Emma : 07 - Freeze tag war (mmm/f)

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Emma : 07 - Freeze tag war (mmm/f)

Post by Canuck100 »

Emma's stories
07 - Freeze tag war
Story index at the bottom

By Emma

Mon Feb 19, 2007 4:20 am

Freeze tag war

It was spring of my freshman year, and, apparently, every year, the seniors do this freeze tag war sometime during the school year. It lasted a day, when the weather was supposed to be good and we had a half day (where we went into school for like 2 and a half hours).

There were two teams red & blue and it was an inside and outside of school game. In school, rules were that if you were tagged, you had to stay by the locker you were tagged at, until the late bell rang or one of your teammates tagged you. Of the two teams were red and blue, Jason's older brother Marco was the captain of the red team. On his team were a few of his best friends Billy, Shaun, Zack and Nicky. The other team were other guys, who were some of Marco's friends, named Taylor, Robbie, Michael, Frankie and Joe, who was one of my next door neighbors. All these guys live in my general neigborhood, in our koldasak thing (please excuse my butchering of the spelling of that word).

So this is the seniors thing, kinda funny to watch, because they come to school dressed for battle. It's actually hilarious, but how does this involve me, you ask? well.

Nicky, on Marco's team, got sick or something... and when Marco tried to reschedule the game the other teams captain said it was an automatic forfait. So rather than admit defeat, Marco drafted the only other person he trusted enough, Jason. Marco referred to Jason as his secret weapon, because nobody would know, or suspect, he was on the team until school started that day (they would assume Marco picked another senior, rather than a sophomore).


Around seven thirty, Marco's car arrived at my house to drive me to school. Jason was wearing khaki shorts, a red teeshirt and a red bandana as a headband. Marco was similarly dressed.

"Hello G.I Joe, and Mini me!" i smiled as i got in the car.

"Ha ha verry funny.." Jason laughed and kissed me on the cheek.

"I know, aren't i?"

We picked up the remainder of "the gang", they were all dressed similarly. We piled out of the car, and Marco pointed out across the parking lot to a bunch of guys wearing blue.

"That's the enemy..." he laughed.

"Their captain is Taylor, you remember him right?, he has gym first, with you and Emma, before that, is when i want you to strike.. okay?"

"I know that, he's been on my team before.." he said and we went into the building... Jason and i did both have gym first period, so we were walking down to the class, holding hands, when Jason saw Taylor.

"Be right back" he said.

"RED TAG BLUE!" he yelled as he slapped Taylor in the back.

"What the??..." he said, and Jason walked over to me, gave me a kiss and he waved. Taylor, was really pissed, especially since he got caught off guard by someone younger than him. The day went on and it ended VERY quickly, because it was a half day. I wasn't sure exactly how the out of school rules worked, all i know was they were practically non existent. Jason, Marco and team were all meeting at Zack's.

"Emma if you want you can stick around" Jason said.

"Nah, i have some homework and then i was gonna catch up on my tan, but have fun, okay?" i said. We kissed goodbye and i walked up the road to my house.

I did what little homework i had and then i went outside to tan. I had on a purple bikini and a pair of shorts. I put on my sunglasses and sat on my front lawn. I heard some yelling, my guess the game had migrated upward. I was lying on my stomach when a figure blocked my sun, i thought it was Marco or Jason or someone.

"I should report you guys for disturbing the peace!"

I laughed as i took of my shades and looked up, it was Joe and Taylor. Joe was 6'3, with dark brown hair cut, or not cut, in a mop top style. Taylor had blonde hair, blue eyes about 6"4. Both of these guys were super big, super strong, definitely like twice the size of me.

"What are you guys doing here on my lawn?" I asked

"Well, we were thinking this part of our territory seeing as how it was next to Joe's.." Taylor said.

"Wait a minute, i knew i recognized you, you're that soph's girlfriend, right?" he said..

"Well if by "soph" you mean Jason, than yeah.. why do you care??"

"Oh nothing" he said and he and Joe walked away...

i resumed tanning, but in five minutes my sun was blocked again.

"NOW WHAT" i said and i started to stand up, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me upwards.

"Oww. what the helmphh" i muttered when a hand clamped over my mouth. I was then carried across the lawn and into Joe's backyard.
there on the yard, there was another guy holding a roll of duct tape and rope.

"I got the stuff you wanted, but i don't get it, why do you needed... oh my god.. who is that?" Mike asked... meanwhile i struggled and kicked and grunted. i just wanted to work on my tan... is that too much to ask?

"He's Marcos little brothers girlfriend.." Taylor announced proudly, almost like an over excited guest on a gameshow.

"So why do we have her and why is she so scantily clad.." Mike asked running his hand over my stomach, making me giggle.

"We picked her up while she was sunbathing... but anyway, You know how the little runt joined team red right?"

"This is just a little way to shake him up.." he laughed.

"Wait, are we like kidnapping, because we could get in a hell of a lot of trouble for that.." Mike asked nervously..

"Noo, we're not, Marco said that he had done this to his brother and her before... isn't that right?" Taylor asked looking at me.

"Mphhh!" I groaned into his hand and struggled.

Taylor sat me on lawn chair and looked me in the eye...

"I'm going to take my hand off your mouth, Do not scream, and things will go a lott easier..". I shook my head and he removed his hand.

"Im not part of this, so just let me go!" i said as he started to tie my hands in front of me, tightly. As i said that, joe walked behind me and plastered tape over my mouth. Once my hands were tied Taylor walked me over to the swingset that belonged to Joe's younger step sisters. They tied my arms to the monkey bars so that i was on my tippy toes, my arms were suspended over my head and i was stretched relatively taught, i couldn't move a muscle.

Taylor walked around me and poked me in the side, i jumped and screamed.

"Is that ticklish or what?" Joe laughed and tickled my armpits.

Taylor started to run his fingers up and down my bare sides. i laughed a lot and was shaking so much i had to calm down in order to stay in my bikini top. after a while of that, Mike came running in...

"The Red team is advancing this way!" he said.

Taylor untied me from the swing set and untied my arms, only to tie them behind my back and then tie my ankles. He scooped me up and carried me onto Joe's patio. He sat me on the patio chair and wrapped rope around my torso. I couldn't reach the knots and trying to would cause extra pain due to the tightness of the ropes.

"Sit tight." he laughed as he went onto the lawn.

The red team came from different angles and started to make an attack. I watched Zack got tagged and before the other team members could free him they were ran out of the area. Then the only person left was Zack... and me. I mmphhed and yelled like crazy, Zack took a look around and went over to investigate. he saw me.


"Mphh" i whined.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU?" he said walking over to me.

"Mph Oww" i yelled 'look out'

"Huh?" he said as Mike came thundering over and tackled him to the ground. the two were both wrestlers and they were rolling on the ground. After about a minute i saw Jason run in, he did a double move of tagging Mike and freeing Zack.

"Jay, Emma is here... i saw her!"

"Huh? what do you mean, she was at her house.." he said

At that moment Taylor showed up and freed me from the chair leaving my arms and ankles tied.

"She was tied in that chair a second ago..." i heard Zach say.

"Mphhh!!" i yelled and Jason looked over.

"EM!" he said and he went running after us. Taylor picked me up and carried me as he ran. I grunted and tried to kick at him, nothing worked
when he had gotten far enough ahead of Jason he then cut inside joes garage and he put me down. He picked up his walkie talkie.

"Joe! get Rob and Frank and head back to the base, unfreeze mike, and watch out for Zach and the runt, they're around somewhere"

"We're on it!" I heard a voice go over the walkie talkie.

"Now that you're lover boy is on the hunt for us now its gonna be a lot more tricky..." he laughed. In the back of the garage there was an old couch. Taylor lay me on the couch and left. I sat there waiting, for what, i wasn't sure. waiting for rescue, waiting for Taylor to come back, waiting to get out of the gross garage. By now it had to be three or four in the afternoon. Seeing as the time of my abduction was a little after one. Time passed, i am not sure how much, but i did have an awful it on my nose that i could not reach, and it was driving me insane.

Suddenly, light flooded the dank garage. I saw Marco and Jason run in, but they didn't see me at first.

"Emma? are you in here?" Jason asked, definitely shaken, i could hear it in his voice.

"MrGhh" I called. Jason quickly untied my legs and took the gag off, he tried to get my arms untied but it was too hard.

"Come one Jay, we have to go!!" Marco yelled.

"Lets move.." he said and he scooped me up and carried me out of the garage and into my yard. When we got into my house the we got some scissors and they finally cut my hands free. The three of us collapsed on the couch out of breath.

"What did they do to you? did they hurt you? they didn't touch you did they?" Jason asked.

"I'm fine, was working on my tan outside when Taylor and joe came onto my lawn, they asked if i was the soph's girlfriend, which apparently meant you, and then they ganged up on me. The worst they did was tickle me, but that is the worst."

"I shouldn't have let him see you with me. Uggh, I'm such an idiot." he said hitting himself in the forehead.

"No you're not.. and whatever about that. How did the war thingy end.."

"Well" marco said "We were searching for you and managed to tag everyone. So red is the winner. The other guys went home, and we had to torture where you were out of Taylor, but we did it!." He raised his hands like the winner of a boxing match.

We called Zack, Billy and Shaun over and we hung out at my house the rest of the night.

Emma's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section