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Boywonder : 02 - Boy Wonder caught snooping again (FF/m)

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 5:07 am
by Canuck100
Boywonder's stories
02 - Boy Wonder caught snooping again
Story index at the bottom

By Boywonder

Tuesday, March 7th 2006 - 10:29:07 AM

Boy Wonder caught snooping again

I have recieved so many encouraging comments and nice comments that I wanted to post another story right away about my tie up adventures as Robin the Boy Wonder and wanted to echo something Jack posted. I too am enjoying reading all the excellent stories being posted and I too would love to see some women post stories and/or give some comments on the stories.

Well as I mentioned in my last story I was very blessed to have discovered an aunt who loved tying me up and who really enjoyed my whole Boy Wonder in Peril fantasies as evidenced by my first tie up experience with her and her friend Cathy. I got another chance to don my cape and mask a couple of weeks after that first experience except this time I would find myself taken to another "villainess hideout"

Once again it was a weekend and I had begged my mom to let me go visit Aunt Liz and help her in her garden. My mom got her on the phone and she said she would be delighted to have her nephew over for a visit. I secretly packed my little Robin outfit again and my mom dropped me off at my aunt's big house again. My mom asked my aunt if I behaved myself last time and she just smiled at me and said I had been "a very good boy" (I almost thought she was gonna blurt out "boy wonder")

My aunt sent me upstairs to see if I could find a bag she left up there. I knew that was my cue/chance to get changed into my Robin outfit and become the snooping Boy Wonder again. I was so excited I had trouble getting into my costume I was rushing so fast. I finished and went to the railing of the stairs and heard my aunt on the phone talking really loud so I could hear her. She was talking to someone about "coming over to help her take the stolen diamonds back to their other hideout." My heart was pounding again as I started to creep down the stairs slowly, getting into the fantasy and wondering what would happen this time. Loving how it felt being dressed in my Robin costume again and playing out my fantasy. I snuck to the door of the kitchen where I had heard my aunt on phone. She was sitting at table looking through her purse when suddenly I felt something hard press against my back and almost jumped as it surprised me. Before I could look back to see who it was a hand clamped over my mouth hard and was pushed into the kitchen where my aunt looked up as she pulled a pack of cigarettes from her purse and smiled.

"Ahh surprise surprise. The Boy Wonder...caught snooping again. Good work Cathy." (It was my aunt's friend Cathy again! I heard her chuckle behind me.)

"What are we gonna do with the brat?" asked Cathy.

My aunt smiled a wicked smile as she lit her cigarette. She said I would have to be tied up of course. (Again I let out a silent 'Yessss!' as I stood there) My aunt went to a drawer and pulled out a length of rope and came over to me. She ordered Cathy to keep the gun on me as she spun me around to face away from her and she yanked my arms down from sides and crossed my wrists over and neatly started to bind my wrists. She asked me if I didn't think I would get caught again snooping around. I blurted out something like "Holy Caught Off Guard!" which made both women laugh. I looked up to see Cathy holding the fake pistol at me at waist level and she was smiling as she watched my aunt finish knoting off the rope around my wrists. She asked if she was gonna gag me too. I looked back at my aunt checking her rope work. My aunt took a drag from her cigarette and nodded yes.

She grabbed a roll of thin white tape from another drawer and tore off a short 2 inch strip and taped my mouth shut as I stood there tugging lightly on rope around my wrists. I was shoved onto a kitchen chair by my aunt.

My aunt suggested they better "call the gang" and let them know they were on their way over to hideout and they were bringing something extra...the Boywonder! (Listening I realized they had planned this little scenario out which made me more excited with anticipation of what they planned to do with me next.) I continued to lightly struggle as my aunt pretended to make a phone call as her friend Cathy grabbed the pack of smokes on kitchen table and grabbed one and lit it and sat down on a chair beside me. She shoved the gun into my ribs and told me I was gonna be sorry I was such a little snooping brat as she deliberately blew a thin stream of smoke at me. I was loving it! I let out a loud "Mmmmmph!!" through my tape gag for affect making Cathy smile evilly.

My aunt got off phone and pulled me to my feet. She said "Let's get Boy Blunder here and the diamonds over to our hideout fast." That Batman might be looking for me. They hustled me to the back door and out into a porch then into an enclosed two car garage. Cathy opened the rear passenger door and I was shoved inside on my belly. I felt someone starting to wrap rope around my ankles and tie my feet together.

Heard the front driver's side door open and looked up to see my aunt peering down at me with a grin.

"Yes tie him nice and tight. We don't want little Robin there trying something stupid like escaping a moving car do we?" I felt Cathy finish tying my feet together with rope and then close the door and climb into the front seat. I struggled to roll on my side. Now tightly tied hand and food and still gagged with tape. Cathy looked back at me too and checked me out struggling on back seat. I moaned through my gag again as the garage door opened and car drove out of garage. I wondered where their "hideout" was, where they were taking me. We drove what seemed like 15 minutes (but was probably only about 5) the women enjoyed a smoke and kept glancing back at me and seemed to really enjoy seeing me struggle, all tied up again in little Robin costume. Laughing sometimes at my predicament. I was loving it, living out a kidnap fantasy, nabbed and tied up by two pretty "evil vixens" I was beside myself with excitement. The car suddenly veered sharply into a what seemed like a long driveway. I struggled to see out rear windows and saw lots of big brick buildings going by and realized was in an industrial part of town.

(when we last left off I had been caught as the Boy Wonder again by my aunt and her friend Cathy and was tied up in aunt's car in back seat and being driven to their "hideout" an apparent industrial area)

The car came to a stop and the rear door opened and my aunt smiled at me and started to untie my feet, and pulled me out and onto my feet and I saw that I was at the rear of an industrial strip mall. The women each took an arm and hurriedly took me inside through a rear door. My hands still tied behind my back. Cathy slipped her free hand over my mouth in case I decided to cry out. I found myself in big room. It was hot and there was tables full of unfinished pottery and other clay pieces. I realized it was an art studio of some kind. My eye caught a small conveyor belt in corner of the large room that seemed to lead into a large furnance like structure with several big pipes sticking out of it. (It was a kiln for baking the clay pottery) I was shoved onto a metal stool and Cathy used the same rope to tie my ankles again as I sat there. She grinned up at me as she quickly bound my feet again.

"Welcome to our hideout Boy Wonder" she added as she finished and joined my aunt who was sitting on the edge of a table watching her friend finish tying me again.

"Yes welcome to our hideout brat. We have special plans for you Boy Wonder!" she said in a mocking but menacing voice. She winked at Cathy who laughed and rubbed her hands together.

"Oh yes very special plans" added Cathy. I struggled to look over my shoulder at the conveyor belt. When I looked back my aunt was coming over.

"Ahhhh I see you spotted the conveyor belt Boy Wonder", she smiled and came over and managed to turn the stool I was tied up on around so I faced the conveyor belt and kiln. She then walked over to it and turned back to look at me. My eyes wide behind my little black mask. "You are gonna be put on our conveyor belt and fed into the furnance!" she informed me. I gave a mock look of horror playing along with the game.

"You evil fiends!" (or something to that affect) I blurted out. Which brought laughter from the women.

"There will be no escaping this time Boy Wonder!" added my aunt as she ran her hand over the conveyor belt. "It will be fun to watch you squirming on it won't it Cathy?" I glanced back to see Cathy smiling wickedly then slipping a cigarette in her bright red lip sticked lips and lighting it.

Cathy walked over and joined my aunt by the conveyor belt as I struggled mightly knowing they enjoyed seeing me try to escape and loving to struggle myself. I was trying to think of something clever to say but my mind was racing with excitement and all I blurted out was a lame "You won't get away with this you fiends!" which of course brought laughter from my captors.

"Ohhh we have got away with it Boy Wonder", taunted my aunt. She told me I was going on the conveyor belt and would be fed into their big oven. I feigned horror and tugged hard on ropes binding my wrists behind my back almost tumbling off the metal stool I was tied up on. I warned them Batman would be looking for me and be here any minute. They both laughed again and Cathy pulled a bandanna out of her pocket and with a smile walked over and went behind me. My aunt smiled and told her to shut me up and gag me. I went to open my mouth to protest and had the bandanna pulled between my teeth and tightly knotted off behind my head. "That's better" , laughed my aunt. She told Cathy it was time to put me on belt and she walked over and grabbed by legs and I felt Cathy still behind me grab me under my arm pits and left me up. I loved the sensation of being tied and helpless and being carried by two pretty ladies.

The women carried me over to the conveyor belt and laid me down in the rubber belt on my back. I groaned and protested through my cleave gag but only muffled protests came though the bandanna. They stepped back to watch me squirm and my aunt joined Cathy in having a smoke. I was beside myself with excitement living out all my "tied up on conveyor belt" fantasies. The helpless caped hero about to be fed to his doom as the evil villainesses watched with glee. "Struggle all you want Robin." ,teased my aunt, "You are doomed Boy Wonder!" , she let out her best campy, evil laugh which I loved! But aunt announced I would have to be tied up tighter before they started up the conveyor belt and she grabbed two big coils of thick black cotton rope from a nearby table and walked over to me. She pulled me up so my back was off the belt and sitting with my knees pulled up to my chest and she started to wrap the rope around my arms several winds before knotting it off and tying my arms tightly to my sides then helped me lie back down on belt and then proceeded to use the other rope to tie my knees tightly together too.

I lay there helpless now, barely able to move and not wanting to struggle too hard because of fear of rolling off the conveyor belt. I strained to lift my head and look down to see I was about 15 feet from the open door of the big oven. I didn't feel any heat coming from it and realized it wasn't on but played along and imagined it was ablaze and I was in big peril. The two "evil vixens" were enjoying seeing "Robin" tied up and helpless on the conveyor belt."Yes Boy Blunder, you are about to be fed into out giant oven. You are cooked this time!" , taunted my aunt. Of course that prompted a "mmmf!" of protest through my gag. "And no Batman to save you this time Robin." added her friend Cathy with evil relish as she walked closer and down to the end of the conveyor belt and stood by the kiln. She took a contented drag on her Marlboro and pointed back at me and then to the oven door that the conveyor belt fed into. "Ahh poor little Robin.", she added with an evil laugh. I tried to glare at her through my mask but I was smiling. I really couldn't believe I was living out my Boy Wonder in Peril fantasy again. I couldn't believe my luck!

(Once again thanks for all the encouragement and I am glad some of you are enjoying my tied up perils as the Boy Wonder)

My aunt walked over to a control panel at the end of the conveyor belt and smiled as I craned my neck to look over my shoulder back at her. "Time to start up the conveyor belt Robin." She pushed a button and I heard a loud humming sound and then the conveyor belt shuttered under me and then slowly started to move and I was starting to move towards the opening into the big oven/kiln.I could hear my aunt let out a laugh behind me. I let out a loud snort of alarm through my cleave gag. Cathy remained standing by the kiln. She clasped her hands together with glee and smiled wickedly as she watched the conveyor slowly start to move. My aunt came over and stood beside her and took a cigarette from the pack her friend offered her and Cathy lit it for her. "How wonderful is this, getting to watch the Boy Wonder helpless on the conveyor belt!", Cathy just grinned and nodded. I squirmed and did my best to struggle and fight against the tight ropes as I was slowly fed along the belt towards the gapping kiln opening.

I struggled as best I could against the tight ropes but I really was pretty helpless. My aunt had done a good job tying me up on the conveyor belt. The women stood smoking and laughing. Occasionally saying something to each other and that usually brought more laughter. I was in heaven and now fully in my Boy Wonder in peril fantasy. It was an awesome feeling being tied up on the thick rubber like conveyor belt and living out my fantasy. I was now about half way to the open oven door. I continued to "mmmmf" loudly through gag and buck lightly on the belt which the women seemed to love so I continued. Still a bit nervous about rolling off, as it was about 3 - 3 1/2 feet off ground. "Ahhhh if only Batman could see his little Robin now" ,taunted my aunt, "About to be fed into a giant oven. How Delicious is that?" That comment brought some loud laughing from her friend Cathy and they both broke each other up. My aunt walked closer to the kiln opening and started to wave her hand as if motioning for the belt to move faster towards the opening. I was now only a couple of yards from the opening. I tried to raise my feet up and increased my struggling. "Give it up Boy Blunder! You are done for!" (I loved how my aunt emphasised 'Boy Blunder')

I kept imagining Batman would come breaking through a window or door any second to rescue you me (or even better BatGirl) I looked down and to my mock horror my little green bat boots were now inches from the oven door opening. I tried to pulls my legs up and and away from the opening. The "two evil vixens" clapped their hands with glee. "You are about to be cooked!" , called out my Cathy.(I was grateful this was all a game and the kiln really wasn't on!)I mumbled loudly through the tight gag. I didn't want to this "Conveyor belt peril" end! I wasn't sure how it would play out as I my feet were now inside the "Oven" when suddenly the belt ground to a halt. I craned to look back again and saw my aunt pretending to run over and slap control panel several times. "Curses! The belt jammed or something." (she was having a hard time keeping a straight face) Cathy rushed over beside her looking down the conveyor belt at me. "Damn we were almost rid of the brat too" she chimed in. I continued to struggle and buck on the belt. "Hurry get it going again!" she added.

The women pretended to be upset and disappointed their evil plan for Robin's demise had failed. They explained that I was lucky this time. My aunt came walking down to where I lay partly into the "oven". She took a pull on her cigarette and let the smoke blow over my masked face. I turned away and she laughed. In her best evil villainess voice she purred, "Yes you were lucky this time Boy Wonder but you won't be next time we trap you in our clutches. I promise you that!" She stood watching me squirm for a few minutes then to my great disappointment she and Cathy started to untie me. They left me to untie my feet myself as I sat on the conveyor belt as they finished their cigarette's and watched me. I did it very slowly deliberately fumbling and struggling with the knots. Not wanting this "Boy Wonder In peril" fantasy to end. I hopped off the belt and to my delight I was grabbed again by both of them and taken back to the car and shoved into the back seat again and this time Cathy got into the back seat with me and I was forced to lay on the floor of the back seat as I was driven back to my aunt's house.

I lay there in my little Boy Wonder costume. I was happy that my aunt's friend Cathy was in the back seat with me. The women had another smoke and talked about a house party Cathy was planning at her place. Cathy occasionally glanced down at me with a smile and told me to keep quiet. I was dreaming about the next encounter and praying I would have another "Boy Wonder Tied Up In peril" again soon with the "two evil vixens". My aunt told me when they got back to her house that I was to go straight in and change. that she had to drop me off home right away but that she would have me back again soon. She looked over the edge of the front seat and grinned and I knew we would "play" again. Which made me very happy.

(promise many more "Boy Wonder in Peril" stories to come and thanks again for all the kind words, they are greatly appreciated)

Boywonder's stories
Index of all stories in the "Archive for Everyone" section

Re: Boywonder : 02 - Boy Wonder caught snooping again (FF/m)

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2020 12:59 pm
by Mommy's Naughty Boy
So much fun! Thanks for posting them!

Re: Boywonder : 02 - Boy Wonder caught snooping again (FF/m)

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 2:45 pm
by Jdhpiano
What I love about these stories is the inclusion of “peril” as well. It was always a fun part of those games for anyone who grew up on batman.