Matt Anderson : 01 - Tie up games with Alex (m/m)

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Matt Anderson : 01 - Tie up games with Alex (m/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Matt Anderson's stories
01 - Tie up games with Alex
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By Matt Anderson

PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:36 pm

My story

A few years back i used to have a tie up buddy, Alex. Him and I would spend almost every weekend at his house playing our tie up games.

This weekend he told me wanted to have a sleepover, nothing new i thought.

I got there around noonish. We played some soccer, video games, then decided to watch a movie around 4ish. It got boring, quick.

"Screw it" he said. "My parents are gone all weekend so why dont we try an all nighter tie up!"

"Alright" i said. "Whos gettin tied"

"My house, my rules" he answered. "I wanna try some torture towards you this time, so you're gettin tied"

"Err, whatever". I wasnt really sure what was in store, considering most of our other games were "tie the person up, see if they can escape, then switch".

We went down to his basement, and into the spare bedroom, where most of our tugs usually took place.

"Okay, now what" i said.

"Change" he said "here". He handed me a pair of blue basketball shorts.

I went into his bathroom to change. The shorts didn't even go to my knees.

"What shirt should i wear" i screamed out.

"Who said anything about a shirt" he answered. "My house my rules"

"Whatever" i mumbled under my breath. Walking out a saw he had put a lot of supplies on the bed. "Are you going to use all that stuff on me?"

"Most, itll be fun, trust me".

"Okay" i said "where do u want me?"

"Well we're doing this in 3 stages. The first one will be simple chair tie, second is a bed tie with some of the tortures, then my choice at the end, got it Matt?"

"Yeah yeah yeah, lets start"

I sat down in an armless kitchen chair he had brought down. He wasted no time in starting. Alex pulled my hands behind the chair then roped them off. Simple enough, i thought. He then pulled my legs behind the chair as well and tied them right below where my wrists were. This kinda hurt, but wasn't bad. he finished off by putting a little bit more rope around my chest.

"There" he said. "hows it feel?"

"Good i guess" i said.

"Well im gonna go upstairs for a while, if you can escape, i'll let you go and we wont do the other two stages, but it you don't, we're gonna go on, ok?"

"Sure" i knew i could get out. The knots were close to my hands anyways.

"Alright, i'm goin" he said "oh, a few more things though"

He went over and grabbed a roll of duct tape. He wrapped both my hands in tape so there was no way i could pick at the knots. To finish it off, he took one of his socks and stuffed it into my mouth then wrapped duct tape around that a few times.

"All done buddy" he smirked. "Try getting out of that". He walked upstairs.

All i could do was mmmphhmm into my gag. i was stuck. I struggled and struggled but some gave up because i was starting to get tired and i knew there was a long night ahead of me.

The clock by me soon read 530, an hour and a half since we had started. The door at the top of the stairs opened and Alex came walking down with a big grin on his face.

"Haha, i can see you didnt escape"

I shook my head no.

"Well okay then, next stage!" He can over and started to untie me. After he took my gag off i spat out the sock and went and got some water.

"Alright, what's next Alex" i asked.

"You remember, bed tie" he said. "Go ahead and lay down on the guest bed.

I got up and layed down on my back. Alex can over and quickly tied my wrists to opposite bed posts at the top. And of course, wrapped my hands in duct tape. He took more rope and tied my ankles the same way, i was really stretched out.

"Done" he said.

"Well...okay then" i said.

I thought, this really isn't that bad, i cant escape, but at least I'm comfortable.

Alex said, "you need a gag". He went over and grabbed a sock again, this time out of his dirty clothes pile, he shoved it into my mouth and wrapped duct tape around that.

"Hmmmm" he said. "You seem okay, what else"

After a while he said, "I have a few ideas..", then went upstairs.

I tested out my bonds and realized they were pretty good. I wasn't escaping.

Alex came back down with a a tray full of ice. He placed the ice cubes all over, on my chest, in my shorts, and even taped a few to my legs and feet. It was cold..very cold. I struggled but couldnt shake them off.

"Once, these melt" he said "We'll go to the final stage, but if you escape we can be done, got it?"

I nodded between shivers as he walked upstairs. I had basically given up, I just lay there and waited for the ice to all melt. Alex came downstairs a few times but just to say "not good enough, they need to melt more"

Around 7:30 alex came back downstairs again.

He laughed at how pitiful i looked, tied to a bed, gagged with his sock, and soaked with cold water from the ice.

"Alright, i think you've had enough of this stage" he said. "For the last stage, i thought of how i can keep you warm"

He untied me and let my go to the bathroom and get a drink of water again.

"Alright" he said "you'll need your shorts off for this one"

"Why?" i said, a little confused.

"My house, my rules" is all he said back to me.

"Whatever...i guess..." so i took off the basketball shorts and was left standing there in nothing but my briefs.

"Stand up straight now" he said. "Put your legs together real tight, same with ur arms"

He pulled a bag out from under the bed and pulled to large boxes of saran wrap from it.

"Here we go" Alex said with a smirk "Now dont struggle or we'll have to start all over"

He wrapped saran wrap from my ankles all the way up to right below my underwear. He gagged me again (sock and duct tape) then wrapped saran wrap all the way from my waist to the top of my head, making a hole for my nose and my eyes.

This shouldn't be bad, i thought, i can get out of saran wrap, what is Alex thinking?

"Next step" he said "this'll help it be a little more secure"

He went over to the bag and got about 5 rolls of duct tape. The duct tape was wrapped everywhere the saran wrap was. Total, there was 1 layer of saran wrap and about 3-4 layers of duct tape. I was stuck. The only parts of me not taped were me nose, my eyes, and my underwear.

"Warm now?" he said "i'm going upstairs until 9:30, try to escape buddy"

I mmmphhed and started to roll around and try to break my bonds. didn't work.. I was exhausted from all the struggling the past couple of hours so i gave up trying to break out of my bonds after 8pm passed.

930 finally came around and alex came walking downstairs again.

"There's my little mummy" he said "having fun?"

"Mmphhh" was all i could say.

"Ready to be untied buddy?"

"Mmmphhh!" (which was supposed to mean yes)

"Well....too bad, i rented a movie and honestly, i think i'd enjoy it better knowing you were still tied and gagged in my basement, so i'm going to leave you here. ok?"

"Mmpphhmm! mmppph mmmphh!" was all i could manage to say, considering i was gagged and all.

"Well if you would've escaped, you wouldn't have this problem, now would you?" he laughed and walked back upstairs.

I sighed and started to struggle again. no use...the tape was tight, very tight, and i knew if i was to get out it would be from alex untaping me.
around 11 alex came back to the guest room in the basement.

"That movie was pretty good, its too bad you missed it" he said.

Once again, all i could do was mmpphh into my sock/tape gag.

"You're probably tired, i know a way i can wake you up"

He dragged me over to the door to the room that had the circuit breaker and a bunch of other technical stuff in it. He forced me to stand up, which took longer than he probably expected.

The doorknob on this door was unusually strong and high, it went about 2feet or so above my waist if I were to stand next to it.

"This will wake you up for sure" he said. Alex lifted me up the best he could and hooked the back of my underwear to the doorknob. Then he dropped me.

"MMPPHH!" i screamed into my gag. My feet weren't touching the floor.

Alex burst out laughing as i hung there twisting and struggling trying to get the massive wedgie out. I wanted my underwear to rip very badly so i could just fall and it'd be over, but it hung in there, much to alex's amusement.

"HAHA!" Alex said. "This is too good matt, you're tied, gagged, and hanging by your tight whiteys in my basement! haha!"

Alex pulled up a chair and watched my struggle for what seemed like an hour, which only turned out to be 20 minutes or so.

"I think you've had enough" Alex said between laughs. He went over and lifted me off the knob.

I rolled and rolled on the floor trying to undo the wedgie, but it didn't work.

Alex sat back down and watched my helplessness for a while longer. around midnight he took some scissors and cut all the tape and seran wrap off of me. I went into the bathroom and changed back into the shorts.

Once i came out Alex said "Did you enjoy this session Matt?"

"It was alright" i said. "Why the hell did you have to use so much torture?"

"Well, didnt it make it more fun?" he said.

"Errr.....yeah, i guess it kinda did" i said.

We went to bed after that and of course, had more tie up games after that.

After that night, it seemed that i was always the one to be tied up. I can't recall a moment where i had tied Alex. It turned out he loved to tie people and really hated to be tied, while I loved to be tied up and really didn't care for tying people. Seemed pretty perfect if you ask me.

Alex moved away about a year later. He comes back once in a while but it's usually to visit everyone, so we haven't really had a chance to do another tie up game.

Well, this is my first story i could piece together, its not that great so dont be too harsh, lol, email me or comment on how you liked it.
Thanks everyone.

Matt Anderson

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