Gillian B : 02 - Murder at the Vicarage (ff/f, f/F, f/ff)

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Gillian B : 02 - Murder at the Vicarage (ff/f, f/F, f/ff)

Post by TamatoaShiny123 »

(Reposted from the original site. Enjoy!)

This story dates from later than my escapades with my brother Bob and his friend Jon. My family moved house when I was 14 and we lost contact with Jon and my schoolfriend Janet. I'm not sure who was the driving force behind our games, but after the move, the chemistry was different and tying up games largely stopped. However, this is a story from that time which is worth telling.

I was 16 at the time, so I was old enough to hawk my services as a babysitter round the neighbourhood. I was also newly mobile, with my old (new to me) but trusty Lambretta motor scooter. Shortly before Christmas 1970 I was booked by the local vicar's wife. It's a busy time of year for a church minister and they needed me to babysit on three or four evenings in the run up to Christmas.

I knew the vicar's children slightly, I'll call them Martha and Mary. They were 12 year old twin girls in the first year of the grammar school that I went to. They had a reputation for being noisy and a bit wild but despite that were generally very well thought of. I was expecting an easy evening with nice kids and a good book to read after they were in bed. Wrong.

I was invited to go straight from school and join the family for tea. The vicar and his wife left shortly afterwards. I enjoyed getting to know the girls, chatting about this and that. I can't remember now how the subject came up, but I remember one of the girls asking me if I had ever been tied up. I told them that when I was younger I had played games like "cowboys and indians" or "cops and robbers" and sometimes had been tied up then. They wanted to know if it hurt being tied up. I told them that it didn't if it was done carefully. The discussion went on like this for some time. I felt uneasy; I didn't really want to tell them that I had played lots of tie up games and sometimes really enjoyed tying other kids up. They asked me to tie them up so they could find out what it was like, but I refused. Finally they asked if I would let them try tying me up. I said "no" at first, but they pleaded. It was their idea and I wasn't really encouraging them, so I finally agreed.

Again the details fail me, but I or they chose a wooden dining chair with arms as a suitable place for tying me up. They disappeared upstairs for a few minutes and came back with a collection of scraps of different kinds of rope in short lengths. They started with my wrists which they tied to the arms of the chair. The rope was wrapped round quite loosely and tied rather amateurishly with a granny knot. More rope followed tying my ankles to the chair legs and my elbows to the chair arms, also tied fairly loosely. All the tying was done quite slowly and tentatively with lots of discussion and suggestions between the girls while I sat in silence watching them.

Quite suddenly the pace and the mood changed. Martha, the more dominant twin, said, "Now!" and they returned to my wrist bindings. One on each side of me, working in unison, they undid the granny knots, jerked the ropes tight and tied them with firm reef knots. All this happened too quickly for me to do anything about it. Once my wrists were secure, they tightened my ankle and elbow bindings and added more ropes tying my legs to the chair at knee level. Mary left the room and returned with more supplies of rope, again obviously salvaged but all in quite long lengths. Ropes went round my waist and over my lap. More ropes went over my shoulders and round my chest. It was becoming obvious that these two knew a thing or two about tying. I was protesting loudly by now, but Martha told me that I had been given the chance to tie them up and that I had agreed to being tied by them. This was all true, but I had still been completely taken in by their act.

The last stage of my humiliation was a gag using an old-fashioned thick linen hand towels. Finally they blindfolded me with my own school scarf. They had made a good job of tying me and there was no way I could free myself. I didn't like the pressure of the rope bindings especially on my bare wrists and my ankles which were only protected by my tights, but wasn't actually in pain and if I didn't struggle too much nothing would chafe badly. Now they had made their point, I expected the girls to untie me. I had been tied up at about 9.00p.m. and sometime about 9.30 the girls announced their bed time and went upstairs. I was still tied up (and desperate for the loo) when the vicar and his wife came back well after 11.00.

As soon as they came in the vicar and his wife set to work untying me. They were concerned but not nearly as shocked as I expected. It turned out that I was not the first babysitter their children had tied up. The girls had made a habit of this and having tied up three or four previous babysitters, the vicar's wife now found it difficult to get anyone else to do the job. Despite increasingly severe punishment every time they did this, the twins seemed to feel that it was worth the trouble they got into.

I was stiff and a bit wobbly after being tied up tightly for so long and it was nearly midnight before I was ready to face the ride home on my scooter. Before I left, I told the vicar's wife that the girls had at first invited me to tie them up. I added (with some venom) that I would be very happy to have my revenge by taking them up on that, but only if she agreed. She broke out in a big grin and said that it might just teach the twins a lesson. We arranged my next visit for the Friday afternoon of the following week. I liaised with her by phone before then to work out details.

On Fridays, school finished at 3.30, instead of 4.00. I left school promptly and went straight to the vicarage on my scooter. The girls had to get home by bus, giving me nearly half an hour's head start. When I got to the vicarage, I changed out of my school uniform into jeans and a jumper. I unpacked a selection of woolly scarves and socks (my preferred tying up equipment - more comfortable, no rope marks) which I had brought with me and added them to the pile already looked out by the vicar's wife.

I explained that I intended to tie the twins to dining chairs as they had tied me, but using scarves and socks. The vicar's wife agreed with my plan but she insisted that nothing was going to happen to her girls that she wasn't fully aware of, so would I demonstrate by tying her up first please. I was slightly taken aback, but agreed. I will describe the tying in more detail later, but she brought a dining chair into the kitchen where we were waiting for the twins and I tied her to it, binding her at wrists, elbows, ankles, knees and waist. I pointed out that protecting wrists and ankles was also a good idea. Also at her insistence, I gagged her for a few minutes with a tea towel. She approved all aspects of the tie up.

By the time the girls got home, I had ungagged their mother but was still untying her. The girls stopped dead at the back door as they came in and looked at us and then at each other. While I finished freeing her, the vicar's wife reminded the girls that they had asked me to tie them up when I was babysitting them and told them that I had come back to do just that. She added that she had just tried out my tying and that it was OK by her. They protested, but she insisted that their request still stood. I told the girls that I would be more gentle with them than they had been with me and asked their mother to get them into more comfortable clothes for their ordeal. She marched the twins upstairs while I took the chair and the intended bindings into the sitting room and fetched a second chair.

When they returned a few minutes later the girls had jeans and thick sweaters on. They were also wearing woolly mittens and had thick socks pulled up over their jeans to protect their wrists and ankles from chafing. I was astonished to see that they had already been cleave gagged with neatly folded white handkerchiefs. The vicar's wife explained that she thought she should show them she fully supported me. The girls were looking rather alarmed by this stage.

Under threat from the vicar's wife the girls co-operated fully and obediently sat down on the chairs. We tossed a coin for which of them would be tied first. It turned out to be Mary.

I started with Mary's wrists, tying each one down to a chair arm with a short scarf wound round wrist and woodwork about three times then knotted. I checked them to make sure they were secure, then asked Mary if they hurt at all. She shook her head. I tied her ankles back to the chair legs next using long socks. I used more socks to tie her arms back to the sides of the chair back just above her elbows and her legs to the chair legs just below her knees. Finally I tied a long scarf round her waist and the back of the chair. "See if you can get free," I said to her. She struggled a bit then shook her head.

Martha had been watching carefully and was looking less scared than she had been. I tied her up in exactly the same way as her sister. We didn't blindfold them as we felt that might be too frightening for them.

It was by now about 4.30. The vicar's wife and I moved the twins' chairs so that they couldn't see the television. She and I then settled down with cups of tea while we kept an eye on our prisoners and watched the remaining children's television which the girls were missing that afternoon (it must have been "Crackerjack", which rather dates me). When children's television finished at 5.50, we untied the girls. The twins were quiet and thoughtful. They genuinely hadn't realised how distressing being tied up could be and were suitably apologetic. I felt both vindicated and satisfactorily avenged.

Subsequent babysitting evenings at the vicarage were quite profitable as the vicar's wife insisted on doubling my rates. They mostly passed uneventfully, although on one occasion the twins spent the evening tying each other to a chair with scarves and socks to see if they could work out an escape.

The End


Well that's it. You wouldn't get away with that today - instant gutter press coverage no doubt.

Given that I appear both as victim and avenger - and indeed as manipulator and "manipulatee" (I'm not sure that's a real word JD) I would love to read JD's views on the tale following on from our recent discussion.

By the way, I must be incredibly gullible - this has actually happened to me twice. The other occasion I was tied up by the babysat is also postable - I'll write it up soon.
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