markusthe1st : 01 - Aunt Teri: Substitute Den Mother (m+/F)

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markusthe1st : 01 - Aunt Teri: Substitute Den Mother (m+/F)

Post by Canuck100 »

markusthe1st' stories
01 - Aunt Teri: Substitute Den Mother
Story index at the bottom

By markusthe1st

Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:52 am

Just having some fun with the whole scout-thing! I was a cub scout myself, but nothing like this ever happened. Here goes, hope you enjoy it...

Aunt Teri: Substitute Den Mother

"Okay boys, I'm going to be your substitute Den Mother today. My sister had an emergency, and since I'm visiting, I decided to step in rather than cancel the meeting. My name is..."

"Aunt Teri," blurted one of the boys, cutting her off.

"Well Mark, I'm your Aunt Teri, and yours too Cody."

Cody smiled and looked around.

"But to the boys I'm Miss Parker."

"Hi Miss Parker," the six boys yelled out in unison.

"Hi Troop 137," Teri spoke loudly back. "Let me get everybody's names, then we can get started."

"I'm Mark," her nephew quipped, giggling.

"And I'm Cody," joked the other.

"Very funny you two," Teri said before the other boys sounded off.

"Terry here."

"That's my name, too!" said Miss Parker.




"Okay, hi again Terry, Josh, Jason, and Pradeep. We have just about an hour, so let's get started."

The boys gathered in a circle around her as she stood in the center of the living room.

"Where's that piece of paper my sister left," she asked herself? Mark handed her a piece of paper. Teri looked at it and spoke to the boys:

"According to my sister's note, it looks like we're practicing knot tying and lashing?"

"That's right," said Mark.

"We practice once a month," said Jason.

"I'll get the chair," said Cody.

"Square knots, hitches, and lashing this time" added Josh, looking at his handbook.

"Wow, you boys are so organized! But I guess this means we need some rope or something to practice with?"

One by one the boys pulled different lengths of rope from their pockets or nearby backpacks. Just as they did, Cody returned with a kitchen chair, placing it next to Teri.

"Wow thanks Cody. Is that for me to sit and supervise from?"

"Kinda," answered Cody.

"Well okay then," Teri said as she sat down. "I don't know anything about knot tying or lashing, except for what my older brother taught me, so I guess you boys will be teaching me today too!"

A couple boys chuckled, as one of the boys stepped up behind her, while her nephew Mark spoke:

"Usually we take turns practicing from our book. The first is a bind and cinch with a square knot."

"Okay," Teri said, "Let's get started."

"Hands behind you," said the boy standing behind her. It sounded like Jason, but she couldn't be sure.

"Okay," she said, and absentmindedly put her hands behind the chair. The boy started wrapping rope around her wrists almost immediately.

Teri quickly pulled her hands free and around to the front.

"Why did he start tying me up?" she asked the group.

"That's how we always practice" a couple of the boys said together.

"Come on!" she said.

"No, seriously," answered Mark. "It was Mom's idea, actually. We used to practice just tying the knots first, but when we added lashing too, it was easier to practice on her."

"So, all six of you are going to take turns tying my hands together, then?"

"Yeah, we all use our own piece of rope to practice on you."

"This seems a little strange to me, but okay, let's get started, I guess." Teri made a mental note to talk to her sister about this form of practice.

Taking charge of the group, Mark again said, "first one is a bind and cinch with a square knot."

Teri again put her hands behind the chair, which were met almost immediately with the boy's rope. He wrapped it tightly around and around her wrists, then tied it off, cinching it with a square knot between her wrists. The last tug of the knot seemed to make the rope a little snug for her liking, but she stayed quiet about it, since it wasn't painful at all.

"Wow Jason, nice work," Mark said. "Everyone take a look at this."

Teri sat patiently while the other boys admired Jason's work. They really were just practicing their knot tying, she thought to herself. She felt fingertips pushing against her wrists and a few gentle tugs on the rope itself.

"Can you get free," Cody asked?

Teri pulled against the ropes in an effort to get free. Twisting her wrists, opening and closing her fists, and some agressive tugging left her hands just as tightly bound. The boys watched and some made notes in their knot tying books. I guess her sister's method of practice really worked.

"I don't think so," Teri answered back, "You did a good job, Jason, was it Jason?"

"Yeah, it was me," Jason said.

Teri stopped struggling and said, "Okay, then, whose next?"

The peace and quiet came to an abrupt end when two of the boys started arguing over who would go next.

"You always go first," Josh said.

"It's my turn," answered Terry.

"No, it's not," Josh said.

Watching their tempers flare, Teri spoke up, "There's no reason to argue, boys. You'll all get your chance to practice. Someone untie me so the next one can go."

"No we won't. Jason took so much time tying we'll be lucky if we get to practice. We have barely enough time now," said Josh.

"There's plenty of time, boys," Teri said. She tried to look at her watch, but quickly realized her hands were still tightly tied. The clock on the cable box said there was just over a half-hour left.

"Only if we practice together," Mark said.

"Together," Teri asked?

"Yeah, that's usually how we practice with Mom," Mark replied.

"Yeah," said Cody.

"Lemme see if I can guess this one," Teri said, "together means you all take turns practicing on me with your own ropes... but you don't untie me first?"

"Yeah, that's right," answered Mark.

Teri had to smile a little at this one. Her and her sister grew up with an older brother that always found some excuse to tie them up when they were teens. She couldn't remember him ever using "knot tying practice" as an excuse, though one day he did pretend to practice first aid, tying Teri up quite tightly with an Ace bandage and some medical tape in the process. It was a good thing he was never a scout, because Teri might have spent her entire time growing up tied up and gagged for practice!

It seemed like Mark and Cody caught the same "bug", though, and her sister definitely wasn't helping much by being their practice model once a month.

"Knots and lashing my ass," she thought! Six Wood Scouts with rope and lots of practice - no wonder she couldn't get her hands free.

"So you're all just gonna keep tying me up until you all use the rope you brought," Teri asked wryly?

"That's what we usually do," Cody answered.

"When we're short on time, anyways," Mark said.

"And if I say no, what then? You going to keep tying me up anyways?"

"Never," said Mark, "we're scouts first. That means honor and respect for women. We just want to practice what we usually do, like Mom wrote down for you."

Teri thought for a long moment.

"Makes sense to me," she finally said. It didn't make sense to call it quits now - it wasn't like Teri had never been tied up by teen boys before, though never as a "grownup". Besides, the sooner they started, the quicker it was over with. This was no time to draw a line in the sand. She hardly ever saw the boys, and certainly didn't want to mess up their regular practice now.

"Really?" Cody said, half-asking. Mark stepped in and put his arm over Cody's shoulder, "Of course," he said, "Jason, since you tied her hands, Josh you get the ankles, Pradeep knees, Terry..."

"What about me," Cody interrupted.

"We'll get our practice too," Mark answered. "Aunt Teri is staying here, remember?"

Teri shot Mark and Cody a very stern look. It sounded like something her older brother would have said.

"I mean if it takes too long, we should go last, that's all," he said, "just so the other scouts get their chance."

"That's very nice, Mark," Teri said, smiling to herself. At this point Teri knew that she would have to let Mark and Cody have their "practice" after the meeting was done. Damn kids! She had to hand it to them - they were quite smooth and understated!

Before she had a chance to speak, Josh started tying her ankles, wrapping and cinching them tightly together, and also tying them to the bottom rung of the chair. When he pulled the final knot tight, he stepped back and took a look.

She started shaking and moving her legs in an effort to test how well her ankles were bound. It only took a few seconds for her to realize they were tied as thoroughly as her wrists, and also to the chair.

She waited for the boys to ask her if she could free herself, but they just watched as she struggled briefly before Pradeep grabbed his length of rope and started on her legs. He wrapped it around her lower thighs, just above her knees. Looking down she realized just how short her dress was and just how much it had hiked up her legs since the boys started their "practice". She knew it was a little too short and a little too tight for a den mother to wear, but it was the only gold and brownish dress she had. Besides, she always prided herself on being the sexy older aunt, if you can call barely 30 old.

At one point, the end of Pradeep's rope brushed against her, high on her inner thigh as he threaded it through. It was a good thing that they tied her feet together, she thought. Had they instead tied each ankle separately to a chair leg, it would have left her wide open and been very embarrassing with such a short skirt on. Then again, she never expected to get all tied up, either. If she was ever going to be a den mother again, it would be in shorts or slacks.

At this point she wondered just how much they did see, but tried not to think about it - as tightly tied as she was already, there was no way she could adjust her clothing. At least her halter-style top was still in good shape.

Pradeep was just as thorough as the other two, wrapping the rope around and between her thighs, cinching it and tightening the square knot and her legs with a slow-but-final pull of the rope ends.

"Three down," she said jokingly. The ropes were tight, but not too tight - just very securely tied.

As if on cue, Mark stepped up and inspected the other boys' knots and lashing practice on her ankles and knees. Teri thought about asking him to pull her skirt down for her, but decided that she didn't want to draw any attention to herself. If they weren't staring already, she didn't want to start anything.

"Okay, Josh, nice work," Mark said, pointing to her ankles. "I like the way you did a double-cinch over her ankles and against the bottom of the chair."

"Thanks," Josh said as the others looked over his work.

Teri wiggled her legs and hands a little for effect, while Mark pointed to the rope Pradeep tied her legs with, just above her knees. She was starting to feel pretty helpless, so playing along with the boys was the best thing she could think of to make it more fun for her. They were only half done, after all, and tied up or not, she was still their den mother today.

"Is that too tight," Mark asked Teri? He tried to slide his fingers between the coils of rope and her thighs, but could barely do so.

"It's definitely quite snug," Teri said, "but not any tighter than the rest of the ropes." With his hands so close to her and touching her thighs, she was again reminded of how helpless and vulnerable she was.

Mark nodded and spent a couple minutes looking at the knots and lashings. Not sure of what to do, Teri tested the ropes yet again, struggling just a little while the boys waited for Mark.

"If you say it's okay, we'll leave it be. Looked too tight to me, so I was going to have him tie it again," Mark finally said. "We don't want to cut off your circulation."

Terry grabbed his rope and started wrapping it around her upper body. He made what looked like a lasso at first, and placed/cinched it around her, just below her breasts, around her arms. Taking the end and tightening it lasso-style pinned her arms by her sides, making it much harder for Teri to move.

He took the loose end and wrapped it around her, above and below her breasts, lining it up neatly and tugging it tighter every now and then to keep it taught against her clothes and skin. She could feel her top stretching with each wrap of the rope and her breasts sticking out just a bit more as he continued tying her. One thing was certain, his piece of rope was at least three-times longer than the ones the other boys tied her hands, ankles, and knees with.

At one point he threaded the rope in between her upper arm and body, but under the lowest coil beneath her breasts. He then brought it around the front, wrapping it up and around the back of her neck, then down the front and passed it between her arm and body on the other side.

The way he wrapped it had the effect of tightening her upper body all at once, making her feel even more helplessly bound. With the last couple feet, he ran a line from behind her back, just to the side of her neck, threaded it through the ropes in front wrapping her just below her breasts, and back over the other side, tying it off behind her. She couldn't remember if she had ever been tied like this before - from her perspective it looked a little like a rope bikini. With no mirrors in the living room, at best she could catch a distorted glimpse of herself all tied up in the reflection of the television's glass.

With the boy so close to her breasts, she felt even more vulnerable, especially since her dress was fairly revealing without all the ropes stretching it this way and that. But he was a gentleman, not even once brushing against her breasts as he tied her upper body so thoroughly, even when he threaded the rope between her breasts bikini-style.

"Okay, Terry's showing off his Expert Knotsman merit badge, Miss Parker," said Mark.

"I can see - and feel that," Teri joked. "You scouts take your practice very seriously."

"Honor first," quipped Cody.

"Honor first," said the others in unison.

Teri tried to understand their logic. How did honor have anything to do with thoroughly tying up their den mother? I guess there was honor in practice well done? At this point, they had already used four of their ropes - there were still two more to go - and she could barely move.

For a few moments, she tested all of the ropes binding her - first her wrists; which she could only move a little, because the boys had not only tied them tightly together, but also to the ropes binding her breasts and upper body together. Next she tried to free her ankles, but the combination of her high heels, bound knees, and the ropes tying her ankles to the bottom of the chair made it nearly impossible to move her feet to struggle, let alone free herself.

Just then, Terry's cell phone rang.

"Hello? Oh, Hi Mom. I'll be right out."

Teri looked briefly at time on the cable box - finally, practice was over! Terry grabbed his backpack and headed for the front door.

"Hey, wait... don't forget your rope," Teri spoke out. She hoped that since the actual den meeting was finally wrapping up, the boys would finally come to their senses and just let her go.

"No time now, my mom's outside," Terry said, disappearing out the front door.

"Besides, Cody and me still need to practice too," Mark said.

"Oh, right," Teri said.

Josh was next to leave, followed quickly by Pradeep and shortly afterward Jason. Teri was all about respect and honor, but it seemed strange to her that they were so comfortable with the whole "tie up their den mother" thing and just leaving. Maybe she was overreacting, from their perspective, practice was still going on. At least none of their mothers decided to step in and say, "Hello." Teri wondered how she might explain being so tied up, but was glad she didn't have to.

She waited patiently like some mob bosses girlfriend captured by the other side while her nephews helped their friends gather their things and head out the front door.

Finally the boys were finished and turned their attentions back to her.

"So boys, there's not much more of me to practice on," Teri said. Struggling a little for effect, she continued, "So, why don't you both help untie me and we can get some dinner. My treat."

"I thought you said we could practice after if we ran out of time, Aunt Teri," Mark said.

"Yes, I did say that," she replied. "Don't worry, I'll keep my word."

"Cody can go next. He needs to get some practice with cravats anyways," Mark said.

"What's a cravat?"

"It's like a neckerchief, only a little bigger, like a bandanna," Cody said.

"I can only imagine what you're going to tie next, but I get the feeling I won't be saying much after," she replied.

"Open up," Cody said, stepping behind her with a neatly rolled cravat, as he slipped it over her head and between her lips. A knot in the center forced her mouth open, making her bite down on the knot while he tied it off behind her neck.

A few well-intentioned "Muurrrmpphs" from Teri tested the gag and found it pretty effective. With a knot tied tightly in her mouth, she could not make effective words at all.

Teri took a moment to let the last hour sink in a little. Somehow she went from being the substitute Den Mother, like her sister said, in charge of six scouts, to being helplessly bound and gagged to a kitchen chair in the middle of the livingroom.

It wasn't like they just jumped out of no where and subdued her. She agreed to let them practice "knots and lashing" on her. She knew they were going to tie her up, and even how much rope they would use. No, what surprised Teri the most was just how efficiently these boys did restrain her.

"Practice, huh?" she thought, "Thanks a lot, Sis!" At this point, all she could do was play along as best she could. From any perspective, Aunt Teri, the substitute Den Mother, was the boy's willing - but helpless - captive now.

"One more to go," Mark said. Holding his hands behind his back, he said, "You choose, left or right?"

A thoroughly gagged Teri looked at him a little funny. Couldn't he see she was gagged?" She nodded her head to the left, and tried to "mmurrumph" out "left" a couple times.

Mark pulled his left hand forward to reveal another cravat. Then he pulled his right hand forward to reveal another, much longer piece of rope.

He walked over and wrapped the cravat around her eyes, blindfolding her. "Okay," Teri thought, "How am I going to know how long I've been tied up?" Her brother rarely ever blindfolded her during their childhood tie-up games, but when he did, the feeling of being somehow displaced and in another world was something she still remembered.

Mark took the rope and tied it around her wrists, wrapping it around her waist, then down over the tops of her thighs, securing her to the chair. Like Terry, he was methodical, keeping the rope taught and lined up on every new wrap. He finished by tying a loop under the chair from her upper thighs to the rope binding her knees, then tying it off behind her.

"That was seven," she tried to say, but it sounded like playful "murumphing" to the boys. In reality, it was only five, because the boys originally said ropes, and never mentioned "cravats", which was obviously just new scout speak for gags and blindfolds. So, it wasn't like Teri was going to say boo about it - or that she even could.

Once Mark finished tying his last piece of rope, Teri tried again to move against and test her bonds. His rope effectively and securely tied her to the chair. Before, she was very tied up, even gagged and blindfolded, but aside frome her ankles, the rest of her wasn't tied to the chair. Even the fancy way that Terry tied her upper body and breasts had still not thoroughly lashed her to the chair like she was now. Anything more than very mild struggling had her tipping the chair around. The only thing she could do now was wait patiently for the boys to untie her.

She thought to herself, "Actually, the more I think about it, this rope feels pretty good." She slowly twists her wrists back and forth, taking a moment to feel the ropes against her skin. "Good quality, thick, firm but not too hard, even supple."

For all her frustration at the boys, their tying skills were near perfect: tight, but no too tight, immobilizing, yet safe. She could barely mover her wrists enough to struggle, yet there was no feeling that her circulation was in trouble at all. The same went for the rest of her - she only hoped there would be no rope marks once she was set free.

It seemed awfully quiet and Teri couldn't discern whether it was just the gag and blindfold cutting her off from civilization or if the boys had just left her alone, tightly bound, gagged, and blindfolded to a chair in the living room. Teri started to think that she must have made quite the sight. I mean, it's not every day that a 30-something woman in terrific shape gets found completely tied to a chair and helpless in the middle of the living room. It was like a scene from a soap opera or something. She thought for a minute about her sister getting the same treatment once a month and chuckled to herself. Maybe she could help Mark and Cody "practice" on her sister when she got home!

"How much time had passed," she thought?

Any of her attempts at trying to struggle free pretty much left her more tired and fairly certain that her clothes were even more disheveled than when they started "practicing".

As she sat there, suddenly someone started pulling at the ropes wrapped around her waist and upper thighs. She tried to say something, but it just came out as a muted grunt. Instinctively she turned to look behind her, but the blindfold made it impossible to see anything - or anyone. Why weren't they saying anything?

She felt the knot give, and shortly after, the ropes easing up on her waist. Another pair of hands were at work, tugging at the knots tying her ankles. She felt her ankles break free from the bottom rung of the chair, but why were they still tied together? She was no longer tied to the chair, but still thoroughly bound.

She felt a hand grasp her upper arm on the right, then another pair of hands on the left. Damn blindfold! Who was it? Of course she knew it had to be the boys, but they weren't saying anything and her protests were going unanswered.

The hands worked together, lifting her off the chair and navigating her bound wrists and upper body over the chair's back. Wobbly-legged, she was eased into a standing position. Her heels and bound ankles and knees made a simple task like standing still close to impossible - she was thankful for the hands keeping her steady. But what were they up to?

She felt another piece of rope being wrapped around her torso, and around her wrists. Dammit, they were just replacing the rope the tied her to the chair with! Around and around it went, pinning her wrists to her body, just as the ropes around her chest did to her arms. With a slight pull, she felt him tying it off in front of her, at waist-level.

"Murrumpphh..." she tried to yell out and get their attention, as the hands were now tugging her, guiding her to move forward. She teetered off balance, and at the last minute hopped forward to keep from falling. They were moving her! Gentle pressure guided her to the right as she hopped along, trying to maintain her balance. She could feel herself bending forward as she hopped along. Within a few seconds she stopped as the hands guided her to turn around, then led her backwards as the backs of her heels stopped against something solid.

With a gentle push she sat back, onto what she was certain was the sofa. What were they up to now?

"One more piece of rope to go," Mark said, breaking the silence.

"Mmmuummmhh...mummuuhhph," Teri answered back. It didn't make any sense, but she knew boys, and knew they were going to make her stick to her word regarding their "six pieces of rope."

"I thought you would be more comfy on the couch," he said.

"Hurrummph... mummumpph." Teri said, talking through her gag back at him. She expected him to take off her gag, but he just ignored her. She felt him tying another piece of rope between her ankles and pulling it tight around the rope that cinched them together.

The same hands that guided her over to the couch were now pushing her shoulder back and to the side, while Mark pulled on the new section of rope, lifting her ankles onto the sofa. Before she realized what was happening, she was lying on her side facing the back of the sofa.

She had to bend her knees a little to fit, and when she did, he pulled on the rope, bringing her ankles closer to her wrists. With a slow but firm pull, he drew her ankles even closer and tied the other end of the rope to the one binding her wrists to her waist.

Teri knew this feeling, and even more, the position it was called. Her older brother - and her cousins - had tied her like this before; as she got older it was one of their favorite ways to restrain her. Plain and simple, she was hogtied now. The boys had used all six of their ropes to completely tie her into submission.

Thanks to years of exercise, including dance and Yoga, Teri was in great shape and very flexible. The hogtie, while fairly stringent, left about a foot of rope between her wrists and ankles, leaving her a little room to move. For most women, this position alone would be pretty immobilizing. For Teri, she could still move by drawing her ankles even closer to her wrists. So she did, rocking back and forth in the process, inching herself from lying on her right side over and onto her back. She had to be careful as to not fall off the couch and onto the floor.

By inching and sliding, she managed to roll onto her back, and then over to her other side. Teri decided that she wasn't giving up without a good fight, so she had to somehow maneuver herself off the sofa and onto the carpet so she would have room to struggle and possibly even free herself. "Ha!" she thought, but she mustered enough energy to roll herself off the couch, landing onto the floor, easing first onto her knees and then rolling back onto her side with a mild thump.

Once there, she reached her bound hands towards her ankles to give the rope some slack. Reaching out with her fingertips, she felt the air and around, searching for a telltale knot or loose piece of rope. The room was dead quiet, so she wondered where the boys went. Were they watching? She took a moment to try and "feel" her surroundings. With her sight and voice cut off from her nephews' cravats, and her body so fully restrained from their "knots and lashing" practice, the notion of "feeling" was all she had left.

What she found was that the knots binding her ankles together were within reach. Whoever the scout was that tied them, he had hidden the knot behind her. While that was probably perfect for someone tied to a chair, it didn't play out so well for a hogtied person.

With a little backward stretching and effort, she could reach the knot, first with just her fingertips. The little bit of traction she had let her tug at the knot. With some effort, she loosened it a little, then a lot. She drew her ankles in even closer and felt the rope give some. She stretched her legs back out, and it gave some more. She had loosened the rope that tied her wrists and ankles together.

Using the same back and forth motion with her legs, she worked it free! She was no longer hogtied, but still very tied up, gagged and blindfolded, lying on the floor.

Just then, she felt a pair of hands grab her upper arms.

"Auntie, what are you doing on the floor," Mark asked?

He steadied her to a seated position, then removed her blindfold, and after some twiddling and tugging, her gag.

Her sight was only gone for a short while, but still, everything seemed brighter. The use of her mouth also helped, but for a brief moment - and once in her lifetime - she couldn't think of anything to say.

Mark was busy behind her, working on untying the "master ropesman" knots holding the ropes that bound her upper body, while Cory helped untie her knees and ankles.

It seemed to take forever, but finally, Mark was untying her wrists. After the last wrap was removed, her hands seemed to spring forward. Teri immediately started rubbing her wrists.

"That's much better," Teri said. Something about being so tied up and helpless made her feel just a little more grateful for her freedom. She knew it was a little tie-up game harmless fun and all, but everything still felt a little better now.

"What can I say, but you really take your practice seriously. I don't know about you two, but I'm starving."

"Me too," said Cody.

Mark put away the rope and cravats and joined in, "How about pizza?"

"Yeah, pizza!" Cody said, all excited.

"Do I need to sign off on anything for your practice today?" Teri asked.

"Sign off?" Mark asked back.

"Well, I am your Den Mother, right?"

"Of course."

"So I thought I might need to sign something - you know, to like verify you did your practice." Teri looked down at her wrists. It was like she could still feel the ropes on them. The slight indentations were rapidly disappearing with every heartbeat.

"Oh, no. We just make a note in our handbooks. We all have our Master Ropesman Merit Badges already," Mark replied.

"Okay, then. Let's get some pizza." Teri walked over to the phone, which sat on a stand in the hall near the front door. She bent down to grab the phone book and noticed a piece of paper sticking out from under the phone.

It was a note from her sister. She read it:
"Thanks for filling in today - you're the best! The scouts need to work on their homemaking badges, so I left stuff in the fridge for making their own sandwiches. Have fun!

Oh, whatever you do, don't let them try and talk you into 'knots' practice! I don't think you'll like it very much.

Love, Sis"

"Damn boys," Teri thought. They gave her a fake note. But there was no way she was going to tell her sister how gullible she was.

"Boys!" She yelled out. They came running over immediately.

"I changed my mind... we're having sandwiches... and you two are making them!"

**The End**

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Post by quietman »

What a great story! The detail on the rope work description was great, and loved the little note at the end. Thanks for finding and sharing this Canuck!
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Post by Trammel »

Great story!
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Post by TheOfficeOrc »

This is so wholesome! What respectful and caring captors the cub scouts are
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