Netra : 01 - My "Tied & Tickled" Afternoons (m/f, f/m)

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Netra : 01 - My "Tied & Tickled" Afternoons (m/f, f/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Netra's stories
01 - My "Tied & Tickled" Afternoons
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By Netra

Wed Jan 10, 2007 12:02 am

My "Tied & Tickled" Afternoons

When I was a senior in high school (age 17) I was dating a guy my age named Todd. We got along great and both enjoyed playing simple tie games. He had cut up a parachute rope cord into several pieces. Each piece was about 2 feet long. I never thought to ask him where he got parachute rope in the first place. Anyway, we’d used those pieces of rope to tie each other up in various positions. We were both virgins so it never got too risqué.

Most of the time Todd would come over to my house. If my step mom was at work (which she usually was in afternoons) we’d go up to my bedroom and hang out. An average of about twice a week, he’d bring some of the rope pieces. I’d ask him what clothing he’d like to see me tied up in. He’d pick an outfit out of my closet and then tie me up. I had a pillar in my room so sometimes he’d tie me to that. Other times to the bed or into a hogtie. Whatever floated his boat.

Once he had me tied up, he would gag me and blindfold me then tickle me. He was nice enough to stop often and let me get my breath. It wasn’t really about torture. It was just an easy way to get me to squirm. I was very ticklish. Sometimes he’d videotape it and we’d watch together afterwards. But the rule was that we ALWAYS erased the tape after viewing it. I can’t image what my step mom would have done if she’d ever found such a video.

Watching myself on tape getting tied & tickled was pretty funny. Usually I hated to see myself on tape but with the blindfold and gag it was somehow easier to watch because it didn’t look like the real me. It was like watching an imposter. Okay, that’s hard to explain. Anyway, it was funny to watch and the sound of laughter through a gag is hilarious.

Some examples memorable ways I was tied up . . .

1- Tied in a hogtie while wearing my prom dress. I actually tore a slit down the side of it. Oops. Good thing the prom was already past.

2- Tied to pillar wearing a bikini.

3- Tied in a hogtie wearing the same bikini and tickled with a feather from one of my hats. That was one of the few times he used something besides his fingers to tickle me.

4- Tied to the bed in a tube top and jeans. Oddly enough, I bought that tube top because I loved the color but I never got up the courage to wear it in public. I’m a rather modest dresser. I had no problem wearing a bikini to the beach but that’s because people expect clad-ness when swimming. I just couldn‘t bring myself to go out in a tube top. The bedroom tickle sessions were the only times I ever put it on.

5- One time he had me wrap myself in a bed-sheet toga. He wanted to tie up a “Greek goddess.” Again, whatever floated his boat!

After about the tenth time, I asked if I could tie HIM up. I felt he should know what it’s like. Heh. He said I could and jokingly asked, “What should I wear?” But I actually took him up on his joke and made him put on one of my step mom’s evening dresses (mine were too small for him). I tied him to the pillar wearing the dress and have never laughed harder in my life! Afterward we only watched the first 10 seconds of that video before he said, “Okay! Let’s erase that and never speak of it again.”

I tied him up on a few other occasions too (in his own clothes) but usually it was he tying me.

But my very FAVORITE story about tie-up is what happened in May of that year. That’s a story for tomorrow! I think you’ll enjoy it. Until then . . . :D


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Post by Canuck100 »

Thu Jan 11, 2007 1:50 am

My "Tied & Tickled" Afternoons
Part 2

Brief recap: It was my senior year of high school. I was 17 and dating a guy named Todd. In afternoons (when my step-mom was at work and my sister at cheerleading practice) Todd would come over and we’d play innocent ‘tie-up & tickle’ games in my bedroom. This had gone on for about 5 months or so by the time May rolled around.

It was a Saturday morning and my step-mom was going to be out all. Todd and I took this opportunity to be together. But the school year was nearly over we were worried about what might happen after graduation. Would we move apart? We were both feeling sort of down and not in the mood for a tie-up game. Todd put the pieces of rope on my bed and we went down to the living room to watch TV.

Sorry if you hoped this story would be about Todd tying me up again. It’s not. But it is still my favorite tie up tale because of what DID happen . . .

My sister was at home that day. She was only a freshman in high school, just 14-years-old. That’s only three years difference but back then three years was major. She was co-captain of the JV cheerleaders with a girl named Tracy (also 14) who lived just down the street. I can recall MANY times when my sister came home in tears because of Tracy.

You see, Tracy was one of those popular, snobby girls who had everything: Good looks, rich parents, etc. And she often made fun of people who weren’t up to her standards. I don’t know what she had against my sister. I can only guess she didn’t like sharing the spotlight with her. But as co-captains they were forced to work together (writing cheers, planning events, etc).

On this particular Saturday Tracy was coming over to pick something up or drop something off. I can’t recall. When the doorbell rang my sister looked out the window and muttered something like, “Oh good, the spoiled brat is here. Put on a fake smile.”

She opened the door and let out a big fake, “HI TRACY!” Todd and I were on the sofa cracking up. The two girls went off to my sister’s bedroom for a couple minutes. When they came out, Tracy excused herself to the bathroom.

My sister said, “Okay, I’m out of her. I’m going across the street.” That meant she was going to her best friend’s house. She was allowed so I said “goodbye” and off she went. But Tracy was still in the bathroom.

When she came out she looked totally different. She’d changed her clothes, changed her hair style and put on fresh make-up. She was now wearing a white satin-like tank top, plaid skirt and had her hair done up in what I guess was some French style.

She stepped in front of the TV and posed. “How do I look?”

I wanted to yell, “Put on a freaking bra for goodness sakes!” But I didn’t. I was polite and told her she looked nice. She was more "developed" than an average 14-year-old.

Todd asked her why she’d changed. She said she was going to some birthday party that afternoon.

Then she asked, “Do you mind if I call my boyfriend? I need him to come pick me up and take me to the party. I don't want to walk."

She called her boyfriend and talked to him for a while. Then said these dreaded words . . .

“Okay, the party’s not until three o’clock so just come pick me up here in about two hours.”

Todd and I looked at each other. We wanted time to ourselves and now this tiny brat was planning on hanging out for TWO HOURS? We hardly even knew her!

When she got off the phone she plopped down on the sofa right between us and starting babbling on and on about how she found her outfit at the mall and there was this guy there who called her cute and blah, blah, blah. She just wouldn’t shut up. I was amazed by her mouth stamina.

I finally interrupted her and asked why she didn’t ask to be picked up at her own house just down the block. She said, “I don‘t want people to think I sit around my house alone on a Saturday. That‘s so dorky.” Then, I kid you not, she actually added, “Now that your stupid sister is gone, I don’t mind hanging out here for a little while.”

She never bothered to ask if WE minded. And where does she get off bashing my sister right to my face?

Tracy took out some teen magazine and started reading. I thought that would keep her quiet but it didn’t. “Oh, don’t you think that dress would look cute on me? I would totally wear that. And those shoes? I have a pair just like them. They‘re soooo cute. Blah, blah, blah.”

I wanted to shoot myself.

Eventually she asked if she could use the vanity in my room to touch up her make-up a bit. I said she could. ANYTHING to get her out of the room for a few minutes. I hoped she’d stay up there until her ride came but that was still an hour and a half away! Time was moving so slowly.

She wasn’t gone 2 minutes before reappearing on the stairs . . . And carrying the ROPES in her hand! She had grabbed them off the bed. I turned red immediately. I’d forgotten about those.

Tracy stopped halfway down the stairs and grinned. “So what are these for, huh?” Then she giggled.

I was trying to think of a lie fast but nothing came out. Todd was quicker than me. “They’re mine,” He said. “It’s parachute cord. I’m going to make a mini parachute for science class.”

She seemed to accept that explanation and I breathed a secret sigh of relief. The last thing I wanted was for this 14-year-old blabbermouth to run around telling everybody that Todd and I tie each other up. Yikes!

“I thought you were doing something naughty with them,” she giggled again. Then she started tying one of the ropes around her wrist. She did some simple knot and then held it up for us to see, still giggling.

Todd jumped off the sofa, “No, that knot sucks. Weren‘t you ever in the scouts?”

I watched from the sofa as he re-tied the knot on her wrist. She just watched him do it and giggled again when he was done.

“You seem experienced,” she grinned.

“You never played cops and robbers? Wait, watch this.”

He turned her to the side and brought both of her arms behind her back. Then he began tying the rope around BOTH wrists. It only took him a few seconds. The next thing I knew, Tracy was standing next to him on the stairs with her wrists tied behind her back.

I started laughing. If this girl only knew how often those ropes were used for such fun for REAL. Todd looked at me and grinned from ear to ear. It was like a private joke between us. But at this point I honestly thought Todd was just showing her how to do it and assumed he was about to remove the rope.

I had no idea this was only the beginning of something . . .
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Post by Canuck100 »

Thu Jan 11, 2007 3:45 am

My "Tied & Tickled" Afternoons
Part 3

So Tracy stood halfway up the stairs next to Todd. Her wrists were now tied behind her back. Todd said, “That’s how it’s done.”

Tracy was still giggling. I think she was enjoying this attention and probably thought it was making me jealous because she kept shooting me these snotty glances as if to say, “Ha ha, your boyfriend is paying attention to me and not you.”

Todd said, “Come up here, let me show you something.”

He went up the rest of the stairs and took a left toward my bedroom. But Tracy didn’t follow him. She said, “Um, hello. You can take this off me now.”

Todd laughed from my bedroom and said, “Okay, come here.”

She went on up the stairs and into my bedroom.

I was confused. “What the heck,” I said and darted up the stairs. When I went into my bedroom I saw that Todd had already untied one of her wrists and was placing her body up against the pillar.

“It’ll just be for a second. Don’t be a baby,” he was saying to her.

She seemed a bit nervous but did this little pose and said, “Okay, whatever.”

He brought her arms behind her around the pillar and tied the rope back in place. He had tied her to the pillar just as he had done to me so many times. Well, almost as he had done to me. There were still a few things missing . . .

“Wait, you forgot to do her ankles,” I said, trying to sound as innocent as I could so Tracy wouldn’t freak out.

I grabbed one of the ropes and tied it around her right ankle, then around the pillar, and finally around her left ankle. Now she was secured to the pillar.

Todd started pretending to be the stereotypical Indian from old movies, doing this "rain dance" around the pillar. I joined in on the dance. We were going around her shouting and everything. Tracy was laughing.

Then I grabbed the gag (it was actually just a long sock that we used as a gag) and the sleep mask that we used as a blindfold. Todd kept on dancing and making noise as I started to put the mask on her first.

“A mask?" Tracy asked. "Am I Zorro?”

I put the mask on her and she was surprised to find that it had no eye holes. “I can’t see through this thing” she said. She really had thought it was a Zorro mask!

Todd motioned for me to turn on the camera so I did.

Then I put on the gag. The knot was already tied from my last session with Todd so I just had to slip it down over her head, slide it in her mouth and pull it tight. I did it so fast I don’t think she even knew what was happening until it was in place.


Todd stopped dancing . . . And started tickling Tracy.

She wriggled around, laughing behind the gag. That gagged laughter is always such a funny sound. I joined Todd and we both spent at least a full 30 or 40 minutes tickling her and enjoying how she squirmed.

I discovered that she was most ticklish on her sides just above her hips. If I gave her a little pinch there, she would twist her body like crazy and laugh harder. Other tender areas for her were her neck and, I’m embarrassed to say, her boobies. Todd was gentleman enough not to tickle her there but I did. Mostly I focused on her sides though.

Finally Todd goes, “Holy crap, I’m tired. Wanna go get something to eat?”


We walked out of the room and shut the door. We could hear Tracy inside shouting muffled things at us through the gag.

We decided to go to McDonalds. The entire time we were in the car we were laughing and talking about our helpless captive back at the house. We forgot all about our worries over what would happen to us after graduation. This was the perfect distraction.

After about 20 minutes we returned with our food and took it up to my bedroom. Tracy was still securely tied. Her head jerked in the direction of the door when we came in. She was squirming around, tugging at the ropes and still shouting muffled things at us.

We left her tied up while we ate. Todd suddenly shouted out at one point, “Tracy, hold still. There’s a spider on you.” Of course she didn’t hold still. Oh, that was mean. He admitted he was only kidding and continued eating.

When Todd had finished his Coke, he gestured at the cup of ice and then at Tracy. I got the picture and almost started laughing. I had to stifle myself as I watched Todd pull the scooped neckline of Tracy’s shirt open. He poured the entire cup of ice down the front of her shirt!

She actually SHRIEKED the second the ice touched her and squirmed around. She tried to shake the ice out. Many cubes fell out but a lot stayed in. That’ll teach her to wear such a tight shirt without a bra.

Todd and I were laughing. Then I quickly sucked down the rest of my Coke and ran over to her. I pulled the elastic band on her skirt and panties back (hey, at least she was WEARING panties). I poured my cup of ice down her panties.

Another shriek!

A lot of the ice came out immediately but a lot also stayed in. She was trying to squirm and shake the ice out which only made us laugh harder. Not only did it look funny but the sound of the ice clacking around was HILARIOUS!

We left her struggling like that for about 10 minutes. That may not sound like long but, trust me it is. Try holding ice next to your skin for that long. And she had a double dose!

We pulled her shirt open and her panties, allowing the remaining ice to come falling out. She looked like she’d wet herself!

Her muffled shouts were much louder now.

That was the first time we’d ever included anything besides tickling in our bedroom games. Then again, this was the first time we’d ever included another person in our games too. And this particular person NEEDED a little ice down her pants. Heh.

Then the door rattled. I freaked out at first because I thought it might be my step mom but thank goodness it was my sister.

“What’s going on in there?”

Todd started to untie her as quickly as he could. I told my sister to hang on a second. Once she was untied, I pulled off the mask and sent her into my private bathroom. “Go get cleaned up. I have a hair dryer in there.”

She was still gagged as she darted into the bathroom. She shrieked again when she looked in the mirror. Then she shut the door.

I let my sister in and told her that Tracy was waiting on a ride and we were just playing with her.

About 30 minutes later Tracy’s boyfriend arrived and we knocked on the bathroom door. “Your ride’s here.” She came out of the bathroom looking as fresh as a ever.

She brushed right passed me and Todd with a haughty expression on her face. When she saw my sister, she paused briefly. I think she was trying to gage her reaction to see if we’d told her anything. When my sister didn’t laugh or make a face, Tracy gave her the same haughty expression and went to the front door to greet her boyfriend. They left together.

Then Todd and I took my sister into my bedroom and showed her the tape. She laughed her butt off watching it! I have never seen her laugh that hard before or since. I mean she was in tears and rolling on the floor! When it was over she rewound it back and watched the ice section again and again. She wanted to keep the video and show it to her friends but we stuck to our rule and erased it immediately.

That remains my favorite tie-up experience mostly because it came when me and Todd needed it most. We were so depressed and after that experience we were happy. Plus it was a chance to get some good harmless payback for my sister to enjoy.

Todd and I continued our own tie-up and tickle sessions for a couple more months before he moved away. That remained the ONLY time we ever used ice. We agreed ice should be saved only for bratty cheerleaders. :D
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