want2btied : 01 - The old changing rooms... (m/m)

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want2btied : 01 - The old changing rooms... (m/m)

Post by Canuck100 »

want2btied's stories
01 - The old changing rooms...
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By want2btied

Sat Jul 17, 2010 6:20 am

Before i start this story i just want to say that i have NEVER wrote a story before, and i just thought i would share something that i would have really liked to have happened to me at some point in my life ;)

David and Sean are great friends, they go to the same High School and the story starts in the afternoon at school.....

Sean and David arrive at the school sports centre that afternoon for their P.E lesson, they are late to their P.E lesson as they were late back from lunch. Sean and David both enter the changing rooms and notice that the door is locked, Sean walks across the corridor and knocks on the sports office door. Mr Moore answers the door and says
"You're both late! The changing rooms have been locked and I don't have the key, ill give you the key to the old changing rooms and you can use them, just be sure to lock the door when your done in there and hurry up!"

Sean looks at Mr Moore with a confused expression and replies
"I didn't know we had an 'old' changing rooms, where are they?"

As Mr Moore hands Sean the key he says

"We don't use them for anything but storage now, the only way in is through a door entering from the outside of the college, just walk out the door over there and when you are outside its the first door on the left, now go, and hurry up!".

Sean takes the key and walks back over to David, they both walk outside and find the door on the left that leads into the apparent old changing rooms. David stands behind Sean and Sean tries to turn the key in the hole in the door, but not much seems to be happening, the key doesn't seem to turn, David starts to grow impatient and pushes Sean out of the way to try and turn the key, Sean then pushes David and they get into a pointless argument as to who is going to open the door, eventually as they both fight the lock turns but they both had their hands on the key,

David is quick to shout "That was me, i unlocked it! You fail Sean!"

"No it wasn't, if you had just stayed away from me and let me unlock it, i could have done it!" Sean snaps back.

They both laugh and out of breath already they walk into the room. Sean walks in first but David pushes Sean out of the way to get in the room first, as this happens Sean looks at David and says
"You know, one day your going to regret doing things like that to me!"

David says "haha, ill believe that when i see it bitch!"

As David walks in he skims his hand across the walls looking for a light switch, there are no windows in the room and the only light comes from the open door, as David walks further into the room a loud click echoes through the room and the lights come on.

"ahh, there's a small sensor up in that corner, the lights must be automatic" David says.

They walk further into the room and the old changing rooms are more like a long corridor, the first area is full of showers, as they walked further through what seemed like a corridor was a small changing room area that was full of old boxes and storage, they then went into the third area through a small door into a very small room with a few seats and even more storage, all the rooms were full of storage and they decided the best place to get changed was right at the back of the last room where the few seats were.

David sat in a small corder of the room and Sean was more into the middle of the room, as they got changed David started to taunt Sean more and more about how much better he was at everything and that he always will be, Sean and David were great friends but David knew how easy it was to provoke Sean and he thought it was funny as Sean became angry.

They both got changed into their school sports clothes which consisted of a blue t-shirt with yellow stripes going across horizontally, dark blue shorts, dark blue socks with yellow stripes and white trainers. As David finished getting changed he made one more sarcy comment to Sean, Sean thought to himself for a moment and thought that this would be the very best time to get back at David.

David was sat on a bench laughing at Sean, and at this point Sean turned around and ran towards David and tacked him to the ground, with Sean on top of David, Sean says
"You may think your better than me at everything, but I'm definitely stronger!"

No matter how much David struggled he couldn't not get Sean off of him.

Sean quickly looked around and with the room full of storage rope wasn't more than an arm span away, he quickly grabbed whatever he could find and he told David to put his hands behind his back, David refused and so Sean pushed his finger hard into Davids back until it hurt, this soon made David put his hands behind his back to make him stop.

Sean quickly used all the rope he had to tie Davids hands tightly behind him, at this point Sean quickly got off David and looked around the room for more supplies, looking in only a few boxes he managed to find tape and more rope. Sean went back over to David, knelt down next to him and said
"I told you i would get you back, and this is it!"

David looked and Sean and just laughed and said
"This isn't payback, ill get out, your so dumb Sean!"

At this point Sean didn't reply, he just quickly sat on Davids legs to stop them from moving and tied them tightly together with the rope, he then removed Davids shoes and socks and tied David's 2 big toes together to restrict his movement further. At this point Sean looped some more rope between Davids legs and attached them to David's hands, Sean then pulled really tightly which flung Davids legs into the air, Sean then tied off the knot leaving David in a very very very tight and restrictive hog tie.

Sean then stepped back to admire his rope work as David began to struggle and try to escape. David soon became worried that he was not able to move at all however he was not too worried, David says
"Sean, if you dont let me go now, ill just shout for help, and then you will be in trouble haha"

"You wouldn't dare" says Sean.

"HELP!!!!!" David shouts in his loudest voice possible to try to get attention.

Sean gasps and quickly runs over to David, sits on top of him and hand gags David.

"If you dont shut up David, i will make you shut up" Sean threatens.

David continues to try and call for help through Sean's hand gag, Sean looks around and finds what appears to be a very old and dirts sock that had found its way to the old storage room and that had been there for probably years, Sean picks it up and quickly stuffs it into Davids mouth followed by tape around the head 10 times.

"Now what hahah" Sean taunts.

Sean knows that David is fully tied up and cannot move at all, however Sean reinforces his rope ties with lots of tape just to make sure.

Sean stands back and laughs at David and his pointless attempts to struggle and call for help.

Sean then walks back over to David and pushes him right into the corner of the last room in the changing rooms and then he looks around the room for something to cover David up with, Sean comes back with a very large net that looks very old and just before he throws it over David he sees that David has something growing in his pants ( xD ) Sean doesn't say anything, he just winks and then throws the net over David. David is under the net, struggling and mmphing.

Sean then says "I am going to our lesson now, I'm going to leave you here until you can admit that i am better than you, and if you don't, there will be more to come, have fun bitch".

With this, Sean walks out the room and down the long and small corridors, closes the end door and David hears the lock turn in the door as Sean seals David away in the old changing room. After about 5 minutes of struggling David stops and realizes that he isn't going anywhere, he just listening to the buzzing from the old lights, and the dripping from the old showers in the room next to him. After another 5 minutes the buzzing stops and the lights automatically turn off leaving David alone, in the dark, with only Sean knowing what is going on, and being the only person knowing where he is.

England - Lancashire

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