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Sarobah : 15 - Back in the game! (M/F)

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2021 10:34 pm
by Canuck100
Sarobah's stories
15 - Back in the game!
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By Sarobah

Tue Aug 12, 2008 10:09 pm

Back in the game!

For the last few weeks, I have been unwell, which is why I have had the time to write up my TUG adventures (something I have been wanting to do for ages – so it’s an ill wind... as they say). Anyway, as a result my boyfriend Rob and I have been unable to play (tie-up style or otherwise ;o) for a while. I have been staying with my brother (another reason why all these reminiscences have suddenly re-emerged). Alex gave up his bedroom for me, so I really should take back all the mean and nasty things I’ve written about him.

To get to the point, when Rob came to see this morning me, I was still asleep. My two boys made me breakfast in bed, and Alex tactfully excused himself. After we’d finished our toast and juice and coffee, Rob and I started kissing and cuddling (as one does). When we started fooling about, Rob turned me onto my stomach and I put my hands behind my back. It was really just a reflex action, and I didn’t expect him to respond. But I felt a little thrill when I heard a zipping-whishing sound. He was pulling off his belt, because it was the closest thing he had to tie me with.

As I have mentioned before, Rob is fairly new to tie-up games, so I normally take the lead (as far as you can take the lead when you’re the one being tied up). This morning, I let Rob follow his own impulses, to see how far he would go. He didn’t let me down, although a leather belt is not the best thing for binding wrists. I could have wriggled out of it rather quickly, but I decided that I wouldn’t play out my usual damsel-in-distress struggling scene.

Now he needed something to tie my ankles, and here’s where Rob showed his initiative. I was wearing “boy” pyjamas (as I call them – long flannelette pants and shirt), so he pulled down my pants and wrapped them tightly around my feet, knotting the ends to secure them. In the interests of maintaining a G-rating (or at most a PG) for this story, I should add that I was wearing knickers. My teddy bear ones, if you must know.

I was sort of hoping for a gag, even though that would interfere with our kissage. There was nothing on hand for a blindfold, and Rob wasn’t going to put me into anything extreme like a hog-tie. So I had to settle for just my wrists and ankles. He made up for that by pulling up my shirt and tickling my tummy and doing stuff to my breasts that you don’t want to read about, I’m sure. I started coughing and poor Rob thought he had sent me into a relapse. He apologized and started to untie me, and I said “Don’t be silly.”

We amused ourselves for a while, and then Rob had to go to his classes. I came straight to the computer to – guess what? – post a message here in the TUGs group (the one about the dancing). Okay, it’s not a very exciting story, but I just thought I’d mention it because Rob is making such splendid progress in the tie-up department. I am so proud of my guy.

~ Sarah
PS - I love these oh-so-cute emoticons.
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