Emma : 10 - Easter Pageant Interrogation (mmm/f)

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Emma : 10 - Easter Pageant Interrogation (mmm/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

Emma's stories
10 - Easter Pageant Interrogation
Story index at the bottom

By Emma

Sun Mar 11, 2007 11:56 pm

Easter Pageant interrogation

In the Tugs talk section someone posted about the old "passion" plays that were performed at churches and catholic jr highs. I went to a public school, but at my church during my eighth grade year, i was in a passion play, and lets just say, stuff happened.

I was in the play the year before, i was the lead vocalist in the choir. This year, however they needed extra actors. I was recruited to be Veronica, and if any of you are religious buffs then you'd know she is the woman who wiped Jesus's face with the cloth and his face was pictured on it. I needed to run through the guards, wipe his face and then exit. Not really all that difficult.

The rehearsals were a long and exhausting way to spend our Saturdays. I hung out with Danny [who played a guard], my friend Andy [played the other guard was one of the counselors at the camp in a previous story] and my crush at the time, a guy named Chris who played the role of Jesus. Chris walked around without his shirt on, not that i had anything to complain about, because he was ripped, but i continued to fake annoyance. He thought it was funny to work up some kind of sweat and run over to me and grab me in a bear hug. Everytime he did this i would squeal and try to escape his strong grip. Watching this made Danny and Andy crack up.

That particular morning we were spending time on my scene in the downstairs room that was under construction, well, half of it was the other half was finished. We were on the finished side and i was practicing running through the guards. The problem was whenever i tried to run through Danny and Andy they would hold still and strong and I'd go flying backwards, this of course was hilarious to them. I went off yelling at them while they sat their pissing themselves.

"GUYS! what the hell! Can we just get this right, pleasee!"

They ignored me and continued to laugh.

"You know what i shouldn't even bother trying this, but when the play is ruined and the old people in the church are giving us dirty looks for the rest of our lives, DON'T COME CRYING TO ME I Mrghhphh" I was cut off by Chris's hand.

"Thank you!" Danny sighed. Chris wrapped his arm around my waist and arms and held me while i cursed into his hand.

"Seriously Em, Jeez you never shut up!" Andy laughed.

"Anyone got any duct tape!" Chris laughed, but that made Danny look around the room,

"Hold on, don't move!" he said as he got up and walked away. Meanwhile Chris sat down, still hold me and sat me on his lap. I wiggled and struggled under his grip, this made him laugh hysterically. I was wearing yellow soffee shorts and a black KISS teeshirt, and matching yellow flipflops. We needed to wear shorts and tshirts for the costume fitting, even though it was hardly warm enough. Danny came back in his hand was a roll of duct tape. [Dawning on me now, HOW THE HELL DO THESE PEOPLE ALWAYS FIND THAT STUFF!!] I saw it and i struggled even more.

"Haha, nice" Chris said and he released his hand..

"Please guys! don't.." I said as i continued to violently shake. Danny got closer and ripped off a piece from this extra wide roll.

"Close your mouth for once.." he said laughing.

I refused and shook my head and keeping my mouth wide open. Danny walked behind me and Chris, grabbed my jaw and wrenched it shut. Danny quickly added the tape. I kicked at them, but Danny caught my legs and grabbed them both, he started to wrap my ankles..

"Dude, what are you doing now?" Chris asked.

"Man, we can just tie her up and leave her here, that way she might actually shut up.." Andrew said catching on with Danny's plan, well almost.
I screeched into the tape.

"Relax Emmy pie, we won't leave you." Danny said patting my cheek.

I growled at him, i hate it, HATE IT, when i get called Emmy pie, when Doug called me that when i was little he left my house with a limp!

"Emmypie?" Chris and Andy said in unison laughing.

Chris let go of me, partially but grabbed my arms from my sides and forced them behind me. Danny walked around and wrapped my arms from my wrists to below my elbows in tape, and then taped them to my back, leaving struggling difficult. I struggled and squeaked into my gag. When they heard the noise i was making, Andy added a whole bunch more tape to my mouth. I couldn't even make any noise other than silent grunts. Chris stood up and then sat me back on the chair. Tape-Happy Danny proceeded to tape my torso to the chair. I looked back at the clock, we had rehearsed for an hour only and everything started at nine, so it was Ten A.M , give or take a few minutes. The guys stood there watching me struggle, they must have gotten bored after a while.

So, like i said before, I liked Chris. well during their boredom the three went into a huddle whispering. when they turned back Chris turned to me...

"So Em I hear you and that kid you used to hang out with are together, that's cool."

When he said that he had this look of disappointment. This was a while after the Denny incident. I know he heard it all from Danny, because, i tell him everything and he is a major bigmouth.

"Mhmmnm!" i said shaking my head no.

"Oh.." he said, with a new sparkle in his eye. "So.. who do you like?" he teased.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh that's right you can't talk with that tape on you're mouth" he smiled and he pulled the tape off carefully.

"So??" he said.

I stretched my jaw and cleared my throat "Why would i tell you?" i smirked.

"I'm offended i thought we were best friends, Emmy pie.." He said dramatically, touching his heart.

"Try again, and why all of a sudden do you want me to talk, before you just wanted to shut me up" i said.

"Well, we need you to talk, see" Andy said in a mobster voice [so his see came out sheee]

"Well. I'm not planning on it. So good luck" I smiled.

"We'll see" Danny said "we have ways of making you talk"

"I am sooo scared" i said sarcastically.

"Oh, well you should be" Chris laughed.

"Why should i?" I said.

"Well, i guess you should only be if you're ticklish!" he said looking up at my reaction... which must have been truly hilarious, because the three guys were laughing their heads off. I struggled and fought.

"This isn't faiir! you guys have me tied down, i can't even fight back.." I whined.

"Oh yeah, i forgot, you're so loud the whole town will hear you if we go near you.." Andy smirked.. He then picked up the tape and taped my mouth several times over.

"When you're ready to talk, just get our attention and let us know.." Danny said.

I took a deep breath through my nose. my three friends stood in front of me ready to tickle me within an inch of my life.

Danny started by stroking my sides. I closed my eyes, suppressing my giggles, my head thrashed back and fourth. He moved to tickling all over my ribs and hip bones. Watching with delight Chris walked over and squeezed under my knees. I squealed and thrashed more and more..

"You know you wanna tell us.. come on Emmyyy! or maybe you just like being tickled so much more!!! Is that it." He went on taunting me as Andy took over my knees and Danny tickled my under arms.

Chris walked over and knelt in front of me and picked up my taped up legs.

"Well Emma, the good news is you have great endurance, the bad news is, I'm going to have to tickle everything out of your little feet." He took my size five feet and started to stroke my soles. I screeched louder than before, it was evident that my feet were going to be worse than any other part, so Andy and Danny stopped and walked around to watch.

And if ever there was someone that could kill you with a tickle attack it was Chris, he knew exactly how to kick it up a notch and make it ten times worse. He tickled lightly and fast, slow and hard, hard and fast and lightly and slow, all of which made me scream. Finally, when i knew i couldn't take anything else, i locked eyes with Chris and lowered my head in defeat. Upon Chris' orders Danny removed the tape. Chris sat, with my feet in his lap, still stroking one sole, I laughed but it was more of a light giggle that was out of control.

"So. who is it? you know, i could do this all day.."

"Danny!!! please make this stop."

"So it's Danny?" he asked.

"Nooo" i said.. "buut Daanny knoowws.."

"Oh, I know Danny knows, he even told me.." he said laughing still stroking my soles lightly.

"Whaat!?!" I said. I didn't know who to be mad at, Danny for telling my secret or Chris for putting me through this.

"He said he already knew, duhh" Andy smirked.

"I just want you to tell me.." he said smiling.

"Fuck you guys!" I said and the tickling sensation on my foot grew as Chris started to tickle harder. Danny whipped behind me and covered my mouth to stifle the scream i made.

"Shit. Someone's coming!" Andy said. They heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

Immediately Chris picked up my chair and brought it into the boys bathroom. He stood there with me with his hand over my mouth.
I could hear the conversation.

Mrs.Adams, the director had heard my scream.

''Are you guys okay?" she asked.

"Yeah, Chris and Emma were playing around and he tickled her until she cried... she's uhhh, fixing her makeup." Andy said.

"You guys!" she laughed "just remember you're in a church" she laughed and she continued up the stairs.

"Well, he didn't lie.." Chris said to me.

He picked the chair up and carried it back out.

"That was close" Danny sighed.

"Definately..." Chris said. "Now where were we?"

"You were about to untie me.." i tried.

"Actually you were about to tell us who you liked, or we could just spend the rest of rehearsal tickling you until you pee yourself" he chuckled.

"But.. you know already.." i said, my face was turning red, i could feel it.

"Just say it..." he said bending in front of my feet, wiggling his fingers..

"I like youuu, okay, are you happy." I said though gritted teeth.

"Actually, i am." he smiled and pulled out his pocket knife, after cutting me loose he hugged me. When we got up stairs my friend Sam asked about the marks on my arms, i just said she didn't want to know.

But apparently Mrs.Adams did share how "I was tickled to tears" so then i suffered relentless tickling from anyone who found a reason too.

I went out with Chris for the rest of 8th grade. We went to the spring formal together and then we broke up, but decided to stay friends. I later met Joe who I went out with for a very short time and then I got together with Jason. Who i have happily been with since then.

Emma's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section