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barefootpollster : 05 - Locker Room Tie-Up (mmm/m)

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2021 11:07 pm
by Canuck100
barefootpollster's stories
05 - Locker Room Tie-Up
Story index at the bottom

By barefootpollster

Fri May 11, 2007 3:09 pm

Locker Room Tie-Up

Last week, my baseball team played 2 games. We won the first and were on our way to winning the second, but ended up losing 4-2. It was a home game, so all our friends watching were disappointed.

Once we got back in the locker room, everyone started talking about the game, trying to decide who lost the game for us. I didn't want to talk about it, so I grabbed my towel and went to shower. I wear boxers to shower, and the floors are slimy and disgusting, so I was wearing just boxers and flip-flops. I showered and toweled off and was walking back to my locker to get dressed when they jumped me.

Four guys grabbed me as I stepped out of the showers and threw me up against the lockers. Before I could do anything, they were taping my wrists with duct tape. They then forced me to lie down on a bench and taped my ankles and pulled off my flip-flops. Despite my thrashing, they rolled me onto my stomach and hogtied me. Two guys then picked me up and carried me into a closet and dropped me on the floor. One of them gagged me with his dirty socks and put his hat over my eyes to blindfold me.

No one had said anything until now, when one guy who I really don't like but is a really good player said, "It's all your fault that we lost the game, Mike. You screwed up and let those runs in (I'm the catcher). Now think about that while you try to get out."

They all laughed at me and I glared at them through my gag. They closed the door but didn't lock it.

I was screwed and I knew it. No one would come into this room until tomorrow afternoon, and then how would I explain my being tied up? I tested my bonds. I was pretty securely tied up, tape is very effective, but I knew it would be extremely difficult to get out of. I sat there pondering my situation, listening to cars starting up outside the window and everyone but me going home.

To be continued...

Sat May 12, 2007 2:29 pm

Part 2

I looked around the room for anything to cut the tape with but found nothing. The best I could do was mmmpppphhhh and kick the door, hoping someone would hear me.

I was hogtied there on the floor of that closet in just my boxers for over 2 hours. It was about 3:45 when they tied me up, and at 6:00, I heard noise in the locker room. The JV team had a late game and were just arriving!! I couldn't believe my luck! It would be embarrassing for them to find me tied up, but it was better than staying there all night.

I started screaming into my gag and kicking the door the best I could. I heard some talking and then the door of the closet opened. I still had a hat over my eyes and couldn't see who it was.

"Yo, guys, check this out," I heard him say. I didn't recognize the voice. "Mike (last name) is tied up in here!" I heard a lot of footsteps approaching, and soon the whole team was crowding around the door.

"MMMMMPPPPPHHHHHH!!" I said frantically and thrashed around.

"Should we untie him?" one of the guys said.

"Tickle him!" said another.

To my misfortune, they agreed with the second guy, and nine sets of hands (nine players) were soon on me. Almost all of me was exposed to their menacing fingers, including my deathly ticklish bare feet, and they were brutal. I was exhausted from laughing and thrashing around after only a few minutes. I have no idea how long they tickled me, but it felt like an eternity.

One by one they slowly stopped. My feet were tingling and I was breathing heavy through my nose. Someone ripped off my gag and I spit out the socks in my mouth.

"What happened to you, Mike?" he said. I told them how we had lost the game and everyone got pissed off at me and I had been there for 2 hours. They tickled me a little more before releasing me. One guy used a key to cut the tape then I pulled it off.

I walked out of the closet and headed toward the lockers. When I arrived at mine I found it open (I had left it unlocked when I went to shower) and all my stuff gone. Those suckers! They had thrown my stuff all over the locker room. I walked around collecting my things but couldn't find my shoes. I put my uniform in my locker and put on my pants and shirt, making sure to lock the locker. Tired and really angry at my teammates, I left and drove home, barefoot and wanting revenge.

That's all that happened so far. Any ideas on how to get revenge? I don't think I could get the whole team, but I'm going to try to find out who's idea it was to tie me up and get back at him. Please post any suggestions.

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