aeris : 02 - Nora's First Sleepover (f+/f)

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aeris : 02 - Nora's First Sleepover (f+/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

aeris's stories
02 - Nora's First Sleepover
Story index at the bottom

By aeris

Fictional TUG Story

Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:05 pm

"Lights out in half an hour girls."

"Yes, Mrs. Stanton."

"Yes, Mommy."

Nora felt lucky to be invited to Justine's sleepover. She'd never been to a sleepover before, and all the other girls there were part of Justine's gang in Mrs. Robertson's third grade class. There was Angie, her new braces shining just below her freckled cheeks, Jessi, her blonde hair up in long tails, and Justine herself in her new Bratz PJs. They'd watched some Disney movies on Justine's television, ate popcorn. Nora didn't talk that much since the other girls were gossiping about the other students in Mrs. Robertson's class, and Nora didn't know many of them since she'd just started school there a month ago, her family moving across the state when her father got a new job. Even at her old school, Nora didn't talk much, preferring books to other kids.

"Well, what should we do before bed," Jessi said.

"We could give someone a makeover," Angie suggested.

The three girls turned to Nora, who smiled shyly. "I'm not allowed to wear makeup, though."

"Neither are we," Justine said, a smile on her face. She got up from where she'd been sitting on the floor with everyone else, walked over to her desk, opened a drawer, and pulled out a package of washable Crayola markers. "We just pretend it's makeup."

Nora giggled. "Cool."

"We do makeovers in a fun way, though," Justine said, reaching back into the drawer.

"Fun way?"

Justine pulled out a roll of duct tape, holding it up.

Nora looked at the tape. "What's that for?"

"You'll see," Justine said, tossing the tape to Angie. Angie couldn't catch it, but it fell to the carpeted floor with a soft thud. She picked it up and ripped off a piece of the tape.

Justine took the piece of tape from Angie as she knelt down in front of Nora. "Close your mouth," she said to Nora.


"Trust me." She smiled at Nora. "This'll be fun."

Nora pressed her lips together, and as she did, Justine plastered the tape across her mouth. She tried to open her mouth back up, but she couldn't. She tried to speak, but all that came out of her was "Mmmmm mm mmmmmmm mmm."

The three girls laughed. Nora tried to laugh as well, but the tape prevented that as well.

"Okay," Justine said, "first let's give you a nice mouth."

As Jessi held the box of Crayolas up, Justine took out the black marker, uncapped it, and started drawing on the piece of tape on Nora's mouth. It tickled a little, making Nora smile as best as the tape would allow. The other girls continued to giggle as Justine drew for a bit, then pulled out the red marker. "Now for her lips," she said, drawing on the tape some more.

When she was done, the other girls sat and looked at Nora, continuing to giggle. Nora couldn't help giggling with them. She couldn't remember ever having so much fun.

"Okay," Jessi said, "I get to do the eyeshadow." She pulled out the blue marker. "Close your eyes, Nora."

Nora did as she was told, but as the marker touched her left eyelid, she pulled back giggling. The marker tickled her in the worst way. She opened her eyes for a bit, then closed them. Jessi tried to draw her eyeshadow on again, but again she pulled back, laughing at how the market tickled her.

Opening her eyes, she saw the three of them grinning at her. "Think we'd better help her stay still," Justine said.

"I know just how to do it." Angie grabbed the roll of duct tape, and as she moved behind Nora, Justine and Jessi pulled Nora's arms behind her. Nora tried to ask what they were doing, but the tape on her mouth reduced her to saying, "Mmm mmmmm mmmmm?" She heard Angie pull more duct tape off the roll, and soon it was being applied to Nora's wrists, binding them behind her back. Angie went around them four or five times before ripping the tape off.

By the time Angie was done, Nora's wrists were plastered to one another. She tried to pull them apart, but the tape held firm. "Mmmmmmmmmm," she said, unsure of how to react.

Angie put her hands on Nora's shoulders as Jessi held the blue marker up again. Nora closed her eyes, and the marker tickled again as it touched her eyelid, but with her hands taped behind her and Angie's hands on her shoulders, she couldn't move, giggling as Angie rubbed the marker's ticklish tip on first her left eyelid and then her right.

"My turn!" Angie crawled in front of Nora as Jessi took Angie's place, bracing Nora's shoulders from behind her. Angie pulled out the orange marker from the box and began drawing circles on Nora's cheeks, above the tape. That was even worse than the marker on her eyelids, and Nora squirmed around giggling into the tape on her mouth as Angie finished drawing Nora's "blush."

When Angie was done, all three of them knelt in front of Nora, who was still pulling on the tape around her wrists. "Well Nora," Justine asked, "what do you think?"

"Mmmmmm mmm mmmmmmmmm mmmm."

"Sorry, say again?"

"Mmmmmm mmm mmmmmmmmm mmmm!"

They all burst out laughing again, making Nora laugh as well. She wondered how she looked, wishing she could look at herself in a mirror.

"Think she's missing something, though," Jessi said, putting her hand on her chin.

"I think you're right," Angie replied, "but what?"

Justine scratched her head. "Well, why don't we just keep drawing on her face until we figure it out?"



All three of them reached for markers at once, the three tips touching Nora's face all at the same time. Nora squealed and giggled, falling back to try to get away from the tickling, but with her hands taped behind her she could only wiggle a little from side to side as the girls decorated her face. The only mercy came when one of them drew on the tape or went back to the box to change markers.

By the time they were done, Nora could see all kinds of colors on her cheeks and the sides of her nose, and she thought she could make out a letter here and there, but she had no idea what she looked like. She really wanted to know, and as she sat up, she tried to ask if she could go to the bathroom to see, but all that came out of her mouth was "Mmmmm mmmmmmm mmmmmm mm mmmmmmm?"

Justine smiled at her. "Yeah, time for bed. Angie, could you get her sleeping bag ready for her?"

"Sure!" As Angie got up and went to the pile of sleeping bags in the corner of the room, Jessi pushed on Nora's shoulders until Nora was on her back again. Angie rolled the sleeping bag out beside Nora and unzipped it, then the two of them rolled Nora over until she was on top of the sleeping bag, laying on her stomach, her taped wrists still behind her. As they zipped her up, Justine slipped a pillow underneath Nora's head.

"Sleep tight," Justine said, smiling widely at Nora.

"Mmmmm mmmmmmmmm!" Nora was starting to worry. Her arms were starting to get sore from being taped behind her, and she wasn't sure how she was going to get to the bathroom since it was impossible for her to unzip her own sleeping bag. As she wiggled around and grunted into the tape on her mouth, Angie and Jessi unrolled their own sleeping bags next to Nora's and crawled inside them. Justine turned off the lights in her room, then slid inside her bed.

Nora continued to wriggle inside her sleeping bag, pulling on her taped wrists and making mmmmmmm sounds, but Jessi and Angie shushed her and giggled. After a while Nora stopped struggling, laying in the zipped-up sleeping bag, her wrists still pinioned behind her, the tape on her mouth, her face feeling strange from all the drawing that had been done on it. She tried to tell herself it was a joke, that they'd free her at any moment now, let her go see herself in the mirror. As Angie and then Jessi began to snore, though, she realized she was stuck. Her arms were sore and she'd worked up a sweat from all the struggling earlier, but she closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep, hoping that she'd wake up free from the sleeping bag, free from the tape.

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