infmed88 : 04 - A day at the pool....almost (ff/m)

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infmed88 : 04 - A day at the pool....almost (ff/m)

Post by Soraka »

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04 - A day at the pool....almost
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By infmed88

by infmed88 » Sat Aug 06, 2011 4:39 pm

Hello again everyone, this is Matt again. At least a few of you seemed to enjoy the last story i posted, so i guess i'll give it another go. This particular occurence takes place about a week after the events of my prior story.

My alarm went off at around 9 30 in the morning on what was an already hot summer day, before i even opened my eyes I was ready to jump into our pool out back. It didnt take me long to gather my senses and realize that something was very wrong, nobody in the world sleeps in the spread eagle position. My eyes shot open and I saw my step sister Kaite, wearing her bikini top, cut off jean shorts, and sneakers, turning off my alarm clock. My attention quickly went from her, to the ropes that were now keeping me tied down to my bed. I tried to quickly and silenty slip out while her back was turned, but she had already finished her rope work. After a few brief seconds of my futile struggling she turned back towards me and smiled, "Well look who's finally awake!"

I hadnt been awake for one minute and she had already ruined my morning, i angrily yanked at the ropes as I glared over at her, "Katie what the fuck!?"

She gave me an evil smirk as she climbed atop my bed, straddling my lap and looked down at me, firmly planting both of her hands over my mouth, "Well you see, big brother, I REALLY want the pool to just me and Lauren today. At least for a few hours anyways, so why dont you just go back to sleep and i'll come untie you when we're done."

I shook my head back and forth as i made it obvious how i felt about her plan, "MMMPPPPHHHH FFMMMPPPHH KLLMMM YMMPPHHHH!"

"Sssshhh, ssshhh, sshhhhhhhhhh," she pressed down with her body weight, ensuring her hands stayed clamped tightly over my mouth as she watched me writhe around beneath her, shushing me until my gagged protests slowly turned into muffled grunts, "goooooood boy, are you all 'mmmphed' out now?"

That, of course, sent me into another gagged anger fit. We spent the next ten minutes or so locked in a cycle of me furiously grunting through her hands until i would give up, only to start all over again after she'd provoke me with a 'good boy' or 'oh shut up'. After I finally realized that she overly enjoyed keeping me quiet with her hands, i gave up for good, just staring up at her as she smiled down at me.

"I dont know why you're making such a big deal about this, you're clearly enjoying it."

It took me a few seconds to realize that she was reffering to my 'morning wood' and took even fewer seconds after that for my face to turn red. The bed shook with her laughter as I desperatley tried to explain that it wasnt what she thought, having briefly forgotten her hands were still tightly placed over mouth lips. The redness in my face refused to let up, as did my morning erection, despite me trying my hardest to will them both away.

"Oh it's ok Matt. You're only a boy, you can't help it. This has been fun and all, but I think it's time for me to hit the pool, and for a more permanent way to keep you nice and quiet," keeping one hand forced against my mouth she reached over into the bag she had brought with her and pulled out a bra, "ah here we go, i didnt want to waste a fresh bra so i'm just gonna use the one i wore yesterday. That's ok with you right?"

I immediatley began to loudly protest, which is exactly what she must've expected me to do since her hand quickly left my mouth and was just as quickly replaced with her bra being stuffed into my mouth. I made my displeasure very clear with loud groaning as she packed the bra as far into my mouth as possible, the straps were still hanging out of my mouth when she removed the case from my pillow and secured it around my head in an OTM fashion. I worked my jaw around in an attempt to force the bra out, silently glaring up at my again victorious sister as she examined me head to toe, obviously proud of what she had accomplished. Satisfied that my muffled pleas for her to let me go wouldnt make it past my bedroom door, she dismounted from me and stood next to my bed. Katie tugged at her ropework, making a final check to ensure i wasnt going anywhere, "and just to show you how much of a good sister i am, i'll let you keep your phone with you," she said as she slid my phone down my boxers, "i'll keep sending you texts on how much longer we plan on staying out there."

By this point I just wanted her to leave my room, even if that meant me staying tied down to my own bed for the next several hours, and I thought that she finally was going to after she ensured my phone was tucked in 'just perfect' into my boxers. Katie had one last humiliation for me to suffer, however; with her eyes resting on the glaringly obvioul bulge in my boxer shorts she added, "I guess we should probably cover that up huh?"

Before i could really react she began to shimmy out of her jean shorts, causing my heart to almost jump out of my chest, and strip down to her bikini bottom. She grabbed her discaded shorts and laid them over my boxers, in a feigned attempt to cover up my excitement. My face still hadnt gained back it's normal color from earlier, and this certainly didnt help matters. I let loose with a flurry of angry grunts and muffled threats as she patted me on the cheek saying, "You look so cute when you're all riled up, I bet my bra tastes sooooooo good doesnt it? Well i'm gonna head outside now, Lauren should be here any minute, try not to chew my bra up too much now big brother," and with that she left, shutting my bedroom door behind her. I let out a heavy sigh, because even though my sister had bested me once again, at least she was leaving me alone while i was stuck like this. Then my phone started vibrating, and I let out a loud annoyed groan realizing that I would recieve no peace and quiet today.......

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Katie had barely been gone for five mintues before the cell phone taped against my junk started vibrating, which ensured that my excited state wouldnt be subsiding any time in the near future. Every time it would go off i'd break into half contained groans followed by frantically shifting my hips around in an attempt to dislodge it from my boxers. The only things i had to concentrate on now were how tight my underwear had become and the taste of my sister's dirty bra that was still tightly secured in my mouth. My life for the next hour consisted of chewing on my gag and engaging in futile attempts to dislodge the pillow case over my mouth and spit out it out. I had just given up on escaping when i heard a knock at the door with Lauren's voice on the other side, "Are you up yet?"

Lauren swung the door open, standing with one hand grasping the door knob with the other placed on her hip. She closed the door behind her and made her way across the room, tossing the shorts Katie had left to cover up my bulge onto the floor. I could feel myself getting harder as my eyes wandering up and down her body, feeling my face turning redder by the second. She continued to give me an evil grin as she sat down on the bed beside me. She reached up to my nose and plugged it shut, causing me to violently jerk around on the bed as i tried to pull away for air, "i've been wanting to try this since i saw you sis do this last week," my eyes were beginning to water before she let go.

After I had managed to take a few deep breathes she undid my gag, allowing me to finally spit out the bra. I only managed to get out, "what the hell is your prob-," before she firmly/violently pressed down over my mouth with her hand, "oh it's not your turn to talk quite yet," with her other hand she reached down and removed the cell phone from my boxers. She also began doing some other things with her free hand that I'm not sure I can post on this forum, lets just say she was "tickling" me to be safe. My eyes shot open as wide as possible as i moaned loudly through her hand, my muscles straining against the ropes. Keeping her hand tightly clamped over my mouth, she started to slowly 'tickle' me at first, not wanting to wear me out too quickly, "do you promise to be a good boy and let us have the pool all day?"

Being as stubborn as I am, i shook my head 'no', attempting to form words from behind the hand glued to my face, despite the feeling of immense pleasure i was already experiencing. Lauren's 'tickling' picked up speed as she replied, "oh really now, we'll just have to see about that won't we?"

It took all of thirty seconds before she had me nodding in agreement to everything she said, picking up her speed every time i grunted or nodded when she wanted me to, "Do you finally admit that girls rule? Do you agree to let us have the pool to ourselves from now on? You do? Awww such a good boy!"

It was only an additional thirty seconds before I couldn't take her 'tickling' anymore and my body gave out. I laid perfectly still save for my chest heaving up and down, not quite believing what had just happened. Lauren suddenly stood up and peeled off her bikini bottom, wadding it up in her hand, "I dont think you're ready to be let go just yet, i'll just let you keep this to remind you who really runs the show."

All I could get out was, "hey wait no dont-," before Lauren crammed her bikini bottom into my mouth. She quickly slid on the shorts that Katie had left behind before standing over me one final time before leaving. Despite my prayers, she remembered to tie the pillow case back over my mouth to keep me from spitting out my new gag. Once she was satisfied with my newest defeat, she waved her fingers goodbye at me while walking towards the door. Now that I had stopped enjoying my situation, I was frantically pulling at the ropes and calling after her, knowing it was a lost cause.

"Remember our agreement now," and with that she shut the door behind her, leaving me to contemplate what the hell just happened. It felt like it had been a long day, but it was only noon, and i still had a long day ahead of me.
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I'd be lying if I said that I hadn't enjoyed Lauren's 'tickle' session with me, but once she was gone things went back to being miserable and boring. To make matters even worse, I could easily see the minutes slowly tick away on my alarm clock across the room, reminding me exactly how long i'd been stuck like this. For the next hour of my life I could do nothing but fume at another defeat at the hands of my sister, weakly tug at the ropes, and chew on Lauren's bikini bottom that was still tightly secured into my mouth. When the door opened next I thought I thought it was one of the girls coming back to finally untie me, but instead turned out to be my step mother, wearing skin-tight blue jeans and a plain red tank top. I let out a heavy sigh, having been down this road before and knowing not to expect any help from her. Nevertheless I actively yanked at my bonds while groaning through my gag, conveying to her that I was not happy in the slightest. She slowly paced over to my sides, her hands on her hips and her teeth bared in a delighted smile, "Oh look, my big strong step son got schooled by a younger girl......again. This must be really getting old, huh?"


She sat down beside me, grasping the ropes binding my right arm and gave them a good tug, "So what did Katie use to shut that mouth of yours this time?"

Mom watched me buck around for several moments before undoing my gag and taking a look for herself as to what was keeping me gagged, "Who's bikini bottom is this!?"

I took a few seconds to savor the feeling of not having anything in my mouth before responding, "It's Lauren's, but Katie used one of her bras before that! I've been like this all morning would you untie me already!?"

"Oh honey, hold that thought for once second," before I could figure out what she meant her hand was over my mouth and her cell phone was up to her ear, "Hello? Oh hey Kristi! No, i'm not busy right now, just in the middle of trying to teach my son a lesson is all. Ugh I know, boys can be so hard sometimes."

Not only was I upset that Mom was carrying on a phone conversation right in front of me, but I had now been handgagged by three different women today. I tried licking her hand so she'd remove it, but she responded by covering my nose along with my mouth for several seconds, so I didnt try that ever again. I tried mmmmppphing loudly to interrupt her, but she just carried on as if she couldnt hear me, "What's that? Oh that's just my son, he's being obnoxious again."

It was forced to lay there and listen to my mother's conversation with her hand clamped over my mouth for the next forty five minutes. When she finally hung up she looked down at me, "That was extremely rude of you to interrupt me like that. How would you like it if I cut you off when you were trying to talk hmmmm? I was going to untie you after I was off the phone, but now I think you could use some time to think about how you acted."

She balled up Lauren's bikini bottom and plugged my nose, waiting for me to take a breath before cramming it back into my mouth, "wait no mom i have to peemmmpppggghh!"

"You'll just have to hold it," she said as she tied the pillow case back over my mouth, "because we're going to have a little talk about manners, and by then end of the day, you're going to be a well behaved man."

I readied myself for another long winded lecture from Mom, until she strutted around the bed and sat down by my feet. Once I realized what she had planned i began violently squirming around, attempting in vain to pull my feet away from her approaching fingers. Wearing the most evil smile i've ever seen on her she aggressively dug into the soles of my feet with her long fingernails. I thrashed back and forth on my bed, laughing hysterically through my gag as she rotated between taunts and lectures, "Awwww is Matthew ticklish? You know it's not polite to interrupt people when they're on the phone you know! Dont you have anything to say for yourself? I'm sorry I can't understand a word you're saying."

I was laughing in tears, my sides burning as I laughed and begged through my gag for her to stop. I had to pee so badly that I was afraid I was going to wet my own bed. She finally stopped tickling my feet after about five minutes of pure hell, letting me catch my breath as she climbed up on top of me, sitting down in my lap waiving her fingers above my stomach and ribs. I shouted, "no, no, no,no" into my gag, willing to agree to anything she wanted me to at this point.

"My my aren't we ticklish? All you have to do is tell me you've learned your lesson and this will all be over."


Mom leaned over my face, her hand cupped to her ear asking, "What was that? Come on now speak up......and what am I sitting on, that better not be what I think it is."

I didnt even have time to be embarrassed before her fingers attacked my ribs, causing me to buck around beneath her. The tears quickly resumed as I laughed uncontrollably through my gag, just barely able to breath. From the few times I was able to to stop writhing around beneath her, I could see that Mom was thoroughly enjoying my torment, constantly giggling as I tried to shake her off of me. Her fingers wandered from my ribs to my stomach, then slowly up my chest and under my arms, then back down to my ribs again. On the bright side of things I was no longer in danger of peeing my boxers, only because the constant friction of Mom's butt against my crotch had caused undesired reactions from my body, and all the guys out there reading this know how hard it is to pee when you're 'excited'.

After another ten minutes of nonstop torture she finally paused and gave me a breather. She planted her hands on her hips as she looked down at me, watching my chest heave up and down as I tried to catch my breath. She continued to humiliate me further, commenting that she was 'sitting on something lumpy' while wiggling her hips around. Mom waited several minutes until my breathing had returned to normal before resuming her combo of taunts and lecturing, "So, my little tough guy, have you learned anything today? I mean aside from what Lauren's bikini bottom or Katie's bra taste like."

I quickly nodded my head up and down, wanting desperately for Mom to stop sitting on my boner and untie me. She spent the next fifteen minutes giving me yet another painfully humiliating speech, reveling in my defeated silence. She was just beginning to wrap up her monologue when Katie and Lauren came in. They both walked over to either side of my bed, smirking down at me with their arms crossed.

"Oh good, you girls are here. I was just having a little chat with Matthew here. I want you two to untie him now, i think he's been through enough for today. Oh and Lauren, dont forget your bikini bottom, I believe Matt's been holding onto it for you."

They all giggled as I tried not to lose my temper and resist the urge to buck Mom off of me. My mom pinched my cheek and tousled my hair before finally getting off of me, leaving the girls to untie me as slowly as possible, leaving my gag on while they did so. After both of my feet and one of my hands had been untied, the girls each leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, Katie saying, "love ya big brother," while Lauren just gave me a wink as they both left the room. This particular battle was over, all that was left for me to do was untie my other hand myself, and add this to the list of reasons I needed to get revenge on the girls for. There was still enough time left in the day for me to enjoy the pool like I had originally intended, and of course Chris decided to show up AFTER i had been through that entire ordeal. Oh well, at least I was able to spend a day at the pool....almost.
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Post by tugnewb »

This was one of my favourite stories ever, thank you!
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Post by Shadesflirty »

A really fantastic story. More please :)
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Post by ryan »

A great story. Would like to read some more.
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Post by Deleted User 1895 »

Excellent story, really well-written, thanks.

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Post by milagros317 »

A truly wonderful story! :D
:ugeek: :ugeek: :ugeek:
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Post by Roboticrobin20 »

Cool story but Matthew should have taken some revenge though. It's not fun when you are forced to waste an entire day all alone on your bed in my opinion

Post by Eaglescout01 »

Another great story. Being handgaged, then bound and gagged by bikini top clad girls. Then handgagged by a hot older woman. One can only dream.
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