Home-Skillet : 02 - Back and Forth (m/fff, fff/m)

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Home-Skillet : 02 - Back and Forth (m/fff, fff/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Home-Skillet's stories
02 - Back and Forth
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By Home-Skillet

Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:03 pm

Back and Forth

Wow. Another story. I hope you guys are ready for another one :D

A few years after my last story took place, a little more mature (lol riiight) In this story I'm 17 (current age), Heather was 16 (she's a little rougher nowadays too)

Soo... Heather was over. I assume you know what we were doing?

Well it's pretty obvious. She was wearing a really small two-piece bathing suit, as we had been planning on going swimming at the local country club. She's very good looking, soft features, and a slender yet bodacious figure. Well unfortunately for her I had some spare rope at hand that day, and she just looked waaaaaaaay to good, how could I pass up the chance?

She was still mmphing as I finished tying her spread eagle on my bed.

"Hey, I know you didnt expect it, but you're okay right?"

Her response was a jerk in my direction, followed by a sort of shrug. I walked over to her and lay down next to her. I casually ran my hand over stomach, lightly relaxing the tension she had building up. My hand moved upwards across the top of her chest. She definately seemed relaxed to me.

It was probably half an hour before I let her out of bondage. "Your okay right?"

"Yeah" her response was glazed, as if she had been drunk or something.

"Yeah okay, I'll go get my suit I'll be right back." I was sure she wasn't planning any sort of revenge, because she had enjoyed the moment far too much to be contemplating. I was so full of my self. I slipped out of the bathroom in my bathing suit. As modestly as one can put this, I'm not half bad looking my self. In my off time I play soccer, and I'm co-captain of my schools drum line. My true downside: I'm pretty white, not even tanned a little bit. But whatever.

I left the bathroom and went back to my room, but no one was there. My first thought was that Heather had left to get some food or something. But when I noticed the rope was gone... Well it was a little to late. Heather had jumped me, and was already trying to tie my hands together. Fortunately, I'm much stronger. I held her off, and managed to re-tie her quickly into a hog-tie.

I stood trying to think of what I should do. I truly love tying up the neighborhood girls. So I decided in an instant. I called up Kelcee (she's another girl from down the street she has two younger sisters, although she's actually only 15). With an elaborate plot in mind, I told her that Heather and I were going swimming, and she should come down in her suit. I told her to be at my house in 5 minutes. I instantly called up Gabby, and told her that Heather, Kelcee and I were going swimming and she should come in her suit. I told her to be at my house in 10 minutes. I divided up my rope and duct tape into two separate piles. I remembered just in time to gag Heather who thrashed about frustrated.

I was giddy when Kelcee showed up.

"Hey Kelcee. Heather's upstairs would you like to lead the way?"

She climbed the stairs eagerly, trying to figure things out. I really wouldn't mind her tied up half naked in just a bathing suit, but she was wearing a T shirt. When we reached the top, I grabbed the rope from out of the bathroom quickly, and followed it up bye ripping the T shirt off Kelcee. I was lucky she was wearing a T shirt too big for her because it slid right off. She was stunned, and I immediately forced her to the ground. I tied her hands first. She was flexible enough that I managed to tie her elbows together as well. I then frogtied her legs, and tied her ankles together. She giggled a little bit, at first, then alternated to struggling and screaming, then back to giggling. I saw my opportunity amidst the giggling to stuff a hand towel in her mouth, and slap a piece of duct tape over it. I lay down next to her and caressed her face. I then carried her over (with much difficulty as by now she was struggling again) to where Heather was, and put her down.

"Okay ladies, hope you're cozy! Maybe this will help?" I dropped a blanket over them with a huge smile on my face.

The doorbell rang again. I ran downstairs, and looked through the peep hole to make sure that it was Gabby. I half laughed. She was in a jean mini skirt and a baggy T shirt. I checked in advance for bra straps which were there, as I was planning to rip of this shirt as well.

"Well heeeeloooo my beautiful-"

"Yeah yeah Tom," she said almost bored. "Lemme in."

She took a moment to scan me head to toe. I was merely wearing my bathing suit, with no pockets. She took an extra moment to look all around the rooms connected to the foyer, so there were no traps.

"I'm not gonna let you outta my sight Tom." She said suspiciously.

"Well sure lets go upstairs. I'll lead." I said. I walked up stairs anxiously. If Gabby figured it out, she would let Heather and Kelcee free.

Well- as they say. to be continued.

Tue Jun 19, 2007 9:46 am

Well... sorry I cut short last night. Lemme pick up where I left off.

Gabby was about 10 steps from walking in to the room in which I had Kelcee and Heather tied up. I thought franticly as I walked. Then I discovered a plan that would work.

"Hey Gabby, I gotta go to the bathroom, and while you don't wanna follow me in there, would you like to stand outside the door?"

"Fine but don't be sneaking out the window or anything." she said smirking. She thought for sure she had me cornered. Lucky for me when I went in and locked the door, the rope and tape I had laid out was there. I got it ready to tie her up, and peaked under the door. From that view I saw her heels. That meant she was facing the other way, but just to make sure, I creaked the door open. I was relieved to see she was facing the other way. I was as prepared as I would ever be, so I lunged towards her. I grabbed the collar of her shirt and pulled upwards, but she pulled the other way. I grabbed her elbows instead, and gently lowered her to the floor. I quickly pulled upwards on her shirt again, this time succeeding leaving her wearing a bra, a jean mini skirt, and a pair of flip flops. I tied her hands together immediately, then tied her feet to the nool posts on the staircase leaving her half spread eagle. I pulled her flip flops off first, then I lifted up her skirt to see if she was wearing underwear. It was there.

"Oh no Tom oh my god" she squealed. I untied one leg and pulled the mini skirt so it was half way off. I then retied her leg to the nool post. Then I untied the other one, and pulled the skirt all the way off.

"There! That's a bit more like a bathing suit." I grinned, but Gabby just rolled her eyes. "Well if that's how it's gonna be, let's finish this!" I continued. I got a strip of tape and another hand towel. Once I was certain the gag was complete, I untied her legs, and arms, but immediately grabbed her left leg and her right arm, and tied ankle to wrist. Then I did the same with her right leg and left arm. This left Gabby mmphing and struggling on the floor. "Well now. I'll bring you in and we'll get started!" I lifted her up by grabbing her around the waist with both arms. She couldn't really do much but shake around a little. I brought her to my room and set her on the carpeted floor.

"Okay let's do this!" And I began to tickle her ribs. She shook around trying to laugh from inside her gag. I then started tickling her neck and she began to roll around on the floor. When she was worn out I pulled of the blanket that was covering Kelcee and Heather, and started tickling Kelcee. She was quite easy to tickle on the thighs which were left wide open due to the frogtie. I then moved up to her belly which I stroked gently in order to get her to laugh. When she was worn out, I moved to my final most ticklish target. I started by grabbing her ankles, mercilessly tickling them, then I moved to her spine, which I rolled my fingers up and down. I then rolled her on her side, while me myself got on my side. I saw a target that would work pretty well. The top of her breasts. After a few more minutes of tickling, I removed each of their gags and asked them if they were alright. They were all fine, so I reapplied the gags, stuck a blanket over them, and went to the other room to watch T.V.

I had decided I would only watch it for ten minutes, and then I would untie them. This was bad. I had been watching T.V. for an hour already, and I had lost track of time. When I realized my captives were still upstairs, I rushed to my room as fast as I could. Again: this was bad. In my room i found the blanket with three distinctive lumps underneath. I tore of the blanket only to find six pillows in stacks of two. No rope. If I remember correctly, I would have been thinking 'Oh my god, did they get-' And then I would have been ambushed. Now Heather alone is pretty easy to handle. But when one girl holding down one arm, another girl holding down the other, and a final girl trying to tie your legs, well, It's pretty hard to fight. I figured that they must have untied each other with their fingers which were left free. Hey I could've done that much in an hour.

When they were done tying I realized how tight it was. My hands were tied together over my head, my legs tied together crossing, and a single short rope connecting my arms to my legs. I was about to voice my protest when they gagged me (only a piece of duct tape really) they then took a sock for soccer, and tied it around my eyes. They lifted me up one on either side, and one supporting my mid section. I heard a door open then felt the hot air of out doors. I then heard a car door open, and they tossed me into a car. It was a nice car too. It had leather interior, at least in the back seat. Some one sat with me in the back, well I didn't really sit, but whoever was back there was sitting. They stroked my bare back (i'm still in my bathing suit), and then rubbed my head, after which they didn't do anything else.

I was only in the car for about a minute, when we stopped, and again the three girls carried me into another house the same way. As soon as we were inside they dropped me on a carpeted floor after only a few steps. I struggled to get free a bit here (most of it was just a show, some of it was real). Then the inevitable took place. Three girls at one time. One tickled my arm pits, one tickled my feet, and one tickled my neck. I jerked around and struggled to get out for what felt like an hour then finally amidst all the giggling from the girls:

"What the hell is going on here?" It was Robert, Heather older brother THANK GOD. "What's it look like?" came Heathers voice.

"Like you're tying up Tom..." came Robert again.

"Here come in here we'll explain everything" was Kelcee's voice. Although Gabby was still giggling. Now after a few minutes while Robert is a full year older than me, and while he plays basebally and is pretty tough, after a few minutes, I heard something fall to the floor next to me, and heard Robert mmphing desperately. After what felt like another hour of tickling, I was on my side when my blindfold was removed. Heather and Robert were gone, we were in Heather's house, Gabby and Kelcee stood above me, and we were all half naked.

"Well Tommy?" Gabby said as she slid up to me getting about as close I would get to her during a TUG. She took a single finger and moved it around my chest and brought it up to my face, then quickly ripped off the tape.

"AAAUGH!!!"That was about the only sound I could make, I was out of breath. Both of them untied me. I got up wearily. Heather came out with Robert behind her. She was still in the bathing suit. We went out, and got in the car (which was Heather's car) I collapsed in the back, while they seemed a little tired themselves.

"So where are we going now?" I asked

Heather answered, "The pool, duh".


Thu Jun 21, 2007 3:48 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
Heather was wearing a solid green suit, Kelcee was wearing a brownish suit with lines of darker brown on it, and Gabby was wearing a pink bra, and white and pink polka dot underwear Shocked .
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