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J. Constantine : 12 - Superhero games (m/f)

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2021 4:50 pm
by Canuck100
J. Constantine's stories
12 - Superhero games
Story index at the bottom

By J. Constantine

Story 1:

I was really young probably 9 or 10. I was over at Jane's house, she was my age. I believe her mom and dad were home but they were in the kitchen, and Jane and I were in her room. We were playing a game, it was something like I was a superhero and she was my sidekick/girlfriend. Since there was only 2 of us we would pretend to fight bad guys and what not. Anyway, since she was my sidekick I wanted to give her a hint that the bad guy would kidnap her and hold her hostage, mainly because I really wanted to tie her up. We pretended to ambush the villian and his men in his warehouse a.k.a her room.

So we were "fighting" the big bads when she pretended to get hurt.

"Help!" she screamed. Then she dragged herself into her room and called me in a minute later.

"All right the bad guy got me, so tie me up so you can rescue me." she said.

All I thought was how great it was to play with her, I didn't even need to drop a hint of tie up games, because she wanted it anyway.

"What should I tie you up with?" I asked.

"Look in that box." she answered as she sat down in a chair.

I quickly dug through the box and yanked out a tanned bandana and some jump rope.

"Will this do?" I asked

"Yeah that's great!" she exclaimed.

So I started to simply wrap the jump rope around her in the chair and tried to tie it in a loose knot.

After I was finished tying her, I notice it was nothing special, she was sitting in a chair and just had some rope around her upper body, that's all. Certainly not my best work but it worked.

"I'll try to make a noise and you come in and help me." she told me as I was preparing her gag.

I took the bandana and put it over her mouth and tied it into a detective gag.

"MMMMPPPHH!" she tried it out and the gag worked.

Then as I was about to get up the door swung open and jane's dad walked in. He glanced at me, then Jane and he looked pissed.(Jane's dad was VERY strict)

"What did I tell you about this Jane?" he yelled.

Smiling I pulled down Jane's gag.

"We were just playing dad." she said.

"We talked about this!" he yelled once more, "Now that's it."

He then walked away.

I quickly untied her and she put everything away, i felt bad.

But to this day I still wonder what Jane's dad talked to her about. it was just a playful bondage game, its not hurting anybody. But It doesn't matter because I tied up Jane a countless number of times after that day and she enjoyed every second of it. But I think you'll all agree when I say Jane's dad is a party pooper.

Story 2:

Well this is a pretty funny story mainly because, If I remember correctly the bondage in this story had absolutely no point. Anywho I was at my cousin's apartment, Jennifer was her name. I was 11 and she was 12. I remember being frustrated because I used to tie up everyone I knew, for fun, except her and she was the one I wanted to tie up most.

I remember being in her room and she took out 4 or 5 different jump ropes and put them on the bed. She then wanted me to tape her mouth shut. So We walked into her kitchen and she went through a few drawers and all she found was that thin crappy clear tape.

"What are you looking for?" her mom asked.

"I want something to put over my mouth." she asked.

Usually I'm embarrassed when someone finds out about my fetish but she didn't seem to care.

"Here take my scarf." her uncle said.

He gave her this plaid scarf and we went into her room. She sat on I chair and I remember I tied her real tight with the jump ropes from head to toe, I then wrapped the scarf around her mouth in another detective gag. The next few minutes I forgot. Then all of I remember turning off the lights and stood outside the room for a few seconds and then jumped back in and turned on the lights. (I guess I was supposed to rescue her, duh)

"MMpph." she squeaked.

I walked over and took her gag off. I remember the ropes being a b***h to untie because I made them so tight. But the rest is blank.

J. Constantine's stories
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