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TiedDancer : A Night at the Studio (fff/fff)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 8:03 pm
by TomYi
A Night at the Studio
By: TiedDancer

Note: This story was recovered from the old site, assembled from multiple posts, and edited for spelling and format to improve the reader’s experience.

It had been a long day at the dance studio. I had been there since 5 and had only three fifteen-minute breaks the entire night. Sometimes people would wonder as to why I do it so much. It was my safe place, where I could always feel at home.

I was packing up my stuff next to my longtime friend, Amy, who has been dancing with me ever since I was little. Her little sister Ashley was waiting out in the hall as always, bouncing around and waiting for Amy and I to finish packing up. We had been rehearsing for a ballet that several age groups were going to take part in. Our basic rehearsal outfit was required whenever we were working on this particular piece because our dance instructor was rather strict and old fashioned. Very little talking allowed and heaven forbid if your bun came out. We often would practice beforehand just to avoid getting our ears bent by the monstrosity of instructor we had.

By this time, however, we were completely spent and just wanted to go home. As we stood there in our pink leotards and our black tights (our instructor was a tad odd with fashion as well), all we could think about was getting home and collapsing on our beds. As we were about to leave, Marreen, one of the more cliquey girls in the studio with her two friends yelled to us. “Where you guys going?”

“Home, like normal people,” I replied desperate not get into a dragged out conversation.

“I don’t think so”, Marreen replied, “I’m looking to have a bit of fun and you guys just may fit the bill.”

At this point, I had no idea what she meant and tried to walk past, but was pushed back by Marreens sister, Mara. They quickly descended upon us and pulled us into the adjourning studio. In this studio, there was a storage closet that we used to store costumes as well as many of the props for recitals. Amy was very upset of how Marreen was handling her sister and tried to punch her but was grabbed by Sarah, who basically gave her a bear hug to stop her from moving.

They quickly stowed us in the closet and set to tying us. For Amy and I being the oldest, we received the quickest and most thorough treatment. They started by taping our wrists tightly behind our backs and being sure that we couldn’t pick at it. Ashley tried to scream but by this time the studio owner was up in her office and couldn’t hear us. Sarah quickly clamped down on her mouth and yelled at her to shut up or it would be worse for all of us.

That drove Amy mad and she tried to tackle Marreen, who narrowly dodged her and proceeded to laugh at her and tied her ankles with a long strand of ribbon. At this point, I was sitting watching Mara and Marreen tape the wiggling and screaming Ashley. Once they were done they wrapped more tape around my ankles and knees.

“Let us go,” I yelled to Marreen.

‘Why should I,” she replied. “You think you’re so good because you get cast in everything?”

I could tell now that she was jealous of us and just wanted to make us suffer. She quickly sat behind me and stuffed a sock into my mouth and wrapped tape around my mouth to keep it in place. Amy and Ashley saw that and lost it as they were gagged as well.

“Hmm let’s get these girls ready for the holidays,” Marreen stated.

The three girls disappeared for a couple minutes only to return with several rolls of wrapping paper we had used for the present props in the Nutcracker. They started with Ashley being the smallest and wrapped her up like a Christmas present all the way up to her head. Once they were done they proceeded to place a bow on the top of her head and laughed at her while she sobbed into the tape.

They repeated the process on each of us until the three of us laid there like three Christmas day presents. On my tape they wrote “To: Anyone From: Attention Whore” which meant me, of course. Soon after they felt they had taunted us enough, they finished off the jobs and wrapped the paper over our eyes, leaving us in darkness.

We heard the door close and began to struggle for what seem like hours. As it turned out we had not gone unheard, and about 40 minutes later the door opened. It was my other friend Anna. She discovered us and unwrapped us thinking we were playing on a joke on everyone until she saw my gag. She then understood what had happened.

After we were free we went to the studio owner, who kicked them all out on the spot. We later spent the night over my house cuddling and enjoying each other’s company.


01 - A Night at the Studio (fff/fff)
02 - Amy and I (ff/f)
03 - Most Recent Tie (F/F)