Emma : 11 - The Fight (m/m, mm/mf)

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Emma : 11 - The Fight (m/m, mm/mf)

Post by Canuck100 »

Emma's stories
11 - The Fight
Story index at the bottom

By Emma

Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:20 pm

The Fight

Like all couples, Jason's and my relationship isn't perfect. Sure, we have a lot of fun together, but like all couples we have gotten into fights. One that sticks out in my mind is the time when our argument was particularly bad.

I was at Jason's house hanging out with Jason and Mike. It was around sunset at the time. I'll spare you the details but lets just say, Jason said something stupid, you know how guys are sometimes different around their friends, I got offended and stormed out. I'll pick up from there.

"Wait! I said i was kidding!" Jason yelled, getting up to follow me.

"Whatever, I said I'm leaving, call me when you can grow up!" I yelled back, by then i was crying.

"Fine. Go." he said and he punched the door as i left.

I got down the path and out of the yard a ways when i heard someone behind me.

"Hey Emma, what's wrong with you?". It was Marco, Jason's brother.

"Hey Marc, me and Jason just.. never mind okay." I said and i kept walking.

"Want me to drive you home? It's almost dark."

"You don't have to.." I began.

"Yeah i do, It's not safe to be wandering around in the dark ya know." Marco interrupted.

"Okayyy thanks." I said skeptically.

We drove and got to my house... as i was getting out of the car
"I'm sure Jason is sorry for whatever dumbass thing he said" Marco said.


"No, not whatever, Jason really loves you, and i know you love him..."

"Let me hear that from Jason..." I sighed.

"Fine" Marco said and he waved goodbye and drove away.

When i got inside i had like twenty different voicemails from Jason, and three IMs from him. All of the voice messages were from the short time i left, from him, while he was still angry. The last few were him being sorry.

I didn't hear those ones. The message i heard was...
"Emma, you know what if you think i'm so immature just don't talk to me. Again, if that's what you want!" when i heard the message i started to cry and that whole drama thing.

I then realized i had left my purse in Marco's car!

"DAMN" i said aloud. so i called Marco's cellphone.

"Marco? this is Emma, I left my purse in your car.."

"I'd run it out to you but i got a flat tire, can you come and get it?"

"This isn't some dumb plan to get me and Jay to talk right?"

"No, after Mike left Jason went down to the soccer field to practice some lacrosse. Blow off some steam" he finished.

"Alright, I'll be over in a bit."

I slipped on a pair of black sneakers and ran to Jason's house, I was wearing ripped jeans and a teeshirt.

When i got to the house i knocked on the door.

"It's open." i heard an unfamiliar voice call,

"Hello?" i called.

"Who's this?" I looked in. It was Jared, one of Jason's eldest brothers.

"Oh, you must be Jared, I'm Emma, I am or i don't know was Jason's girlfriend, I'm here to grab my stuff, where's Marco?"

"Oh. MARCO!!!!" he yelled.

"Ouch.loud." i said.

"Thanks." Jared laughed.

Jared is completely different looking than Marco and Jason. For one, his hair was dark brown almost black and he kind of looked like Jimmy Fallon, from Saturday Night Live, if you've ever seen him, Jared is a dead ringer for him other than his eyes, which were a piercing blue. Still he was like pretty looking. (is that okay to call a guy pretty? he was though. =] )

Marco came down the stairs, without my bag.

"Your bag is up stairs, i also saw one of you're textbooks in Jay's room i think, you should check for sure."

"Alright?" i said and i made my way up the stairs.

I opened Jason's door and was shocked to find him hogtied and gagged on the floor!

"Did Marco do this?" i said, temporarily forgetting my anger. I slowly pulled off the tape so it wouldn't hurt him.

"Emma, I was only kid-- oh no run!!," he said, i whipped around and was pushed to the floor by Marco.


I fought in vain against the strong seventeen year old and was soon hogtied next to Jason. Marco taped his mouth and then mine.

When everything set in I remembered i was still mad at Jason.

I struggled to inch away from him and free myself, but i landed on my side, being hogtied was the worst, especially with the pain, after falling sideways.

"I'll take the tape off once you listen to me... neither of you two want to break up with the other, both of you love each other, are you going to let one little fight get in the way?" he said.

I growled through my gag and struggled. Jason just sat there. Marco removed the tape on my mouth first.

"I have nothing to say, and i don't want to hear it!" i huffed and shook my head.

"Alright, if you have nothing to say, put a sock in it" and that's what Marco did. He shoved a sock, no clue whose, into my mouth and taped it in. I groaned and struggled.

"Jason, your turn" Marco began and removed the tape.

"Emma, I'm so sorry, i was an ass, a jerk, I have no excuse for what i said, All I can do is tell you i love you, and i was so wrong, and if i lose you, I'll deserve it, because i should never have said something like that, and i deserve hell on earth."

"Mrghhh!!" i said locking eyes with Marco, who removed my gag.

"NO! i don't want you to lose me, i don't want to lose you, It's okay, i did overreact!"

"Once again, Marco saves the day" Marco laughed.

"Okay, now untie us, we have some catching up to do..." Jason smiled.

"I was gone for what an hour" I said.

"That's one more hour we need to catch up on" he grinned.

"So you're gonna untie us now" I said, still on my side, it was a little painful.

"Not exactly, now i get to have some fun!" he said clasping his hands and wiggling his fingers. He started to tickle my sides, my minimal movement left me to laugh hysterically. When Marco realized how loud i was, he reached for the tape. As he taped my mouth and Jason's, Jared had appeared in the door.

"Hey there Jay Jay...what's new?" after Jason and i grunted "whats a matter? tape got you're tongue?"

We yelled at the brothers and struggled violently. Marco then began filling Jared in on our whole situation. And Jason and i could only watch and wait to see what was to happen.

(to be continued.)

Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:09 pm

So Marco and Jared were standing over us, and talking in a hushed whisper. after a few minutes Jared turned to Jason.

"Hey Jase, this brings back memories huh. Like before Drake and i left for college, man that was the best. I've never seen someone cry from laughing so hard."

Jason squirmed, as if he knew what his fate was. I lay there on my side and continue to squirm and whine. Finally Jared bends down and with one hand pulls me back so i was on my stomach and not my side anymore.

The hogtie was tight, but not really painful, it was so my feet were resting on my butt, but i am really flexible, so this wasn't painful. My arms were tied with one piece of rope, my ankles with another and then my legs were forced back and tied to my butt and thighs with another piece of rope. This was relatively unpleasant. But not painful. Jason, being less flexible, had a less tight tie, and there was some rope between his hands and feet, though there was very little slack. Marco's intention was not to let Jason escape, the amount of duct tape over the knots was epic. Even his fingers were taped together, sort of.

"So how come we haven't met?" Jared asked down to me.

"Oh, her and Jason have been together for a few months now..." Marco said.

"Way to go man!" Jared said, giving Jason a brotherly shoulder punch.
[Not now and not ever will i understand guys, i'm sure of it.]

Jason was struggling to break the tape, it wasn't really working out for him. Marco and Jared continued to talk and i struggled as much as i could. Until i heard Marco say, "Hey watch this".

I looked up and was met by Marco leaning down to take off my shoes.

I screeched into the tape and tried to sway my feet. Marco was able to just pull them off anyway. He then ran his finger over my socked sole, and i jumped laughing and shaking my head.

"Oooh" Jared said.

"Yeah, and wait till you see this..." and Marco pulled my sock off and held my toes back and went to town on my feet. Methodically raking his fingers over my soles and not showing any sign of stopping. He and Jared just kept on laughing. Jared went and started to tickle Jason, who was grunting as Jared ravaged his ribs and hips and sides.

Marco stopped and let me catch my breath. In the process of tickling i gained a lot of slack in the ropes, which i started working on. Marco noticed and tightened my wrist ropes.

"Don't want you running off missy!" he laughed.

Jason was really getting it. Jared was merciless. But i guess brothers don't really show mercy to each other.

After a little more tickling they left. They were gone a while, Jason got farther in his struggle against the tape and knots.

After what seems like forever they returned.

Marco started up again, attacking all over my sides and ribs, i bucked and squealed at his touch. After a few minutes he switched to my feet and Jared came to help with my sides, giving Jason a well deserved break.

The tape on my mouth had come off but Marco and Jared didn't care they just continued to tickle. My laughter could now for sure be heard through the whole house, but as always Jason's parents were at some event or out to dinner, which was fine because once your kids grow up, i guess you can have you're social lives back.

The door swung open. It was Drake. He stepped into the room wearing a pair of grey sweatpants and had no shirt on looking as if he was woken up by our noise. I knew it was Drake from the pictures I've seen. Except he was, well, much more ripped than the little skinny Drake was, he was Jared's fraternal twin brother, he looked like Jason, only bigger.

"What are you guys doing?" he yawned.

"Having some fun..." they laughed.

"Well, i need some sleep for the game tomorrow. And so do you" he said. Drake played basketball, college level, as did Jared. I remember Jason telling me earlier how him and Jared were coming into town for the game because it was against a local college or something. He invited me to come along and watch the game, prior to our fight.

He then looked down and his eyes got wider a little.

"Who the hell is this?!?" he asked.

"Oh it's Jasons girlfriend..." Jared answered.

Drake then looked over to see Jason behind us.

"How long have you had them like this?" he asked.

"Maybe an hour or two.. " Marco answered.

"Well Jared, you need to eat something and get some carbs in your system and go to bed early tonight, so i think you should untie them."

"Yeah!" I said. The three brothers looked down, and continued to talk.

"Alright mom!" Jared muttered and he left.

"Why ruin all the fun!" Marco said as he began to untie me. And Drake began the task of untying Jason.

When we were free we were sitting around the table watching Jared eating pasta.

"Thanks for saving us back there, Drake" Jason laughed.

"Yeah, I would have died if you didn't step in when you did." i said, shooting a look at Marco.

"No problem, i owed Jason one" he said.

"What do you mean?" Jason asked.

"You helped me escape that night when we had our man hunt war before we left" he continued.

"Oh yeah!" he said "back in the day".

"Before you became ahhnuld schwartzeneger!" Marco laughed in his best arnald impression.

"Yeah, i guess i did bulk up a little."

"A little!" Jared laughed.

"I used to be twice the size of you, now i'm the skinny brother!" he smirked.

Apparently when the brothers would do their share of tugs, Jason and Drake were the constant victims, because they were the ones who were ticklish, and they were the smallest. Even Marco was bigger than Drake apparently.

After a while Jason and i sat together and just talked, all ended well, and we went to his brothers game the next day.

So the moral of the story is....

Ehh. Not sure about that, I'll keep you posted. All i know is my relationships are always extremely twisted. :]

Emma's stories
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