AUser : 01 - Elaine (M/f, m/f)

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AUser : 01 - Elaine (M/f, m/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

AUser's stories
01 - Elaine
Story index at the bottom

By AUser

Thanks to [mention]Larzade[/mention] for finding this story

Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:08 pm

For one thing, I'm reluctant to tell this story, because it's just so wrong on so many levels. If this makes me a bad person, so be it, I've seen far worse on the old, old board, by people who at least would consider themselves my betters.

This set of stories happens when my niece was 11-17, my age I will leave as indeterminate, other than to say I'm my sister's oldest brother, which means that when she was her daughter's, she often spent time tied up and gagged some place. I guess to my sister that made me a bad person, she only called me when she needed something, although that's largely the way it is with her and anybody.

Elaine, my niece was about 5 feet tall, and probably weighed about 100 pounds at the time, she's 5'3" and about 125 now, Elaine sort of grew up kind of early, and I got asked If I'd mind watching after her for a bit on a long weekend. This of course meant my niece was being ditched so my sister could go out and have a good time. As far as myself went I was looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend of tearing out some old cement block work in the back yard that needed to just be ripped out. When you work construction you know of places to dump stuff like that even if the dump is closed.

My sister ditched Elaine on a Friday night, and I fairly well gave her the run of the place, let her watch what she wanted on tv and listen to whatever she wanted on the radio, and even showed her some of the stuff I had for my computer a state of the art 286 machine after realizing I had nothing at all in common to talk about with 11-year-old girls. A boy I'd have had no trouble with, I'd put the maul hammer in his hands and let him go destroy some cement block. She'd watch me kind of warily, like she wanted to ask me something but was afraid to.

I let it pass, I wasn't a perfect stranger to her, but given the natural paranoia due to the times we live in, it made sense; so I let it pass unless she'd look at me like I was a bomb waiting to go off or something, in which case I usually just stared back. It did give me an excuse to call for take out food though, and I told her while she was here the rest of the time, I'd mostly cook outside on the grill. It was something I wouldn't have done if I was alone. That's when the idea hits me, I don't even know what she likes to eat, so we end up almost making a midnight run to the grocery store. I learned something else that night too, old guys and 11 year olds have a lot in common as to what constitutes food. Except she doesn't drink beer, and I don't normally buy ice cream, but those were about the only things we didn't both like.

Getting more to the point, and yes, she does get tied up eventually; Saturday morning, I go do some work on tearing out that block work, which was easy enough to do, the moron who made the wall didn't have any kind of a footer, so the wall was just standing by its own imagination, and the hardest thing I had to do was get the pieces small enough for me to pick up and load in my truck. When I come in to wash my hands, she's sitting in front of the computer watching it play some short animations on a disk I'd got with my 8mb video card. I said the machine was state of the art for its day. It was how she was sitting that I noticed, her hands were crossed behind the chair back, and her legs were together, if I didn't know better, and I really don't, I could almost swear she was pointing her toes. So I ask her, quietly, "Elaine, are you OK?" She said she's fine, quickly getting her hands one the keyboard and asks me if need my computer, I told her I didn't from the way she'd been sitting, it almost looked like, (wait for it, people) somebody had tied her up.

She said her Mom punished her by tying her to a chair as she was sitting, but that her Mom had also said not to mention to me nor allow me to tie her up, then asked, "Why?"

A sane, rational man concerned with his standing in the community in this life and his probable destination in the next, could probably have given Elaine 42 good reasons why the Hell not, and made any one of them stick. I chose to instead tell almost a bald-faced lie, "Because your Mom never, ever got loose when I tied her up when she was your age." It was almost a bald-faced lie because when my sister was 11 she was getting loose by herself about half of the time. The last time I remember my sister getting free from me tying her, she was 15, and I had her and two friends of hers tied up. It still took them over three hours to get loose. I'm probably going to Hell for this, but if not this, then something else I've done as well, so it doesn't really matter, but I realize I had Elaine trapped, I could tie her up and not catch any grief from anybody as long as I just tied her up. My expression must have changed, because Elaine asked, "You're going to tie me up now, aren't you?"

"You know it", I said.

Elaine turned back toward the computer, and put her hands back where she had them when I first walked in, and said, "Yeah I guess you do have to have to tie me up after I told you about Mom, are you going to tell her I told you?"

1. "Not if you're good about it, and don't tell on yourself," I said, "Look, its going to be awhile before I get everything ready to tie you, so if you want to go to the bathroom or anything first, go ahead." That was my second big lie of the day, I had an old bowling bag full of precut lengths of rope I used for special dates. It would take me all of 30 seconds to get it, while Elaine ran off to the bathroom. Elaine came back down dressed in a pink tank top, ratty cut off shorts, and a pair of those clear plastic shoes that were popular with girls her age at the time; instead of the pajamas she had been wearing. I decided I had to know more about what going on with my Sister and my niece, so I asked Elaine, "What happens when your Mom ties you?"

"I get tied to the chair and put in the corner for one or two hours depending on what I did," Elaine explained, "she works nights, so she can't ground me, she says."

"That seems reasonable to me," I said, "Sit in the chair and tell me what you did that I'm supposed to tie you up for."

"For telling you what she said not to, and whatever I did that she didn't want to be with me this weekend." Elaine said, sitting as she was before, "If I promise to be good, will I please not be tied up too tight?"

"That she can't stay with her kid instead of being off doing God knows what, with God knows who, is her problem with her, not her problem with you." I said, turning the chair with her in it, to look at me, "As for telling me you get tied up, that isn't such a bad thing, maybe you should have told somebody a long time ago."

"It doesn't happen all the time though, she's only done this three or four times maybe, don't get her in trouble over something I did." Elaine was almost at the point of crying, and anything I'd say would only make things worse. I'd already become the other bad guy in this story when I picked up the bowling bag instead of the phone to call social services. So I left it up to Elaine to decide what happened next, "Look, I want to go get cleaned up some first," I said, "and if you still feel like being tied up when I come back down, you can tell more about how your Mom ties you and all, OK?" So I left her alone, got myself cleaned up and clothes changed, and mostly hoped she'd have forgotten this need of hers to be punished. Part of me still wanted to tie her, but I wasn't about to if she didn't really want me to.

When I got back downstairs, she'd been playing the computer for a little while but stopped when she heard me coming, she put her hands behind the chair as she had them before. "Is this how you used to tie my Mom so she never got loose?" Elaine asked, "I can't, unless I say I'm going to be good for as long as she wants me tied, then I can usually get myself out."

"That and a few others," I explained to her, "I had her tied to several different poles on different times, hogtied her several times, I even had tied down her bed twice."

"What's hogtied like?" She asked, "I never heard of that."

"Instead of sitting in a chair, you lie on your belly, you're tied up like your sitting now, but your feet get tied toward your hands." I helped her out of the chair, and onto her belly on the shag carpet to demonstrate to her how she'd be tied.

"That seems like it'd be easier on my butt at least," she said, "you must really have tied Mom up tight if she couldn't get out of this one though."

"Your Mom ties up tight unless you promise to be good, though." I told her, "There's a reason why we do things."

Elaine looked at me, lost in though for minute, "So if you tie me up like this, you'd tie me like Mom, so I wouldn't get loose, then?" She asked finally.

"Ten dollars if you do," I said, knowing ten dollars to a girl her age was a small fortune.

"I know this isn't going to be easy then," she said, "but you can tie me up, how long do I get to try for?"

"Try getting loose?" I asked and she nodded. "As long as you want to," I said, "I'm not going to gag you or anything so you can give up if you've had enough." I did want to test something first, I took her elbows in each of my hands, and said, "let me know when it hurts," she nodded again, and I gradually brought them together behind her, until they touched. "Doesn't that hurt?" I asked, she said that it didn't, with no strain in her voice at all, and I told she was the first woman I'd ever met that could stand to have her elbows like that. She told me I was the first grown up to call her a woman.

I got a length of rope and tied her elbows together where they were, letting her elbows spread apart a little for a cinch and some knots in between, then tied a rope to that and ran it up under her arms, around behind her neck, knotted it there and then dropped the ends back down to her elbows where I knotted that off. I asked her if any of that was too tight, she said it was better than having her elbows squeezed together. I tied her wrist together palm to palm securely but not that terribly tight, she wasn't going to get out of the way her elbows were tied; all I had to make sure of was that I left ends long enough to reach from her wrists up to her elbows where everything was already tied. I unbent he legs so I could start tying her knees, when she said, "this isn't as mean as when Mom ties me up, but I don't know how I'm supposed to untie all that you did with my arms. If I'm good, I know I won't get the money, but can you leave my legs not bent up and just tie me lying down like this?"

I didn't see where it would be much fun for her just lying there like she was being punished, So I told her to just wait and got her a pillow and a top sheet for her to lie on, came back and put the remote for the tv in her hands, and told her she'd have to figure out a way to work it with her hands tied behind her. I tied her legs like I'd planned on doing; she rolled from her belly to her side a little, trying to fix the pillow with just her head and body, after a bit of really just feeling the ropes, not, at least, trying to make a visible effort at getting loose, she asked, "What happens to me if I take my shoes off?"

I told her, "You better hope your feet aren't ticklish." Just saying the words had a visible effect on her.

"That's ok, " She said, putting her feet flat to the ground, "I don't need them off." I moved toward her, and she begged me, "I said I'd be good, please no, I'll wet myself if you do, if you don't, you can keep me tied up as long as you want. I can even ask Mom to let you watch me from now on."

I'm probably also going to Hell for not asking why she had such issues with being tickled, but I didn't, I just backed off and said, "You're safe this time."

She used the position she was in to help her slide her shoes off, and I reached into my bag for some lengths of yarn, I came toward her with it, and she yelled at me, "YOU PROMISED!"

"I'm not going to tickle your feet," I reassured her, "I'm only going to tie them better, now that you're barefoot."

"Oh, I'm sorry I yelled at you," she apologized, "What happens to them now?"

"Just tie up your big toes and your insteps," I said, as she offered her feet to me to be tied even more. I made sure that every placement of yarn on her feet at least tickled a little, and had her constantly giggling the whole time, she never seriously asked me to stop tying them, and even swung them around in front of her to get a better look at what I did. I'd tied and cinched her big toes, then her insteps and run some yarn from her big toes to her insteps, then to her ankles, she wasn't going to be able to even free her toes without help.

"Why didn't you tie my fingers up like my toes?" She asked, "it would have been easy for you to do."
I explained, "Yeah, but then I'd have to change the channel for you and everything, besides you said you'd be good, so what would the point be?"

She played with the remote randomly at first until she could remember which button felt in the right place for her, even then she still surfed channel by channel for a while, until she found something she liked. She let me leave her for a good hour and a half before she started complaining about her shoulders hurting, so I slowly untied her, starting at her feet, which I made sure tickled as much untying her as the yarn did when it went on, then her elbows and hands, leaving her to untie her own knees.

"I don't understand why Mom doesn't want you tying me up," she said, "that was really fun."

"I had a good time watching you like that, too," I said, "but if she uses it as punishment and you like it, then she isn't punishing you."

My explanation seemed plausible to her, and out of nowhere gave me a hug across my chest, she asked if she could go get cleaned up from lying on the floor earlier and I said surely, and she shot off up the stairs with the boundless energy children have.


Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:15 pm

That was to be far from the last time Elaine would be tied up, though. The next day after we did my grocery shopping, I took her to my favorite camping supplies store, realizing her being almost twelve meant an up coming birthday, I got her a winter weight sleeping bag, and a lightweight tent, Marie may have been handing Elaine off to me on weekends, but I wasn't going to miss hunting seasons for anybody. Granted, the gifts I was giving her were more suited for a nephew than a twelve-year-old girl, but they at least showed some thought, and if I was going to have anything to do with her upbringing, something we could do together. I made a phone call and got a place for us to try out her new things, and she argued it wasn't her birthday yet, and I said we want to be sure they keep you warm before we actually go anywhere you won't be. My friend Walt had a home that bordered the buffer land for the county landfill. It was where I chose to leave my rifles, my .22 Ruger, and an eight-mm Mauser that Walt and I had restored and realigned the sights on, as well as my twelve gauge Mossburg and .410 shotguns. I kept my pistols at the house, where they generally stayed. Walt had a range set up at the far end of his ground, and had a fire pit, with flat ground we could set the tents up nearby. Walt said it was fine to bring Elaine by and he'd been wondering what happened to me. I told Elaine we'd have to go home first so she could get her winter underwear if she wasn't wearing any, and she tells me she doesn't have any, either with her or at her own place.

I make two more phone calls, one to my girlfriend Judy, who was a paramedic, and apparently on duty, the other to a younger couple I knew Mallory and Steve, I explained to Steve I needed to borrow Mallory to shop for girl's clothes, then I had to explain some more that they weren't for me. Steve had a band, they had to play that night, but they had time, and also wanted to meet whoever was more important in my life than them. Mallory runs us to three or four different places, because being from Tennessee, she knew things Elaine would need for herself if we went camping, and I'd forget to bring extra, and we wound up back at the first store I was at. Mallory took an up and down each aisle method, determined, it seemed, to take a liberal approach toward my money spent on Elaine. Elaine gets to the cordage aisle and picked up this package of bright baby blue, almost electric parachute cord, and says "I bet this would look really pretty with me tied up in it." Steve just looked at me, I looked back and said "Yes, it's genetic." Mallory said it was Ok that I was all the time trying to get her tied up, and actually succeeded a few times. I said I remember three, Steve said four, Mallory thought it was more like at least five. I told them I'd bring Elaine up to the war gaming group, when it was closer to her birthday, at least there were people there closer to her own age than mine.

Yes, I admit playing Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, Traveller and Top Secret. I remember when T. S. R. stood for Tactical Studies Rules, and G. D. W. was Games Designer's Workshop, and the d20 system had yet to be invented by a company that didn't even exist yet, and Hasbro made children's games.

I'd tried calling my sister from each place we stopped but got no answer, so I headed to Walt's after I picked up my tent and sleeping bag, and a change of clothes for Elaine from my place. Walt had a twelve-year-old son named Ben who was at the end of the driveway to greet us when we arrived. I tossed him one of the few items I didn't get for Elaine that day, a brick of bullets for the Ruger. Walt and I set the range up, and let Ben teach Elaine what he knew about gun safety, and for fun we set up an old plastic soda bottle full of water for Elaine to shoot at. It's a trick kind of, because if you hit it with any kind of bullet it looks like you shot it with a bazooka. I was convinced Elaine was going to get alone fine with the camping group, if I could convince Mallory to drag Steve, or if Holly, a neighbor of Walt's came, Holly though, was only along for how actually uncivilized and debauched all of us seemed to get once we were done with the firearms and any other physical activities we did while camping, for the day.

Elaine's tent, unlike mine, was a joy to set up, and only needed the stakes to keep it from blowing away in a medium wind. This let Elaine and me in effect have two good sites so we'd both get warmed by the fire pit, instead of me setting up further away. I decided I'd clearly have to consider the next size up from that model for myself and Judy. Elaine was pleased with herself for setting it up with just minimal help from the men, I told her to set her gear up in there too, if we went out, it couldn't stay in the truck, and she'd need to store it where the woodland creatures wouldn't get into it. She carried everything in, and arranged things how she wanted, which didn't matter now because she'd be the only one in there, and invited us in to see her room, and her bright blue cord right sat on top of her tallest stack.

Before it got dark, I finally got through to my sister and asked if it was Ok if Elaine stayed another night, I'd got her some things for her birthday, and she wanted to try them. Marie said, "Go for it." Then she said it was fine anytime I wanted to keep Elaine over. I let Elaine talk to her mother, I actually had to get Marie to hold on so she could talk to Elaine, and I got the impression from Elaine's end of that conversation, I'd be having her stay over more often. Like I said, I didn't really mind though. Walt sent the kids off to search for dead fall timber to start a fire with, and we pool money for beer and meats to roast on a fire. I decided to included green salad, too, because Elaine and I had been consuming way too much junk.

I go to the grocery store, and return, no anybody, but the fires going. Walt was trying to play ambush again, I figure, so I make a check of the house and the tents. Across the front of Elaine's tent I see a length of fishing line rigged like it's supposed to be a trip wire, so after looking for more traps I see a note that says, "We have your niece." Walt was in special operations, I was an engineering officer, I claimed during one of our many drunken discussions, that only stupid troops got ambushed. The first and most obvious place to hide Elaine was down a revetment that ran the length of the far side of Walt's land all the way back to the landfill. Hearing movement though from the other side of the drive way, I picked up a long stick, started down toward the revetment and hollered, "Keep her, you fool! If she was dumb enough to get caught, my guys don't want her back." I dropped prone waited until I saw feet and lobbed the stick across the pretended trip wire. "Ka Pie Yi," I yelled and Walt said "I thought we had you." I told him he should have just assassinated me while I was getting out the truck, as I had so every other time he tried proving me wrong. So we call for the kids to come up out of the ditch, and it takes them awhile, but they come walking up, and not only is Elaine wearing her cord where I'd normally tie it, but she has it crossing the front of her chest, and from around her hands to the rope around her waist in front, coming up though her legs. A fair amount of dark duct tape was covering Elaine's mouth and entire lower face.

"She's not Holly, Dammit," I yelled, "Whoever's idea of a joke this is, it isn't a funny one." Walt shrugged to me, so it was clear he didn't know.

"Mnf" I hear Elaine mumble into the tape, and Ben said, "She's trying to say it was her idea, she said it was a little different from how you tied her. It took us so long to get to the house because I had to half push, half carry her out of the ditch. I'm sorry if I got us in trouble."

"You're not the one in trouble I don't think you know any better, she's the one who's supposed to," I said, "Since this was her idea, and you carried it out, I'm putting you in charge of her, you can take the tape off her mouth to feed her, but you have to decide how long she stays tied, and if it's not long enough I'll tie her." Elaine cringed. "Next time, get permission."

"What if it's too long or she needs to go?" Ben asked.

"If you keep her tied up a little too long, that's not that bad, If it's way too long, I'll untie her first. Other needs I'll worry about if they happen." I explained to Walt, "If she wants to act like a one year old, and he's responsible for helping her act like that, then he should be responsible for caring for her like that."

"Right now, it looks like they definitely don't want to give you back the responsibility." Walt said.

"Don't put the fear of God in them when you can put the fear of you in them." I said. "A wise man once told me that."

Granted, Elaine was wearing her winter coat and knitted gloves and jeans over her new thermal underwear, so I don't think she even felt the cords on her body, but still, I didn't like the idea of her being tied like that in a game, unless it was with a boyfriend, and while I liked Ben, twelve is too young for girls to date.

Ben tried being helpful and attentive to Elaine through dinner, it was clearly his first time feeding anyone, and the first time Elaine had been fed since she was a baby. Needless to say, they made a mess out of her face, and she had to be cleaned up afterward, and Ben asked me if had to tape her mouth again or if she could please not be taped. He was sincere about it, I was convinced it was his own idea and not hers, so I said to wipe her off at the kitchen sink. Walt and I cleaned up the area outside, and as I was going in to check on their progress, Ben came out with Elaine. Elaine said she felt o sleepy all of a sudden, and between the coolness of the day, the exercise she'd got today, and having warmth in her belly and from the house, it was going to. I had Ben untie her, and we let her go in her tent to lie down.

I don't think anybody cares about what two old guys started half drunken ranting about after the kids called it a night, and don't remember in any event. Next morning Elaine and I broke camp and went back to my place. Elaine said, before Marie came later that day to reclaim her daughter, that it was fun, and we'd have to do that again


Elaine III

Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:20 pm

I did say I had more times I tied my niece up.

When I saw her next, she brought enough stuff with her that she appeared to be moving in. My sister said that was only about of a third of the stuff she had, and were mostly things Elaine never bothered with any more. I said it was OK, and Elaine would always be welcome at my house. Elaine had dressed comfortably and warmly in baggy sweats. She'd brought two suitcases and a duffel bag with her. I took her heaviest two items and carried them upstairs. The room was still as empty as she left it but I told her, "You put your stuff away when you go back, and take what you want back with you. If you leave a mess, you know what to expect the next time you come."

"I guess you'd tie me up so it isn't fun," she said, "from that time you got my elbows behind me, I guess it wouldn't be that hard."

"No, it wouldn't," I said, "and it wouldn't be from trying to hurt you with the ropes. Are you still ticklish?"

"That's bad enough from how you tie my toes now," Elaine said, cringing, "all tied up you could probably kill me that way. Just let me know what I do wrong before I get punished so I know not to do it again."

"If you wouldn't do it at home or at a friend's home, don't do it in my house," I explained, "That's the only rule I've really got."

"Do you want to get the tying me up this week over with now, or can I unpack and all first, and if you don't like it, tell me?" she asked.

"However you want to do it," I said. "I don't care how you have the room while you're here, it's how you leave it that determines what happens to you next time."

"Oh," she said, then asked, "what would a princess wear to bed?"

"Whatever she wanted I imagine, depends on whatever prince she was married to liked." I said, thinking of Princess Grace of Monaco and Diana of England. "You could write one and see if they answered you." It would be a few years before America would have a president who could claim to use The Google to access the internets.

"What if she wasn't old enough to be married?" Elaine asked.

"I see them dressed in everyday clothes unless it's a ceremony," I reasoned, "so I guess it's whatever they feel like at bed time, too."

"Thanks," she said, not bothering explaining her question, and me probably not understanding the full intent of it. I let her put stuff where she wanted to. She asked about why I still kept it as a bedroom. I said it was easier than throwing stuff out. I let her get herself sorted out and told her to tell me when she was ready to get tied up. I went down stairs waiting for her to come down dressed as God only knew what, after the conversation I had with her about princesses, only to hear her calling me back upstairs. She claimed to be tired, asked for no elbows and no tickling, like she did the last time I tied her. She was wearing a tank top, but had the sheet laying across her from just below her waist toward just above her knees. She said she probably shouldn't tell me but she was only wearing her underwear, besides the tank, and knew I shouldn't see her like that. She said she could roll on her side so I could tie her belly like I did, and then I could tuck her in up and do what I had to tie her legs, and even tie her feet down to the bed, then tuck her legs in and put the blanket over her. She said she promised not to try getting loose, and I could leave her like that, if I wanted to. I tied her wrists so her hands were together palms touching, and tied and cinched them but this time also tied her fingers together using the yarn I usually used to tie her big toes with, only longer lengths. First I tied and cinched the fingers on her right hand to the ones on the left and then set about tying each set of fingers the one next it, until I had her four fingers all tied together and her thumbs to each other. I had her roll to her side and brought the ends from her wrists to the front of her, tickling lightly the side she was lying on as I pulled the rope under her. She watched as I knotted the rope in front of her, then I rolled her onto her belly again, and again tied her legs in the manner she was now acquainted with including having her feet tickled in the process of being tied, except for having her feet tied down to the foot rail of the bed.

I got her sheet and blanket and tucked er in, and to look at her, you'd never know she'd been helplessly tied up, if you didn't know. Before I left her, I said I was leaving her door open so she could call me for help, and if she needed to be untied immediately to yell Hat. She just nodded and lay in bed with her eyes closed and I figured I should just be in the next room to listen if she needed me. She wasn't going to untie herself and she couldn't fall out of bed, wasn't gagged so choking wasn't a hazard, I was going to be closer to her than I ever was when I had her Mom tied up at the same age, so I thought we were fairly safe.

We were, somewhere about three hours later she asks to please be untied, and it's not an emergency. Just that it was dark now, and she didn't want to be tied up alone in the dark. It sounded reasonable to me and I let her go with the usual amount of tickling and taking my time to undo her. The rest of the weekend went fairly normal as weekends went for us, and she left the room tidy enough for me before she left. We didn't talk about her being tied up any the next time, besides me saying she wasn't going to be punished by me for anything.


Elaine IV

Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:22 pm

The next time I had her tied, it was a wet rainy and somewhat cool weekend, she was barefoot as usual, wearing jeans and a sweater. She said I was very good at tying girls up and asked why I never became a professional kidnapper. I said there wasn't that much of a market for that and at least construction was a steady job. She asked if I'd ever tied her mom up with any of her friends when we were kids, and I told Elaine about the time it took her mother and her two friends three hours to get loose. She said she'd have a chance then if she brought a friend with her sometime, I said maybe but I doubted it because I tied much better now, and knowing she had someone to try to help, she would be tied that much stricter and probably really tickled on top of it all. She asked why she had to be tickled tied, and I told her it was to make her squirm, tire her out some, and make sure she can't wriggle free. Elaine admitted being so ticklish she'd peed herself and passed out once from one of my sister's boyfriends tickling her, she was afraid she was going to die and wasn't even tied up, just held down. I told her I'd never hurt her that bad and would kill any person that did.

She sat down, offered her hands behind her back, and asked for no elbows and no tickling, but wanted me to tie her up like I was going to kidnap her and keep her until her mother paid, "which would be like, never." She added that she understood if she had to have her elbows tied to be tied that long, she'd see how long she could stand it. While tying her, I asked if she had a friend already picked that she'd like to help her. She said she did, but not for this weekend, I'd probably have to come over in the middle of the week when she was dropped off at her friend's, and meet with everybody, although I wouldn't like them probably. She said she expected to be gagged so she couldn't scream but to please let her be able to breathe.

By the time I'd finished tying, gagging and blindfolding Elaine she was tied pretty much as she'd been when playing princess, except hogtied on the sofa instead of legs down to the bed. I used the smallest ball gag I had in the bowling bag, and a sleep mask I'd gotten for Judy. Instead of tickling her al at once I made a game out of, reaching down to tickle her if I had to walk by her, or if I felt like walking by her, or sometimes walking by her and not touching her at all. She was quite good about it. She put up with it for almost a good two hours.

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