Jason Toddman : 02 - Boundgal's New Situation (FFF/F, FFFm/FFm)

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Jason Toddman : 02 - Boundgal's New Situation (FFF/F, FFFm/FFm)

Post by Canuck100 »

Jason Toddman's stories
02 - Boundgal's New Situation
Story index at the bottom

By Jason Toddman

Wed Sep 08, 2010 9:18 pm

This is for Boundgal.

I would like to thank Markusthe1st for allowing me to use portions of his story Aunt Teri: Substitute Den Mother to describe Boundgal getting, well, bound. His descriptions of tie-ups are told far more skillfully than I could have told it by myself. Half of this first chapter is therefore as much his story as it is mine.



With a nickname like Boundgal, she should have known that something like this would happen sooner or later.

It all began when she went to University, and to help make ends meet she shared a unit in a two-unit house with another young woman her own age that she didn’t know. It was a very nice apartment, and the girl she had as her roommate was friendly and nice to her right from the start. So were the two girls in the other apartment. They were all tall, gorgeous, athletic, intelligent, and fun-loving. Unknown to Boundgal, all three were also sisters, quite wealthy, and owned not only this house but also their own cozy cottage in the countryside where they spent their summers, holidays, and weekends. Most of all, these three were secretly into TuGs themselves. More than TuGs; they were into serious bondage - and were looking for just the right girl that they could take home to their cottage and keep as their slave.

Cynthia (22) and Gwen (20) - the two girls in the other apartment - already had one slave each of their own (currently residing at the cottage out of sight and keeping the place clean), and now it was time for Holly (18) to capture and train a slave of her own. When Boundgal came to interview for sharing the room, she immediately beat out twelve other competitors. The first moment Holly saw her, she knew that Boundgal was the one she had to have as her very own slave.

Holly wasn’t sure at first just how to go about securing Boundgal for transportation to the cottage without undue noise or fuss however. Even with help from her sisters, simply ganging up on her and subduing her would not be practical in this urban neighborhood; someone in the next building would be sure to hear the commotion and either investigate or call the police. But it was not long at all before the perfect opportunity presented itself.

Late one night Holly was unable to sleep thinking about how to quietly subdue Boundgal (or BG as she was usually called) and, restless, got up to get a drink of water. She passed the door leading into BG’s room and noticed that it was ajar. The only light coming out through the space between the door and the threshold was evidently BG’s computer screen. Curious, Holly silently crept up to the door and took a quick peek inside the room to see what BG was up to, and Holly got quite an eyeful!

A half-dressed BG was accessing a bondage website and, judging by what else she was doing at the time, she was quite thoroughly enjoying what she saw. So was Holly, for that matter, and she gave a little gasp of surprise before she could stop herself.

BG looked around - dismay clearly written all over her face - and she belatedly clicked the mouse to place a more innocuous scene on the monitor. BG looked trouble and was obviously fumbling for a way to explain what Holly just saw. But Holly was the first to recover her wits and she immediately acted to put BG at ease.

“Wow! You’re into tie-up games too?” she asked BG with the same tone of voice as she would on discovering that they were both fans of the same rock star.

“Err... uh... yeah, I am,” replied BG, flabbergasted. Holly was into TuGs? Who knew? She seemed fun and open-minded; but... really, she’d had no clue at all that a girl like Holly would be even remotely interested in such things. “You mean *you* are?” was all else BG could think of to say.

“Oh yes,” replied Holly. “I *love* being tied up and tying other people up. Wow! If only I’d known you liked tie-up games yourself sooner! Say, do you suppose we could have a tie-up game together sometime soon?” Holly put all the hopefulness she felt into that last, hoping that BG would make it easier for her.

She did! “Sure, how about right now?” said BG. “You want to start, or shall I?”

Holly thought fast. If she showed too much eagerness to tie BG up, it might put her off. At the same time, she didn’t really want to be tied up at all; she wanted to do all the tying. But how could she keep BG from getting suspicious? Ah, she the perfect solution!

“Let’s play scissors, paper, rock,” she suggested. She knew that this gave her a50-50 chance of losing, but she was willing to take the risk of being tied for a while first if it meant she could get her own chance to tie up BG without facing any resistance.

BG was agreeable and they played. The first two attempts were a draw, but on the third go Holly showed scissors to BG’s paper and victory was in her hands. BG seemed almost as happy about Holly’s victory as Holly herself, and she even dug out her own bondage supplies out of her closet for Holly to use on her.

Holly had BG sit back in her chair and put her hands behind her and the chair back. Holly quickly grabbed a coil of rope about ten feet long and wrapped it around BG’s wrists, tied it off, and cinched it with a square knot between her wrists. The last tug of the knot seemed to make the rope snugger than BG expected, but it wasn't painful at all.

"I’m still a bit new at this. Can you get free?” Holly asked her willing (and gullible) victim with a disarmingly charming smile. She was lying about being new at this, of course; Holly had been securely tying up other girls - and boys too - since she was 7!

BG pulled against the ropes in an effort to get free. Twisting her wrists, opening and closing her fists, and some aggressive tugging left her hands just as tightly bound as ever. “Nope,” she finally replied with a smile of her own. She was glad too; TuGs are no fun if the person doing the tying isn’t good at what they’re doing.

Holly took another rope on=and got down on one knee begin BG. Holly started tying her victim’s ankles, wrapping and cinching them tightly together, and also tying them to the bottom rung of the chair. When Holly pulled the final knot tight, she stepped back and asked BG to try to get loose from that as well.

BG started shaking and moving her legs in an effort to test how well her ankles were bound. It only took a few seconds for her to realize they were tied as thoroughly as her wrists, and also to the chair.

Holly watched as she struggled briefly before she casually reached for another length of rope and started on BG’s legs. She wrapped it around BG’s lower thighs, just above her knees. Looking down BG realized just how short her dress was and just how much it had hiked up her legs. She was glad it was just another girl tying her up and not a guy who might get unwelcome thoughts floating around inside his head! Even so, BG was glad that Holly had tied her feet together. Had Holly tied each ankle separately to a chair leg, it would have left BG wide open and that would have been a bit embarrassing with such a short skirt on. When she’d put it on, she never expected to get all tied up in it. At this point, as tightly tied as she was already, there was no way she could adjust her clothing. At least her halter-style top was still in good shape.

Holly wrapped the rope around and between BG’s thighs, cinching it and tightening the square knot and her legs with a slow-but-final pull of the rope ends. The ropes were tight, but not too tight - just very securely tied.

BG was starting to feel pretty helpless... and loving every moment of it.

"Is that too tight," Holly asked BG? She tried to slide her fingers between the coils of rope and BG’s thighs, but could barely do so.

"It's snug," BG said, "but not any tighter than the rest of the ropes." With Holly’s hands so close to BG and touching her thighs, she was again reminded of how helpless and vulnerable she was. Thank goodness this was only an innocent Tug with a fellow girl and not a dangerous situation with a stranger!

"Good. I don't want to cut off your circulation," said Holly as she took another, much longer piece of rope and started wrapping it around BG’s upper body. Holly made what looked like a lasso at first, and placed/cinched it around her, just below her breasts, around her arms. Taking the end and tightening it lasso-style pinned BG’s arms by her sides, making it much harder for her to move.

Holly took the loose end and wrapped it around BG, above and below her breasts, lining it up neatly and tugging it tighter every now and then to keep it taught against her clothes and skin. BG could feel her top stretching with each wrap of the rope and her breasts sticking out just a bit more as Holly continued tying her. At one point Holly threaded the rope in between BG’s upper arm and body, but under the lowest coil beneath her breasts. Holly then brought it around the front, wrapping it up and around the back of BG’s neck, then down the front and passed it between her arm and body on the other side.

The way Holly wrapped it had the effect of tightening BG’s upper body all at once, making her feel even more helplessly bound. With the last couple feet, Holly ran a line from behind BG’s back, just to the side of her neck, threaded it through the ropes in front wrapping her just below her breasts, and back over the other side, tying it off behind her. BG couldn't remember if she had ever been tied like this before - from her perspective it looked a little like a rope bikini. With no mirrors in the room, at best she could catch a distorted glimpse of herself all tied up in the reflection of the computer monitor.

For a few moments, BG tested all of the ropes binding her - first her wrists; which she could only move a little, because Holly had not only tied them tightly together, but also to the ropes binding her breasts and upper body together. Next she tried to free her ankles, but the combination of her bound knees and the ropes tying her ankles to the bottom of the chair made it nearly impossible to move her feet to struggle, let alone free herself.

Meanwhile Holly had picked up a scarf and approached BG with it. "Open up," she said, stepping behind BG with the scarf neatly rolled and slipping it over her head and between her lips. A knot in the center forced BG’s mouth open, making her bite down on the knot while Holly tied it off behind her neck. A few "Muurrrmpphs" from BG tested the gag and found it pretty effective. With a knot tied tightly in her mouth, she could not make effective words at all.

BG was rather surprised at how efficiently Holly was restraining her. She had been tied many times in her brief life by various friends, but never as efficiently as *this*! It was so exciting to be rendered so helpless!

Suddenly Holly walked over and wrapped another scarf around BG’s eyes, blindfolding her. Holly then took another rope and tied it around BG’s wrists, wrapping it around her waist, then down over the tops of her thighs, securing her to the chair. She was quite methodical; keeping the rope taught and lined up on every new wrap. Holly finished by tying a loop under the chair from BG’s upper thighs to the rope binding her knees, then tying it off behind her.

Once Holly finished tying this last piece of rope, BG tried again to move against and test her bonds. Holly’s rope-work effectively and securely tied BG to the chair. Before, she was securely tied up, even gagged and blindfolded, but aside from her ankles, the rest of her wasn't tied to the chair. Even the fancy way that Holly tied BG’s upper body and breasts had still not thoroughly lashed her to the chair like she was now. Anything more than very mild struggling had her tipping the chair around. Holly’s tying skills were near perfect: tight, but not too tight; immobilizing, yet safe. BG could barely move her wrists enough to struggle, yet there was no feeling that her circulation was in trouble at all. The same went for the rest of her - she only hoped there would be no rope marks once she was set free.

It seemed awfully quiet and BG couldn't discern whether it was just the gag and blindfold cutting her off from civilization or if Holly had just left her alone, tightly bound, gagged, and blindfolded to a chair in her bedroom. Any of her attempts at trying to struggle free pretty much left her more tired and fairly certain that her clothes were even more dishevelled than when they started.

As BG sat there, suddenly someone started pulling at the ropes wrapped around her waist and upper thighs. She tried to say something, but it just came out as a muted grunt. Instinctively she turned to look behind her, but the blindfold made it impossible to see anything - or anyone. Why wasn’t Holly saying anything?

She felt the knot give, and shortly after, the ropes easing up on her waist. Another pair of hands was at work, tugging at the knots tying her ankles. BG was amazed; someone else was I here besides her and Holly? She felt her ankles break free from the bottom rung of the chair, but why were they still tied together? She was no longer tied to the chair, but still thoroughly bound.

She felt a hand grasp her upper arm on the right, then another pair of hands on the left. Damn blindfold! Who was it? Of course she knew it had to be Holly, and probably either Cynthia or Gwen; but they weren't saying anything and her protests were going unanswered.

The hands worked together, lifting BG off the chair and navigating her bound wrists and upper body over the chair's back. Wobbly-legged, she was eased into a standing position. Her bound ankles and knees made a simple task like standing still close to impossible - she was thankful for the hands keeping her steady. But what were they up to?

She felt another piece of rope being wrapped around her torso, and around her wrists. Dammit, they were just replacing the rope the tied her to the chair with! Around and around it went, pinning her wrists to her body, just as the ropes around her chest did to her arms. With a slight pull, she felt whoever it was tying it off in front of her, at waist-level.

"Murrumpphh..." BG tried to yell out and get their attention, as the hands were now tugging her, guiding her to move forward. She teetered off balance, and at the last minute hopped forward to keep from falling. They were moving her! Gentle pressure guided her to the right as she hopped along, trying to maintain her balance. She could feel herself bending forward as she hopped along. Within a few seconds she stopped as the hands guided her to turn around, and then led her backwards as the backs of her heels stopped against something solid.

With a gentle push she sat back, onto what she was certain was the sofa. What were they up to now?

"One more piece of rope to go," Gwen said, breaking the silence.

"Mmmuummmhh...mummuuhhph," BG answered back.

"I thought you would be more comfy on the couch," said Cynthia. Good Lord; both of the other girls were in here, helping Holly to bind her even more securely.

"Hurrummph... mummumpph." BG said, talking through her gag back at Cynthia. She expected Cynthia to take off her gag, but she just ignored her. BG felt her tying another piece of rope between her ankles and pulling it tight around the rope that cinched them together. The same hands that guided her over to the couch were now pushing her shoulder back and to the side, while Holly pulled on the new section of rope, lifting her ankles onto the sofa. Before she realized what was happening, she was lying on her side facing the back of the sofa.

She had to bend her knees a little to fit, and when she did, Holly pulled on the rope, bringing her ankles closer to her wrists. With a slow but firm pull, she drew her ankles even closer and tied the other end of the rope to the one binding her wrists to her waist.

BG knew this feeling, and even more, the position it was called. Her friends had tied her like this before; as she got older it was one of their favorite ways to restrain her. Plain and simple, she was hogtied now. Holly had completely tied her into submission.

BG was in great shape and very flexible. The hogtie, while fairly stringent, left about a foot of rope between her wrists and ankles, leaving her a little room to move. For most women, this position alone would be pretty immobilizing. For BG, she could still move by drawing her ankles even closer to her wrists.

Just then, she felt a pair of hands grab her upper arms and lift her up while another pair of hands grabbed her legs. BG felt herself carried off the couch and eased gently down to the floor... no, not the floor, but on a stretcher of some kind. WTF?

“”Hang on and enjoy the ride, BG!” she heard Holly’s voice call to her as the stretcher was abruptly lifted up and carried away.

Suddenly BG was frightened; what in hell was going on? Where were they taking her?

Although she could not see, BG soon realized from the feel of a gentle breeze upon her skin that she was being carried out the back doorway and into the yard. Not far into the yard however, for suddenly instead of swinging in mid-air she felt and heard the stretcher beneath her sliding along a metal floor. With a shock she was being placed inside the back of Cynthia’s minivan!

She felt and heard someone climbing in the back of the van with her, and then the van’s doors being closed shut. BG made noise through her gag, trying to inquire what was going on.

“Take it easy, honey,” BG heard Holly’s voice tell her soothingly. “We’re just taking you to your new home. The two of us are going to be together for the rest of our lives.”

BG wasn’t sure whether this made her feel better... or worse!


Sun Sep 19, 2010 2:48 pm
Well, since there seems to be some demand for it, I will continue this story in *both* versions after all. Pardon me for any typos that crept in as I copied one version and edited it to create the other. From here on, I'll create both together.


BG still wasn’t sure whether she felt good about this situation during the hour-long ride that followed her capture. Her blindfold had been removed, but she still could not see much during the ride. She could not talk any better than she could see either - but she could hear Holly as began to talk about herself and her plans for BG; and she could feel as she gently stroked the soles of her bare feet in a tickling sort of way as she talked. BG writhed and giggled and was too busy trying (vainly) to keep her feet from being tickled to really pay attention to anything Holly said to her however.

She could see more when they stopped the minivan and opened the door to carry her out however. She found herself being carried to the interior of a well-lit house - more like a small mansion or a very large cottage, really - by her three silent captors. BG just had time to notice that this was a private estate with no neighboring houses close enough for her to see (at least, no lights were showing) before she was whisked inside the house through the back entrance.

The four of them were greeted by five other people. Zane V. was (at 23) the oldest brother of Cynthia, Gwen, and Holly and seemed to be a stern and forbidding figure who did not talk much - but one you’d better listen to when he *did* speak. The next two were both young women like BG herself - Natalie (aka Naughtynats), who was 20 and Sue (aka Sue Struggles), who was 22. Both of these women wore extremely skimpy maid outfits that covered little more of their bodies than the fetters (heavy steel handcuffs and hobbles connected with a heavy length of chain) and the gags that they wore did. They also sported very short haircuts; like males who had just entered military boot camp.

The next person was more of a surprise. He was a mere boy, perhaps 16 years of age, not too tall and slightly built. He wore a bright pink set of Speedos and fetters even more ponderous than the two women wore. He also had a military style crew-cut, and he was apparently also a slave, although BG didn’t know yet whose. He was introduced as Ethan (aka Barefoot Ethan).

The last person was a boy even younger than Ethan, but it was quickly apparent that he was no slave. He seemed to be only 10 years of age because of his size, face, and hyper-activeness, but he proved to be almost 15. He was dressed in the same kind of fancy clothing that Zane V., Cynthia, Gwen, and Holly all wore; and in fact turned out to be their youngest brother. His name was Chris the 12th.

Introductions were quickly made and then BG was given over to the care of the three servants under Holly’s personal supervision while all the others (including Cynthia and Gwen) went to bed. BG tried to protest as Nats, Sue, and Ethan carried her away from the kitchen (where she had arrived) through a hallway to a different room. This room was lit by a small candle and spartanly furnished with a stool, a small dresser drawer, and a small wooden bed. She tried to protest even harder when she noticed that she was being carried directly toward the only other furnishing in the room besides these: a St. Andrews Cross!

The three slaves held BG down while Holly freed her from her hogtie, placed leather-padded steel cuffs on her wrists and ankles, padlocked larger leather straps upon her upper arms and thighs, two more vertically around her shoulders and under her arms, and wrapped three wide, heavy leather belts around her body. Then, before untying her rope bonds Holly had tied her with previously, the three servants lifted BG up off the floor and placed her against the cross. They stood her on a small raised platform for her feet while Holly quickly and efficiently secured her one strap at a time. Once she was securely fastened to the cross, all her original rope ties were finally removed from her body.

Holly gave a still-gagged BG a fond pat on the cheek and then stepped out of the room; leaving BG with the other three slaves. These three apparently had been given orders about her previously, because they now proceeded to carry on other duties without a word. One of them took a set of scissors and completely cut away all of BG’s clothing - leaving her completely naked until another fitted the skimpiest bikini imaginable upon her in place of her original clothing.

This wasn’t as bad as what happened next. BG was shaved. Everywhere! The hair on her head first of all, but also her legs, armpits, and even her pubes - all gone. Then the three of them got buckets of soapy water, scrub brushes, and sponges and thoroughly washed her body from head to toe and front to back as much as her being bound to the cross would allow. Only after this was the aforementioned bikini placed upon her. And in all this time none of them said one word to her despite all her muffled attempts to call to them through her gag.

Once they were finished with BG, they walked out of the room (taking the single candle that provided light with them) and closed the door. The last thing BG heard for a long while was the rattle of the door being locked from the outside and then the clinking of the other slaves’ chains as they walked away down the hall.

BG experimented with her bonds, but they were so secure that getting free of her current predicament was completely out of the question. And so, resigned to the inevitable for now, she fell asleep right where she was.

BG awoke in the morning to the sound of the door to her room (prison cell?) noisily being unlocked. She looked up, to see the slave named Naughtynats walking in with a bowl of oatmeal and a glass of milk set on a small tray in her hands. She set the tray down and walked over to Boundgal to remove her gag. “You may talk and ask me questions while I feed you,” the slave said to her softly. “I am instructed to guide and train you in your new tasks as Holly’s slave. Please make it easy for both of us and do not make trouble for me, okay?”

“Where *is* Holly, anyway?” BG asked.

“She went back to the cottage where you and they were staying, of course,” replied Nats as she took the bowl of oatmeal and began to spoon-feed the contents to BG. “After all, she has to go to classes, now doesn’t he? She doesn’t have time to train slaves, after all. She’s left it to us to do that.”

“You’re her slave too?” BG asked; feeling a trifle let down.

“No, she’s all yours - just as you’re all hers,” replied Nats. “I belong to Zane V., just as Sue belongs to Gwen. The rule is: one master; one slave... which leaves only young Chris without one of his own as he’s too young yet. Of course, since he is here all the time he is not at school, he gets to lord it over us more than his three sisters do. He’ll probably give you more orders than Holly does, by and large... though mostly minor stuff like wash his clothes for him, rather than anything - ummm, important. He likes to play though - things like Chess, I mean; not *that* kind of play... though he *is* getting to that age, and with *your* looks, well... He may be more demanding of you at that than he’s ever been to us, unless Zane V. keeps him in line.”

BG was relieved by that, but even more relieved to know that she was - nominally at least - the only slave Holly ‘owned’.

“So, are you saying that Cynthia has that other boy for a slave?” asked BG after she put two and two together in her head.

“Yes, but it’s not quite as bad as you think,” replied Nats. “Ethan is not abused in any way, and Cynthia is rather... on the submissive side herself. We slaves know that when they are alone together it’s Ethan who is the master rather than the slave. But Cynthia’s brothers and sisters do not know this, and I’d advise you not to tell them either; she would probably be banished from the family. Cynthia is the nicest of the sisters, and tries to make it easier for all the slaves here and not just her own. Please do not do or say anything to anyone that could change that, okay?”

Before BG could respond to this, there was an interruption...


Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:00 am


Chris walked into the room, with a sly look on his face. The three girls looked at him in dismay, realizing that the boy must have overheard the conversation they’d just had.

“You really should be careful about what you say about my sisters, slave,” Chris told Nats. “That could get you into a lot of trouble. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone what you said; I wouldn’t want to get Cynthia in trouble either; I like her too much. But Cynthia might not like your spreading rumors around, so if you don’t want me to tell her you’d better behave. Now, the two of you scram! I want to talk to the new slave by myself. I’ll finish feeding her breakfast myself.”

Nats and Sue hesitated.

“I said scram, if you don’t want me telling Cynthia what you said about her!” Chris insisted a bit more loudly. “Come back in... oh, say, an hour!”

Although Chris was not even remotely physically imposing, he was the youngest brother of their master and mistress, and so they left the room without another word - leaving BG alone with the kid. Rather than pick up the bowl to resume feeding BG however, Chris got a digital camera out from his pants pocket and began taking pictures of her from various angles. He took at least thirty of them before he was satisfied and put his camera away; completely ignoring the astonished and angry glares that BG aimed in him.

Chris took up the bowl and resumed trying to spoon-feed her, but BG was too annoyed to take a bite of food served from this kid’s hand. “Aw, come on, cutie, what’s the matter?” asked Chris mildly. “It’s just a few pictures. You know, you’re really cute. How’d you like to be *my* slave instead of Holly’s? You know, if I asked real nice, she might let me buy you from her. Or at least borrow you on some nights. Wouldn’t you like to have *me* to take care of you instead of another girl?”

BG decided she’d rather eat tree bark to being owned by this little brat; especially when she definitely preferred the ideas of Holly being her mistress to either. But she didn’t dare say what she had on her mind; not under these circumstances.

But Chris seemed oblivious to BG’s discomfort. Putting the bowl of uneaten oatmeal back on the dresser top, he stood directly in front of her and looked up into her eyes. “You know, you’re really nice looking,” he told her. Then he abruptly grabbed a stool, pushed it close to the base of BG’s cross, stood on it so that his eye level was above hers (rather than well below it), and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.

BG wasn’t sure what to do in this situation. She was secured to this thing, and a kid several years younger (and well over a foot shorter) than she was getting fresh with her!
Sure, he was cute - but he was too young and too much smaller than she was to feel any reciprocal interest in him. She didn’t dare risk making him angry by telling him to stop, but she certainly didn’t want him to continue either.

Without warning, Chris began to tickle BG’s ribs. She was so ticklish she was in helpless laughter and couldn’t make an angry protest now even though she wanted to. Boundgal managed to gasp out the word ‘stop’ occasionally, but she was almost incoherent in her fits of uncontrollable laughter. Meanwhile, smiling all the while, Chris continued to tickle her ribs, and moved on up to her underarms.

“Ahem!” sounded a deep voice from the doorway suddenly.

BG looked up for the first time since the tickling session began, and saw Chris looking away from her toward the source of the sound. Zane V. was standing there, flanked by Sue and Nats, and looking quite imposing and not at all pleased.

“Chris, don’t you think it’s time you got ready for school now?” Zane asked in a voice that sounded a bit like God’s from the 1950’s movie The Ten Commandments.

Chris gulped nervously, nodded his head quickly, jumped off the stool, and ran past the three and on out the door.

Zane V. looked quickly at BG. “I know there wasn’t much you could have done about that situation and I appreciate your patience,” he said to her. “This is all new to you I’m sure, and you probably don’t know what’s expected of you. You’ll learn. But one thing I’ll assure you of right now; the only people you have to obey are me and Holly. No one else can give you orders unless Holly or I say so. Holly has asked me and Gwen to have our own slaves instruct you, and you’d be best off to let them train you in your new duties. But unless I or Holly tell you otherwise, don’t let Chris take any liberties with you. If he touches you in any way you do not like again, tell me so and I’ll see to it that he’s disciplined.”

“Uh, it was all right,” replied BG, deciding it would likely be best not to say anything that might make her any enemies in this household. “I’m sure he was just being... friendly.”


Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:29 am

Over the next few days until the weekend came, Boundgal was carefully instructed in the duties that would be expected of her when her mistress Holly was away, and what more would likely be required of her when he was at home. Boundgal was especially looking forward to that ‘what more’ part, and secretly hoped that Holly would prove to be a hard and firm mistress!

The first sign that she was likely to be a bit disappointed was when Boundgal took a look at the inside of Holly’s closet, and saw more women’s clothing that was more suitable for a little girl (save n size than it was for a dominatrix.

It was obvious that each of the members of this family had some kinks, except possibly the secretive and reclusive Zane V. Cynthia preferred younger boys to girls her own age, Gwen had a powerful foot fetish and was more interested in RPGs than TUGs, and evidently Holly was a bit of a mouse. So much for being owned by a tough mistress, Boundgal thought to herself with a small amount of regret. Still, maybe Holly had a tougher side to her that Boundgal hadn’t seen yet.

That weekend was not at all what she had imagined. When Holly came home for the weekend with her sisters, it was like Boundgal had acquired a prim and bossy sister of her own, and there was about as much intimacy between them as there was between her and the average houseplant.

Holly *was* kind to her and pleasant enough company; but she was not quite what Boundgal was hoping for in a mistress. She began to wish she were free again, or had somehow been chosen by a different kidnapper.

She was unaware that she already had been.

Gwen had brought along a guest to visit for the weekend; a friend (and a fellow RP game-aholic) nicknamed Kitty. This individual was a tall, rugged, handsome woman of 22, with a dark somewhat saturnine appearance, and saw Boundgal Saturday morning while she was serving Holly her breakfast at the kitchen table.

“Your sister has a new slave I see,” Kitty said to Gwen as she looked at Boundgal in sheer admiration. “Do you suppose she’d be willing to sell her?”

“You already have several slaves,” Gwen pointed out. “Plus several more that you’ve already worn out!”

“One can never have too many slaves,” replied Kitty quietly. “Especially ones like *her*! I must have her for myself; one way or another!”

Kitty offered Holly a generous amount of money for her new slave, but Holly was happy with her new acquisition and refused to part with Boundgal under any circumstances. Kitty increased her offer, finally reaching the staggering sum of 250,000 euros; but Holly was adamant. She had gone to a lot of trouble to kidnap Boundgal and make her officially ‘disappear’ from all computerized records so that no one would ever look for her here, and she wasn’t about to give it all up for mere money (she already had well over twenty times the amount of money Kitty offered, after all.

So that night Kitty called a few friends and arranged for them to sneak onto the estate at a certain time after everyone in the mansion was sound asleep. At three in the morning, she snuck downstairs and let her friends in through the servant’s entrance. Together they crept into Holly’s room, gave her the standard chloroform treatment to keep her quiet, and handcuffed her to her bed. Boundgal was already bound, blindfolded and gagged on top of her own bed, so for her it was a simple matter of picking her up and silently hauling her away. Boundgal felt herself being carried, but figured that Holly was (finally) playing an interesting game with her and made no attempt to resist her new captors. Her kidnappers did not speak aloud for fear of rousing the rest of the house, and so Boundgal had no verbal clues to tell her anything was amiss until she was outside and placed gently inside the back of a van.

“WTF?!” Boundgal thought to herself. “Where are they taking me now? Is Holly so unhappy with me that she’s actually taking me back to the rooming house she kidnapped me from in the first place?”

Boundgal became more aware of her current situation when an unfamiliar female voice whispered into her ear, “You’re all mine now, honey!”

And then the nipple clamps were placed on her; causing Boundgal to squeal!!!


Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:15 pm

When Boundgal reached her second new home of the semester (third, if you count the apartment she had shared with Holly before being abducted the first time), she was put to work immediately. It was soon obvious that her new mistress’s idea of work was rather more stringent than what Holly and her sisters expected of her. And it wasn’t work for any constructive purpose at all, but simply for the torture of it!

She was strapped naked into what was apparently a stationary bicycle that was hooked into a generator. When she pedaled, she generated energy that was converted into electricity. The harder she pedaled; the more electricity she generated. To encourage her to continue to pedal as steadily as she could, the bicycle was fitted with a device that fed an electrical shock back to her unless she maintained a certain pace at all times. The slower she went, the greater the electrical shocks got. If she tried to pause to rest for more than a few seconds, the electrical shocks became almost unendurable. If she pedaled hard, the electrical shocks ceased but the pain and fatigue of her leg muscles soon made up for that!

Physically fit as Boundgal was, even she could not endure peddling the bicycle for more than a couple of hours at a time before she absolutely had to rest. However, Kitty had many more tortures for her to endure than this, and when she was too exhausted to continue peddling the bicycle she was simply placed into a new device.

The second device was a modified weight pressing bench. She lay down and was forced to pump iron. As long as she pumped, she was all right - until her arm muscles got tired. Failure to pump iron meant that she was once again subjected to electrical shocks.

When she was too fatigued to move even if she wanted to, she was taken from the bench, forced on her hands and knees in front of a pair of easy chairs at right angles to each other, and tied into place to attachment points set firmly in the hardwood floor. When Kitty sat in one chair, she was able to use Boundgal’s body as a footrest as she relaxed and watched TV. If she sat in the other chair, which was directly in front of Boundgal, Kitty was able to force Boundgal to pleasure her.

The first time Boundgal refused to obey when told to do this. And so she was taken away by several of Kitty’s other slaves and secured to a sawhorse-like device with a saddle on top. She was tied onto this saddle in such a way that she was bent forward almost double, with the rounded narrow end of the saddle supporting her upper torso between her breasts. Her wrists were securely strapped to her knees, and her upper arms and ankles also securely strapped down so she could not move at all.

Then, with her naked butt high in the air, a candle over a foot long and two inches in diameter was lodged into her anal cavity and then lit. The melted wax soon began to run down the small of her back or down her front along the depression in the saddle made precisely to allow this. In addition to this, two more candles were set into holders just beneath her breasts and also lit. A secure ball gag made her squeals of pain and dismay inaudible from outside the room in which she was kept to endure this for the night.

After this, Boundgal was much less adamant in refusing to do whatever her captor demanded of her.

The second day, Boundgal found herself in yet a different exercise machine. Her arms were bound behind her and she was suspended in the air, with her legs tied wide apart to the same pulley that held her suspended. Sticking up from the floor directly beneath her was a huge dildo. Boundgal was forced to pull downward on the restraints on her legs to keep herself high enough off the floor to stay clear of the dildo. But once she tired, she sank lower and lower... and the dildo sank deeper and deeper, until all her efforts to raise herself did was to thrust the dildo in and out and in again!

After this she was strapped into the worst device yet; something Kitty affectionately called the ‘titty zapper’! Boundgal was tied in such a way that she was bent over double and had to strain to lift herself upright. When she failed to do so, her breasts brushed against live electrodes, and she endured more electrical shocks.

Again Boundgal was commanded to pleasure her captor afterward or face another night of unrelenting torture. This time she gave in and - hoping for relief from her ordeals afterward - did what was demanded of her.

Boundgal was indeed rewarded with a night’s peaceful rest afterward; if you can call being bound to a Saint Andrew’s cross all night restful. But the next day, the exercise-to-torture regimen began all over again.


Note from Canuck : this seems to be the last chapter posted

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