Emma : 05 - Bad Day (mm/f, mm/fmm, fmm/mm)

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Emma : 05 - Bad Day (mm/f, mm/fmm, fmm/mm)

Post by Canuck100 »

Emma's stories
05 - Bad Day
Story index at the bottom

By Emma

Sun Feb 11, 2007 12:24 am

Bad Day

Once at basketball, I was having an awful playing day. I fumbled a lot, and was playing pretty badly, not to mention that if i didn't have Jason covering me i was pushed into walls and like thrown to the floor.

This guy Trevor, another guy Ray, his sister Leah, this girl named Melissa, and my friend Sam were on one team. Then Jason, Me, Tyler, Mike, and Dan were on my team. I was going in for a layup, and Jason tried to cover me, but then Trevor sent me crashing into a wall. I was okay it just hurt a little. During our game i missed every shot i took. Jason tried to assure me that i was just having a bad day, he said he was too, which was true because he was making as many shots as i was-0. But i was really upset that i wasn't playing up to my personal best.

"Relax, you'll do fine" he said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"I just can't get my head in the game today." I sighed.

We were down by twenty, virtually impossible to catch up, I loosened up a little and i made three three pointers, by the end we finished with a score of 40-50, not awful, but i was disappointed that i didn't do good.

"Where were you today Em?" Dan asked, he wasn't really seriously mad though.

"Yeah this game sucked..." Mike stated angrily.

"Half of their shots were your man..." Tyler said

"Chill out she had one bad day guys give her a rest" Jason defended.

"Whatever," I said and i stormed out. I went to the first floor girls bathroom to change. I put on some jeans, my uggs and a tanktop and put Jason's sweatshirt on over it. I washed my face in the sink and took my hair out of the pony tail it was in. After a few minutes i heard a knock at the door.

"Em? are you Okay.." Jason asked.

"I'm fine" i snapped.

"Alright, I'm gonna run across the street to the deli, you want a coffee or something?" he asked.

"I'm fine, I'll see you when you get back, love you. " I said.

"Love you too. Bye " he said. and i heard him walk away.

I threw my sweaty stuff in my gym bag and i left the bathroom. I dropped my stuff on the floor and i walked into the gym. I sat in the corner, ignoring my friend Sam waving me over. I was throwing a basketball against the wall, fairly hard, and suddenly when i reached my arms into the air to throw the ball it was grabbed out of my hands. It was Danny.

"You'll blow a hole in the freaking wall if you keep doing that." he said.

"Well at least that would be something..." i sighed.

"Hey kid," he said "you had a bad day, Jason and I don't care..."

"Well, that's great, the only problem is i lost any skill i once had.."

"Do you need a world Famous Danny pep talk?" he asked. Danny and i have known eachother for almost forever, he's like my older brother, he's had to give me peptalks before, they were generally pretty funny, not like a professional motivational speaker would do, but i always felt better.

"Oh god, that's the last thing i need." i laughed.

"Well, listen. you've been playing this game for how long, five years, or longer, you are the captain of your school team, but in the end you are human, you have bad days... but you also have two number one fans, two incredibly good looking ones i might add, who know you at your best, so trust me that you had one bad day, the world isn't gonna end, okay.. "

"Okay... thanks Danny, you're the best.." i said, and i gave him a hug. I felt much better after that little pep talk.
I walked out to see if Jason had returned, when i heard Mike and Tyler talking.

"I can't believe we lost, if only Emma spent less time drooling over Jason and more time playing well we wouldn't have given up so many shots!" Mike said.

"Yeah!" Tyler agreed. As i was walking by, Mike saw me. He and Tyler looked up at each other and then started whispering. I saw that at a glance and walked into the bathroom. After i was finished i walked into the hallway, I heard a knocking at a classroom door and i ran over to investigate. Mike was inside pounding on the door, and when i opened the door...

"Tyler locked me in here. he's such an ass!"

"Yeah, uhm, hate when that happens.." I said as i stepped back.

But Mike stepped closer and pulled me into him. He twisted my arm behind me and covered my mouth with his hand.

"Mrgghhh" I muttered into his hand.

"Cooperate and you'll be much better off" he laughed.

I struggled and tried to kick him.

"I guess you want things to go the hard way.." he shrugged and called for Tyler.

Tyler came into the room carrying ropes and a roll of duct tape and locked the door.

"The janitors closets are totally packing" he laughed as Mike pulled me to the floor. He took my arms and started to tie them behind me. Tightly, so tightly i couldn't help but cry out "Ouch".

"Comfy?" Mike asked.

"Bite Me" I snapped.

"Oooh someone has a mouth today." Tyler laughed. As he reached for the duct tape. He taped my mouth shut. Then Tyler pulled off my uggs and threw them to the side. He tied my ankles, knees and thighs together. Mike picked me up and sat me on a chair and he and Tyler wrapped rope around the chair several times leaving me completely immobile.

"Well, that was fun!" Mike laughed...

"Maybe your wondering why you're all tied up?"

"MPHO" I mphed no.

"Well since your dying to know, you cost us the game and we decided you needed an intervention."

"GRRmph" I yelled through the tape.

"You see, ever since Jason and you started going out you've been slipping, and so has he. So we decided you both needed this intervention.

"Mohttth?!?" both?! I asked the best i could, they understood me.

"Yes the both of you, as soon as Jason gets back, we'll continue with part two of our intervention. but until then..." he ripped the tape off my mouth.

"There's one, no two problems with that. One, Jason isn't an idiot, like you two he wouldn't fall for your trick and two, you couldn't take him he'd kick both of your asses!"

"Well, one your the bait and two who are you calling an idiot? and lastly, we can take him because there are two of us and one of him."

Neither Tyler or Mike we very skinny, they were ripped. So was Jason though, and he was older. The only thing that really worried me was that they could catch him by surprise, also that the two of them could take him if he isn't prepared.

"Well, how are you going to get him here?"

"Like this.." Mike said. First he gagged me with more tape and then, pulling out his camera phone, he snapped a picture of me and then the classroom number, and then my guess sent it to Jason. There goes there element of surprise. They readied themselves, each standing on a side of the door. After unlocking it they turned off the lights and waited.

The door opened slowly.

"Emma!?" a voice asked, but it wasn't Jason it was Dan!

"Mphhh! Mphh!" I tried to warn him of the trap. but Mike had jumped him.

"What the hell!! Get off me!!" he started to fight. Tyler turned the lights on and said "oh its just Dan." They got off of him.

"Let Emma out of there now, you guys!" he said angrily.

"Mph" I agreed.

"Come on Dan.. no need to ruin our fun.." Mike said.

"Yeah, you've done it tons of times.." Tyler said.

"Well she is obviously not in the mood for this, she always takes our games well, but you can't do this to her over nothing, it's not fair!, especially since she can't fight you guys off of her, she's half your size!"

"Mphh" once again agreeing. Dan started over to untie me but Tyler acted first, he jumped on top of him and taped his arms behind his back and taped him the a chair next to me. When they finished they realised Jason would be here any minute. They waited and when Jason arrived they pounced. He was wrestling for a long time until Tyler took a cheap shot to his uhm... weak spot. He cringed in pain and was quickly subdued. They hog tied him and left him on the floor.

"Well, this was more trouble then it should have been" Mike laughed.

"And for giving us all this trouble, a punishment is definitely in order."

Tyler said as he crouched at my feet. He pulled off my socks and started to lightly tickle my feet. I thrashed and squealed in my chair, and he stopped, waited for me to calm down a minute, then started again a lot harder scratching the soles of my feet. As i was being tickled, Mike went back and forth between Jason and Dan, tickling them, giving them wedgies, and indian burns. Then Tyler took a brake from me and focused on Jason while Mike went back and forth between me and Dan.

"I'm kinda hungry, lets grab some food." Tyler said, tickling Jays ribs..

"Me too. Let's go to the deli.." Mike said as he stood up.

"Don't go anywhere you three.." Tyler laughed as he and mike turned out the lights and locked the door.

With a little work, Jason got the tape on his mouth off.

"Guys, I'm getting almost nowhere with these knots, how about you?"

"Mrrpgh" Dan and I both responded.

"Try licking your lips and blowing air into the tape, you might be able to get it off!"

We did that and Danny got the tape off of his mouth. Within a few minutes i had as well.

"Well. this sucks", I said.

"Thank you captain obvious." Dan laughed.

"Danny? Can you push your chair towards mine a little?"

"I'll try" he said, and he did. He lined his chair up with my back, i reached my hands through the gap in the chair and was able to find where the tape on his arms started.

"Good news Danny. i can get your arms free!" I said excitedly

"Sweet. because i'm losing circulation!" he laughed.

I started to pick at the tape. god only knows how long the idiots would give us.

everyone needs to sleep sometime. =]

Tue Feb 13, 2007 11:56 pm

Sorry its taken so long to finish this story...
and also i love how conversations start here, its like a big family thing. pretty cool. =]

I was working on freeing Danny, but i wasn't getting as far as i hoped. But in about five minutes Jason stood up and had completely untied himself. He untied Danny and I and we went into another classroom so that we could prepare for some type of revenge.

"I don't know guys.." I said.

"All we have to do is catch them by surprise.." Jason said

"That could work" Danny smiled.

"Well count me out. i don't want to be involved in this game. but i'll see you later okay?" I kissed Jason on the cheek and left to go into the gym.
After ten minutes i went into the lobby for one reason or another and i saw that Jason and Danny had left. I was getting something out of the vending machine when i was grabbed from behind.

"Well, look what we've got here?" It was Tyler!

"How did you get free??" Mike asked.

"Magic,, now LET GO OF ME!!" I struggled.

"Jason and Dan must be free too somewhere.." Tyler said to Mike.

"No shit sherlock!" I laughed, but they did not join in with me. Tyler proceeded to drag me down the hallway and pull me into a classroom. He pushed me to the floor and pinned my arms at my sides.

"COME ON! please, don't , Tyyy.." Mike came in with rope and the two of them tied my arms and legs. Then they blindfolded me.

"Ready for a trip?" Tyler asked.

"No! Tyler, don't. I will scream so loud I'll wake the dead!"

"I knew i forgot something!" he laughed as he shoved a strip of tape over my lips.

He carried me up some stairs and into a room, my guess a classroom, because i was sat on a desk.

"Alright, my little hostage, where did Jason and Dan go?" Mike laughed, he ripped off the tape.

"I...OUCH... i don't know. they freed me, i said i didn't want to help...... i mean i left and went straight to the gym.." shit. i shouldn't have opened my big mouth.

"Really? what didn't you want to help them with?" he asked.

"Oh nothing.. i didn't want to go to the deli with them..." I lied.

"Are they planning something??" he asked. Damn he's smarter than he looks.

"If they are i don't know what..." i said. Which wasn't a lie exactly all i know is that they wanted to catch them off guard.

"Well, this is interesting.." Tyler laughed.

Then Mike took out his cell and dialed Jason. He put it on speaker.

"Hey. its Jason what's up?"

"Not much... but your girlfriend wanted to say hi."


"Jason whatever they say don't listen its a trapphmmhp" I started to say but was cut off by Tyler's hand.

"MPGHH!" i yelled loudly into his hand.

"Jason. if you want to save Emma, go to the second floor boys bathroom. Come alone." Mike said in a deep kidnapper voice.

"OH! and bring some water. i am thirsty!" Tyler laughed.

They hung up the phone.

Tyler took a bandana out of his pocket and tied it around my mouth.

With a little movement, I got the blindfold off of my eyes. I was in a classroom on the second floor, close to the boys bathroom. I slip off the desk and was standing in the middle of the room all tied up. I hopped to the door. Where i saw Danny running down the hallway. I started to push against the door and mmph so he could hear me. He saw me and came in. He released the gag and untied my arms.

"How did they get you?"

"I was at the vending machine when they jumped me.. but their after you and Jason now.."

"We know, we have it taken care of. just sit tight in here you'll see."

"Okay?" I said and he left.

After a few minutes Tyler came in with Dan and when he saw me he flipped out. "What the fuck!" he tried to tie Danny first, seeing as how he was more of a threat than i was.. but i jumped on his back.. It did nothing but make him grab me and let go of Danny, but once we both were on him we knocked him to the floor where Danny pinned him to the floor.

Jason came in with Mike and him and Dan proceeded to tie them up. They tortured them for a while, and i watched for a little bit but left soon after.

They all came down in an hour and we played another game, but this time we won. I guess my bad streak was over.

Emma's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section