Emma : 14 - Sleepover (f/f, mmm/ff)

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Emma : 14 - Sleepover (f/f, mmm/ff)

Post by Canuck100 »

Emma's stories
14 - Sleepover
Story index at the bottom

By Emma

Tue Jun 05, 2007 9:42 pm


Hey. long time no write. Here's my story about that sleepover with sam.

It was a Friday night. a while after the night that Jason, Mike and Danny tied up and tickled Sam and I. By this time Jason and I were going out.

I was wearing one of Jason's sweatshirts and a pair of softball shorts.
Sam had on grey sweatpants and a darkblue tanktop, that rose just above her belly button. Both of us were barefoot.

Sam and I were sitting in my living room and i was on my laptop.
We put in a movie, but weren't really watching it. We were talking and looking at stuff online.

"Hey Em?" Sam asked.


"D'ya remember when we were at basketball a while back and Jason, Mike and Dan tied us up?"

"Yeah" I sighed. I knew it was going to come up eventually.

"Wasn't that weird?" she said.

"Yeah. i guess," I mumbled

"Have they ever done that before?"

"Uhh. yeah. maybe once or twice." I lied.

"Omigosh! " she yelled. "and you still hang around them?"

"Yeahhh. you know, guys are weird." I said to the floor.

"Do you think? I could try tying you up?"

"Why would you wanna do that?" I said, suddenly much more nervous.

"I dunno, we're both a little bored and it might be fun!" she said. "I'll go find some stuff!" and she was off. Just like that.
[please note. I didn't get an answer in. That's how it always is with Sam :roll: ]

In three or four minutes she returned. My dad's duct tape in one hand and some yellow rope in the other.

"Ready?" she said excitedly.

"As I'll ever be..." i said.

"Good. You'll never get out of this one." she laughed.

She had me sit on our shorter couch. She took my wrists and wrapped the rope around them, in between them, and around again. Then she had me lay on my back and tied my ankles the same way.

I struggled a little. It wasn't that good of a job. I could eventually wriggle out of it. At least that's what i thought.

"i have an idea.." Sam said to herself.

She grabbed the duct tape and my hands. And she started to wrap. The knots i once could see and attempt to undo were now cocooned in a few layers of tape.

"Oh Come on!!!" I said.

Sam then looked down at the tape and cut a piece off.

"Don't Sam, I swear to god... if you tape my mouth I'll kick your ammph" and i was cut off. She then continued to wrap my ankles.

"Mrghghhh" I groaned as she finished.

"Well, that was fun" she said, and she walked out of the room.

"Smrghhh" i called.

"Relax a second. i need to pee" she said.

"Ew" i tried to say. it came out as a series of grunts.

While she was in the bathroom, my house phone rang. It continued to ring until the message began to play.

"hey Emma, it's Jason" I heard.
"And Mike" the second voice said.
"And Danny!" the third.

"We're on our way back from the game" Jason continued. The three of them had a lacrosse game like three hours away. Danny and Mike were on JV and Jason was on Varsity, and the teams traveled together... well anyway.

"We figured we'd stop by and say hi to you and Sam..."

"We'll be there in like five minutes, seeya." Dan said and the message ended.

I cursed into my gag.

Sam came out...

"Mrgh!!!mph!!MHAJAYMOMERR!!!" I tried to tell her to take off the tape, she was ignoring me!
I began trying to lick my lips and get the tape off. All while yelling..

Then, there was a knock on the door and the doorbell rang..

"Sit tight a second." Sam said, and she covered me with a blanket...

Sun Jun 10, 2007 6:55 pm

Part two

okay. Sorry its taken so long. It's finally the end of the school year and i have been super busy studying for finals and other stuff.


"Mpghhh!!" I growled. I heard Sam walk out of the room...

"Oh Hey!" she said.

"Hey, Is Emma around?" Jason asked.

"Uh.. she's feeling a little sick and is lying down.." she said.

"I'll go and see her. make sure she's okay... is she in her room?"

"Uhh.." I heard Sam studder.

Meanwhile i was sitting on the couch, covered by the blanket. I felt a hand touch me and i jumped, letting out a "mphh". Then i felt the blanket slide off of my face.

"She's sick, huhh?" Jason said. He bent down and kissed me on the cheek.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Mrhggh" I growled. He took the tape off my mouth. "So help me god. Sam better run away fast. I didn't say she could do that" I fumed.

"Oh. but you let her do this to you." he smirked.

"Well. yes, no, not exactly...I mean."

"You know, the little angel on my shoulder is saying to untie you... but hey. i never listen to him anyway" he smiled in a genuinly evil way.
Sometimes he could just be too cheesy.

"This isn't funny... Jason... don't you damphhh!" I stuttered as he grabbed the tape and taped my mouth.

"mphoo mohuk" I muttered 'you suck'

"Don't I?" he said, i guess he understood me.

"I'll be right back..." he said, and left the room.

"Mph." i grunted.

In about three or four minutes Jason walked in and trailing behind was Danny and Mike, carrying Sam. Mike was carrying her around the arms
Danny was holding her legs.

"Guys!! Put me down!! this isn't funny!" she yelled.

"You know what they say Sam. An Eye for an eye..." Mike said.

"Or in this case a tie for a tie." Danny laughed. Was tonight international corny joke night?

Mike and Danny set up tying her wrists and legs with the remaining rope and tape. She ended up in a hogtie by the end.
Meanwhile Jason walked over to me.

"Now, i should probably fix the amateur's work" he said, referring to how Sam tied me. He decided, i guess that they were good enough...

He pulled my wrists up, and then over my head. After walking behind me, I felt him tying something, and only realized that my wrists were immobilized over my head, tied down to something (the couch leg).

I shot him a glare and he smiled. He walked over to the other side of the couch near my bare feet. He pulled my legs straight and gave my foot a quick tickle. I squealed and tried to kick. Danny and Mike looked over and rolled their eyes.

Jason then tied my ankles down to the couch leg. My body was stretched a little, so i had no actual slack to struggle in.

"So, ladies. what do you guys want to play?" Jason asked...

"Mrghh." i grumbled, and shook my head.

"Well. lets see. We could play endurance" Danny said.

"MPHOOO!" i screamed.

That was a game that Victor and Denny invented when i was younger. Basically it was that whoever could last the longest in an extreme tickle attack wins. They played with these dice, and they rolled it, the number was the number of minutes the torture lasted. Denny, Victor, Jimmy and Doug played it once with me and Danny as the victims, because Ella wasn't around. It was like, whoever said stop first loses, and had to start over. With another roll and the number of minutes you had remaining. In other words it sucks, a lot.

After Danny explained the game to Jason and Mike they loved it. (big shocker there..)
Jason grabbed a set of dice from some boardgame and sat on the floor.

"Readyy?" he said.

Danny and mike removed the tape from our mouths so we could play "correctly".

And Jason rolled the dice.

Sat Jul 07, 2007 3:02 am

"Okay" Jason said. "Odds Emma goes first, Evens Sam does."

"Three. ha. Looks like you're first Em." Mike said.

"Oh yippeee." I rolled my eyes.

"First things first. Are you hot in that sweatshirt?" Jay asked.

"Yeah". I knew this might screw me over in the long run, but my house was really hot.

"You are wearing something under it, right?"

"Of course" i said.

"Aww mann! I was hoping for a strip show" Danny joked..

"Haha. hilarious" i replied. Guys are So immature.

So then Jason pulled the sweatshirt up over my head and dragged it to the end of my arms, as far as it would go. I was wearing a short light blue tanktop that was now up above my belly button. and now my armpits and sides were exposed.

"Damn" I thought.

"Ready for Roll number two?" Danny asked. "This one's for number of minutes...we'll use my watch as a stopwatch."

Jason rolled again.

"Four. ooh. This will be fun" Mike laughed.

"Please. Can we just skip this? Why don't we watch a movie or something?" Sam tried.

"Yeah." I said while i mentally prepped. I knew better than anyone there was no reasoning.

"Time for Round one!!" Jason smiled.

He walked over to me.

"Start the clock.." Mike said.

Danny did and they started.

Jason squeezed under my knee and went to my feet. Mike was attacking my hip bones and sides, Danny lightly tickled my underarms and then kicked it up a notch on my ribs.

I was in hell. I thrashed and screamed, i was laughing loud, i just had to hold out....
But when Jason grabbed my toes and pulled them back he just dug his fingers into my arch. i screamed.


Danny stopped the clock and Jason kissed me on the cheek...

"3:30. ooh. so close thirty seconds and you woulda made it."

Mike laughed.

"Sam's turn, lets see if she can make it." Mike smiled. "And hey, you're safe if she can hold out less time than you" he said to me.

Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:38 am

I barely had the energy to talk, I slumped a little out of exhaustion.

They all moved over to Sam, and by now they had figured out that Sam was not ticklish on her sides, and that she was on her underarms and feet.
So, Jason stepped out to sit with me while Danny and Mike tickled the crap out of Sam. He walked over to me and sat on the edge of the couch near my feet.

He asked if I needed a drink and i said yes, so he went into the kitchen to get some water.

Meanwhile Danny and Mike began ticking Sam, Mike at her underarms and Danny at her upward facing feet. Sam screeched, and let out a slur of profanities, some of which a rapper would be ashamed of. She was shaking, and struggling but unable to go anywhere. I could see Mike was digging his fingers, jabbing under Sam's arms and taunting her with babytalk. I also saw Danny who would run one finger down each foot once and then kick it up a notch.

Jason came back.

"Two minutes left, slugger" he said to Sam, and he came bac over to me with water. By now I had found the energy to talk.

"Thanks... but I can't drink lying down" I said.

"Already thought of that" he said and he produced a pair of scissors and cut my hands from behind my head.

I pulled my arms down but still wouldn't be able to hold the cup, so Jason held it while i sipped through the straw.

"How's she doing?" he laughed.

"Better than I was..." I said.

"Well duh. No one is as bad as you when it comes to being ticklish" he smiled and poked me in the side.

"Don't" I squeaked.

Suddenly we both stopped when we heard, very loudly...

"STOP ALREADY!" from Sam.

The time was in she had forty seconds left.

"Looks like you win Em" Danny said.

"Sure, yeah. Do I get untied now?" I said.

"Well..." Danny said.

'I'm on it." Jason got up and grabbed the scissors and began cutting me lose. When I was free Istood up and stretched. Then I pulled my sweatshirt back down over my head.

"He-eeey! what about me!" Sam said through exasperated grunts.

"Well, you lost" Mike smiled.

"Please. no. more. tickling. please." she breathed.

"Yeah guys she's had enough..." I cut in. After I said that I regretted it as all three of them must have read eachothers minds. Jason grabbed me behind the waist and gently pulled me to the floor. The three pinned me down and tickled me all over.. teasing me all along.

"Oh she had enough... well lets give her a break" the three said. After three or four minutes Jason told them to knock it off. I quickly got to my feet and pulled some socks on to cover my tingling barefeet. When I came back they had untied Sam but were pinning her down and tickling her.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked

"Finishing up the game" they said.

"Whatever. Do you guys want to stay for a while we were ordering pizza."

"Pizza! I'm staying" Danny said.

"Sure" Mike and Jason said and they all got off of Sam.

We spent the rest of the night watching movies and during dinner Danny and me were telling about the first time we played endurance.

All in all it was... well I've given up on calling it weird since it wasn't all that weird to me. It was funny though.

Emma's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section