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tiedmark : 03 - Boy Scout gone wild!!! (m/m)

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 5:22 am
by Canuck100
tiedmark's stories
03 - Boy Scout gone wild!!!
Story index at the bottom

By tiedmark

Sat Feb 10, 2007 9:04 pm

Boy Scout gone wild!!!

Knowing that my brother's friend "Brian" had been a boy scout and learned all he knew about tying up from the scouts, I decided to join myself (for other reasons too, but it was a definite incentive). I exceled at all my duties in the scouts, becoming a prominent member of my troop. That's when I met "Carson". Carson was an arrogant little prick (sorry if that offends you, but there is no other word to describe him) who joined a year after I did and thought he knew it all. I knew that he had to be dealt with.

On one camping trip we decided to play capture the flag. This was my chance to cut him down a notch. We all dressed in black and set out to a clearing in the woods. We picked the teams and set off to hide our flags. I made SURE I was on the opposite team of Carson.

As we set about playing the game, I snuck back to camp and grabbed our rope bucket. I headed back to the field and began to look for Carson. Once I found him, I laid in the bushes and waited for him to pass me by. I jumped out of the bushes and grabbed him, clasping my hand over his mouth. He struggled and mmppphhed madly, but I was much stronger than him. I wrestled him to the ground and pulled my neck scarf out of my pocket and shoved it into his mouth, cleave gagging him. I forced his hands behind him and began wrapping furiously before wrapping it between his wrists, cinching off the tie. I turned around and began quickly tying his ankles, getting the laces of his converse all stars all tangled in the ropes. Once he was tied up, I threw him over my shoulder, grabbed the rope bucket and ran through the woods. He was struggling every bit of the way and yelling obscenities through his gag.

Once we were at least a footballs field away from camp, I placed Carson against a very stable tree, and took our longest ropes and snake lined my way around the tree, wrapping him so tight he could barely move an inch. Once i was sure, he was secure, i left him tie to the tree, struggling and mmpphhhhing curses at me. That would teach him.....or so I thought.

As we continued to the play the game, I forgot all about Carson out in the woods by himself. I had just found the opposing teams flag when all of a sudden, Carson appeared before me. Somehow, he had gotten free!!

"Hello there, remember me?" he whispered, before pushing me to the ground. He then thrust the very same scarf into my mouth that I had gagged him with, and taped it shut. He proceeded to tie my hands behind me in the very same fashion I had him.

"Thanks for teaching me how to do I hope you remember who you're f**king with" he said as he cinched off my wrists.

I fought my hardest to break free, but it was useless. He stood me up, and led me back to camp. The leaders had all gone to bed by now, so he just waltzed me into camp to my tent. As luck would have it, I had a tent of my own that weekend (we alternated, and this was my weekend), so he forced me into the tent, laid me down, and crossed and tied my ankles together. He then tied my knees, torso, fact, he used every bit of rope we had on my body and legs, and being that we were a scout troop, that was a hell of a lot of rope! After he was done, he flipped my off, and shut my tent, returning to the game. He told everyone I got tired and went to bed, so I was left struggling and yelling into the tape all night.

In the morning, he was the first one up. He came to my tent, woke me and untied me. He told me that if i told anyone, the next time would be worse. I never did. Til now. However, this wasn't the only time I was tied in scouts...

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