Jay Feely : 02 - The Escape (m/m, mm/m)

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Jay Feely : 02 - The Escape (m/m, mm/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

Jay Feely's stories
02 - The Escape
Story index at the bottom

By Jay Feely

Fictional TUG Story

Fri Aug 06, 2010 10:54 am

I am sitting in my holding cell at Bradfort Correctional Juvenile Detention Center. I arrived here at 15 years of age for a stupid thing that I did. I'm wearing a medium jump suit with orange pants. The tag on my shirt says "Jefferson". Then, I hear the bell ring for lunch. An officer unlocked my cell door, and handcuffed me with my hands behind my back. I question myself as a prisoner trapped within the walls of this place because I deserve to play videogames, shoot some hoops, and swim, but it ended when I was arrested in 2005 for tying up a kid and holding him against his will.

His name was Jonathan, age 12 with black hair, black eyes, and large hands. I had approached him at the gas station, and he seemed like the type of boy who would talk to anyone. I asked him where he lived, and he said he lives by a river in Trenton, New Jersey. I became his friend when I shook his limpy hand and patted him on his back. He told me that he loved to pretend to be a knight, rescuing princesses from evil people and he also enjoys playing on his game boy advance. When his father came out of the store, I asked the boy if we could hang out, but he just shrug his shoulders and said "I'll let you know". His father was mad at his son because he had talked to me, and I was a stranger and told him to get in the car. The boy had tears flowing down his cheeks as he unwillingly went inside the SUV. As the vehicle sped off in the distance, in my mind, I wanted to see him again. Fate seemed to make that happen because my cousin's birthday party was going to be held in New Jersey. I was excited, and packed my belongings to my cousin's house. He was turning 13 and it would be a milestone for my cousin Kevin. We left New York City around noon, and I was bored with the traffic and nothing interesting happened as I sat in the back seat with my brother Guz. Guz was 11 years old, and had the same physical characteristics as me, with blue eyes, dyed red hair, and small hands. Being 12, and just six days away from my birthday in June was incredible, but I didn't know that I would run into trouble before it happened. At around 4 in the afternoon, my family and I finally arrived at my cousin's house. He was excited to see me, and gave me a hug and shook my hand. His parents was in the kitchen making dinner, which consisted of frank and beans with corn on the cob. My cousin had also invited me to spend the night, so I said yes, and my parents expressed their approval. I was so content with this decision.

My cousin took my hand, and showed me to my room in the corner downstairs near his study room. It had posters of animals, mainly oceanic, and coastal beaches. I unpacked my stuff, and went outside with my cousin to play in the driveway in a game of catch. I was a pitcher for my little league team, so I knew how to pitch well and effectively. My cousin had grown in his skills too, and I couldn't catch anything he threw at me. Then, after playing for about one hour, my cousin's neighbor house door opened, and out stepped Jonathan. I was shocked that he lived there because this was unexpected. Jonathan saw me playing with my cousin, and he asked if he could join in the fun. I accepted his request, but we only had two gloves and a ball, so we switched roles throughout the game.

At around 6:30, my cousin's mom called us in for dinner, and we had to go in. Jonathan went home after that. After eating my plate of food, I farted, and it didn't fare so well with the other guests. My cousin and brother laughed, but the grown ups put me in time out. I was told to put my nose at a corner with my hands behind my back for disturbing them. I did not get a chance to eat the chocolate cake they served afterwards, and it bothered me and made me angry. After being released from time out, I went outside to think about things I could also do with my cousins. Then, Jonathan came out, and he changed as a person. He grabbed my arm, and tried to take me into his house. I said no thanks, and he could had fumes coming out of his ears. He said that I was spending less time with him, and more with my cousin. I was upset that he could value himself more then my cousin. I got my arm free, and punched him in his face. He was knocked out cold, but he was still breathing. I dragged him by his arms to my cousin's patio. I found some duct tape, and bind his hands and feet. When he awoke minutes later, he started to scream, so I put a piece of duct tape on his mouth.

Meanwhile, his parents became worried and had called the cops when their son did not return home. The police had taken their statements about him spending time with me at the gas station and at my cousin's house. The officers knocked on the front door of my cousin's house, and his parent answered. I was still oblivious to this, and was busy at the patio trying to get Jonathan out of there. Soon thereafter, my cousin called me to the living room. He said that cops was looking for me. I was scared with butterflies in my stomach and a single teardrop cascaded down my eyes. The police interrogated me, and asked me about my fun with Jonathan. They said that if I did not say anything, I could go to jail. I broke down in tears, and confessed that I was holding Jonathan hostage at my patio. Everyone around me at the room was taken by surprise by my statement. The police officer told me to get on my feet, and put my hands behind my back. I did, and I felt the clicking of handcuffs on my right hand and left hand. The cop found Jonathan, and released him to his parents. As for me, I was led away in handcuffs and my parents, my cousin's parents, and my cousin was silenced when this happened. I was put in the back of the police car, and was taken to the police station where my fingerprints was taken and I was photographed. The police charged me with false imprisonment, and ordered me to spend Five Years at a juvenile correctional detention center. My parents was so disgusted by what I did, that they refused to bail me out or fight for me.

So, as I am heading to breakfast handcuffed and in tears, I reflect on this day in which a poor decision to tie up a kid landed me here with no friends, surrounded by other juveniles who committed crime.

To be Continued

Sat Aug 07, 2010 3:08 pm

After eating breakfast, I was escorted back to a cell by a police officer. Then, all hell broke loose. A kid ambushed the officer, and tackled him. The kid, around the age of 13, searched inside the officer's pants for the key. He undid the handcuffs, and told me to escape. I was bewildered because this detention center was heavily guarded by police officers, motion and metal detectors, and canies patrolling the outside gates and yard. I offered my hand to him, and he shook it, and told me his name was Randy. He was tall, and had green hair, blue eyes, and tiny hands. He told me that he had disabled the security system through the main computer downstairs after battling with several guards. He took my hand, and ran, leading me along with him. We made a left at the main gate, just as the alarm sounded. Someone had tipped off the guards of the perilous fight, and search lights came on. Randy and I ran over the lights, and jumped a fence, leading us to the outside.

A car pulled up beside us in the main streets, and Randy and I got into the Red Chevelot Lincoln, and prepared ourself for a escape route. We drove straight up past the station, but it attracted the attention of police officers. They noticed my jump suit, and chased us. The driver was 17 year old Brandon and he had yellow eyes, red hair, and larger hands of all of us. He dodged the police officer, and made a left down an alleyway. We saw a ramp up ahead, and the police was about to catch us to us when Brandy hit the accelarator, and we were launched into the air, and landed in the other side of a wall separating the juvenile detention district from the rest of the city. Brandon, Randy, and I yelped with joy because we had escaped from the police. Randy told Brandon to head to his house, and everything was successful. We had defyed the law and it seemed like the perfect plan.

The house came into view as Brandon made a right turn at a dirt path, and continued north around a bend near the docks. The house was one story with an attached garage. It had blue bricks on the roof, and green design on the exterior. Brandon activated the switch, and the garage opened, and he drove in the vehicle. He put it on park, and Randy grabbed my arm, and forced me out of the car. Brandy got out of the car, and walked to my left side, while Randy took position at my right side. I felt a bit strange because I did not know what these boys were going to do. Randy took hold of my left arm, and Brandon took hold of my right arm. They started to drag me into the house, and my joy turned into fear. This was nothing I ever experienced before. They tightened their grip on my arms, leaving me in pain as I screamed, but in this desolate area, no one can hear me. Once inside, they shoveled me onto a couch, and let go of my arms. They then surprised me by saying that they only wanted to help me out. They read the news about my arrest, and thought that it was unjustified. They had wanted me out of jail for one important reason. The boys who saved me was part of the "Triple X", a group responsible for releasing fellow juveniles who did nothing wrong and was held without any reason. Randy explained that the boy I had tied up had betrayed the group and has became a new person in Trenton, New Jersey. He wanted me to suffer as much as the other boys he had coaxed and played with to land them in the slammar. They asked me to watch over the house, while they pick up Jonathan so I could have a little fun with him. I was astonished at their plan, and just nodded my head. I fell asleep at their coach as I heard their car drive away in the distance. I think it was close to the evening when they returned. The car stopped in the garage, and the boys walked into the living room. I was amazed at what I saw. They had raided Jonathan's house and had captured the kid with some struggle because the kid was now 17 and stronger then before. They had to use chlorform to knock out the kid.

Jonathan was tied at his hands and feet. The rope on his feet was connected to his hands. I was amazed that the boys could accomplish this especially with an annoying kid like this. The boy was not gagged or blindfolded. I asked him if he knew who I was, and he said nothing. I told him that my name was Jefferson, and this kid was fearful when I mentioned my name. All he could say was "What are you going to do with me?" as he wimpered in fear. I said, it is revenge time Jonathan, and his eyes and facial expression was with fear.'

To be Continued

Mon Aug 09, 2010 11:52 am

So, we had Jonathan hogtied and helpless in the room. We decided to keep them isolated and increased the temperature. He started to beg and scream as we left. The heat was not hot enough to burn him, but it was torturous. He wanted to be let out, but we simply refused to his demands. After two hours had passed, and he started to sweat real hard, we turned down the temperature to the coldest. Although it did help him cool down, he soon complained of being frozen. We frequently use a wet and hot towel to make sure it did not happen. Jonathan was scared the entire time and tried to apologize for his past mistake but it did not move me at all because he had a smirk on his face everytime he said it, so I suspected he was lying to me.

Jonathan was not experiencing anything comfortable things inside the room. It was small and ideal for torturing kids that had betrayed us in the past. It would not have been appropriate to do things to him when he was still young, but this was perfect time to teach bratty kids a lesson in respect. We had attached a video monitor to the wall of the room, so that our victim could see everything that was being done to him. Jonathan was a wimp, and he squirmed throught it all. We put sticky substances all over his body ignoring his head and face so he could breathe. He was not feeling well with the honey torture, so we offered him a choice. He could submit to honey torture, or we would torture his hands and feet. He mistakenly chose hands and feet, but he did not know that it would get worse for him. We attached electrodes to his fingers and toes, and doused him with water. He was being shocked by an electrical current, but it was not enough to kill him. If you ever had a shock pen, this was exactly like it.

No one could hear his screams from the isolated and abandoned area and that gave us an advantage. After all the hell he put me through by pretending to my friend, and testifying against me at my trial, I let him know that we would keep him as our captive forever. I removed my dirty sock, and rubbed it up and down his face, and he complained that it smelled real bad, to which I said, that's the point. I want you to deal with torture unlike any other then you ever seen I said to him, and he said that I would not be able to get away with it for a long time because he will escape, but I just laughed and pictured in my mind all the things I could do to him. It was going to be a great summer for me, but not for my victim

The End.

Jay Feely

Jay Feely's stories
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