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Emma : 06 - Marco... (mmm/f, mmm/mf)

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 10:01 pm
by Canuck100
Emma's stories
06 - Marco...
Story index at the bottom

By Emma

Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:07 am

Marco... is Jason's brother. Marco is a senior at our high school, kinda a big man on campus kinda guy... I've had a few experiences with him, one involving this freeze tag war in school..
(weird! right, they like had a war where like if you got tagged by the other team you needed to stand in front of the locker you were tagged in front of, until you were tagged by your team mate or the late bell rang.) [ but i will tell at a later time! pinkie swear.]. This one is the first though.

A while after me and Jason had started going out, i had already told my parents, they met him, loved him, he was part of the family. As far as Jason's family goes... his mom adored me, his dad even liked me, his brothers... were kinda left in the dark about it, because they were a little strong minded and Jason didn't want to take their bullshit. He said that one of his ex girlfriends had dumped him when she met them. I promised him i would never dump him over his family... After a while i could tell Marco had become suspicious, he followed Jason around a lot in school. I noticed his friends as well. It was kinda weird. He must have heard Jason had a girlfriend through the grape vine because one day i was working at my dad's store near my house and one of Marco's senior friends came up to me.

"You're Emma.. right?" he asked.

"Guilty. What do you need?" I said.

"Jason wanted you to meet him at his house at 3." he said, fighting a smile and looking behind him the whole time.

"Okay. uhm. Thanks?" i said.

"Bye" he said bolting out the door.

"Yeah bye" i laughed. That was kinda weird.

I finished up work and changed into a pair of blue sweatpants and grey three quarter sleeve shirt and a black hoody. I ran to jasons house, because it was close by. I knocked at the door and Marco answered, he was wearing jeans, and a sweatshirt for the schools ice hockey team.

"Hey, is Jason around..."

"Depends, who wants to know?"

"Oh hey. I'm Emma." i said.

"Ohhh. so you're Emma... Come on in." he smiled.

He walked into the kitchen and said "Jason was upstairs, I'll get him, you can have a seat in the living room..." and i heard him run up the stairs.

I wandered into the living room and sat on the couch. I started flipping through a magazine when two tall guys walked in and sat on the couch across from me. One was the guy from the store, I could now read the monogram on his sweatshirt, it said Shaun. The other i recognised from school, he is the captain of the lacrosse team, his name was Billy.

When they sat down i felt a little chill, i wasn't sure why. After a few minutes i looked up at them and i made eye contact. Next, i'm not quite sure what happened because it happened so fast. Billy got up and walked around the couch, and then Shaun pulled me off the couch and grabbed me around the waist. I screamed and so he naturally covered my mouth with his hand. Billy pulled out some clothes line, and i figured i was in trouble..
[[Jason had once prior told me how when he was little Marco and a few of his friends would gang up on him and tie him up and tickle him..i figured that's what triggered his fascination with bondage.]]

{more tomorrow...}

Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:04 pm

When everything caught up with me i realized that i was screwed. But if i was going to go down, i wanted to go down fighting. I kicked and elbowed and did anything i could to break free. Shaun grabbed my arms and tied them very tightly behind my back.

"What the hell!!, let go of me.." i yelled, but was once again silenced by a hand. The guys sat me on the recliner and tied my knees and my ankles... leaving my lowtop sneakers on.

Billy got up and went out of the room, giving me a chance to talk to Shaun.

"Hey. what are you guys doing and where is Jason!?!.." i demanded.

"You'll see soon." he laughed as Billy came back with a roll of duct tape.

"Lets quiet things down around here" he said as he taped my mouth.

"We'll be right back, Don't go anywhere..." Shaun laughed. They left the room, and me. i struggled, but found it incredibly hopeless. After a few minutes i heard people running down the stairs.

"What is it guys??" i heard Jason's voice ask.

"You have a visitor, that's all" Marco said. They entered the room and Jason saw me.

He was shirtless, he had socks on and was wearing cargo shorts only, for some reason, which was weird, kinda made me think he wasn't the one who invited me over.

"Emma??" he was completely shocked.

"Mphh!" i yelled. He tried to get to me but Billy and Shaun grabbed him.

"So, Jay, why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend.." Marco asked.

"Let me see, because your fucking insane and something like this would happen.." he rolled his eyes.

"You know, it's rude to keep secrets.." Marco laughed.

"It's also rude to tie up a random girl in your house, but that didn't stop you did it? " Jason responded.

Jason broke Billy's grip and tried to run over to me, but Shaun tripped him and Marco pinned him to the floor.

"Get your fat ass off of me.." Jason yelled.

Marco proceeded to tie his hands and sit him on a chair. It took all three of them to tie him to the chair. And when they were done, he was still fighting strong.

They moved his chair next to the recliner i was on and laughed.

"What do we do now??" Marco grinned. He looked over at Jason, he then walked next to me and put an arm around me.

"So, Emma, you're going out with Jason huh, well that's interesting...but why??" he laughed, Jason was getting madder by the second.

"Don't touch her, Marc..."

"mph mgay" i mphed "go away" but it didn't come out very well.

"Jason your girlfriends a little bit of a prude.." he laughed.

"Maybe she just doesn't want you touching her."

"Maybe, but now i think the Q&A is quite over... let's have some fun.." Marco said as he walked over to Jason. He first gave him a wedgie. Jason screamed a whole bunch of profanities at him.

"Oh yeah, we might want to stop that.." Marco said and he tried to tape Jason's mouth. Jason reacted by biting him in the hand.

"Oww. you little son of a ....." he said and he shoved the socks off of Jason's feet in his mouth and taped them in. Jason's face was full of disgust.

"So Jason, remember the last time we did this..."

"Mph!!" Jason started to panic and frantically struggle. his brother and his two friends walked around him and each took up a body part. Billy took his armpits, Marco his sides and Shaun his feet. And they let out a relentless tickle attack, Jason was thrashing and flailing and screaming.

After fifteen minutes they stopped and gave him some air. They turned to me.

"So, Emma. Are you ticklish?" Marco asked wiggling his fingers on the last word.

"Mphh!" I grunted to Jason in desperation...he looked back at me and then to the floor defeated.

"I'll take that as a yes.. " he started to wiggle his fingers next to my sides. I bucked and squealed and tossed and turned.

"I'm not even touching her and she's going nuts." he laughed.

They all started to tickle my upper body and i was thrashing and screaming, my sides were hurting from all the laughing.

"How about your feet?" Billy asked.

I kicked and jumped. This sucked. A lot. I looked over to where Jason was and i saw he had an arm free. It was almost over.

Marco grabbed my bound ankles and held them down, he pulled off my sneakers and tossed them aside. Then went my socks. I was feeling sick to my stomach now.. how long will it take Jason. Then they started to tickle all over my feet, straight up and down, concentrating on scratching little spots, it tickled so much... i wanted to die. I was in tears when they finally stopped. They looked back to make some comment to Jason, but saw he was gone. They noticed the door was open, so they ran outside to see if they could catch him.

After they left, i was wondering how the hell i would get out now. I heard a car start, they must have wanted to drive around and see if they could catch Jason. After they pulled out of the garage, i heard a noise, i panicked.. and started to struggle. Jason emerged from a closet and ran over to me. He was still shirtless and sweaty, he released me and we hugged.

"Now, we might want to get out of here." he said.
"I know where to go.. just trust me." I said.

My plan was we go to my dad's store. Since it was closed, we just lock up and hang there until we can go home.

I put on my sneakers and socks and we started walking. When ever we heard a car we were careful to be out of sight. When we were nearby the store I realized i left my key at home.

"Jay i gotta run home really fast, but i'll be back stay out of sight okay?"

"Alright, seeya in a bit." he said.

Thu Feb 15, 2007 1:29 pm

I took off running, when i neared my road a black SUV slowed down next to me. I was suspicious of it so i took a step back. But Marco sprang from the car and grabbed me. He pulled me into it and Billy was sitting in the seat with rope in his hands and Shaun was in the front. The driver was another guy, he lived down the street from me, his name was Zach, i know because i went to a party at his house once for new years.

Marco and Billy squished me in between them and Billy tied my arms and my elbows. Ouch did that hurt. Marco taped my eyes and mouth so i couldn't see anything.

We slowed down somewhere and Marco opened the window. Billy sat me up on his lap and i heard Jason's voice.

"Meet us at Zach's house" Billy said.

"What the hell?" Jason said as the car window closed.

We drove a little more and pulled up. The car parked and Billy carried me into the house. They sat me on the floor and i was left there.
I started working on the knots. i pulled and picked and found very little slack. Not to mention my elbows were aching me.

When Marco returned he took the tape off my mouth.

"Oww. can you please untie my elbows they are killing me!" i said.

He did and i felt some sort of circulation return.

"Jason should be here any minute. Once we get him, you can leave." he said. He pulled me to my feet and walked me over to a couch and had me sit down. He tied my ankles and thighs and knees. He walked away and i heard him and the other guys starting to play a video game.

I kept working on the rope. When i got my wrists free! i heard Zach come over and asked if i was okay. He pulled off the tape.

"Well i would be better if you guys would let me go..."

"Sorry Em, no can do.." he laughed and walked away. When i heard him leave i took the tape off of my eyes and untied myself.

Zach's house is fairly big. The guys were in Zach's room, which was the basement. And i was in the living room above it. I had a clear path to the back door. I got outside, and i really quickly ran up to my house, i grabbed my phone. I called Jason.

"Don't go to Zach's! i am fine, just come to my house, okay?"

"Alright... how'd you escape?"

"Just get here i'll tell you."

When he got to my house, we went inside and we hung out until Jason's dad picked him up.

It was a really weird experience with Marco. I think he was just a bondage fanatic and was looking for some kind of excuse. Later on we played another game, kinda, with Marco and friends. Will tell at a later date.

Emma's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section