, huh?" The little devil was actually proud of his handiwork. "Maybe we could play again some time."

I stood thoughtfully, looking at my young charge. "Well, let's see. I think that I might just tickle you really good first." I had raised my hands and was wriggling my fingers. Malcolm knew from previous experience what that meant, and his eyes grew wide. He turned and ran up the stairs as fast as he could.

I chased after him, climbing the stairs as fast as I could in a dress. I topped the stairs just in time to see him duck into his bedroom. I followed him in. He was at the far side of the room, obviously enjoying this game of cat and mouse.

"You gotta catch me first," he laughed, obviously enjoying every minute of this.

He tried to run past me, but I caught him, throwing my arms around him from behind as he tried to get past me. "I gotcha now," I laughed as I swung him around and pushed him back onto the bed. I sat down on the edge of the bed and grabbed his wrists, pinning him down on the mattress. He struggled and bucked, trying to get loose, but the day when he would have been strong enough to resist me was still a few years in the future.

"So whatcha gonna do now?" I taunted, leaning over so that my face was just a few inches from his. "Looks like it's me who got you, this time."

"Okay, I give up. You can let me go now." Malcolm realized he could not escape. He struggled some more.

I realized that it was getting late, and that his parents would probably soon be heading home. "Okay, I'm going to let you go. But if I do, you promise you'll brush your teeth and go to sleep now?" I had him where I wanted him.

"All right, you win." Malcolm had stopped struggling. I let him up. "It was really fun, Lisa, pretending to be a burglar. Maybe we could play again sometime. Maybe next time, you could be the bad guy!"

I thought about this for a moment idly. Then a thought occurred to me, and I could feel myself smiling. "You know what, Malcolm, that would really be fun."

Yes, I think that would be fun, I thought to myself as I headed back downstairs. My purse and the pile of schoolbooks were waiting for me on the dining room table. And the tickets to the movies. The courage that I had mustered up while tied was slowly fading. And besides it was getting late.

I sat down and prepared myself for the grind of schoolwork. Ho-hum!


Lisa's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section